Fallout 76

Fallout 76

59 ratings
Junk rarity and collecting
By MarMag
In this guide I will show you junk rarity and collecting methods for it.
The rarity will have scale from $ - $$$

$ - common
$$ - rare
$$$ - very rare
Acid | Waste acid

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.05

Acid is quite rare material using which you can make for example ammo. It can be found by scraping
pre-war cleaning products or beeswax

Sources list:

Abraxo cleaner, Abraxo cleaner industrial grade, Anti freeze bottle, Bag of chlorine, Bag of dogwood fertilizer, Bag of fertilizer, Beeswax, Bloatfly gland, Bloodbug proboscis, Coolant, Cracked deathclaw egg, Firefly abdomen, Floater gnasher pus sac, HalluciGen gas canister, Hive paper, Honey beast wing, Ichor sac, Industrial cleaner, Makeshift battery, Stingwing barb, Suprathaw antifreeze, Torn mothman wing, Undamaged abraxo cleaner, Waste acid, Wendigo teeth.
Adhesive | Excess adhesive

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.05

Adhesive is quite rare material using which you can repair or make weapons and armor. It can be found by scraping bottles of it or by producing it using plants and water.

Sources list:

Bulk adhesive, Digested goo, Duct tape, Economy wonderglue, Excess adhesive, Handmade glue, Military grade duct tape, Pack of duct tape, Sealed wonderglue, Vegetable starch, Wonderglue.
Aluminum | Aluminum scrap

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.1

Aluminium is quite rare material using which you can repair or make weapons and armor. It can be found by scraping pre-war items or you can get it from aluminium ore.

Sources list:

Alarm clock, Aluminum can, Aluminum canister, Aluminum oil can, Aluminum tray, Aluminum scrap, Blasting caps box, Bulk aluminum, Cake pan, Carlisle typewriter, Chez Vivi alarm clock, Chez Vivi typewriter, Clean cake pan, Clean coffee tin, Coffee tin, Coolant cap, Empty can, Eyebot model, HH-3A capacitor, Hubcap, Industrial oil canister, Large glass jar lid, Large glass jar ring, Large glass jar top, Medium Int rock, Mine suit breather, Mr. Gutsy model, Mr. Handy model, Oil Can, Protectron model, Ring stand, Robot parts model, Sentry bot model, Ski pole, Small glass jar lid, Small glass jar ring, Small glass jar top, Steel guitar, Surgical tray, Tin pitcher, Toy rocketship, TV dinner tray, Unrusted tin can, Vault-Tec alarm clock, Wakemaster alarm clock.
Antiseptic | Waste antiseptic

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.1

Antiseptic is quite rare material using which you can make drugs and medicine. It can be found by scraping pre-war cosmetics and cleaning products.

Sources list:

Abraxo cleaner, Abraxo cleaner industrial grade, Autopsy board game, Blood sac, Empty blood sac, Industrial solvent, Royal jelly, Tick blood sac, Toothpaste, Turpentine, Undamaged abraxo cleaner, Waste antiseptic.
Asbestos | Raw asbestos

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.1

Asbestos is quite rare material using which you can make equipment mods and chems. It can be found by scraping pre-war cosmetics and cleaning products. Also you can get from killing anglers.

Sources list:

Biometric scanner, Catch the Commie board game, Chalk, Cigarette carton, Coffee pot, Extinguisher, Luxobrew coffee pot, Oven mitt, Pack of cigarettes, Preserved cigarette pack, Rat poison, Raw asbestos, Teapot, Undamaged cigarettes, Unscorched oven mitt, Untarnished coffee pot.
Ballistic fiber | Ballistic fiber scrap

Rarity: $$$
Weight: 0.1

Ballistic fiber is very rare material using which you can repair or make armor and suits. It can be found by scraping military ammo bag and other military junk.

Sources list:

Ballistic fiber scrap, Bulk ballistic fiber, Military ammo bag, Military grade duct tape, Mysterious fur, Torn mothman wing.
Black titanium | Black titanium scrap

Rarity: $$$
Weight: 0.1

Black titanium is very rare material using which you can craft PA components. You can get it by scraping mole miner items.

Sources list:

Black titanium ingot, Black titanium scrap, High Int rock, Miner suit scrap.
Bone | Bone shards

Rarity: $
Weight: 0.05

Bone are common materials using which you can craft chems. You can get it by killing animals and scraping their bones or by finding bone shards on wastelands.

Sources list:

Autopsy board game, Beaver teeth, Brahmin skull, Broken femur, Broken tibia, Bulk bone shards, Capless skull, Cracked deathclaw egg, Cystalline Scorched head, Deathclaw hand, Femur, Human jaw, Jarred Scorched foot, Jarred Scorched hand, Jarred Scorched head, Jawless brahmin skull, Large left antler, Large right antler, Large Sheepsquatch Horn, Left arm bones, Left foot bones, Left hand bones, Left leg bones, Megasloth claw, Mole rat teeth, Mutated Scorched head, Mysterious quill, Pelvis bones, Rib cage, Rib cage and pelvis, Rib cage and spine, Right arm bones, Right foot bones, Right hand bones, Right leg bones, Scorchbeast bones, Sheepsquatch skull, Skull, Skull cap bone, Skull eye socket, Skull faceplate, Skull fragment, Small left antler, Small right antler, Spine, Tibia, Upper skull.
Ceramic | Ceramic scrap

Rarity: $
Weight: 0.05

Ceramic is common material using which you can craft in C.A.M.P structures. You can get it by scraping vases or garden gnomes.

Sources list:

Ashtray, Black bowl, Blue garden gnome, Bowl, Broken garden gnome, Bulk ceramic, Ceramic bowl, Ceramic scrap, Chinese ornamental vase, Clean bowl, Clean coffee cup, Clean red plate, Clean umbrella stand, Clean white plate, Coffee cup, Cracked bowl, Dirty ashtray, All kinds of vases, Flower pot, HH-3A capacitor, High-powered magnet, High-powered magne, Huffwarbler teapot, Large dinner plate, Large plate, Large serving plate, Memor-eaze coffee cup, Mischievous kobold, Orange bowl, Red garden gnome, Red plate, Saucer, Small dinner plate, Small plate, Small serving plate, Souvenir coffee cup, Souvenir magnet cow, Teacup, Teapot, Umbrella stand, Unused ashtray, VTU coffee cup, White plate, Yellow plate, Yellow-trimmed plate.
Circuitry | Circuits

Rarity: $$$
Weight: 0.1

Circuits are very rare materials using which you can craft in C.A.M.P structures, equipment and other electricity things. You can get it from robots and pre-war electric devices.

Sources list:

Assaultron circuit board, Circuits, Detonator, Enhanced targeting card, Flight data recorder, Fusion pulse charge, Hot plate, Military-grade circuit board, Radio jammer, Scrap Assaultron head, Security bot component, Sensor module, Telephone.
Cloth | Raw cloth

Rarity: $
Weight: 0.05

Cloth is common materials using which you can outfits. You can get it by scraping book or items like that.

Sources list:

Bag of chlorine, Baseball base, Black napkin, Box of San Francisco Sunlights, Broken doll w/o left arm, Broken doll w/o right arm, Broken doll w/o right leg, Bubblegum bear, Bulk cloth, Bumblebear, Burger tray, Burnt book, Burnt fashion magazine, Burnt Grognak comic, Burnt lifestyle magazine, Burnt Manta-Man comic, Burnt Mistress of Mystery comic, Burnt textbook, Burnt trade magazine, Burnt Unstoppables comic, Candy fan Mr. Fuzzy, Charleston Herald, Checker tie Mr. Fuzzy, Cigar, Cigar box, Cigarette, Cigarette carton, Comfy pillow, Comrade Chubs, Cotton yarn, Detective Case File, Dirty old teddy bear, Dirty pillow, Dishrag, Doll, Doll head, Doll right arm, Duct tape, Emerald tie Mr. Fuzzy, Feather duster, Folder, Gold tie Mr. Fuzzy, Home plate, Hot dog tray, Imported Chinese panda, Jangles the Moon Monkey, Jumbo candy fan Mr. Fuzzy, Jumbo checker tie Mr. Fuzzy, Jumbo gold tie Mr. Fuzzy, Jumbo silver tie Mr. Fuzzy, Late edition newspaper, Lil' Ginger Snuggles, Lit cigar, Mop, Mr. Fuzzy, Mysterious fur, Napkin, Nuka-Cola cup, Nuka-Cola cup and straw, Orange napkin, Orange tie Mr. Fuzzy, Oven mitt, Pack of cigarettes, Pack of duct tape, Paintbrush, Pillow, Pizza tray, Pre-War money, Preserved cigarette pack, Pristine teddy bear, Purple tie Mr. Fuzzy, Quantum bear, Radbear, Raw cloth, Red tie Mr. Fuzzy, Rolled charleston herald, Ruby tie Mr. Fuzzy, Sealed Charleston Herald, Silver tie Mr. Fuzzy, Souvenir sloth toy, Souvenir teddy bear, Spooky time Mr. Fuzzy, Stogie, Stuffed grizzly, Stuffed polar bear, Teddy bear, Teddy Fear, Toilet paper, Trifold American flag, Undamaged American flag, Undamaged cigarettes, Unscorched oven mitt.

Coal | Coal

Rarity: $
Weight: 0.1

Coal is common material using which you can make few things in C.A.M.P. You can get it from ore or by scraping mining items.

Sources list:
Concrete | Concrete scrap

Rarity: $
Weight: 0.05

Concrete is common material using which you can craft in C.A.M.P structures. You can get it by scraping bag of cements and other concrete, pre-war things. (garden gnomes)

Sources list:
Copper | Copper scrap

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.1

Copper is rare material using which you can craft in C.A.M.P electricity structures and craft energy weapons. You can get it by scraping old lamps or devices and from copper ore.

Sources list:
Cork | Cork scrap

Rarity: $
Weight: 0.03

Cork is common material using which you can craft some mods. You can get it by scraping balls and globes.

Sources list:
Crystal | Crystal shards

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.1

Crystal is rare material using which you can craft ammo and weapons. You can get it by scraping scientists' devices like microscope and from crystal ore.

Sources list:
Fertilizer | Raw fertilizer

Rarity: $
Weight: 0.1

Fertilizer is common material using which you can plant crops and make grenades. You can make it from rotten meat and fruits / vegetables or find it in bags and scrap it.

Sources list:
Fiber optics | Fiber optics bundle

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.05

Fiber optics bundle is rare material using which you can craft weapons. You can get it from devices on wasteland.

Sources list:
Fiberglass | Fiberglass spool

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.05

Fiberglass is rare material using which you can craft weapons. You can get it from devices on wasteland and from some boxes.

Sources list:

Rarity: $$$
Weight: 1

Flux is very rare material using which you can craft ammo and C.A.M.P structures. You can get it from scorchbeast queen or by crafting it from after-atomic drop plants

Sources list:
Gears | Loose gears

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.1

Gears are rare material using which you can craft C.A.M.P devices. You can get it from robots and electronic devices.

Sources list:
Glass | Glass shards

Rarity: $
Weight: 0.05

Glass is common material using which you can craft C.A.M.P structures, weapons and mods. You can get it by scraping bottles and sometimes from electronic devices.

Sources list:
Gold | Gold scrap
Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.05

Gold is rare material using which you can craft C.A.M.P structures, weapons, mods and armors (PA also). You can get it by scraping gold things, like watches or from gold ore.

Sources list:
Lead | Lead scrap

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.1

Lead is rare material using which you can craft ammo. You can get it by scraping some kind of balls or from ore.

Sources list:
Leather | Raw leather

Rarity: $
Weight: 0.05

Leather is common material using which you can craft outfits. You can get it by killing animals or by scraping leather things.

Sources list:
Nuclear material | Nuclear waste

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.1

Nuclear material is rare material using which you can craft drinks, chems and C.A.M.P. structures. You can get it from ore or by scraping some devices.

Sources list:
Oil | Waste oil

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.1

Oil is rare material using which you can craft devices in C.A.M.P. and ammo. You can get it from oil extractor or by scraping petrol or gas canisters.

Sources list:
Plastic | Molded plastic

Rarity: $
Weight: 0.05

Plastic is common material using which you can craft devices in C.A.M.P., armors, and weapons. You can get it from gold balls and plastic pumpkins.

Sources list:
Rubber | Raw rubber

Rarity: $
Weight: 0.05

Rubber is common material using which you can craft devices in C.A.M.P., and armors (also mods). You can get it by scraping basket balls and building equipment.

Sources list:
Screw | Loose screws

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.03

Screws are rare materials using which you can craft devices in C.A.M.P. You can get it by scraping fans or writing machines.

Sources list:
Silver | Silver scrap

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.05

Silver is rare material using which you can craft devices in C.A.M.P., armor and military equipment. You can get it by scraping silver jewelery or from ore.

Sources list:
Spring | Loose springs

Rarity: $$
Weight: 0.1

Spring is rare material using which you can craft devices in C.A.M.P. You can get it by scraping watches, typewriters, fishing rodes etc.

Sources list:
Steel | Steel scrap

Rarity: $
Weight: 0.05

Steel is common material using which you can craft devices in C.A.M.P., armor, weapos and generaly everything. You can get it by scraping weapons and armor or from ore.

Sources list:
Ultracite | Ultracite scrap

Rarity: $$$
Weight: 0.1

Ultracite is very rare material using which you can craft ammo and armor. You can get it by killing scorchbeasts or from ore.

Sources list:
Wood | Wood scraps
Rarity: $
Weight: 0.05

Wood is common material using which you can craft C.A.M.P structures, weapons, mods and armors. You can get it by scraping weapons and home things. Also wood can be collected from ground.

Sources list:
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Good luck with collecting every type of junk in game :D

76561197982349247 19 Aug, 2022 @ 4:55am 

X is not rare / rare / very rare

Sources List:
robotfly 6 Jul, 2021 @ 3:20am 
theres a good source of nuclear waste in the nuka cola plant :3
KMCA 10 Jun, 2021 @ 5:06am 
I think you have circuits and fiber optics flipped. I have over 1000 circuits but not even 100 fiber optics. In fact Fiber Optics is the only thing I have less of than Flux.