Fallout: New Vegas PCR

Fallout: New Vegas PCR

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Fallout: New Vegas 2 - Short Novel by some guy
Door Singularity's Marauder
I was tired of waiting for Fallout: New Vegas so instead I wrote Fallout: New Vegas 2. These are some of my old texts that I wanted to post somewhere to make people read them in the future. Hope you have a good read. They represent fake gamelay described in text form and is mostly using dialogue and speech options to communicate what the story is about.
Sorry for making this so short, but you know... This is just a small fanmade project.
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A Dark Hour for Legion - Quest Added
Part 1:
[] Investigate weird noises of the eastern mountains of Mylokh.
- Courier... I hired a courier, right? -
'Yes, you did. (lie)
'(Intelligence 6) What is an unarmed citizen of NCR doing in a dead wasteland filled with Wandamingos? <-
- I was trying to find a way back, but I just kept going deeper and deeper. I was from the Hub. I didn't know... I don't know how to find my way around a desert. Something about reading the stars and... Keeping eye of the viewpoints, but I can't think... I can't think right without water. I have been dead here for some time now. Dead stuck and I can't find a way out.
'(Legion) Typical NCR scum.
'Where are you trying to get to?
'Have you heard something on the lines of weird echoing moaning in these parts? <-
- You mean the noises in the night? Right? I don't know what that is, but I did saw Legion running away... Running away like them tumbleweed I used to see back in... Back in whatever that town's name was. Oh, dear god. And I can safely say that they were not running for practice. But then again. What would Legion be doing here? Nothing to steal or nothing to... No "profligates", as they say, to execute for their crimes or sins, or whatever.
'Have you any idea where the Legionaries went? <-
'Whatever, idiot. Bye.
'Where are you trying to get to?
- I don't... I have no... I think they went over there. But I'm not sure anymore, it was such a long time ago, don't follow my advice. Listen, can you help me get back to the town's name... Any town would be good. Hell, I would rather be even enslaved than die here.
'(Legion) They don't need slaves that incompetent.
'(Survival 15) [Show this man the directions to the nearest human settlement.] <-
- Thank you, kind man. And if you have any water on you, could perhaps spare it?
'Here you go.
'(Survival 23/50) Maybe we can get water from the desert or something?
'No. <-
- Well, whatever. I guess I'll get there, before dying of... Being not... Watered... I'll be going now. Thank you for directions at least, stranger.

Part 2:
- Ave, true to Caeser.
'Some guy told me you were running away from something. <-
- We were.
'And? What was that exactly? <-
- We don't know.
What do you mean, you don't know? <-
- It was big, bigger than the mountains and it had bright eyes.
'Are you a Legionnaire or did you steal that armour of yours somewhere?
'(Speech 25) Can you elaborate? <-
- We were scouting the territory to establish the position of the epicenter of Wandamingos, their hive or whatever causes their presence here. This is because we have here the power to mark the entry point for a great assault in order to retrieve this territory from the hands of nature. But at the same time, we saw something bigger than Wandamingos. Bigger than anything ever described to me that would be alive. I heard stories of something called Prime Freedom? I'm not sure anymore, but that wasn't it. It was alive and it was moving like some sort of a... Really frustrated creature and it roared.
'Where? <-
- You seriously wish to tangle with whatever it is? As a Decanus I have the authority to at least attempt to convince my administrator not to send anyone here. There are things Legion stays away from. There aren't that many, but Boomers and giants can be on that list.
'(Legion) You seriously expect your superiors to accept that kind of explanation? That you saw a large shadow with big eyes? They'll have you at least killed.
'Yup. <-
- See that big mountain over there covered in green? There. We saw it behind it. Now, I assure you that we are going to be gone tomorrow. So, um... You staying here might mean your death.
'Bye. <-
'(Speech 50) I think that this is far too big to ignore. What if it ventures deeper into Legion territory? It could cause great damage. It has to be at least investigated now.
- Vale.
[] Investigate weird noises of the eastern mountains of Mylokh.
[] Travel to the green mountain.

Part 3:
- Careful, you are going to blow my cover.
'(Legion) Ave, true to Caeser. <-
- Shut up. Shush! (whispering) Wait, you're from Legion, are you? Well, whatever. I don't think you're going to be any help around here.
'What are you doing?
'(Legion) You got something against Legion? <-
- Well, yeah. They poisoned my dad. Killed my mom. Made my daughter a slave. And had my son become a legionnaire. And now they are hunting me down, because I killed some of their guys. So, you can understand that yes, I have something against Legion. In fact I have more than something. I have at least 2 somethings.
'Sucks to be you.
'[attack] Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
'What are you doing? <-
- There is a giant green goblin in these mountains. Read about them in books. Now, I know they're not real, but this one... Oh, this one definitely is.
'(Science 30) Some sort of a supermutant? <-
'Where did you last see it?
- I'm not sure. I've never seen anything that big. Could be something that looks like it, but totally isn't one.
'(Medicine 40) So, it's like a distant relative? Or you mean like something that looks like an analogy to that? Like bat wings and bird wings? <-
- I'm telling you, I'm not sure.
'What do you intend to do? <-
- I'm going to attempt a headshot on that thing. See how thick its skull is.
'(Medicine 40) (Science 40) Remembering how FEV makes everything super tough your plan is very unlikely to work.
'(intelligence 8) Remembering all those times I tried to kill a supermutant with a shot to the head, that's not going to work.
'(Small Guns 10/55) You got a gun? <-
- Sure as hell I do. Look at this baby. Bought it of the gun runners. You wondering how they still work around here? Well, they do. And I got this gun from them.
'Give me that gun.
'Good luck with that. <-
'That plan's not going to work.
- Watch me!
The guy dressed in caravan clothes turns around and opens fire on a mutant that is at least ten meters tall. In the proceeding 10 seconds the supermutant approaches you both, before slamming you so hard you get thrown at least 10 meters to the side, dying instantly.

- Load Game
- Quit <-

- Go to Menu
- Exit Game <-
Plot Synopsis for Fallout: New Vegas 2
During the events of New Vegas, the Legion won and they now control most of the Mojave. The Red bull has triumphed, however their victory does not mean absolute control over the entire region. Even though the importance of the Dam is great, due to lacking technical abilities of the Legion's personnel, their failure in utilizing its potential to its maximum capacity is... A thing that happens.
Freeside with its size and New Vegas with its army of Securitrons which were not destroyed by the Courier during the events of New Vegas maintains its territory, and House resurrects himself as an A.I. thanks to individuals with knowledge of his operating systems able to retrieve traces of his personality and intelligence from the systems he used to inhabit. Mr House is no longer a human being but an A.I. consisting of information bits stitched together to form a consciousness that pretends to be human, but is horrifyingly stretched due to errors in the machine. It cooperates with the remnants of NCR that were cut off from the main territory and everyone else left in the Mojave to form the Bastion of Vegas. A territory guarded by a mixed army of NCR troops, RobCo robots and others, including ghouls, supermutants and Followers of the Apocalypse.
Boone doesn't die in the events of Fallout: New Vegas. He retreats to the territory of the Bastion of Vegas and forms a group of elite NCR Rangers. Caeser eventually dies, however he did survive the events of New Vegas, he leaves the Legion to Lanius, who spreads it throughout the Nevada to continue the assault of inner NCR territory, Bastion of New Vegas and also he splits some of his forces to protect the areas behind the river, the ones from which the Legion originates.
In Fallout: New Vegas 2 you wouldn't play as the Courier, you would play as an individual that originates from the territory from behind the river. You would be of the Caeser's Legion, but you would not be a Legionnaire nor a slave. You would be a citizen living under Caeser's Legion jurisdiction. And in game you would have the ability to either assist the NCR/House/Anti-Legion or help Legion finish the job in conquering the Nevada.
One of the quests, if you were to join with the NCR/House/Anti-Legion would be to achieve House's vengeance he had promised... To the Courier back in New Vegas.
There would be a mission to find the Courier from the original New Vegas and kill him.

There would be several retconns from the original New Vegas to make this story work. One of them would be House not being as secretive about his technology. If he had a group of people that were his students in sciences, not necessarily Followers of the Apocalypse, he would have the personnel with the instructions to resurrect him. Legion is bigger and stronger than in New Vegas, this is because Legion could not possibly maintain a fight at all three fronts with how weak it was in New Vegas. They would either make their forces fight the Bastion of Vegas or the NCR, they would not attempt to take down both. The size of Freeside is bigger. The Freeside in New Vegas is super tiny, what I would imagine Freeside looking like would be more like the size of the NCR in Fallout 2. You know, that city in which tens of thousands people lived in Fallout 2?
Fallout: New Vegas 2 would see the return of many Fallout 2 enemies that were not originally seen in Fallout: New Vegas, those would include Wandamingos or Sentry Bots. Wandamingos would be moving from some mountains in the game, and the Sentry Bots would be one of the many breeds of RobCo robots that would defend Bastion of Vegas from the Legion. The Legion would be split into Three Legions at some area of the game. Legion deployed deep into Nevada would be stretched thin, which would lead to Legion becoming less disciplined and more diluted. Their culture would remain as misogynous and evil as it was in New Vegas, but only in the spear of the front against NCR and Bastion of Vegas, the more distant the Legion camps, the chiller would the Legionnaires be, as they would be diluted by the local population, isolation and lack of combat. Some Legionnaires would even have the audacity to accept odd presence of "technical enemies of the Legion", like random gangs that just occupy some area, farmers or NCR renegades.

Well, that's it for now. I just had this idea and wanted to write it down for later, also share it. Hope you guys don't hate it too much. And as always, I hope you had a good read.
I would also imagine that when Fallout: New Vegas had the cover art be an NCR trooper, the cover art of Fallout: New Vegas 2 would be a guy wearing a Decanus outfit whilst looking over something... Not necessarily New Vegas.

TL:DR Legion wins, House reincarnates as an A.I., Boone makes an elite group of Rangers, Freeside is defended by the united forces of NCR, Followers of the Apocalypse and other, Legion is guided by Lanius and it fights both the NCR and the army countering of the New Vegas that was preserved by House. House's army is not destroyed by the Courier from F:NV. You are playing as a citizen living under the jurisdiction of Legion, and you can either help the Legion or the NCR with everyone else fighting the Legion, one of the quests would involve helping Mr House hunt down the Courier.
Retconns necessary to achieve this plot are described in the second paragraph.
Hydra of Vegas - Quest Added - Chapter A
- You're not from Legion, are you?
'I was born there, definitely. <-
'(Legion) Unfortunately for you.
'(speech 14/50) No, I'm from the mountains.
- Your kind isn't seen here around these parts as useful, and if I were you, I would go back to whatever part of that hellhole you were born in. You wanna know why? We are barely breaking even in producing supplies. And if you are one of those "I don't wanna live in the Legion" wusses, go build your own damn lifeboat.
'Relax, lady. I'm going.
'I'm sorry. I'll be on my way out.
'(Legion) We don't like being called a "hellhole".
'Can I at least know what is going on here? <-
- No. And in fact, you can't even see what is going on here. I mean, you already did. But by that I mean that you have 60 seconds before we open fire on you and whoever is standing with you on this issue. So, get out.
'(Legion) A fight it is then.
'I'm leaving. Sorry.
'Is Mr House alive? <-
- ...
As a matter of fact, yes. Does that satisfy you?
'I'll be going now. <-
- Yes, you will.

