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Bartosz - More Mechanics For Best Skaven
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27 juin 2021 à 9h58
5 juil. 2021 à 11h53
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Bartosz - More Mechanics For Best Skaven

Adds the forbidden workshop to Clan Moulder
Adds the flesh laboratory to Clan Skryre

Mainly scripts and 5-6 tables (incl. one that was overridden -> for banned purchasable units) so compatibility should be fine.

If there's interest I could (in theory) add the workshop or lab to any of the other Skaven factions. Not sure about Eshin's mechanic though.

See the relevant forum thread for known issues

WARNING: this still has bugs and may not work as expected. Currently Mortal Empires only.
Discussions populaires Tout voir (3)
25 juil. 2021 à 6h46
ÉPINGLÉ : Bug reports
Frodor the Acentric
9 sept. 2021 à 22h47
ÉPINGLÉ : Suggestions
Frodor the Acentric
90 commentaires
jankosi 7 avr. 2024 à 16h21 
oh cool, thank you!
Frodor the Acentric  [créateur] 7 avr. 2024 à 14h59 
@jankosi, see the comment by Terickz. The mods he references should have the same functionality
jankosi 6 avr. 2024 à 18h35 
Heyyy, do you plan on porting this mod to Warhammer 3? It appears that there isn't an equivalent on the workshop for game 3.
Frodor the Acentric  [créateur] 19 janv. 2024 à 12h13 
@Terickz is correct. I can confirm that the mods he mentions work well with the skaven factions. An alternative, if you are patient, to console commands is to use "recruit defeated legendary lords" and wait for the other lords to be defeated.
Zida The Snail 18 janv. 2024 à 16h08 
The flesh lab panel doesn't open, is there a fix anyone knows of?
Terickz 30 sept. 2023 à 5h27 
Hello, for those who don't know you can basicaly do something very similar in TWW3 already by installing "confederation you can get" and "console commands". Start a new game with a skaven faction, type "fow off" in console to remove the fog of war, search the map for Ikit Claw, Snikch and Throt, click on them one by one then type "confederation". That will imediatly confederate them and add their unique faction mechanic to yours, like in this mod. You can then just disband the lords and the settlements and put back the fog of war with "fow on". Congratulations, you now have all of the skaven unique faction mechanics. It even works with the modded clan pestilens couldron (but only if you start with clans pestilens you can't add their mechanic with confederation).
JoyousWhimsy 10 aout 2023 à 21h04 
Please port to WH3 I would pay you for it at this point
Yiunko 30 oct. 2022 à 8h21 
I would like to join the "port it to warhammer 3 please" club, its an amazing mod :O
Terickz 14 sept. 2022 à 4h35 
Coud you port this to warhammer 3 please ? and adding the Eshin mechanic would be the cherry on top
waddysjunk 14 sept. 2022 à 3h44 
can you port this to warhammer 3 there is already one for lizardmen so it should be possible