Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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Позначки: v1.2.2
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2.385 MB
2 черв. 2021 о 14:12
6 черв. 2021 о 21:18

Підпишіться, аби завантажити

Sticksson's 2WS is a steam locomotive powered by a real steam engine. I built her after the latest major update to be able to see how the performance was around steam engines. I hope you will like her and if you have any questions or concerns, just write.

How to operate:

1. Fill up the firingbox with coal. It will take some time to build up pressure.
2. A green light will turn on when the steam pressure is ready.
3. Put the reverser to maximum forward.
4. Relese all brakes.
5. Put the clutch to maximum and the locomotive may begin to move.
6. regelate the speed by using the steam pressure lever, You can find the lever on the left side.

Good luck!

I have put a speed limit to about 100km/h, why?
Well...I want this locomotive to be realistic as possible.

04 June 2021- Fixed the problem with the drive wheels and added some more details.
05 June 2021- Added winches in both front and rear.
07 June 2021- Added a bridge in the rear and a bell.


Do not reupload without permission!

Please make sure that the steam engine has no pressure while filling up with water otherwise there might be a explosion.

2 Class wagon
1 Class wagon
Goods wagon
Coal wagon
Brake cabin
Коментарів: 27
!-Blokkemessi-! 12 черв. 2022 о 9:13 
Tusen takk! :partygoblin:
Stickan  [автор] 12 черв. 2022 о 9:07 
!-Blokkemessi-! Jeg förstår Norsk men icke så kämpe bra på att skriva. Jeg önskar deg lycka till med din vagn.
!-Blokkemessi-! 12 черв. 2022 о 8:58 
Tusen Takk! Jeg forstår ikke Svensk så godt, men Tusen takk! Men ja, det er ganske mange Folk som stjeler tingene til noen som har jobbet veldig Hardt for en Gjenstand i Workshoppen og i hele Steam Workshop Communitiet! Jeg er ikke verdens beste modder, men jeg skal i hvert fall lage en liten Prototype Transport Vogn for dette! Du skjønner jeg holder på å utforske dypet, så jeg skal lage en liten Prototype og kanskje Lansere den. Kommer an på. :partygoblin:
Stickan  [автор] 9 черв. 2022 о 13:28 
!-Blokkemessi-! Det är möjligt, Har dock inte tillräckligt med tid i dagens läge tyvärr.
!-Blokkemessi-! 9 черв. 2022 о 8:38 
Heisann, hvis du forstår Norsk, er det mulig å lage en transport vågn for dette? Og kanskje en sånn båt kran for en båt for eksempel i Harbor Island eller noe sånt?
Stickan  [автор] 3 листоп. 2021 о 18:23 
LS INDUSTRIER Well i tried it and it works just fine. There's nothing else i can do.
Niklas The Fox 3 листоп. 2021 о 11:42 
It blows up when i spawn it and my game craches after a while
Stickan  [автор] 24 жовт. 2021 о 18:25 
LS INDUSTRIER Of course, the train is useless when you do not do it right. Watch the video and it will be much easier.
Stickan  [автор] 12 черв. 2021 о 19:34 
StarLeoTrek im sorry that i missed that :)
LeoCraft17 12 черв. 2021 о 7:59 
Look Under the locomotive