Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

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How to Hold Your Own in Multiplayer
By Gemina
This is a guide that should help you with strategy in order to improve yourself in Star Wars Battlefront II Multiplayer. I am certainly not the best player yet this is a guide for how to hold your own, how to be OK at the game.
The basics of Multiplayer Battlefront II is using all of your resources effectively. That is probably the biggest snip of advice I can give you. Whilst playing it is easy to forget that you have grenades, mines, a drone, DetPacks, etc. Yet to rack of the most kills and defend yourself the best you need to use all of those things effectively.
The Units
A very important part of the game are the units involved. All of many special abilities and weapons only available to their class. Ideally it would be most beneficial to be proficient in every class but that can be very difficult for a new player to learn. The importent thing is to recognize your abilities and preferences and cater to a unit that fits you.
Generic Soldier
This is the basic soldier. They are equiped with a blaster rifle, a pistol, and thermal detonators (rockets on the Super Battle Droid). Their rifle is of a relatively high rate of fire so they are pretty good all around but not too powerful. The con is that there are no specialized weapons or abilities for this unit given that it is the standard.

Here are all of the Generic Units from all of the factions.
Heavy Soldier
This is a heavy trooper. The soldier is equiped with a Rocket Launcher, Pistol, Thermal Detonators, and Mines. This soldier packs a lot of power. There are many strategies for playing this player. Cons are that your launcher has only seven rounds and the pistol is a pretty weak sidearm. Pros are that if you have good aim the launcher can shoot a powerful projectile right at the feet of an opponent. Mines are also great to place on walls and in doorways.

Below are all of the Heavy Soldiers.

Placing a mine on a doorway wall can give an opponent a nasty suprise rounding a corner.

One thing else, if you find yourself fighting A LOT of people sprint, roll, and jump around while dropping mines around you. This gives the possibility of one of your many enemies to step on it and be blown up.
The sniper is a great unit for combat from far away. The Sniper is equiped with a sniper rifle, pistol, thermal detonators, and a sentry gun. It usually take two hits in the torso for a kill. The zoom on the rifle is good. A con is that it is difficult to fight in close combat due to the weak pistol or lack of cross-hairs for the rifle out of scoped mode.

Here are all of the Snipers.

Either maps are built for snipers or very un-doable. Say, Mustafar and Tantive IV are very bad maps for snipers due to a lack of open space and position. But, Kamino and Kyshyyyk (my favorites for sniping) are very god dur to the large amount of open space and positions.

Basic strategy is this, after a couple shots move positions (whilst reloading maybe?). The lasers of the rifles are easy to trace if you are near one, so a sniper's position could be found quite easily.

Stay as far away from the close quarters fighting as posible, because that is the sniper's weakness.
The Engineer
The engineer is a great close up and personal unit. The Engineer is equiped with a Shot-Gun, a "sonic screwdriver", DetPacks, and resupplies of Health and Ammo. Cons are the fact that the shotgun is fairly weak and only effective at close range. Pros are the fact that you can administer yourself ammo and health and you have detpacks.

Here are the Engineers.

Basic strategy, if in the middle of a Fire-Fight charge right into the fray and lay down a DetPack. Detonate it then when many enemies are around. This can kill them instantly and it won't hurt teammates (on certain settings). Also you can kind of throw the DetPack and detonate it from a distance. Other good options are depositing it in a doorway or wall and then watching for prey.

Don't worry I will try to make more profiles concerning the special units.

I hope you enjoyed this guide and please comment with any and all recomendations but please leave out the hate, I'm only trying to help. I will edit this guide with the more participation I get so please do! I hope this helped some of the newer players. One thing to Remember...

Always use your Resources and Practice Practice Practice!
Gemina  [author] 14 Sep, 2014 @ 10:58am 
@Jaspo i completely agree, you have many great points!
Jaspo 10 Sep, 2014 @ 4:12am 
Engineer det noobs ftw; gets even better with friendly fire off! What I'm referring to is a skill that most decent players have acquired, that of tossing a detpack precisely where you want it and blowing it up in your enemy's face, on the fly. Sniping is difficult in multiplayer due to the lag; it makes most shots miss even if they should've hit. Same with playing as the soldier class, though less pronounced. Multiplayer play is dominated by the area-of-effect instant kill weapons, mainly det packs, rocket launchers, mines, and for skilled players, shotguns which soon become award shotguns.
Gemina  [author] 14 Jun, 2014 @ 11:23am 
I hope
Gemina  [author] 13 Jun, 2014 @ 5:14pm 
Really Sad
DucksOnQuack 7 Jun, 2014 @ 12:27pm 
few servers people are running