Part 2
- So, what did they tell you?
'They're a lifeboat. House is alive. They are not accepting refugees from the Legion's territory. <-
'Nothing of value.
'That they hate Legion, what did you expect?
- Is he now? That sounds horrifyingly wrong. Once Lanius learns that the guy who pretty much is the cause of all this, because according to legends he predicted the end of the world by a one day... Let's just say it's really bad news.
'But they didn't specify anything about the circumstances of his return. <-
- They did not.
'Is there anything else you want from me, Decanus?
'I'll be going now.
'(Barter 35) I just risked my life for the Legion, that ought to be worth at least 150. <-
- Indeed it is. Vale, friend. Remember that the Legion will always be watching you. Mostly to protect you from that which came of the fire that consumed the world.
'Bye. <-
[] House has returned. Good or bad, that is extremely spooky.

Part 3
- Yello-
'What can you tell me about the return of Mr House? <-
'What you got for sale? Any weapons?
'Would like to ask you about that destroyed house over there.
- Bad trouble. Mr House was the head of New Vegas once. Then that guy called "the Courier" came in and murdered him. For years we didn't know what happened. The robots of his started giving out pamphlets and then the Legion won. But after some time, something odd came out. A message of his... Followers. We didn't even know that such a group of people existed. But once we found out, the news of what has happened to him were made public. Turns out that, what I just told you, happened. So, if he was murdered and came back to life, that means he is above life. Or that may just be a lie. A lie the NCR is spreading to destroy Legion's morale. In reality those robots could just be on auto-pilot. The recordings they spread could be fake. And... Well... You get the rest.
'What you got for sale? Any weapons?
'Would like to ask you about that destroyed house over there.
'Bye. <-
- See you.

Part 4
- Citizen.
'You're a tech guy, right? How did House come back?
'Some guy outside asked me to ask you about the code to the Bunker of Valimi.
'What's your opinion on the Legion. <-
- If you expect me to give you an honest answer, then you must not know much about the Legion. It's an army. A military group that has the power to keep both the NCR and the Bastion of Vegas under its... Big bull hooves? Do bulls have hooves? I don't know. The thing is that it's strong. And for now that is all that matters. Maybe once the disturbed hot body that it is cools down, I'll be able to give my subjectable opinion on its presence here. For now, I want the administrator to know that I very much care about his energy needs and that I am even more eager to assist him in the production of his weird single-shot laser rifles.
'You're a tech guy, right? How did House come back? <-
'Some guy outside asked me to ask you about the code to the Bunker of Valimi.
- You heard the news too, didn't you? I have several theories. You got the time to listen to all of them?
'I sure do. <-
'I have to go. Maybe later.
- Mr House had his self uploaded to the computer. He had spent most of his life plugged to a giant system that allowed him to see whatever all of his Securitrons could see and do a lot of things from a very remote location. That kind of technology required his brain to be basically plugged into the system and as time passed he became more and more fused with that technology. My guess is that he never had a need for a physical body, and as time passed he just became a machine.
'(Intelligence 6) Then why did he die? <-
'I see.
- All part of House's great plan?
'Yeah, right.
'I see.
'Bye. <-
- Later.
Hydra of Vegas - Quest Added - Chapter B
Part 5
- Decanus Jeffrey wanted you to know that Mr House has returned.
- And you think I didn't know that?
- Maybe.
- A confirmation of this news from another important figure does allow us to bring this issue to light more easily. Tell him I am grateful for his intel.
- It will be done.
- What do you want, citizen of the Red Bull's land?
'(Science 50/80) Redbull? Where have I heard that before.
'Have you heard of the House's return?
'You have anything to trade? <-
- Do I look like someone who has something to trade? Tell me, do you see me standing near a giant packed to the brim Brahmin? Do you think that I, a man of the sword would bother walking around with a backpack of trash, selling it to people and wasting my life away on being... You get the point.
'My bad.
'(Speech 25/30) Have some distance to yourself, man. <-
- How about you go away, before I ask for a permission to execute you.
'Make me. <-
- I'm giving you five seconds. Let the next words you say be wise.
'Suicide by Legion.
'Your hat looks stupid.
'Legion is a cancer to this world.
'I'm sorry. I would like to apologize. <-
- Thank you. And I'm sorry. These times are making me really uncertain about everything. I wish I was born in a different age, an age where the Legion had already destroyed the NCR and we all got to just train, practice and kill each other trying to find the superior ideology.
'(Speech 20) Yeah.
'(Intelligence 8) Ever heard of Valhalla? <-
- I did. Indeed, I did. I'm rather busy right now. And unfortunately I must bid you farewell. Goodbye.
'Bye. <-

Part 6
- NCR here, why is your video feed not working?
'Can I talk to Mr House?
'(Legion) I don't think you understand, you're all going to die.
'You a ranger? <-
- Who's asking?
'(Speech 40/100) A friend.
'None of your business.
'(Legion) Legion, and who else? <-
- Hell yeah, I'm a ranger. What's it to you? You wondering how it feels like to kill your degenerate scum friends on a daily basis?
'(Intelligence 6) Both you and I know that's not true.
'(Legion) I can't wait to put my thumbs in your eyes, ya ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ NCR mongrel. <-
- [you hear nothing]

Author's comment:In case anyone wonders what the 100 speech option at the end is it's "Patrolling the Mojave Wasteland almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter".
Legion Epicentre - Location Added - Chapter A
Great flags of Caeser's Legion hanged over the landscape here. They could be spotted as far as several miles away from the walls of the main camp. But before you could reach the main camp you had to go past a territory purposefully designed to support Legion's way of fighting. And Legion's way of fighting was usually close-quarters.
- Investigate Legion Barricades -
'(Intelligence 8) [Consider possible combat scenarios]. <-
- Legion's barricades look like solid constructions meant to limit NCR's and NCR's allies' ranged capabilities, however knowing the functionality of Mr House's robotic troops, a concentrated fire of Securitron rocket launchers or grenade launchers could easily clear way for bullets of NCR troopers. Bullets or energy projectiles.

