Drunken Robot Pornography

Drunken Robot Pornography

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Titan Building: Adding mount pieces
De (QC) E.T.
In this guide you will learn how to put more mount pieces onto (nearly) anything in the titan builder. Although this guide will only provide you step-by-step instructions to create a basic framework to make a custom head out of a huge acorn, you’ll get an introduction to the basics technics of adding more mount pieces to objects.
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This is what we will be doing here. We will change this into this:

The attributes displayed in this tutorial will only work for a huge acorn of a specific scale. The technic shown below is the same however for all the other pieces. Once you’ll get a glance of how to do it, it will be up to you to play with these numbers to make it fit whatever you want and create what you’ve imagined!
Step #1:
Create a huge acorn. Change the scale value to 0.5

Step #2:

Select the frontal mount piece of the acorn and add an X-Fork there. Change the fallowing value of the X-Fork to:

Scale: 0.2
Offset: 0
Pan: 15
Nudge x: -0.9
Hide the piece connector

Changing those values will make the differences between those 2 pictures:

This X-Fork is the frame where the face’s details would be attached. Eyes should go on A, cheeks on B & C, mouth on D and nose on E.
Step #3:

Now select one of the mount pieces on the side of the acorn and add an X-Fork there. Change the fallowing value of the X-Fork to:

Scale: 0.2
Pan: 25
Offset: -0.1
Hide the piece connector

This fork is the frame for one of the ear. Copy/paste it on the other side of the head
(select the fork, ctrl+C, select the mount piece, ctrl+V)

Step #4:

Now let’s make the hairs. Select the mount piece on the back of the acorn. Add a Wing Mount there. Change its value to:

Scale: 0.2
Pan: -25
Roll: 90
Offset: -0.7
Hide the piece connector

Step #5:

Select the top mount piece of the newly created Wing Mount and add another Wing Mount there. Give the new Wing Mount the falowing values:

Scale: 0.2
Tilt: 25
Roll: -180
Offset: -0.4
Hide the piece connector

Step #6:

Select the top mount piece of the newly created Wing Mount (again) and add another Wing Mount there (again). Give the new Wing Mount the falowing values:

Scale: 0.2
Tilt: -45
Offset: -0.4
Hide the piece connector

By now you should have a nice line of connectors running up on the back of the head.
Step #7:

Now select the mount pieces on the top of the head (of the Wings Mounts). Create a new Wing Mount there and change it values to:

Scale: 0.2
Pan: -40
Roll: -90
Offset: -0.7
Nudge X: 1.1
Hide the piece connector

Copy the newly create Wing Mount and paste it on all the remaining mount pieces of the 3 vertical Wing Mounts. If done correctly you should now have a good frame to make the hairs of the head and it should look like this:
We are done! Almost. One last important thing you should keep in mind: the frames you create should always be a bit visible if you want your titan to be destroyable. The pieces used for the frame shown in this guide are easily hits by any player using Triple Fire, Splinter Fire or both. Even thought, I strongly recommend you to keep the health value to 1 for the pieces composing the frame and instead give high health to the bigger pieces that will be attached to that said frame.

Here are some examples of heads I’ve made using frames similar to what you’ve seen in this guide. Remember, you can use this technic to create anything, not just heads! Be creative!

You can find them in the workshop here:
And here: