Just Cause 2

Just Cause 2

272 ratings
achievement guide
By rarestMeow
everything you need to 100% this game
if you want to thank me...
...then check my guide about fixing various game issues: launching, crashing, optimization, stuttering, gamepads, etc. the guide is huge, but the topic is broad to begin with

Welcome to Panau
Complete story mission 1
Casino Bust
Complete story mission 2
The White Tiger
Complete story mission 3
Mountain Rescue
Complete story mission 4
Three Kings
Complete story mission 5
Into the Den
Complete story mission 6
A Just Cause
Complete story mission 7
  • unmissiable achievements, just finish the game and you will get them all
  • in order to unlock next Story Mission you need to get a required amount of Chaos Points:
  • if you finish the game at 100% (complete all territories) then you will have ~2,200,000 Chaos Points, so it means you need to finish ~20% of the game to unlock the final Story Mission, however there is an achievement that requires to finish at least 75% of the game
  • Story Mission #2 is started right after Story Mission #1
  • Story Mission #7 is started right after Story Mission #6
  • Story Missions have the following icons:

Top Agent
Bonus for completing the game on normal difficulty
Heroic Agent
Bonus for completing the game on hard difficulty. Also gives you the bonus for normal difficulty
Legendary Agent
Bonus for completing the game on extreme difficulty. Also gives you the bonus for hard and normal difficulties
  • the names of difficulties in achievements' descriptions do not correspond with in-game names. the right layout:
    Top Agent
    Heroic Agent
    Legendary Agent
  • those achievements do stack, so finishing the game on Hardcore difficult will yield all three achievements
  • few advice for Hardcore (Extreme) difficulty:
    • spend some hours on building up your armor/health. just run around and pick various collectables to boost Rico's survivability, with ~150 things collected you can pretty much ace that difficulty with little worry. if you have issues, then continue collecting things, check "Leaving No Rock Unturned" achievement
    • your weapons of choice is Machine Gun[justcause.fandom.com] with SMG[justcause.fandom.com]. those two fully leveled up guns can mow any enemy
    • the first few hours of playing might be offputting and you may die a lot, after leveling up your stuff the difficulty becomes way more bearable

First Taste of Chaos
Cause chaos for the first time
  • unmissable achievement - for that you need to destroy (sabotage) a single government building
  • in the first Story Mission game forces you to destroy the Silos (to come through the mounted guns) - that is pretty much mandatory and you will eventually obtain that achievement
  • if for some reasons you happen to not obtain it, then the following Story Missions require to destroy stuff too and you cannot miss it again
  • it is actually an interesting challenge: trying to play as much as possible without getting that achievement
strongholds and factions
Gaining a Foothold
Complete 3 stronghold takeovers
Conqueror of Panau
Complete 9 stronghold takeovers
  • very important! finish that achievement before starting Story Mission #6 ("Into the Den"), or otherwise you may not get it unless you start a new game
  • Strongholds are essential settlements that you need to conquer in order to unlock more faction missions, see "A Trusted Ally" achievements
  • the first three Strongholds you can complete right after the second Story Mission. the more Strongholds you will unlock after getting enough Chaos Points
  • obviously, the latter Strongholds are more difficult that the earlier ones
  • at the end of each Stronghold you need to kill a commander who is driven either UH-10 Chippewa (helicopter) or SV-1003 Raider (Armored Fighting Vehicle)
  • every Stronghold features a mounted gunner, or a Demolition Officer, or a Rockeeter
  • in your PDA you can sort/filter Stronghold Takeovers. they have the following icon (five-pointed star)

A Trusted Ally
Complete 49 faction missions
  • very important! finish that achievement before starting Story Mission #6 ("Into the Den"), or otherwise you may not get it unless you start a new game
  • there are x49 faction missions in the game, so you need to finish them all to obtain that achievement
  • you unlock new faction missions after completing a Stronghold takeover (see how on images below new activities have appeared after conquering a Stronghold):
  • majority of the faction missions are ridiculously easy and you mostly need to kill someone or escort something into drop-off point. if you still have the issues, then consult those walkthroughs:
  • in your PDA you can sort/filter faction missions. they have the following icon (three-pointed star)
extra tools
there are two extra tools that you may find useful, while grinding those achievements

(1) Just Cause 2 Interactive Map[jc2map.info] - is a web-site where you can check the locations of all collectables and sabotage items online with convenient zoom and sort/filter features

(2) JC2MapViewer[github.com] - is a local software that reads your savefile and accurately tells which things you have missed and shows their locations

Complete 100 sabotages
Complete 1000 sabotages
  • check "extra tools" paragraph above
  • for that achievement you need to destroy lots of government-owned building and equipment. they all have a white/red star on them and usually are of red color. some examples:
  • the following things count towards that achievement: Baby Panau Statues, Broadcast Towers, Communication Towers, Cranes, Factory Chimneys, Fuel Depots, Fuel Shafts, Gas Holders, Gas Pumps, Generators, Mobile Radars, Offshore Rigs, Pipeline, Propaganda Trailer, Satellite Dishes, SAM Sites, Silos, Transformers, Radars, Radio Masts, Water Towers, Wind Turbines
  • the following things DO NOT count towards that achievement: Barrels, Colonels, any vehicles
  • in total, there are 3,503 things to destroy, so 1,000 of them is just a ~30%, which isn't that much. however, because of "Perfectionist" achievement you will most likely sabotages WAY more items, so that achievement isn't an issue
  • mind that certain items can be destroyed with explosives only. so leveling up your grenades will be a wise choice
  • also don't hesitate on using attack helicopters or armored military vehicle - you can usually find them on Army Bases and sometimes on Strongholds

Destruction Frenzy
Destroy 30 objects in 60 seconds
  • any object will count, from the regular sabotage items (see "Saboteur" and "Destroyer" achievements above) to numerous barrels, vehicle and even parts of the scenery
  • in the very first story mission you will find a Flak gun, use it to blow up everything around you. there are exactly 32 items to destroy, so you may obtain that achievement in the first 10min playing
  • the very bulletproof method to get that achievement outside the missions, is to blow-up Fuel Shaft. Fuel Shafts are those holes with a console at the bottom, where you need to insert a combination and get out before everything explodes. if you don't destroy barrels here and detonate Fuel Shaft, then you can easily destroy 60-65 items at once, which more that satisfies achievement's condition. their locations:

Finders Keepers
Collect 100 resource items
Leaving No Rock Unturned
Collect 1000 resource items
  • check "extra tools" paragraph above
  • resource items are those white boxes that either boost your health, give extra cash or provide upgrade parts for the guns/vehicle
  • there are 2,518 resource items in total, so you pretty much need to collect ~40% of them
  • your HUD has a hot-n-cold feature that shows nearby resource items and how away they are from Rico. it is indicated by signal-bars in top-left corner. "signal" is getting better when resource item is nearby
  • when you nearby a resource item a white arrow pointing to its location will appear

Faction Benefactor
Collect 150 faction items
  • check "extra tools" paragraph above
  • for that achievement you need to find x150 faction items: Black Boxes, Skulls and Drug Units
  • there are x300 faction items in total, so you need to collect exactly 50% of them
  • faction items are shown on your PDA as the blue dots, but you need to take over a nearby Stronghold first (see how on images below blue dots have appeared):

Professional Hitman
Assassinate 25 colonels
  • check "extra tools" paragraph above
  • Colonels are elite soldiers you can find in various settlements. they are equipped with a heavy machinegun and have a full-body armor that protects anything but their heads. they are surrounded by 4 officers with M-16 (you can easily identify them by blue berets)
  • in order to kill them, Rico has to use a minigun, vehicle mounted weapon, explosives - or just to land a few precise headshots with any other weapon
  • Colonels are not hard and can be easily dealt with on any difficulty mode, just don't let all other enemies surround you
  • after killing a Colonel game informs you about "military moral has been reduced", but that message has no real effect, and is just a way to salute you, that's all
  • by the way, Rico is ~180cm (~6 ft) but the Colonels are way-way taller that him, making them ~240cm (~7.5 ft) tall. no jokes. they are sorta mutants if you ask me
  • there are, in total 50 Colonels, so you need to kill at least half of them
Discover 100 locations
  • there 369 settlements in Panau and you need to uncover at least 100 of them, which itsn't too much. however, because of "Perfectionist" achievement, you will likely discover WAY more of them
  • look at you PDA for the small yellow dots - those are undiscovered settlements, travel to them and when you will be about ~20m away they will become discovered and their icon will be changed
  • the fastest way to uncover them all is fly around on a helicopter or airplane. mind, however that if you have too much altitude you will not discover those settlements. also double-mind SAMs that can shoot your plane down

Freeroamer 1
Reach 100% complete in 15 locations
Freeroamer 2
Reach 100% complete in 100 locations
  • you need to collect all resource items, sabotage all equipment and kill a Colonel in the location. check "Destroyer", "Leaving No Rock Unturned" and "Professional Hitman" achievements for the help
  • when you completed a settlement, its icon will have a green check
  • collecting faction items does not contribute towards this achievement
  • SAMs are tricky. SAMs outside of Strongholds DO count towards the location's 100%, but SAMs inside Strongholds do not. why developers made that exception I dunno
  • at the beginning of the game it is better to stay away from army bases and huge cities and complete various villages. some of those villages have just 1-2 things to collect for 100% competition
  • some settlements (usually huge cities) can be 100%'ed even if you still miss 1-2 things to destroy or collect, due to roundup. it gives you a bit margin for errors, but such margin is still very low
  • if you going for army base, then prepare a lot of firepower and, preferably, a helicopter or Razorback
  • fuel shafts and pipelines can be destroyed only via the consoles (with QTE)

Halfway there
Reach 50% completion in the normal mode or mercenary mode
Reach 75% completion in the normal mode or mercenary mode
  • the following contributes towards competition: Agency missions, Faction missions, Challenges, sabotages, resource Items, faction items, Colonels, 100%ing various settlements
  • they ares one of the most troublesome achievements, because they take too much time to complete. overall, you need ~60h to finish the game at 75%
  • the highest amount of points you get for completing various missions and challenges, so finish them first. they alone will net you ~20% without anything else
  • you can always check your current competition percentage in either save/load screen, or in PDA (after finishing all Agency missions)
  • it is impossible to finish the game at 100% without external patch[videogamemods.com]. x1 watertower and x6 resource items do not appear in the game, but contribute towards fully completion. the patch above fixes it by placing missing stuff at X:18111,Y:15326. without the patch the highest competition you may get is 99,95%
Up to the Challenge 1
Complete 10 challenges
Up to the Challenge 2
Complete 50 challenges
  • for that achievement you need to complete 50/75 challenges (races). there are four different types: land race, water race, air race and parachuting. the latter is the hardest and frustrating. if you stuck and cannot beat some, then move on, don't waste your time
  • challenges are marked with a flag symbol in your PDA. they are unlocked after overtaking a nearby Stronghold (compare images below):
  • lots of challenges are located in Panau City, so it might be a good place to start
  • during the challenge you can use either vehicle provided by the game (spawned nearby), or get/call-for whatever vehicle you want. so, if you struggle with some default vehicle, try to upgrade some fast car from Black Market and call for it
  • if you cannot complete some air challenges, try to call for a helicopter. for example, the race "Bridge of Death" (considered to be one of the harder challenge in the game) is way easier with a helicopter rather than with an airplane

Road Trip
Travel 75 kilometers by land vehicle
  • easy-peasy achievement. to start with, you will use land vehicle in various missions. second of all, you will drive quite a lot of land vehicles during the challenges. you most likely will have ~150km by the end of the game, anyway. I don't see any point to grind that achievement at all

Stunt Driver
Get 100 stunt driver points
  • there are two methods to get that achievement quick:
  • the first method is driving a really fast car around Panau city. for example, you can get Titus ZX in "Barat Bridge Insanity" challenge. Panau City is, basically, a huge circle, just travel very fast clockwise until you done
  • the second method is more amusing. travel to Panau International Airport and tangle your car (preferably Poloma Renegade) to the Aeroliner 474 (a huge plane). now just patiently wait until both of you will be in the air and enjoy free stunt points
  • overall, that achievement is easy. 100 driver points are not that hard to get and you. most likely, will have ~150 points near the end of game eventually

Step Out of the Vehicle
Hijack 50 enemy vehicles
  • hijacking happens only with military vehicles: land, water or air. you can easily tell you are hijacking the vehicle if a QTE appeared
  • the easiest way to get that achievement is to hijack boats. just cling across from one boar to another and continue hijacking them. if you raise your heat meter too high then helicopters start to appear - hijack them too for the sake of it

Bridge Limbo
Fly an airplane under 30 unique bridges in Panau
  • a tricky achievement. to start with, there are lots of bridges in the game, but not all of them count for that achievement. oddly, but some wide bridges with lots of open space do not count, while some crampy tight bridges with barely enough space to fly under do count. go figure
  • check "extra tools" paragraph". it features a JC2MapViewer software that can accurately tell the location of all bridges you can fly under (you can fly under a single bridge only once)
  • the locations of all Bridge Limbos (175 in total, you need only 30):
  • use fully upgraded Pell Silverbolt 6 from Black Market for that job. its small size and good handling will make that task very easy
  • drive your plane under the bridges and if you see "Bridge Limbo" notification, then you have done everything tight
  • some bridges have very little space for maneuver. if you can't fly your plane through it, then disregard and move to the next bridge, dpn't waste your time. I mean look at this:

Low Flyerr
Fly an airplane close to the ground for 30 seconds
  • the easiest place to get that achievement is the river in Berawan Besar Mountains (main continent). just get your favorite plane and fly close to the water. you can easily get 60+ sec here

Test Driver
Drive 30 different vehicles
Trying Anything Once
Drive all 104 vehicles
  • to start with, DLCs do count towards "x104 vehicles", but you don't need DLCs in order to get that achievement. the trick is that there are exactly x104 unique vehicles in the game, but driving DLCs exclusive vehicles contribute towards the achievement's progress, allowing you to skip up to x6 vehicles (x110 in total). on image below you can see that I have obtained "x105 unique vehicles" because of driven DLC's ones
  • in a current version of the game you can obtain all vehicle just fine, with an exception of Bering I-86DP, which can be missed quite easily: it spawns in two settlements only: "Kem Jalan Merpati" airport (X:9435; Y:28190) and "Kem Udara Wau Pantas" (X:22160; Y:23265). if you have completed both those settlements, then Bering I-86DP will no longer spawn in your game, at all. in order to get it, you have to perform a very specific glitch[justcause.fandom.com]
  • for the location of all vehicles, including their coordinates, go check official wiki[justcause.fandom.com]
  • PDA has a database, where player may check which vehicle he have obtained and which ones don't
Parachute Climber
Open the parachute and then land on foot 300 meters above the starting height.
  • you may get achievement on pretty much any high mountain, but I think the one below (on the screenshots) is the easiest spot for that challenge. see that mountain marked by a yellow waypoint? that is your goal
  • now, open your parachute and hold "S" (back), every now and then press "F" (hook) and give yourself a boost and move around. don't let "S", hold it all the way. continually press "F" to navigate yourself to the top of mountain and enjoy your achievement (you can easily rock here up to 900m of climbing)

Top of the World
Stand on foot at the highest point of Panau
  • the highest point of Panau is located at X:20500 and Y:11800, nearby "Kem Gunung Raya" amd " Gunung Tasik" military bases, nearby Reapers' "Clear Skies" and "Jumping Parole" missions. at the top of the peek you can find a Ular Boys' skull (faction item)
  • when Rico reach that place he will say "look, Ma, I said look! top of the world, again!"

I Believe I Can Fly
Base jump 1000 meters
  • ask for the extraction to "Mile High Club" location (a giant flying wh0rehouse). grapple yourself at the top of the blimp
  • now just jump down and open a parachute when you see "1,000m" mark has been passed. easy as that
kills, 1
Body Count
Kill 750 enemies
  • 750 enemies is a low number and, by the end of the game, without any grinding you will have ~3,000 kills

Killing Frenzy
Kill 20 enemies in 60 seconds
  • the best place to get that achievement is Ular Boys' "Holy Smoke" mission. that mission is unlocked after all three Ular Boys' strongholds have been overtaken. in case if you passed that mission and don't want to replay the game, then pickup my savefile[drive.google.com]
  • during that task three waves of enemies will attack you from three directions. there are plenty of ammo, grenades and place for maneuver. you can easily get as many as ~40 kills in 60sec, which is more than enough

Invincible Warrior
Kill 50 enemies in a row with inventory weapons without losing health
  • that achievement might seem difficult, but there is one nice place where you can easily get it in ~10min
  • during Agency mission 2 ("Casino Bust") there is moment where you need to help Karl Blaine to fight off attackers. instead of dropping into the glass overpass tunnel, stay above and shoot the soldiers
  • soldiers will constantly respawn (two from each side) and they will never target you. continue killing them until achievement is yours. there are two boxes with M16 on the nearby towers
  • achievement's description, by the way, is misleading. you MAY lose health, just don't let it get to the critical level (when regeneration kicks in)

Kill 50 enemies with headshots
  • another complementary achievement that will be obtained long before all other achievements. in fact, that achievement is so easy that likely will be acquired before you kill x750 enemies ("Body Count" achievement)
kills, 2
Unarmed and Dangerous
Kill 50 enemies using melee attacks
  • elementary achievement that requires to press "Q" button few times to kill the enemies with melee attacks. try to attack enemies outside the military bases, otherwise you might get screwed quite fast

Gravity is a B1tch!
Kill 30 enemies by using the grappling hook and making them fall to their death
  • use a grapple hook to pull down enemies from the sniper towers (outposts) nearby the military bases. just aim at them, press "F" and wait for their demise
  • sometimes those enemies will die by hitting the ceiling of their towers. such deaths count towards the achievement
  • it is also a good idea to shoot such enemies in legs/stomach a few times from a light weapon to reduce their health, because sometimes they don't by a fall damage

Kill 30 enemies while they're falling through the air
  • for that achievement you need to use a grappling hook to pull the enemies closer, and while they are in the air - shoot them dead

Hang 'em High!
Kill 30 enemies while they're suspended in the air with the grappling hook
  • travel to Panau city and look for the overpass
  • cause chaos a bit to trigger few soldiers. press and hold "F" at soldier and then aim at overpass and release "F"
  • if done right, then soldier will be launched into the air, kill him while he is struggling

Piñata Party
Kill 5 enemies with the melee attack while they're suspended with the grappling hook
  • the same thing as "Hang 'em High!" achievement, only use melee weapons to kill a target

Road Rage
Kill 30 enemies by mowing them down with vehicles
  • surprisingly tough achievement, because land vehicles deal pathetically low damage on low speed and enemies can easily destroy them, but achievement is getting way easier on the water
  • circle around Panau and look for army boats, use grappling hook to pull enemies down and hijack the vehicle (don't kill soldiers, let them swim helplessly)
  • then just give them a taste of their own medicine boat

Follow Me!
Kill 5 enemies by dragging them behind a vehicle with the grappling hook
  • ideally, you need some fast vehicle with good enough armor, but really, any car will work just alright, for as long as you don't try to storm the military base with it
  • press and hold "F" at soldier and then aim at car and release "F"
  • if done right, then an enemy will be attached to the car. drive around on high speed and he will eventually die. repeat five times

Wrecking Ball
Kill 5 enemies by smashing them with an object tethered to your vehicle with the grappling hook
  • travel to the "Paya Luas Military Airport" X:28412 Y:5704. here you will find URGA-9380 and Si-47 Leopard in the same hangar, tangle them together
  • jump into the URGA-9380 and use the jet as a wrecking ball to kill anyone stupid enough to try stop you

if you want to thank me...
...then check my guide about fixing various game issues: launching, crashing, optimization, stuttering, gamepads, etc. the guide is huge, but the topic is broad to begin with
TheHolyVertebae 4 Oct, 2024 @ 4:20am 
Best way to get Invincible Warrior. Not grindy at all! Great guide!
Diego 19 Aug, 2024 @ 9:29am 
This guide is the GOAT, thanks mate ;D
2J丶 5 Jun, 2023 @ 12:21am 
About the Invincible Warrior, first I'd like to say that the way in chapter 2 is rather useful, but if anyone who missed it, and don't want to start the game from the beginning, can try to download the god mod, from my test, it can also help with this achievement.
2J丶 4 Jun, 2023 @ 8:45pm 
Thanks for the guide, also I wanna share my experience about the Trying Anything Once. In the wiki page, it doesn't show the locations of all vehicles. After using the black market mod, I found that there were still 2 bikes locked in the vehicle list, although I've used every bike in the mod. Luckily, I still got the achievement with 102/104 in the vehicle list.
paranaue 27 Mar, 2023 @ 1:11pm 
Merrdem 16 Mar, 2023 @ 12:16pm 
Thanks for the guide, very well explained etc.
MajsterHeadshot 2 Jan, 2023 @ 6:47am 
i have 64% and try hard to master
uhryab 20 Dec, 2022 @ 7:52am 
Spimne 13 Sep, 2022 @ 9:19am 
do you think 1 could do all these things in 67h?
varun 24 Aug, 2022 @ 3:36pm 
i love