138 értékelés
Cozy Furniture Pack
623.074 KB
2021. jún. 18., 1:42
2021. jún. 18., 2:26
2 változásjegyzék ( megnézés )

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Cozy Furniture Pack

5 Bubblywandering készítette gyűjteményben
Starbound collection 1
62 elem
Starbound mod compatibility test
199 elem
The cat tree (WIP)
61 elem
Starbound collection A
184 elem
Technomage dreams WIP
99 elem
Make your space base a little homier with these furniture items, all craftable at your workbench

Adds 35 new items with 200+ lines of inspection dialogue

Item ID's are as follows: barofsoap, bedwithquilt, brid, brownbunnyplush, cactusplushie, conditioner, cozyrecliner, dryer, fenchpress, handsanitizer, hatrack2, heartsticker, kidshampoo, knickknacks, knittedblanket, largechinacabinet, largecouch, laundrybasket1, linencloset, noveltyteaset, oldbookshelf, pillowpile, shampoo, sixleggedtable, smallchinacabinet, sockmonkey, spicerack, starsticker, sturdyendtable, towel, umbrellastand, utilitysink, vintagelamp, wallquilt, washer

Note: Not compatible with frackin universe
20 megjegyzés
Leonard márc. 2., 8:25 
@Yoko it's not compatible since FU may not show certain items in your basic crafting menu when used with this mod. Silver Sokolova made a mod that makes those items re-appear. It's called "[FU] Default recipe unlocker". Btw, this works for mods like Colored Torches and Blattra too.
Yoko 2024. dec. 27., 18:02 
why this incompat with Frankin Universe?
red palm 2024. jún. 10., 13:27 
that sends me into childhood :( thank you for the mod!
Davoker 2023. márc. 17., 14:26 
Thanks friend, more life and variety for my bases =)
Fuckin Around 2023. jan. 8., 22:33 
I desperately need more furniture, and there just isn't enough out there. And I find this, and it's perfect and I love it... Until I see that tiny little note at the bottom that it's not compatible with frackin universe.

Bubblywandering  [készítő] 2022. jún. 5., 16:40 
@ScareCr0w Try placing the washer to the left of the dryer
Erynn1511 2022. jún. 5., 6:22 
Oh?? Is there any tips you could possibly share to help get me started?
Perhaps a certain kind of flooring to spawn them on or objects to spawn around them?
Sorry to be needy x) I'm still very new to this game as a whole!
Bubblywandering  [készítő] 2022. jún. 4., 15:38 
@ScareCr0w The hitboxes on the washer and dryer are a bit wonky I'm afraid, it takes some fanagling to get them to sit together
Erynn1511 2022. jún. 4., 8:37 
How did you get the washer and dryer so close together? mine force me to put them annoyingly far apart and I want em squooshed together like that :(
Izzy Weisz (GER) 2022. máj. 15., 4:09 
Would be great if this could get a fix/patch for the Many Tabs... :)