Part 2
Past the walls were even greater walls. Legion troops could be seen patrolling or observing the landscape from tall watchtowers. Looking into the landscape in search of lonely figures or shadowy fauna. Radscorpions can be seen in these parts. Giant ants. Geckos. Legion can't possibly clear them all due to the sheer size of Mojave. But they try to at least keep the roads safe and areas around the camp. The reasoning behind that is that fauna is good target practice.
- Ave, true to Caesar.
*sound of opening gates*
*sound of closing gates*
Groups of small individuals are being lead into a large building on the other side of the street by a Decanus and assisting him tall Legionaries. Red flags are omnipresent as always and in the distance you see a giant figure representing a tall Legionary made of wood. You see the places where fires would be usually lit during the night to keep the streets of this place safe or at least observed.
- Legion scouts say that the collapse of NCR's frontline to the Shady Sands is inevitable. Their population is almost broken.
'Where can I find a place to purchase wears?
'How do Legionaries practice before being sent off to fight the NCR?
'I was analyzing your defensive structures. <-
- You were? And is there something you would like to tell me?
'They are a solid work, but I'm afraid they will be no match for Securitrons' firepower. <-
- You mean the rocket launchers and other explosives that they use. Yes, of course. Our combat tacticians have already analyzed that aspect of our defenses and came to a conclusion that it's always useful to wither down your enemies' capabilities. Every rocket shot at inanimate barricades that only serve to prevent efficiency of the enemy is a rocket not shot at our troops. This is especially useful if you consider the fact that the Bastion of Vegas operates on limited supplies. So, unless they did a surgical strike that allowed them to take down this place in a single quick swoop, these barricades will serve their purpose the way they were intended to. But nonetheless, the Legion appreciates your concerns.
Is there anything else you wanted to discuss?
'Where can I find a place to purchase wears?
'How do Legionaries practice before being sent off to fight the NCR?
'Bye. <-
- Vale.
The road ahead is clean and lacking trash, but then you noticed the blood stains on a nearby wall. And as soon as your mind went at ease you saw a dead slave lying, covered in flies in the far corner of the town. Legionnaires were passing that corpse over and over during their regular runs to enhance their endurance, and none of them even flinched at the sight of a dead body. Really shows that the men of the Legion are desensitized to violence.
Either that or they just let that corpse lie there for some time now and that wouldn't be the first time they passed it. You search the slave's corpse in search of any useful materials and you only find a note saying.
"Legate Lanius. Not Caeser. - Mileena, love". You note the cryptic message down in your Pib-Boy.

Part 3
- Legate Lanius is fairly busy, you wouldn't think he has any time for an audience with you?
'(Speech 88/90) Wouldn't he have any time reserved for a person of such intelligence as I?
'What can you tell me about this note? [Hand him the slaver's note]. <-
- Oh, that. Some moronic slaves thinking that they can learn how to read and tell each other stories about pixies. That's what he said. The Decanus. It's nothing of importance. If I were you, you should stay away from that subject.
'You sound oddly uncertain about the subject. <-
'Do you know who is the mentioned "Mileena" in the note?
- That's just how I always sound like.
'Do you know who is the mentioned "Mileena" in the note? <-
- If I did, she would probably be dead. Considering the fact that female slaves don't have the right to learn how to write and read.
'What if she already did know how to write and read? <-
- In that case, she should've not demonstrated that ability. The work for Legion should be her main priority, not being a writer.
'(Intelligence 6) You're saying that Legion has no use for people who can write or read? <-
'(Legion) Obviously.
- Well, it's not that it has no need for such people, it's just that that's not her job.
'And can you write or read? <-
- Of course I can. You handed me the note. And I did read it.
'Oh, really? What was on it then? <-
- Profligate, I have no time for your stupidity. Leave now.
'Typical Legion moron.
'I don't have time for your stupidity either. <-
- ...
*combat music*
The Legionary pulls out a machete and engages into combat. He is quickly defeated by several shots from a 9mm pistol to the head using VATS.
- What is going on here?
'(Speech 50). This Legionary became offended at my comments about his inability to write and read, and decided that the best course of action was to attack me.
'Legion scum.
'Nothing. <-
- Nothing? And what is that dead Legionnaire doing over there? You care to tell me?
'He's asleep.
'(Speech 70). He challenged me for a duel and got what he deserved. <-
- Hm. Very well. A fair kill. Although that kind of behaviour is not welcome here, give me your name. After that you will be removed from this camp and not let into its territory ever again.
'But I seek audience with the Legate.
'My mistake.
'I only did what had to be done to strengthen the resolve of the Legion. <-
- Get out.
You have been banished from Legion Epicentre, any attempts to return here will be punished with death.
Legion Epicentre - Location Added - Chapter B
Part 4
Outside the Legion's epicentre you see a single woman lying near a bush assisted by a Legionary.
- Ave, true to Caeser.
You approach the female slave.
- Who are you?
'(Legion). I'm with the Legion. I'm just not a Legionary.
'A Red Bull's citizen.
'No one.
'A ghost.
'A friend. <-
- It doesn't matter. Day and night I suffer, waiting for it to end. Your name. You'll be gone like the rest of them. Taking and leaving as they please. Not caring for any of us. Destroying our lives and lives of all the inhabitants of Nevada. NCR, the last place of hope, soon to be crushed by you, you monsters. I want to live long enough to see the Legion collapse into a civil war and see all these disgusting men dressed in red, black and yellow to kill themselves in bloodshed that they so strongly worship.
'Did you write this?
'(Legion). Bold words for someone in machete distance.
'I wish you had been born in NCR to see the world you want to. But that is just fate.
'I'm sorry. <-
- Whatever, legion scum.
'Your master lets you talk like that? <-
'Did you write this?
- We're close. And Legion doesn't care. It's not insecure about itself. It listens, it hears, but it knows it's stronger and just crushes those who dare to "actually oppose them" not just those who are talking loudly. Besides, what can I do to them? I'm broken.
'What's your job?
'Did you write this? <-
- No. That wouldn't be me. I don't know how to do that. No one ever taught me. I was born into slavery. And Decanus only teach slaves such things far into nowhere of Legion. Which means where war is not present. And besides. Why would anyone sign such a thing with their signature, and later admit that it was them. They know the fate of slaves who dare be like that.
'Be like what? <-
- Like that.
'What's your job? <-
- I tend to the plants. I feed the Legion. Typical woman duties. I'm also a breeder. Although lately I only had... I don't want to talk about it.
'Is there any way I can help you?
'Live in peace. <-
- Degenerate.
- The Mojave almost makes you wish for drowning.
Quick Travel to Domock?
'Yes <-
Black Legion Staging Point - Location Added - Chapter A
The flags of Black Legion weren't actually black. They were red as any, but the colour was added as soon as it was obvious that they were no different to Green, Gold and Pink Legion in terms of its autonomous traits. This army moved for the last 2 months. Slowly creeping, analyzing its environments. Collected into a bigger and bigger mass of random citizens of the Bull to crush those who had dared to oppose the original philosophy of Caeser. After the battle of Hoover Dam, Legion expanded. And with expansion came a time of change. Some adapted by becoming less bloodthirsty and others adapted by becoming more. Unfortunately for the latter, the former was much more numerous.
- What do you want?
'To join the crusade.
'(Legion). What you're doing is non-greater than what those who you are trying to hunt down. <-
'Who's in charge here?
- Orders of Lanius were to stay put. But Lanius is no king of ours. Legate that is. We know better than him that if we are to preserve the Caeser's will, we must exterminate those profligates.
'Legate wouldn't want Legion to collapse into a civil war. Not until the Bear is dead. <-
- Then more power to us. The extermination of those pathetic profligates will prevent any conflict. Save us the trouble of having to die in much greater numbers.
'The Three Legions had the task of maintaining peace in that region. And I see peace for now.
'Let that strike then be swift. And hopefully the wrath of Legate short-ranged.
'I do not wish to risk my reputation as a Legion's... I mean Red Bull's citizen for some savage ideology conflict. <-
- Then I guess you do not understand the essence of Legion. Legion was built on ruthlessness. Determination. Complete and total belief in Legion's pursuits. And those profligates to the "nowhere" as they enjoy calling it are subverting this entire ideology. They have to be punished before their beliefs spread to our territories and the entire Legion collapses into nothing.
'It's hard to know what the dead wanted. But perhaps we should leave war for later.
'(Barter 80). You guys mind if I sell you some crap? <-
'(Energy Weapons 14/50). Ratatatatatata-
- As a matter of fact, no. Any help to our cause is welcome. Even if it comes at a price. Now that I think about it, it doesn't make any sense.
*Barter Menu*
- Thank you for your generous... Nevermind.
'You want to hear something funny? <-
- Shoot.
'[Attack]. Black Legion.
'I don't know where I was going with this. <-
- Later.

Part 2
- Profligate. Oh, wait. You're not one of them.
'Who are you?
'Why are you wearing green?
'Why are these areas so... Humid. <-
- Hell if I knew. We just came in here when the Legate sent us. Guarded this place and now we have to fight our own. When I first heard a great deal of troops was moving towards us, I thought it was just backup. We didn't at first knew what the backup was for, perhaps pushing further into the nowheres or hunting down the remnants of the NCR. However, as soon as I came into contact with them, certain things started to lit up in my mind. But by then it was too late.
'What do you mean? <-
'I don't care about that. Answer my question. Or don't if you can't.
- I'm from the Green Legion, if you haven't noticed. We were guarding the area and then my men were captured. We do not wish to cause a war with these people, but if they remain to violate the orders of Lanius, we will be forced to take action.
'I have never heard a more lame sounding Legionnaire. "Take action"? What are you? NCR. <-
'Let's hope it'll not come to bloodshed.
'(Legion) If it were up to me, I'd kill you both. Both the Three Legions and the Black Legion. Where is Red Legion anyway when you need it?
- Oh excuse me that I don't make references to something I couldn't possibly have read about. And that I don't murder random people, because they look at me funny. Or that I don't call a profligate anyone that just has an accent or... Anything. The Green Legion was made to control the region one way or another. And now we're hearing that in spite of achieving success we are some sort of a renegade group. We? We? Those idiots have gathered an army, moved out of the Legion's main territory and are marching to war with us. And they call us renegades? If Lanius wasn't so busy kicking the NCR of their high horse, he would come in here and show the Black Legion where their grave is. Did that make sense?
'Are you like... 18 or something?
'(Legion). If Legate Lanius wasn't busy fighting the NCR, he would come in here, kill everything and leave. <-
'I don't know what you're talking about.
- Maybe he would. Or maybe he wouldn't. We did what we were told. We didn't break any rules, we just didn't execute those we deemed unnecessary. Is that a crime in Legion's book?
'(Legion). Legion is strength. And to be strength you need strong foundation. Green Legion isn't strong foundation. It's a recipe for a disaster. <-
'Got any jet?
- If you seriously believe that we are of any threat to Legion, then you are completely and utterly insane.
'I think I'm done talking to you.
'(Legion). Oh, I'm not insane. I just know what Legion is about, unlike you. <-
- Get out of here, moron.

Part 3
Deeper into the camp you saw groups of armed Black Legion's Legionaries gathering near camp fires. Those weren't typical Legion forces. You could see that their equipment was just chaotic and all over the place. They had long hair, no helmets. Many things that only an untrained individual not knowing of combat would do. Their leader was far too young. And to your astonishment you saw female combatants. Something that absolutely stands against Legion's dogmas to this day.
- Greetings, citizen of the Red Bull. Do not be alarmed by our presence here. We are merely enforcing the will Caeser.
'(Legion). A female Legionnaire. How utterly disgusting.
'Don't tell anyone, but I was always pro-equality in terms of gender. Just don't tell anyone, they'll have me killed. <-
'I don't want to talk to you right now.
- Oh, don't worry. This is just temporary. The Black Legion needed men for combat. But it did not have enough. So, they just gave weapons to those who specialized in things, but kept their talents hidden from the Red of the Red Legion. I know it's weird to be a patriot and a female, especially considering the inevitable collapse of everything if it comes to talking about women Legionnaires, but this is... Something else.
'How can Black Legion teach me about the values of Legion, when they are doing the biggest thing you're not supposed to be doing. <-
'I'll be on my way.
'How is it that you're not afraid of being crucified after all of this.
- Ironic. Isn't it? But as I said, we are not a real thing. Black Legion isn't an army. It's not a faction. It's an idea. An idea that slowly travels through the land towards your throat. As soon as the job is done, we'll disperse, disappear into the wind with no evidence. Unnamed. Displaced from Legion's territory. And with job done. There will be nothing. No one to punish us.
'(Legion). Legate's fury will reach you here.
'Stay safe. It would be rather dumb to die only because you wanted the best for the Red Bull.
'The world is getting weirder by the minute. <-
- Isn't it now.
Black Legion Staging Point - Location Added - Chapter B
Part 4
- Ave, true to Lanius.
'(Perception 5) You're looking rather jolly before the slaughter.
'Wonder if you can sell me something that I was looking for.
'Female Legionaries? <-
- They aren't Legionaries. They're warriors. They're backup. There can be no female Legionaries.
'(Legion). Black Legion... More like the renegades of the Bull.
'At this point... It's hard to say anything that would make sense in this situation.
'I must say, I am severely disappointed. When I first heard about you guys, I thought Lanius himself sent you. <-
- Well. You should have asked him then. To be honest, the way how information travels in such a large place as the one that the Legion occupies, it's easy to sell any kind of news. Black Legion, sent by Lanius to clear the Three Legions? A long elaborate lie, but at this point, we are too far into our own campaign. We'll finish what we started and then oppose the Red Legion for not being Red enough.
'(Legion). At this point you are just being anti-Legion.
'So, you've lied about you being sent by Lanius. Why? <-
'I don't care. What you got for trade?
- Simple, to buy ourselves time. Lanius was not quick enough to cull us, so we had the time to organize. And because the Lanius rumour was spreading, the local Red Legion has failed to comprehend the reality of the situation. Only after the message has reached top authorities they have sent people to deal with us. But, first of all, we are way too far out of their reach. And second, if we wanted to, we would squash them. Red Legion has probably received orders to stand down and let the entire thing play out. After all, we weren't focused to oppose the Legion. We are merely here to perfect it.
'(Legion). I don't think that the Legion will ever be the same after what happens here. Your actions are destroying the Legion from the inside.
'Kinda pathetic how we can't keep you down. After all, you're just profligates pretending to be Legion.
'What are you going to do once you reach the Three Legions? <-
- We'll kill them. The way it's meant to be done. We'll butcher every man, and... Female combatant they'll have to oppose us. There will be nothing left. We will take control of that region and show Lanius that we are the true Legion. And those profligates he sent here are nothing but weak.
'(Legion). You should've just went to the front against the NCR. You are clearly eager for battle. <-
'Good luck with that.
'The Three Legions will just slaughter you instead. There is no way you can win.
- There is already enough people there. We need to turn our eyes inwards and see the cancer that is growing within our body. We will surgically remove it using our makeshift laser weaponry and top training with melee armaments.
'Speaking of armaments. How about a little trade?
'(Legion). You are so utterly pathetic.
'Bye. <-
- Lanius guide you.

Part 5
- Ave, true to Caeser.
'What are you going to do after the campaign ends?
'You don't keep slaves, do you?
'I have nothing to say to you. <-
- Then why are you talking to me?
'What are you going to do after the campaign ends?
'You don't keep slaves, do you?
'My reasons are far too complex to be understood by you. <-
- I can't object to that statement.
Camp Evergreen - Location Discovered - Chapter A
A strange presence emanated deep in the camp. You see odd purple-bluish lights coming from within that can be seen even during the day. There are trees everywhere. Green thick grass grows on the brown delicate soil. And you can spot shadowy figures moving between the thick barks like some creatures. You've arrived into the Green Legion territory.
- Greetings.
'(Science 50). What the hell is going on here?
'(Survival 15). How did you guys get water for all this stuff? <-
'You got something to trade?
- It just is. You'd think that the ground here would be as barren and arid as everywhere else, but the thing is that not all the things brought by the end of the world were as bad as... Everything else. Some odd presence grows within the center of the Green Territory. It grants this sort of humidity and allows for the growth of these weird presences. I wouldn't call them trees. Trees form bonds with mushrooms, trees give fruits and trees breed by seeds. This is more like something alien.
'Can you define the source of this congregation?
'Aren't you guys worried? That kind of thing like the one you have here must be deadly to humans sooner or later.
'How's the food? <-
- Like in any other place. The land here is thick, but most of the things produced by the greens are not edible. We mostly grow food right outside the oasis, where the presence of the Green Territory is lesser, but its humidity still pushing against the Nevada.
'I see.
'Can you define the source of this congregation? <-
- Absolutely not. It was like this when we arrived here. And all our greatest minds just stood perplexed when faced with whatever is causing this. We wished that there were some people of the old world, because it's probably their doing. They would explain to us how to control it, if it can be controlled. For now it's like our greatest enemy. The air is nice, but the green is like vermin eating away our crops... Figuratively. They are not literally eating our crops, just taking the shade away from them, capturing land, exploiting it.
'Black Legion is coming. <-
'Very well.
- They... We know. We're ready for them. We also know this land and they don't. I'm sure that upon arrival here they'll get swallowed up by the green. Well, not literally the green, but the soldiers dressed in green. Sorry, Legionaries.
'Did you know that Black Legion employed female fighters?
'What is your plan of attack?
'(Survival 17/50). You got any ideas of what we can do with the green stuff? <-
- As I said, it's not edible.
'Did you know that the Black Legion employed female fighters?
'What is your plan of attack? <-
- Like hell I would tell you, you could be one of them for all I care.
'Very well.
'Did you know that the Black Legion employed female fighters? <-
'They captured some of your own.
- Typical Legion. First telling us that we're the biggest heretics of their ideology and then sending after us even bigger heretics.
'No one sent them here. They sent themselves here by their own orders. Black Legion is a renegade group.
'I'll be going. <-
- Bye.

Part 2
- Ave, true to Legate Lanius.
'The Black Legion is upon you.
'The Black Legion captured some of your own.
'You got something to trade? <-
- Course I do, but the Green Legion's administrator forbid me selling supplies to anyone. This is due to the fact that we are about to enter a long and exhausting conflict. Supplies may be scarce. Trade may freeze. And we will have to rely on whatever we have stockpiled.
'(Barter 25). I can trade you weapons for weapons.
'Whatever. <-
- Indeed. Is there anything else you wanted to have discussed?
'I've met some of you. You guys seem very relaxed, and you talk in a very odd way. As if you know how to read. Write too. <-
'I wanted to discuss the matter of the Black Legion soon to be arriving here.
- This is because we can write and read. The Three Legions needed an effective way to communicate with themselves and also the local populous, which is large and hard to manage. So, most of us have learned how to write and read from the more veteran and erudite Decanus. It's true that the Legion in its early stages was mostly illiterate. But we took efforts to fix that. Mostly work of Caeser at the end of his life, when he was finally proven that the civil war is inevitable unless he does something... Unpredictable.
'It was a wise decision of him to do so.
'(Legion). It was right because he did it. Not because it had to be done. <-
'Yeah, yeah...
- Whatever that means. While we're talking, you wouldn't happen to see the Black Legion, right?
'Course I did see them. <-
'(Speech 80). No.
'(Barter 27/40). How much is that information worth to you?
- From what I know, they've abducted a single group of our Legionaries. Are gathering a large army to move out and probably are going to pillage and burn down everything we had established here for the last several decades. If I were you, I'd help me. Because you see, unlike them we are not angry hypocrites with unsatiable need for blood.
'The Black Legion ironically is the essence of true Legion, they are an army marching to destroy everything.
'(Legion). If you were more like the Red Legion, you wouldn't have this problem right now. <-
'I think I'll be going.
- If we were more like the Red Legion, we'd be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dead, trust me. The locals in these parts aren't the NCR in terms of being fisty, but they were pretty uncooperative at first. During the first several months we barely produced enough food to satisfy the army sent here. And keeping slaves just felt ridiculous. We tried capturing some of them at first, my father told me. But then they would just disappear. Like... It was just stupid. A group of twelve men, captured, hurled into an area to keep the crops. The next day. POOF. Gone. Like dust in the wind.
'(Legion). You should have tried harder.
'How? <-
- I don't know. Ask them. Oh, that's what we did. Turns out they just knew the land good enough, kept always an eye on us. Understood our patterns and utilized them to infiltrate our position. You know that feeling when you are like... Drinking water alone in a tent and you are staring at a wall, you blink and there was like a figure there for a split-second. You tell yourself it's not real, but sometimes you go to investigate and there is nothing there. This is what the locals here were like at the beginning. 70% of the population was just invisible to us. But we knew something was off. Certain items started disappearing. Ammunition, melee weapons, explosives. We were starting to get worried. Asked our administrator, if it was the time to bail, but he said "Legate's Orders are to make this land our own", so we did. The problem was that we did so through compromise.
'(Legion). No wonder the Black Legion wants to kill you.
'I'm glad you guys made it out alright in the end.
'Tough luck. <-
- I know. Alright. That's enough talking. I gotta get back to my shift. See you.
Camp Evergreen - Location Discovered - Chapter B
Part 3
Water spilled by the paths of some old before-time abandoned building. Grass entered it through broken windows that had very little of what once windows were left in them. There was a potted plant standing in the sunlight and a lonely Legionary eyeballing you sitting on a bench.
- Ave, true to Legate Lanius.
A man is standing behind the counter of the building. He is wearing a beautiful cowboy hat with feathers taped to it. He's watching you closely.
- What the hell are you supposed to be?
'I was going to ask you the same thing. <-
'(Legion). What's the matter? Never seen a citizen of the Bull before?
'None of your business, pale.
'(Attack). I don't know. Let's find out.
- I'm from these parts. I witnessed the Legion growing here and I care for the Legion like any man would care for his beautiful potted plants. They're friends of mine. And we both respect each other in a symbiotic relationship. And no, if you are going to make a joke about us being homosexuals, first of all we are not, second of all, I am going to gut you like a pig. Carrying on. I am Abliamh. Going to spell that word one more time for you, Ab-Lia-Mh. I'm a trader operating for Legion, a teacher, a father of two intelligent daughters. And a husband to my beautiful flower named Petricia. Now, I have a question for you. Where does your allegiance stand?
'(Legion). My allegiance is to Lanius, Caeser and those who represent the core of the Red Legion.
'(Attack). My allegiance is to the ocean black of the Black legion.
'My allegiance is to progress.
'Ave, true to Gannon. <-
- You've come a real long way to spout that nonsense, haven't you? Go bother someone else.

Part 4
You enter a large golden field cared to by small groups of individuals wearing high quality farming clothes. Some of them are black skinned, some of them are women. But there is also a Legionary carrying something you would refer to as "large bags of sand".
- We'll turn the charred bodies of the Black Legion to compost.
'Bold words.
'Good luck with that.
'Is conflict the only option? <-
- Yes.
'Very well.
'(Speech 88/100) I beg to differ. <-
- ♥♥♥♥ off.
You approach one of the slaves working tirelessly on the field.
- What do you want?
'I thought the Green Legion didn't keep slaves. <-
'I'll be going.
- Well. I'm technically not a slave. I'm a criminal serving his time.
'What is this? The NCR?
'(Legion). How about we turn you to blood, bones and other things.
'(Medicine 50). Why are you bleeding? <-
- Where?
'[Show him where he's bleeding].
- Huh. Didn't notice. Eh. I should go check that out with the local medical man. That's how I call the guy who calls himself "the doctor". Alright, he doesn't call himself like that, he just-
'(Intelligence 6). Hold up. Are you a Powder Ganger? <-
'Go do that.
'(Medicine 70). Stand still, wanker. I'm going to deal with that problem.
- A Powder Ganger? Well. My grand-granddad was. Then he settled down here after running away from the Legion long enough to see it turn green. I don't know what the ♥♥♥♥ happened. But that's not definitely the Legion that they... My parents remembered.
'It's different. But trust me. The Red Legion is still as merciless as it was before. They just make exceptions.
'(Legion). How 'bout I remind you of that Red Bull you used to fear so much? <-
'(Attack). Degenerates like you belong a cross.
- No, thank you. I'll just work my time... For the rest of my life. On second thought. Maybe you should just kill me.
'(Medicine 70). I'll tend to your wounds instead. <-
'(Attack). Maybe.
'(Legion). Hardly worth my breath. I got more important things to do than proving a point to you. I think...
- You would? Well... You're definitely not like the Legion I knew.
"Green Legion reputation increased".
Camp Evergreen - Location Discovered - Chapter C
Part 5
- The hell?
'Female slave? Local? Or something else?
'Who are you?
'(Legion). Subject. <-
- Legionary.
'(Legion). I'm not a Legionary. I'm a citizen of the Red Bull.
'Exactly. (Lie).
'You've got... Nice... Em... Taste in wear. <-
- Thank you, Legionary. Carry on.
'I was going to ask you about the local relationships between the Three Legions and locals. <-
'Do you happen to know the nearest place where I can do some trade?
'So, what's your job?
- Referring to the Three Legions as a single organism is like referring to three people as the same person. We don't have relationships with each other. Green Legion doesn't talk to the Gold Legion, because they think of us as crazy people. And we don't talk to the Pink Legion, because we think of them as crazy people. Every Legion represents a different path towards chaos of the original ideology. Green is harmony. Pink is progress. And Gold is greed. We all hate one another. So, it's a good thing that we can deal with the Black Legion on our own.
'Are you sure about that? <-
'(Black Legion). I can't wait for all the... I mean. Yes. Yes. Of course.
'(Legion). Legate Lanius didn't send you all here so that you can bicker like some sort of NCR profligates. No, not even the NCR is so petty these days. Although, I wouldn't know. Last guy from the NCR I talked to just called me an ass and disconnected.
- Yes, I'm sure about that. Anything else?
'The Black Legion is going to squash you like bugs. <-
'(Barter 50). I'd like to buy some land here. Seems like a nice place to retire.
'(Energy Weapons 45). You wanna see how death looks like?
- No, it's not. The Black Legion knows nothing of this territory. It knows not our numbers. It knows not our strengths and weaknesses.
'It knows this place is flammable.
'So? They're going to learn that and then kick your ass. You better go beg the Gold Legion to help you, idiots, before you're all going to witness your own death. Uh... Yeah, that. <-
'I just realized I left the stove on. I have to go.
- Oh, my god. You're right. Of course they are going to do that. I have to tell the Decanus. He must understand the direness of the situation. I have to go. Now!

Part 6
You enter a large tent. A tall figure is standing in front of you. It measures you with his deep hazelnut eyes.
- Citizen of the Red Bull?
'(Energy Weapons 60). Heard you knew a thing or to about vaporizing things. <-
'What's your story?
'You look like a... A human being.
'(Legion). Ave, true to Caeser.
- Then you are mistaken. I'm a plasma guy, not laser guy. I specialize in liquefying things.
'Teach me, oh great liquifier. <-
'Good for you.
'I have to go.
- Uuuuuuuuuuh... Okay. Let's just go outside. You got a gun, right? I see. Plasma Pistol. Yeah, that should do. V952. I'm going to give you a recharger and a recycler. If you mount it to your gun, it should regenerate cells at a pace of one per hour and recycle every 4th cell, allowing you to keep firing for longer periods of time. A must when you work for the Legion. They don't supply as much ammunition as they should. Unless you work for the Golden Legion, but these guys prefer Gauss Rifles.
"Skills with energy weapons increased by 20. Gained 5 to maximum skill level capacity, up to 105".
5 opmerkingen
Blub 26 apr 2022 om 6:57 
Got me hooked up till the end, very well written. I'll rate it 9.2 Gecko kebabs out of 10.
Singularity's Marauder  [auteur] 15 feb 2022 om 8:58 
Holy shit, we're picking traffic.
=StarKiller= 13 feb 2022 om 16:24 
This was actually pretty decent, good job.
Singularity's Marauder  [auteur] 6 feb 2022 om 13:50 
@DINGOSHAT dafuq? Positive reaction?
DINGOSHAT 6 feb 2022 om 12:53 
masterpiece :isaac: