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Every Ghost Type (June Update)
Von Gover
This guide will show every ghost type, evidence they take, and special abilities they have! It also includes a quick sheet showing all ghosts and evidence!
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This has been updated for the June update, which added Deogen, Moroi, and Thaye.

This guide is to make the ghost types and evidence quicker and easier to access, so rather than going all the way through the journal to find the right ghost, you can quickly look at this guide to find what you need.
Quick Sheet
This quick sheet was found on the Phasmophobia Wiki
"A Banshee is a natural hunter and will attack anything. It has been known to stalk its prey one at a time until making its kill."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- A Banshee will only target one person at a time.
- Banshees fear the Crucifix and will be less aggressive when near one.

Evidence: Ghost Orbs, Fingerprints, DOTS Projector
"A Demon is one of the worst Ghosts you can encounter. It has been known to attack without a reason."

- Demons will attack more often than any other Ghost.
- Asking a Demon successful questions on the Ouija Board won't lower the user's sanity.

Evidence: Freezing Temperatures, Ghost Writing, Fingerprints
"Sometimes surrounded by an endless fog, Deogen have been eluding ghost hunters for years. These ghosts have been reported to find even the most hidden prey , before stalking them into exhaustion."

- Always knows where players are during a hunt
- Moves at a high speed with no player in sight
- Significantly slows down when near the player

Evidence: Spirit Box, D.O.T.S, Ghost Writing
"Using a video camera is the only way to view a Goryo, when it passes through a DOTS projector."

Unique Strength/Weakness:
- A Goryo will usually only show itself on camera if there are no people nearby.
- They are rarely seen far from their place of death.

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Fingerprints, D.O.T.S. Projector
"A rare ghost that can be found in hot climates. They are known to attack more often in cold weather."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- Moves faster in colder areas.
- Moves slower in warmer areas.

Evidence: Fingerprints, Ghost Orb, Freezing Temperatures
"A Jinn is a territorial ghost that will attack when threatened. It has also been known to be able to travel at significant speed."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- A Jinn will travel at a faster speed if its victim is far away.
- Turning off the locations power source will prevent the Jinn from using its ability.

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Freezing Temperatures, Fingerprints
"A Mare is the source of all nightmares, making it most powerful in the dark."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- A Mare will have an increased chance to attack in the dark.
- Turning the lights on around the Mare will lower its chance to attack.

Evidence: Ghost Orbs, Ghost Writing, Spirit Box
"Moroi have risen from the grave to drain energy from the living. They have been known to place curses on their victims, curable only by antidotes or moving very far away."

- Moves noticeably faster at low player sanity
- Can curse players, making them lose sanity faster while investigating
- Smudge sticks blind the ghost for longer during hunts

Evidence: Spirit Box, Ghost Writing, Freezing Temperatures
"A Myling is a very vocal and active ghost. They are rumored to be quiet when hunting their prey."

Unique Strength/Weakness:
- A Myling is known to be quieter when hunting.
- Mylings more frequently make paranormal sounds.

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Fingerprints, Ghost Writing
"Obake are terrifying shape-shifters, capable of taking on many forms. They have been seen taking on humanoid shapes to attract their prey."

- When interacting with the environment, an Obake will rarely leave a trace.
- Sometimes the ghost will shapeshift, leaving behind unique evidence.

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Fingerprints, Ghost Orbs
"Oni's are a cousin to the Demon and possess extreme strength. There have been rumors that they become more active around their prey."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- Oni's are more active when people are nearby and have been seen moving objects at great speed.
- Being more active make the Oni easier to find and identify.

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Freezing Temperature, DOTS Projector
"The Onryo is often referred to as "The Wraithful Spirit". It steals souls from dying victims' bodies to seek revenge. This ghost has been known to fear any form of fire, and will do anything to be far from it."

- Extinguishing a flame can cause the Onryo to attack.
- When threatened, this ghost will be less likely to hunt.

Evidence: Spirit Box, Ghost Orbs, Freezing Temperatures
"A Phantom is a ghost that can possess the living, most commonly summoned by a Ouija Board. It also induces fear into those around it."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- Looking at a Phantom will considerably drop your sanity.
- Taking a photo of the Phantom will make it temporarily disappear.

Evidence: Spirit Box, Fingerprints, DOTS Projector
"One of the most famous Ghosts, a Poltergeist, also known as a noisy ghost can manipulate objects around it to spread fear into its victims."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- A Poltergeist can throw huge amounts of objects at once.
- A Poltergeist is almost ineffective in an empty room.

Evidence: Ghost Writing, Spirit Box, Fingerprints
"A Raiju is a demon that thrives on electrical current. While generally calm, they can become agitated when overwhelmed with power."

- A Raiju can siphon power from nearby electrical devices, making it move faster.
- Raiju are constantly disrupting electrical equipment, making it easier to track when attacking.

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Ghost Orbs, D.O.T.S Projector
"A Revenant is a slow but violent ghost that will attack indiscriminately. It has been rumored to travel at a significantly high speed when hunting."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- A Revenant will travel at a significantly faster speed when hunting a victim.
- Hiding from the Revenant will cause it to move very slowly.

Evidence: Ghost Orbs, Ghost Writing, Freezing Temperatures
"A Shade is known to be a shy Ghost. There is evidence that a Shade will stop all paranormal activity if there are multiple people nearby."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- Being shy means the Ghost will be harder to find.
- The Ghost will not enter hunting mode if there are multiple people nearby.

Evidence: EMF 5, Ghost Writing, Freezing Temperatures
"A Spirit is the most common Ghost you'll come across, however it is still very powerful and dangerous. They are usually discovered at one of their hunting grounds after an unexplained death."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- None
- Using Smudge Sticks on a spirit will stop it attacking for a long period of time.

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Ghost Writing, Spirit Box
"Thaye have been known to rapidly age over time, even in the afterlife. From what we've learned, they seem to deteriorate faster while within the presence of the living."

- Entering the location makes it active, defensive and agile
- Becomes slower and less active overtime

Evidence: Ghost Orb, Ghost Writing, D.O.T.S
The Mimic
"The Mimic is an elusive, mysterious, copycat ghost that mirrors traits and behaviors from others, including other ghost types."

- Can mimic the actions of other ghosts
- Induces Ghost Orbs as fourth evidence

Evidence: Spirit Box, Freezing Temperatures, Fingerprints
The Twins
"These ghosts have been reported to mimic each other's actions. They alternate their attacks to confuse their prey."

- Either Twin can be angered and initiate an attack on their prey.
- The Twins will often interact with the environment at the same time.

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Spirit Box, Freezing Temperatures
"A wraith is one of the most dangerous ghosts you will find. It is also the only known Ghost that has the ability of flight and has sometimes been known to travel through walls."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- Wraiths almost never touch the ground meaning it can't be tracked by footsteps.
- Wraiths have a toxic reaction to Salt.

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Spirit Box, DOTS Projector
"A common type of ghost that is attracted to human voices. They can usually be found haunting family homes."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- Talking near a Yokai will anger it and cause it to attack more often.
- While hunting, it can only hear voices close to it.

Evidence: Ghost Orbs, Spirit Box, DOTS Projector
"A Yurei is a Ghost that has returned to the physical world, usually for the purpose of revenge or hatred."

Unique Strength/Weakness
- Yurei's have been known to have a stronger effect on people sanity.
- Smudging the Yurei's room will cause it to not wander around the location for a long time.

Evidence: Ghost Orbs, Freezing Temperatures, DOTS Projector
23 Kommentare
Spin 1. Aug. 2022 um 6:05 
Some ppl said that “demon” has rarely chance to hunt when sanity above 75%
Blaze 27. Juni 2022 um 13:30 
Thank you for making this guide :steamthumbsup:
Gover  [Autor] 10. Mai 2022 um 21:35 
@DantesEternal That was added after I made this guide
DantesEternal 10. Mai 2022 um 19:37 
Desmoverse 26. Aug. 2021 um 17:42 
you forgot Goryo and Myling
McRib Beast 4. Aug. 2021 um 23:35 
theladymachine 23. Juli 2021 um 17:52 
Gover  [Autor] 22. Juli 2021 um 14:14 
@{SM} - Stixy Thanks! :btd6thumbsup:
Mandias 22. Juli 2021 um 0:19 
Yall people be complaining about it being here, But why? This is for people who have a second monitor or find it easier, If you don't like it then don't use it and just move on with your life. God damn, stop wasting your time talking about J and a book when we came here for something useful. Thanks alot Gover, this is an amazing Guide! :steamhappy:
Gawbe 15. Juli 2021 um 19:00 