Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

175 beoordelingen
110 William Street - New York [RICO]
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110 William Street - New York [RICO]

In 4 verzamelingen van _luminou_
Buildings - Office / Residential by Luminou
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Corner Building Office
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New-York Buildings
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110 William Street - New York [RICO]

110 William Street is a 32-story office building in downtown Manhattan, at the intersection of John and William streets across Fulton Plaza.
The 928,181-square-foot office also offers easy access to Brooklyn Bridge, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Pace University.
It’s also a few blocks from the New York Stock Exchange.

The property was built in 1918 as a 15-story office complex.
Renowned architect Sylvan Bien redesigned it into a 32-story Class A office tower in 1959.
The building features a sophisticated multiple setback design with efficient boutique floor plates of varying sizes between 5,300 and 40,000 square feet.

110 William Street sits in the heart of Manhattan’s Financial District, making it ideal for tenants looking to be in the Financial District.
The building tenants include banking, legal, and insurance firms, and local government services like the New York City Economic Development Corporation.

Thank "GayusJuliusCaesarRainbowus" to have commissionned this Asset.

Scale 1:1
Size: 8x7

Contain all texture and LOD files, no color change

Triangles: 9.268 / 310
Texture: 1.024² / 512²

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RICO Setting:
Office Level 3
Workpalce: 300
Construction Cost: 50.000

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7 opmerkingen
Saibotic 13 jul 2021 om 3:55 
So nice. We need more of NYC.
Invoker 6 jul 2021 om 14:32 
nice work! maybe One Worldwide Plaza next?
Thevastatorr 3 jul 2021 om 3:50 
great work as always!
Teo.Tomas 2 jul 2021 om 10:30 
MadCat3D 1 jul 2021 om 15:14 
Nice Work!!
tonycoolbek 30 jun 2021 om 16:51 
Awesome work!
GayusJuliusCaesarRainbowus  [auteur] 29 jun 2021 om 12:22 
Perfection of Modernist Cubicles! Thank you again my friend. :chirp::secrectorder: