

144 ratings
A painfully detailed guide to MapleStory [DEC UPDATE] MAPLESCOUTER AND MORE
By Devvult
Up to date Guide for returning/new players alike. [Huge guide update incoming in 2025]
This is my first time making a guide, so I hope it's not too bad. I would've never thought of making a guide, especially a Maplestroy guide at that. But here I am. If you have any feedback I'd be open to hearing it. As long as it constructive feedback that I can work with.

I will try to update this guide as much as possible and keep it up to date. You can see on the right hand side when this guide was last updated. If you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comments section.

I will also try to make a less detailed version of this guide, for those who need a quick guide.

Before we begin, I want all returning players to throw everything they knew about this game out of the window. The reason being that Maplestory is a completely different game from back then. Lots has changed since then, whether you like it or not. Maplestory can be overwhelming at times, there's so much you can do which often leads into demotivation. Don't let that stop you though, after more experience and maybe after this guide, hopefully you will have a better understanding over this game. This guide will be a lot to take in. Take it a step at a time, at your own pace. Even if you have to come back several times to this guide. You can always ask me if you don't understand something, I'll be more than happy to help you.

Now that everyone is a "new player" in this regard let's begin.

Note: I will leave some useful link that other people/creators have made at the end. So even if you don't care about this guide I would still recommend those links as they can help you a lot. Naturally all credit goes to those people who made those links.

What is MapleStory?
MapleStory is a premier side-scrolling MMORPG! Most MMOs transport you to fantastical worlds, but only MapleStory sends you to a retro, 2D universe that recalls the golden age of gaming.

Choose from over forty unique classes, from warriors and magicians to pirates and ninjas. Join millions of other players on an adventure of epic proportions as you hunt down the villainous Black Mage. Interact with dozens of colorful NPCs or form a guild with your friends. The possibilities are nearly endless, and new content is regularly added in thrilling updates. MapleStory may look cute, but don't judge a book by its cover. Its challenging gameplay will put even seasoned veterans to the test.

How to play:
I made this guide a while back but I did not even explain how to play this game. MapleStory is NOT your traditional MMORPG game. Like I mentioned in "What is MapleStory?"; "MapleStory is a premier side-scrolling MMORPG" with emphasis on "Side-scrolling".

MapleStory is a lot like fighting games(excluding Soul Calibur & Tekken). In a sense where there's only 4 ways to move. Instead of the 360° movement, you can only move up, down, right and left ( ↑ ↓ → ← ).

So how do you play?
Like any other MMORPG, MapleStory has a lot of skills you can use. But instead of having to point and click or aim to fire an ability/skill, MapleStory just has stationary or directional skills. Meaning you don't have to aim(for the most part) where your skills go. Which makes it more simple to play.
But don't let that fool you, MapleStory is easy to learn hard to master game, meaning that MapleStory isn't just a simple game that you can pick up and play. Hence why I created this guide.

You play MapleStory using the Arrow Keys ( ↑ ↓ → ← ) instead of the traditional WSDA. Every skill is now bound to: 0-9; a-z; F-F12; CRTL; ALT; INS; DEL; HOME; END; PAGE UP; PAGE DOWN.
And you're going to need ever single keybinding, because MapleStory has a lot of Skills, Pots etc.
Regions & worlds:
The very first thing you get when you start is which region you want to play in. It's either; 1. North America or 2. Europe. Depending of which region you choose your experience will slightly change. I will get into that in a second.

Now what do we have?
Below you will find the two regions you can choose from & the worlds within those regions.
  1. North America
    • Scania
    • Bera
    • Aurora
    • Elysium
    • Reboot (now Kronos & Hyperion)

  2. Europe
    • Luna
    • Reboot

Now which region should you choose and why?
The biggest difference in these two regions is the amount of players. This can either be a pro or a con, depending on your preference. NA being more populated than EU.

Sidenote; I've been playing NA even though I'm EU. Because of the fact that I have people on NA to play with, I can't speak on EU since I don't really have played on it(as of lately). I am sure EU is lots of fun too. (The latency on NA isn't that bad for me. Especially using ExitLag. (not a sponser))

Moving on to the worlds
Depending on which region you chose the outcome of the worlds will be different. Let's start with EU since it only has 2 regions. But before we start about worlds within each region you need to know the difference between a regular server and a "Reboot" server.

What is a Reboot server? And how is it different from a regular server?
A "Reboot" server is a server where "p2w(pay2win)" features are removed. What does that mean? It means that everything you can buy with real life money to progress faster in the game is removed. Instead of that they made it to where you can buy those things with ingame money instead of real life money. But the trade off is, that you can't trade with other people. No pun intended.

Reboot also has additional exp and meso drop rates. Meaning you will level up faster and gain more money ingame. This is a given because everything in this world cost ingame money. So you'll be needing lots of it. At first this sound good on paper/sounds easier. But in reality this is and will be harder when you are a new player. The reason is that because you can't trade you can't progress further if you're stuck. No new gear, no better potions etc. One of the other changes in this server is that you can have more than one profession. Unlike regular worlds, where you can only have one. I will go further into details about what a profession is later in this guide.

You now also have a second option when it comes to Reboot: Hyperion. The exact same as Kronos just a fresh start, meaning less players. This is both a pro and a con, refer to the statement on the EU server having less population.

Note; that cosmetic items are still purchased through real life money. Keep that in mind.

Sidenote; there are a lot of botters(hackers) in this world. Making it sometimes impossible to play(because of no training spots). But this only applies to higher level areas. You won't have to worry about it until very late. I do not know too much of this and neither do I know what Nexon has done to prevent this. Keep that in mind if you if you really want to play in this server. I'd suggest doing a more research for this world.

So why EU? And what does EU have to offer?
EU has two worlds to offer. One being the Reboot we just talked about and the other being a regular server called; "Luna". This is the only regular server, unlike NA who has more than 1 regular server. EU used to have more worlds but they all merged into one, due to the fact that the worlds were underpopulated, making Luna the only world left. With this in mind, EU is a less populated region making it more calmer than NA. If you want a more calmer experience I'd recommend EU. The reason why this is a pro is because if you want to train in a spot it's less likely to be taken by another person. A con, depending on your perspective, is that there are less people to interact with.

So why NA? And what does NA have to offer?
So unlike EU, NA has more regular worlds to choose from. And same as EU, it has Reboot in it. And this being more populated than EU means that this Reboot server will have more botters((hackers)but again, I do not know of this too much. So do your own research). You have more variety to choose from. NA has less populated worlds and also populated worlds. A bit of both, as it should be. Balanced. Out of all these worlds Bera is the most populated. Most streamers either play in Reboot or Bera. So if you want to play with streamers I'd recommend playing in one of those worlds(again I wouldn't recommend Reboot, unless you know what you are doing). But if you don't there are plent of worlds to choose from. But keep in mind that the more players in a server, means less training spots will be available but more gear you can buy from other players. So it's a pro and a con. This goes the other way for less populated worlds, more trainingspots less gear to trade. And depending on which world you choose the economy will be different too. If there are more people, more people will sell the same stuff, making those items less valued. The other way around in less populated worlds. Less people means less items and that means higher prices.

No clue where to start?/Need a recommendation?/Need someone to play with?
I use to play in Bera, now I play on NA Kronos. If you need anyone to play with I'm more than happy to play with you, although I don't play on regular server anymore. My recommendation depends on what you like. But I would for sure recommend NA as a region. Due to the fact that you have more options. Even if you are from EU, the latency isn't that bad(for me). Aside from the region I would recommend NA Bera/Hyperion, but do go to a less populated server if you don't want to play with a lot of people. With that in mind I would recommend either Aurora or Elysium. Aurora being my first choice.
FAQ #1
So now that you have chosen a region and a world, what now? Now you can choose a class to play the game with.

Before choosing a class
There are two events that help you level your character extremely fast. These events are called burning events. Make sure you make use of these events as it's extremely easy to level.

What is the Burning event?
Burning events let's you level 3 times instead of 1 for each normal level. Meaning if you would level up from lv. 10 > lv. 11, instead you level 3 times; so from level 10 > 11 > 13. How do you access a burning event? Well that depends on when the event is running. Only when this event is active can you make a burning character. Does burning last forever? Yes and no. Yes being that after the burning is done you get to keep your character. No being that you character will no longer level 3 times instead of 1 and will go back to the usual 1:1 levels.

Does burning have a limit?
Yes Burning has a limit. As I mentioned before there are two burning events. One goes till lv. 150. And the other one goes till lv. 200. 150 being Mega Burning and 200 being Tera Burning.

Note: That in this event you can get a lot of goodies. I.e. good gear and other various items. Make good use of these and these events.

An overlook of all the classes
Generally there are 5 types of classes.
  1. Warrior
  2. Mage
  3. Pirate
  4. Bowman
  5. Assassin

Each of those classes have their sub-classes and some of those sub-classes have their own sub-classes. That'll make sense in a minute. So let me explain that. Let's take the ancient explorer class for example. If you choose to make an explorer you can choose within that class what you want to become. You can choose one of the above mentioned classes. Let's say you want to become a Warrior. You job advance into a warrior. But within that warrior job class, there are 3 different ways you can choose. Dark Knight, Hero or a Paladin. Depending on what kind of warrior you want you can choose between those three. Dark Knight being a Spear/Pole Arm user. A Hero being a Sword&shield/Two-handed Sword/Axe&shield/Two-handed Axe user. And lastly Paladin being a Sword&shield/Two-handed Sword/Blunt weapon&shield/Two-handed Blunt weapon user. And the same goes for Mages, Pirates, Bowmans & Assasins. But not all classes have these type of sub-classes. For example a Mihile is a warrior. But he can't choose between other warriors because his job is also a Mihile. Unlike Explorers they have warrior class and Dark Knight, Hero & Paladin as jobs.

Before maining a class
Before you make a class there are a few things to point out. Just like any MMORPG, there are classes to choose from. Meaning there will be a class "better" than one another. But this is a stupid way of choosing your class. Never, and I mean never, choose a class based on this. Unlike a MOBA where you playing META will give you advantage over another player, here that wont be it. Mainly because of the fact that this game isn't a PVP game. And just as I stated in the intro, this game is NOT A SPRINT. NOT A COMPETITION. So choose a class YOU LIKE. Not because it's "better"/"META" or because someone else tells you that class "sucks".

That being said there are some classes that are "essential" to make.

Which classes are "essential" and why?
Let's start with the why. Why are they essential you ask? Because they change the fundamental of how you play this game. Depending on the class, it can change how your main plays. The reason why you need these classes are they buff your main class. How? Because of a thing called "Link Skills".
Link skills lets you give a fixed skill of that class to another class. Each class has their own fixed link skill, that you can't change. Let's take a Mercedes(archer type class) for example. Her link skill is "Elven Blessing". Her link skill allows you to gain more %EXP. So it's easier to level. And that's one of the many link skills you can get. You can give that to any of your other classes. This is why it's important to make lots of other classes, solely for that purpose. To buff up your main. But to be able to get these "link skills" you have to have that specific class to at least level 70. There are usually 3 levels of a link skill. First level unlocks at lv. 70, to be able to be used by other classes. After that the second level will be unlocked at lv. 120. And last but not least at lv. 210. Usually level 2 is enough as you start.

So which classes would I recommend for links skills?
First and foremost I would say wait for a Burning Event. So it's easier to level them and get their link skills.

As of which I would recommend? A Mercedes, just as I said in my example, her link skill is essential. To be able to level faster is a godsend.

So first and foremost I would recommend Mercedes(you don't say). Lv. 120 should be enough for now. As well as every other link skill until you either reach a wall or when you're reaching end game. Secondly I would recommend Aran & Evan. As these three classes have EXP boosting link skills. But feel free to skip Aran & Evan. There are others that have a bigger impact on your gameplay than these, but for the time being leveling is your focus until you reach 200. Besides it's good to have EXP based link skills so if you make more characters you can level them up more quickly.

For all other classes link skills, go to Scardor's Google Docs: here[]. There you can see not only the link skills but also the Legion.

What is Legion?
Much like Link Skills, Legion is a grid system buff for your whole world. It's a bit like Tetris, Legion being the grid and your characters are the blocks. And much like Link Skills each class gives their own fixed stat. Your character will be graded according to your lv. The higher the level of the character the higher the grade. For example a SS grade is linked to lv. 200+ and so on. And with that grade comes their own "Tetris" block. Just like how to grade gets better as the level gets higher, the block also gets bigger as the level of your character increases. And just like the fixed stats from the characters the Legion grid also gives bonus stats. You can see the legion in the above mentioned link, along with the link skills.

How should I choose my main?
This all depends on what you like. Who you think looks cool. Because your first character will always be a gamble. You have no idea how each class plays, and each class is different from one another. You can always look at a DPS chart and say; "yeah, I want the strongest class". But do you really want that? What's the fun in that? Like I said in the beginning, and I really can't state this enough, this game is meant to have fun not to be the strongest, nor is it a sprint/competition of who is better/stronger. Play who you like and who you enjoy playing as. If that's a Pirate, YARR away.

If you really aren't sure or if you think multiple are cool looking I would recommend a channel called; KyoWantsCute. He is a Maple content creator and goes over all the classes and their skills. So you can get a general idea of how each class plays and how they look like and if it's for you or not.
FAQ #2
A fresh start
Now that you created your character and have gone through the tutorial. You start your STORY in the Maple world. Now there's two ways to play this game. You either skip all the quests and go straight to grinding or you explore the Maple world and embark on various quest to explore the story. If you choose the latter I have to warn you that it will be a painful journey and that lots of quests are outdated but that doesn't mean that their not interesting. Especially when you are a new player. You get to explore the Maple world and see what it has to offer. And just as I stated previously. TAKE THIS GAME ON YOUR OWN PACE. TAKE YOUR TIME WITH IT AND HAVE FUN. That being said regardless of what you choose there are some quests that are worth doing.

Note; Some classes have their own storyline, which you have to do in order to do certain stuff. Like job advancement. I will talk about this in the paragraph below.

Job advancement
Regarding the job advancement's there was four job advancements, but that all changed and now there are six job advancements in total. The job advancements goes as follows;
  1. st job advancement = Lv. 10
  2. nd job advancement = Lv. 30
  3. rd job advancement = Lv. 60
  4. th job advancement = Lv. 100
  5. th job advancement = Lv. 200
  6. th job advancement = Lv. 260

Common words you need to know
  • (Boss-)Mule(s)= is a character who serves a singular purpose(i.e. only for bossing(boss mule))
  • BiS = Best in Slot
  • MVP xx:35 ard/cyg/MS = EXP buff at xx:minutes Ardentmill/Cygnus boss/Mushroom Shrine
  • SF = Starforce
  • FZ = Frenzy(increases the spawn rate of mobs in that map)
  • FS = Firestarter(increases the burning stage % inside a map)
  • AH = Auction House(previously called FM(Free Market))
  • (B)POT = (Bonus)Potential
  • CDHAT = A helm with CDR(CoolDown Reduction) as potential
  • CC = Change Channel/Current Channel
  • CS = Cash Shop
  • IA = Inner Ability
  • WAP = Wealth Acquisition Potion
  • Lomien = Lotus+Damien

What are Special Content?
Special Content falls under 4 categories; Story, Growth, Competition & Arcane River.

Theme dungeons is a Story quest-line that gives you various rewards. Some are good some are bad. That's why it's important to know which ones to do and which ones not to do. Theme Dungeons take a long time to complete due to the fact that the story of the quest-line is long. It can take around two hours each, maybe even more if you don't know what to do. That's why I will always recommend watching a walk-through for the most efficient way of clearing the dungeon. As it can cut down on how long you spend for each dungeon.

What is a burning stage/map?
A burning stage/map is a map with 10-100% bonus EXP. These stages begin from maps that are lv. 100 above. You wont encounter these stages on maps with mobs below lv. 100.

What are runes and EXP orbs?
Runes spawn on most maps after being in the map for a certain amount of time. Most of the time they're already spawned. You can use these runes to get a +100% EXP buff. Which lasts for 180 seconds. You can activate them with NPC chat. A rune has a cooldown of 15 minutes. There are various of different Runes and each of them do certain things. Some are better than others but you mainly use Runes to get the EXP buff. This EXP buff stacks with other EXP buffs, so use this whenever you can.

You get EXP orbs by getting chain kills. If you get a combo of 50, 100, 150, 200 etc. you get a EXP orb. These orbs, as stated, give EXP when walked through it. The amount of EXP varies as you get a higher combo count. There's no cooldown to this EXP orb thing. It just works with combos. You have to kill them successfully back to back without leaving too much time in between to get it to work.

What is Auction House?
AH is what's formerly known as "Free Market" but easier. AH let's you sell items with ease and let's you buy items with ease too. Good way to find gear and other items you need. You can also check how much each item is being sold for, so you can sell it around that price range.

What are dailies/weeklies?
Dailies are daily things you do ingame. I.e. Bossing, Ursus, Monster Park, Maple Tour etc.
Weeklies are weekly things you do in the game. I.e. Dark Tree & Haven, Hard bosses.

What is Ursus?
Ursus is a daily 18 member party boss run that gives you a lot of mesos. Mesos double when it's a specific time. I don't know this exact time because my time will be different from yours. That's because I'm from the EU and our timezones differ. You can only use abilities till 4th job in this boss run. The more dmg you do the more mesos you get. You get a rank based on your dmg. Your rank isn't only affected by the dmg though, it's also affected if you revive members etc.

NOTE: Ursus is a 18 PLAYER PARTY QUEST; meaning IT WILL GET LAGGY. if you don't load in immediately just wait. Sometimes you get downed before even loading in completely.

What is Monster Park?
MP is a daily dungeon where you go in and clear stages, with the last stage having a boss, and get tons of FIXED EXP. So EXP buffs won't work here. You can do this a total of 7 times, where 2/7 are free entree. The other entree's you have to pay for with RP. In Reboot you can buy these with mesos(3.5 mill for each entry). Additionally each day of the week you get different reward boxes, which contains various FIXED items. On Sunday you will get 15min 2x EXP buff per reward box. So in total you could get it 7 times. Make sure you at least do Sunday for 2x EXP coupons.

What is Maple Tour?
MT is a daily dungeon where you go in and clear stages, with the last stage having a boss, and get tons of FIXED mesos that counts up after each full run. You can claim the mesos after 1 week to be exact. Meaing you have to wait seven days to get your FULL reward that you have gathered within those 7 days. You can claim it earlier than that but you will get less mesos this way. You can do this a total of 7 times per day, 2 times being free. The other entree's you have to pay for with RP(Rewards points).

Wat are Reward Points?
RP is gained through beating bosses. You can get these points daily but will expire after a month. You can buy various items, that restock each month, in the CS with RP.

TIP: You can get 500 RP per day by playing Maplestory M. A mobile Maplestory game. You do some daily tasks to get the RP. A gude and hwo to link your MS PC & MS M account by watching this
FAQ #3
What is Starforce?
Starforce is the amount of stars you have on your equipment. Each star adds a lot of stats to the equipment, the higher the stars the better the stats. But it comes at a cost, one being it costs a lot of mesos, the higher the equipment the more it costs. And the other one being that the chances of success decreases after each star. And at later stages of SF you can destroy your equipment's upon failure. Or the stars can decrease. 10, 15 stars are a safe spot. You can't decrease below that once you reach that amount of stars.

What is Transfer hammer?
Transfer hammer allows you to recover or move your stars from One Piece of an equipment to another. I.e. just like mentioned here above if you fail your SF you will "boom" your equipment. You need the same equipment to transfer it over. But you can also use it to transfer the [b[SF AND POT(up to EPIC)[/b] to a better piece of equipment. The requirements are as followed; you need an equipment that is within 10 levels and must be the same type of equipment/same type of class. Meaning if you want to transfer all your stars it needs to be from Warrior to Warrior, 2h-sword to 2h-sword and lastly from 110 to 120, 120 to 130, 130 to 140 and so on.

What are potentials?
Potentials are bonus stats on an item. Not all items have potentials. Potentials van be gained from a potential scroll or comes with the item itself when dropped by a monster. Potentials have four tiers. Rare, Epic, Unique and Legendary(Legendary being the best rank you can get). Each with their own color, indicating which rank it is. Rare being Blue, Epic being Purple, Unique being Yellow and Legendary being Green. The better the rank the better the bonus stat is.

What are Flame Stats?
Flame stats are bonus stats next to the base stats of a gear. They are highlighted in +green(+blue is because of scrolls/SF). The Bonus Stats system always add stats and it will never deduct stats unless you reroll your flame stat.

How to reroll Flame Stats
Rebirth Flame allows you to reroll the Flame Stats on an equipment. These are obtainable through bosses, events, ingame shops, harvesting veins, bounty pouches & monster collection

Not everything can be flamed
What can be Flamed?

  • Hat
  • Face Accessory
  • Eye Accessory
  • Earrings
  • Pendant
  • Top
  • Bottom
  • Overall
  • Belt
  • Cape
  • Glove
  • Weapon
  • Shoes
  • Pocket Item
What can't be Flamed?
  • Emblems
  • Badges
  • Shoulderpad (Scarlet Shoulderpad can be flamed however)
  • Rings
  • Secondary Weapons (including shield and katara)
  • Medals
  • Android
  • Android Hearts
Everything that does not already have bonus flame stats on it, can't be flamed.

What are inner abilities?
Inner abilities unlock when you reach lv. 50. Much like the potentials, It's a RNG based system to get bonus stats. With the same ranks and the same colors as Potentials. Each class has their own BiS inner ability. It varies per class. You can now also have 3 presets for your inner ability. Meaning you can have 1 bossing, 1 mobbing and 1 situational inner ability. Huge QoL improvement.

What is a familiar?
A familiar is a monster that you can use in battle. You get these familiars by monster drops. Not all monsters drop a familiar card. Familiars are a lot like potentials. Each familiar gets a potential. COMMON, RARE, EPIC, UNIQUE & LEGENDARY. Legendary being a paid option(and not an option in Reboot*). So for this instance well talk up to Unique. Familiar cards have a chance to be one of these ranks. Common being the most common out of those, again no pun intended. You can alternatively rank up the familiars by combining 100 of the same familiar into one and getting that same familiar to lv. 5. You can level familiars by having them out in battle and grinding. Max level of a familiar is lv. 5. Once you reach those requirements you can level them up. By leveling them up you have a chance to increase their ranks. But by doing this you reset the potential on the familiar. So make sure don't have a good potential on it. There is no way to reset the potential on a familiar other than to rank it up. So once you've reached the max, in this case being unique, unless you want to pay for legendary, you have to start all over again with a new familiar. Leveling it up to 5 and fusing 100 of the same into one. That being said the potential are really good. You can get %IED(Ignore Enemy Defense), %Boss DMG, increase meso and drop rate etc. The amount goes up at each rank. So 10% IED on RARE up to 30% IED on unique, for example. The numbers given just now aren't accurate, just for an example purpose. Getting a good familiar is trial and error. It costs time and takes a lot of familiars to get a good one. You won't be needing this until end game(around 250ish).

*PNO can drop a Legendary Familiar, but it's super rare.
Main Quests
With the introduction of "Ride or Die" they revamped the quest section. You now have the "main quest" section which improves the storyline of the game and adds a new way to level up to 200. How effective this is, is yet to be figured out. The amount of story/unskippable cutscenes might not make it worth than the usual grinding. However, you will gain Legion Artifacts(+500 for each) by doing this so it might actually be worth(especially for newer accounts since you also unlock some boss pre-quests with this(you'll have to do it sooner or later anyways)). I have to collect more data as for now.

Theme dungeons till third job
Most of the tutorial quests will level you up to lv. 30. If not I would recommend doing a few quests up until lv. 30. At lv. 30 you can get your second job of your class, to unlock this you have to do a quest. Usually these quests are easy and you don't really have to do anything beforehand, but some classes you have to complete the storyline to be able to job advance. You unlock more skills and get stronger. At lv. 30 I would suggest doing theme dungeons till around lv. 55. This is the easiest way to level up for that specific level and you will get good rewards out of those theme dungeons. These items will get you a long way. Until about lv. 100/130. There are a few theme dungeons that MapleStory itself recommends. You can access these quest recommendations by a key-bind. The key-binding is by default "U". If not you can open your key-binding settings and look for a key called "GUIDE" and set that to a key. Here you can get all the recommended quests you can do at your current level. This guide will be really useful throughout all your levels. I will get into this later. But after reaching lv. 30 you have three options to choose from. I would recommend doing two of those. There will be a "Fairy Academia" theme dungeon and a "Rien Strait" theme dungeon. But focus on the first two theme dungeons as those give you the best rewards. After you've done the two/three dungeons, you should be at around 50/60.

So now that you are lv. 60 being, you hit your third job advancement. After getting your third job advancement I would recommend one more theme dungeon. This theme dungeon will most likely level you up to 80-100. This theme dungeon is called "Afterlands". This is a good theme dungeon because it will give you something special. It wil give you totems, these totems are extremely good, as you can't get any other permanent totems as of now(there are some events that give better permanent totems, but those event rarely come). Again I would highly recommend a tutorial for this one. As this theme dungeon can be done much faster in one swoop. You get 4 totems in total. Each giving their own stats: STR, DEX, INT & LUK and an additional 7 ATT+MATT(each). Besides that they also give a Set Effect if you have 3/4 equiped. 3 is the max you can equip for totems.

Afterlands walk-through. God bless this man, truly a blessing this guide.

Leveling up
Grinding is the main thing you will be doing throughout all of MapleStory. Just as every other MMORPG. There's an overwhelming amount of things to do in MapleStory. But we will go about that as we level. At level 100 you will unlock your 4th job. There's a trick that will net you 12 levels if done correctly. First and foremost you will need to be lv. 100, exact lv. 100. If you meet this requirement you will be able to unlock your "first" boss. This boss is called Zakum. We will want to defeat normal Zakum. But before we do that we need to activate a rune, to get the most EXP out of it as possible. Now when fighting Zakum make sure to target his arms first as those arms give the most EXP. Each arm gives huge amount of EXP. He has six arms in total, three on each side. If done correctly you will gain around 6 levels. Making you around lv. 106.

After this it's a long grind till 200. I'd recommend skipping all quests and going straight to grinding. But don't let me stop you from doing quests, make sure to have fun and progress on your own pace.

One last trick you can do is when you reached lv. 199. You can go to Scrapyard Haven and accept a quest where it's all dialog and you will gain one full level. Lv. 199 to lv. to 200. But this will be a long way, so skip this for now. But make sure you keep this in mind because it save you a lot of trouble and time. Does not work anymore

Note; stay within your level range when hunting monsters, or else it won't be optimal. For regular servers up to 10 levels above/below and in Reboot up to 6 levels above/below.
Before you look at this, do know that it doesn't really matter where you train, as long as you are within level range(in Reboot +-1 your level). That being said, there is an optimal path to take for leveling more efficient.(subject to change) USE THE INGAME GUIDE BUTTON & MAIN QUEST INSTEAD.

LVL 10 - 20 = Savage Terminal, Wasted Treatment Planet 1/Henesys, Golem's Temple Entrance
LVL 20 - 30 = Savage Terminal, Stray Dog Alley 1/Ellinia, Giant Tree
LVL 30 - 50 = Savage Terminal, Mr. Hazard's Lair 3/Shaded Dump Site
LVL 50 - 60 = Perion, Wild Boar Land
LVL 60 - 70 = Sleepywood, Silent Swamp/Humid Swamp
LVL 65 - 80 = Orbis, Stairway to the Sky 1
LVL 70 - 75 = Aqua Road, Red Coral Forest
LVL 75 - 80 = Verne Mine, Shaft 4
LVL 75 - 85 = El Nath, Ice Valley 1
LVL 80 - 90/100 = Ariant, Sahel 2/Desert of Serenity
LVL 97 - 100 = Leafre, West Leafre Forest
LVL 100 - 106 = Normal Zakum boss(solo) + rune and/or 2x EXP
LVL 100 - 110 = Minar Forest, Cranky Forest/Steep Hill
LVL 110 - 120 = Ludibrium, Toy Factory <Apparatus Room>
LVL 110 - 130 = El Nath, Sharp Cliff 2/3
LVL 130 - 135 = Korean Folk Town, Wanted Sign Quest till Goblins
LVL 130 - 140 = Korean Folk Town, Black Mountain Entrance
LVL 135 - 145 = Korean Folk Town, Goblin House
LVL 140 - 150 = Kerning Tower, 2F cafe/higher levels
LVL 150 - 160 = Leafre(theme dungeon), Colossus West Road 2
LVL 160 - 161 = Normal Horntail boss(solo) + rune and/or 2x EXP
LVL 160 - 165 = Omega Sector, Boswell Field 2
LVL 165 - 170 = Omega Sector(Inside the Mothership), Corridor 103
LVL 170 - 175 = Omega Sector(Inside the Mothership), Corridor 203
LVL 175 - 190 = Temple of Time(Gate to the Future), Knights Stronghold
LVL 180 - 190 = Temple of Time(Gate to the Future), Twilight Perion: desolate Rocky Road
LVL 190 - 200 = Temple of Time(Gate to the Future), Forsaken Excavation Site 2
LVL 199 - 200 (FREE LEVEL) = Scrapyard Haven, introduction quest(talking only)
(From 200 you generally want to follow the storyline as through that you will progress to new stages of the game)
(no longer works)
LVL 200 - 205~210 = Weathered Land of rage/Sorrow, Upper Stem Crossroad
LVL 205 - 210~215 = Below the Cave, Eastern Cave Path 2, Reverse City(storyline)
LVL 210 - 215~220 = Slurpy Forest Depths, Mottled Forest 3, Torrent Zone 3/1(only if you can one shot them)
LVL 215 - 220~225 = Hidden Illiard Field, Mushbud Forest 5, Hidden Mushbud Forest
LVL 220 - 230 = Revelation Place 3, Chicken Festival 1/2, Occupied Dance Floor 2(only if you can one shot them)
LVL 225 - 245 = Cavern Lower Path (1/2), Between Frost and Thunder 2, Labyrinthine Cavern (- Upper Path/Side Path), Deep in the Cavern - Upper Path 2
LVL 235 - 250 = Mirror-touched Sea 2/3/4
LVL 240 - 255 = The Final Edge of Light 4, Plunging Depths 1/4, Star-Swalloing Sea 1/4
LVL 245 - 255 = Last Horizon 5, Mysterious Fog 2, Void Current 1/3

YouTube guides
Lv. 10-202 Coppersan
Lv. 202-250 Coppersan
Lv. 10-250 Nucleous Maplestory
Lv. 10-210 ClanKaiser
Once you're level 101+ you can join a guild. I would highly recommend joining a guild. There are plenty of people offering you to join their guild. Guild gives a lot of benefits, such as get carried, free stuff and you can also get Guild buffs which js probably themain thing you'll want. Guild buffs are but not limited to; EXP BUFF, MESO BUFF, G-POTS and more.

What are G-pots?
Deia's G-pots is a guild skill that the Guildleader has to level in order for you to receive the G-pots. These are given to you each week from the guild. You'll get 200 elixers(elixers heal 99,999 HP & MP) and 30 MAP BUFFS(ATT & MATT buff for the whole map). These are renewed every week(Monday). You can get these by clicking the grey lightbulb left middle of your screen and looking for "Deira G-Potions".

5th job & Nodes
Once you reach lv. 200 you can begin your job advancement to 5th job. After completing your 5th job advancement you will unlock your 5th job skill tab called V Matrix. With this new tab there are new skills to be obtainable. Some of these skills are for your own sub-class only(i.e.(in example) Night Lord, Bishop etc.) while other of these skills are locked to a group of classes(I.e. Warrior, Mages etc.). To aquire and level these skils you will need Node Stones. These Node Stones are completely RNG, so when you open them you'll get a random "Node". You can also get duplicates, but do not worry as you can merge these nodes together to level them up. Additionally there are "Experience Nodestones" that give you huge EXP to the Node you are trying to level. These can level any type of Node. You can also disenchant Nodes if you don't want/need them. By doing this you will get "Node Shards". Eventually when you get 70 of those Node Shards you can choose one specific Node of your choosing to make.

V MATRIX unlocks when you reach lv. 200 and get 5th job. Once you unlock V MATRIX you get slots based on your level. These slots are where you can set-up your Nodes. On the lower levels you have limited Node slots, so choose your Nodes carefully. Each 5 levels you gain adds another slot to your V MATRIX. Or if you want you can pay mesos to unlock additional slots, the higher the level the more the cost of mesos. This is NOT recommended to do, simply because you do not keep the meso unlocked slot after reaching the next slot. So i.e. if you are 213 and you buy a slot, you will not keep the bought slot once you reach 215. The 215 slot will be the slot you bought and NOT another one. Your mesos is better spent somewhere else.

Official MapleStory VMATRIX Guide[]

What are "Slot Enhancements"?
Additianally to each lv. you gain after lv. 200 you gain a Slot Enchantment. These can be used to upgrade a V MATRIX slots. Max level of these slots is 5. What this does is that it increases your Node level in that slot. So if you Node slot is max lv. 5, then the Node you put in that slot will be +5. This can go above the max level cap of the Node.
  • A Skill Node's highest Rank is normally 25, but can be increased to up to 30 via Slot Enhancement.
  • A Boost Node's highest Rank is normally 50, but can be increased to up to 55 via Slot Enhancement.
  • The Rank of a Skill Node and the level of the Node slot determine the level of the obtained skill (excluding Special Nodes).
    Ex: If a Rank 2 Skill Node is equipped in a Lv. 3 Node slot, then the subsequent Skill will be Lv. 5.
    While Special Nodes can be equipped into Enhanced Slots, they will gain no benefit from doing so.

What are "Node Stones"?
Node Stones are useable items that give you a random skill. The skills are divided into 3 sections:
  • Boost Nodes
  • Skill Nodes
  • Buff Nodes

Boost Nodes
Boost Nodes boost you existing skills further, hence why they're called "Boost Nodes". These are essential to any class as it will increase your damage output by a lot. These Nodes come in a pair of 3, so 3 Skill Boost Nodes combined into 1 slot. These Nodes are RNG based so you will have to reroll to get the "Perfect Trio Node".

Skill Nodes
Skill Nodes are nodes that give you newly 5th job skills. And like I mentioned these nodes can be class wide or sub-class only. These skills generally have a long cool down but are extremely powerful.

Buff Nodes
Buff Nodes are temporary nodes that buffs certain things. I.e.(in example) you can get boss damage and lots of other stuff. One trick with this is that you can disenchant these buff nodes right before they expire. Giving you some Node Shards in return without losing anything.
[No Image]

How to get Node Stones?
Node Stone are obtainable in various ways:
  • Weeklies
  • Monster drops

What is the "Perfect Trio" Node?
The "Perfect Trio" Node is 3 SKILL BOOST nodes combined into one Node Slot, that you mainly use. This varies per class, some need more than just 1 pair of 3 and some just need 1 pair of 3 Skill Boost Node. You usually have 2 types of "Perfect Trio" Nodes; 1 being for bossing and the other for mobbing. It's best to join a Discord for your main class. They usually have all the answer to your class.

All Class Trio Nodes[]

What should you level first?
Generally for EVERY class you would want to MAX out your "Perfect Trio" Node. This is essential to every class as it will boost your damage by a high amount. After that it depends on what you want to do. Do you want to grind and reach a higher level? Go for your newly obtained 5th job skills, DHS(Decent Holy Symbol), Erda Shower(this is a stationary summon that deals damage, which helps you train) etc.

QoL update
You now have 30 slots instead of the usual 25 slots, meaning you can add more nodes. Additionally everyone now also has access to a new common node skill called: Decent Holy Fountain(Bishop skill). This heals you and your party members each time you press up. Good for bossing.

Alongside this Decent Speed infusion and Decent Advanced Blessing have now become passive skills alongside Maple Warrior(not a 5th job skill but including it regardless). Which means more slots on the Pet Auto Buff.
6th job & Sol Erda
fix formatting and add additional information

Requirement: Lv. 260 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have completed the ‘[Convergence] True Form’ quest, ‘5th Job: Record of Power’ quest, and 5th Job Advancement.

6th Job Advancement can be started by accepting the ‘[6th Job] Merged Dimension’ quest within the lightbulb notifier on the left side of the screen.
Reminder: Your character must meet the following requirements to start the 6th Job Advancement:
- Lv. 260 and above
- Completed the ‘[Convergence] True Form’ and ‘5th Job: Record of Power’ quests
- Completed 5th Job Advancement

As you progress through the quests, you’ll receive the following quest items. You must activate the stones and defeat monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) to fill each of them with EXP. Once you complete each quest, you will receive EXP as a reward.
- My Arcane Stone
- Vanishing Journey Stone
- Chu Chu Island Stone
- Lachelein Stone
- Arcana Stone
- Morass Stone
- Esfera Stone

[more information coming soon]

Hexa Matrix
Hexa Skills
Hexa Skill Nodes consist of the following:
- Skill Node: New Origin skill will be given once activated
- Mastery Node: 4th Job or lower skill will either be enhanced or replaced once activated
- Boost Node: 5th Job skill will be enhanced once activated
- Common Node: New skill that is shared between characters of the same class will be given once activated. Common Nodes will be available at a later date, so stay tuned!

Hexa Stats
Hexa Stats are stats that can be obtained and enhanced through Hexa Stat Nodes.
Hexa Stats consist of the following stats:
- Critical Damage
- Boss Damage
- Ignore Defense
- Damage
- Attack Power & Magic ATT

You can set one Main Stat with a higher value and two Additional Stats with a lower value per each Hexa Stat Node.
- You can set one type of stat once within all Hexa Stat Nodes
- Ex: Boss Damage stat can only be set as a Main Stat for one of the six Hexa Stat Nodes
- You can set up to two duplicate types of stats as Additional Stats within all Hexa Stat Nodes
- Ex: Critical Damage stat can be set as one of the two Additional Stats on Stat Node #1 and Stat Node #2
- You are unable to equip the same type of stats within the same Stat Node
- Ex: If the Main Stat is set as DEF Ignore, the two Additional Stats have to be set among the five other stats

Hexa Skills and Hexa Stats can be activated or enhanced by using enhancement materials: Sol Erda and Sol Erda Fragment.
Sol Erda
Sol Erda is used in the following ways:
- Activate and enhance Hexa Skills
- Activate Hexa Stats
Sol Erda can be obtained by earning Sol Erda Energy after completing the 6th Job Advancement.
You can earn Sol Erda Energy by the following methods:
- Completing daily quests
- Defeating monsters in Sacred Powered Grandis areas
- Defeating the following bosses:
- Lotus (Hard)
- Damien (Hard)
- Lucid (Hard)
- Will (Hard)
- Verus Hilla (Normal, Hard)
- Guardian Angel Slime (Chaos)
- Gloom (Chaos)
- Darknell (Hard)
- Black Mage (Hard, Extreme)
- Chosen Seren (Normal, Hard, Extreme)
- Kalos the Guardian (Chaos)
- Kaling (Normal)

You get 1 Sol Erda (untradeable) when you collect 1,000 Sol Erda Energy.
Each character can have up to max 20 Sol Erda. If the character has 20 Sol Erda in their possession already, Sol Erda Energy will no longer drop for that character.

Sol Erda Fragment
- Sol Erda Fragment is used in the following ways:
- Activate and enhance Hexa Skills
- Activate and enhance Hexa Stats
- Sol Erda Fragment can be obtained after completing the 6th Job Advancement.
- You can earn Sol Erda Fragment by the following methods:
- Completing daily quests
- Defeating monsters in Sacred Powered Grandis area
- Sol Erda Fragment is tradeable within account in Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds. It is untradeable in Reboot worlds.

For characters that completed 6th Job Advancement, you will the following sources to earn Sol Erda Energy and Sol Erda Fragments:
Daily Quest
- You will be asked to defeat 3,000 monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) in the Grandis area to complete the daily quest. Daily quests can be completed per character.
- Upon completing the daily quest, you can receive the following Daily Quest Rewards:
- Sol Erda Energy (x600): Untradeable, 7-day duration. (This is a use item, if you use it you will store it in your gauge, in which you can hold 20 max(Sol Erda). This is NOT the "Sol Erda Fragment". Those stack within your "ETC" tab. Which you can farm infinitely.
- Sol Erda Fragment (x12): Tradeable within account, Permanent. (Item is untradeable in Reboot worlds.)
- Sol Erda Fragments are given only once a day per world. After claiming the Sol Erda Fragment for the day, additional characters that complete the daily quest will only receive Sol Erda Energy.

6th Job Skills
To learn more about all the new 6th Job Skills, you can refer to the v246 Patch Notes here[]!

260 Dungeons
High Mountain & Angler Company(soon to be released) are lv. 260/265+ dungeons where you can get a huge amount of EXP, Sol Erda Fragments & Sol Erda Energy. Which is crucial for account progression as you don't get much Sol Edra Fragments.

High Mountain
Credits: Chiru

Credits: Duky;
With the introduction of 5th job came a whole new area called Arcane River. With that also came new bosses, gear, storyline and the introduction of Arcane Symbol. You get your first Arcane Symbol after completing the VJ storyline. These symbols are necessary to progress further into the storyline/areas. Without these you will do no damage to the mobs located in these areas. The reason being that the areas have certain Symbol requirements, just like some SF requirement areas. More on that later.

After 5th job, transitioning into 6th job you will unlock "Continental Grandis". Which is the same as Arcane River.
The Grandis counterpart to Arcane Rivers; "Arcane Symbols" is called: "Sacred Symbols". Which do the exact- and work the same as Arcane Symbols. For that reason I will only go over Arcane Symbol as of now.

What are Arcane Symbols?
Arcane Symbols are "orbs" you can equip to get free stats. You will automatically get stats based on your class. It will only increase your main stat. These orbs have levels and the higher the level the more stats you get. Each area in the Arcane River has their own respective Arcane Symbol. 6 Symbols in total.

Why do you need Arcane Symbols?
Just like I mentioned above you need to have these symbols in order to progress further into the game. Not only do they give you free main stat and make you stronger. You also will get more damage depending on how much more symbols you have than there is required for that area.
For example; if the area requires 100 Arcane Symbol and you have 250 Arcane Symbol you will deal 150% more damage to these mobs. Making them easier & faster to kill. And getting more EXP per min.

How to level up Arcane Symbols?
Now that I have explained why they are needed they also come with a cost, literally. In order to level up these symbols you will have to do "dalies" & "weeklies" quests. These Arcane areas that were introduced with the 5th job. After doing the quests you will get duplicates of these Arcane Symbol which you then can merge together. After they are all merged and reached the requirements to level, that being certain amounts of symbols have to be merged in order to level, you can level them up by paying mesos. The higher the level of the symbol the more the cost of leveling it up. The MAX level of these symbols are lv. 20. There are 6 symbols in total.

How to get Arcane Symbols?
As I have stated in the aforementioned section you can get these Arcane Symbols by doing either:
  • Dalies
  • Weeklies
  • Killing MOBS in their respective area's(Extremely rare chance to drop)
  • Getting them from EVENTS

Sacred Symbols
The same process goes for Sacred Symbols(SAC Force). But this time SAC Force gives even more stats and cost even more to level up.
Dailies & weeklies
What are dailies?
Dailies are things you do daily in Maplestory, such as:
  • Bossing
  • Symbols Quests
  • Monster Park
  • Maple Tour
  • Ursus

What are weeklies?
Weeklies are things you do weekly in Maplestory, such as:
  • Hard Bossing
  • Symbols PQ
  • Dojo
  • Guild Contents
  • Dark Tree (AbsoLab Coins)
  • Haven (AbsoLab Coins)

Why are "dailies/weeklies" so important?
Dailies/weeklies are important because they are easy(for the most part) and rewarding. In order for you to get stronger you have to do this at the very minimum. If you don't have time to play this game and still want to get stronger, this is the way. By doing this you gain EXP & Mesos. This adds up as you will be doing these daily/weekly. If you keep doing this you will eventually be really strong.

Arcane River
There are 6 daily Arcane River quests that you can do to get Arcane Symbols of their respective area. To increase your Arcane power.
The Arcane River Symbols consists of:
  • Vanishing Journey (lv. 200)
  • Chu Chu Island (lv. 210)
  • Lachelein (lv. 220)
  • Arcana (lv. 225)
  • Moreass (lv. 230)
  • Esfera (lv. 235)

Each area has their own "Party Quest", which you can do in addition to the normal quests. These do not only give Symbols but EXP as well.
In the same order as the top list:
  • Erda Spectrum (lv. 200)
  • Hungry Muto (lv. 210)
  • Dream Defender (lv. 220)
  • Spirit Savior (lv. 225)
  • Ranheim Defense (lv. 230)
  • Esfera Gaurdian (lv. 235)

There are 6 daily Grandis quests that you can do to get Sacred Symbols of their respective area. To increase your SAC power.
The Grandis Symbols consists of:
  • Cernium (lv. 260)
  • Hotel Arcus (lv. 265)
  • Odium (lv. 270)
  • Shangri-La (lv. 275)
  • Arteria (lv. 280)
  • Carcion (lv. 285)

    Grandis Dungeons
    Grandis Weekly to get EXP, Sol Erda fragments & Sol Erda Energy.
    The Grandis dungeons consists of:
  • High Mountain (lv. 260)
  • Angler Company (lv. 265)

    Monster Park
    Monster Park is unlocked at lv. 105+. Each day has a different gift. For more info go to FAQ#2
    MP is really usefull on the later stages of the game. Free EXP for 2min work at most.
    There are in total 4 doors/Dungeons:
    • First door - Beginner Dungeon: lv. 105 - 139
    • Second door - Intermediate Dungeon: lv. 140 - 179
    • Third door - : lv. 179 - 259
    • Fourth door - Extreme Dungeon: lv. 260+

    Each day has a different gift:
    • Monday: Creation Box
    • Tuesday: Enchament Box
    • Wednesday: Trait Box
    • Thursday: Honor Box
    • Friday: Gold Box
    • Saturday: Festive Box
    • Sunday: Growth Box

    Maple Tour
    MT is unlocked at lv. 105+. Each day you can accumulate some money. After 1 week exactly(so after 7 days) you can claim your money. For more info go to FAQ#2
    MP is really usefull on the early stages of the game. Free money for 2min work at most.
    Thre are 5 levels in MT:
    • Commerci - San Commeric Outskirts Studio: Level 160-169
    • Commerci - Sospetto Forest Studio: Level 170-179
    • Zipangu - Midnight Pine Forest Studio: Level 180-189
    • Zipangu - Showa Town Studio: Level 190-199
    • Masteria - Krakian Jungle Studio: Level 200+

    Ursus is daily and at a certain time it's 2x mesos. Meaning you will get the double amount of what you regularly would get. So do this at those times. For more info go to FAQ#2.
    (I can't tell you the exacy time because I do not live in NA, so you will have to figure this out on your own sorry.)

    Dark Tree + Haven
    Dark Tree & Haven have 5 quests each. You need to do this in order to get AbsoLab gear. For more info look at Gear Progression.

    Dojo is a weekly ranking system that allows you to see how strong you are. Dojo ranks you with the same class so you can compare to other people of the same class. Players of level 105+ can participate.
    You can access this content by talking to the Dimensional Mirror found in most towns. Once you enter the dojo there's an NPC called So Gong who you can talk to to enter the dojo rankings.
    There is no EXP penalty for dying, but your attempt will be terminated. There are a total of 80 stages. You have a 15 minute time limit to clear as many stages as you can. Based on your best record for the week, you can get rewards.

    Guild Contents
    There are 2 guild contents you can do in order to boost your Guild level. You gain GP(guild point) by doing this.
    The 2 Guild Contents are:
    • Culvert
    • Flag Race

    Culvert is a weekly boss you can do for you guild. Just like Dojo you have certain stages to the boss you can beat. The more you beat the boss the higher you score is. Your score is a contribution towards the guild. You can level a guild doing this.

    Flag Race
    Flag Race is a race minigame that you can play to achieve the same as Culvert. This and Culvert contribution score stack. So do them both to gain more Guild Points for the guild.

    This guide is a bit outdated, but it'll suffice. In the future(kms update) some of these dailies will become weeklies.
When it comes to bossing there are certain things you need to know.

YouTube Guide
Watch these to understand the mechanics of each boss and get usefull tips. Make sure to read the comments aswell for additional info, since they have usefull tips!

Bossing Mules
Gear progression
Everything up until 150 doesn't really matter, with a few exceptions. But I'll go over that as we go. Just wear gear for each appropriate level up until you reach 150. After that it's all about min/maxing. From 150 onward you'll have reached "Late Game". You should have already done the Totem Dungeon grind. Which nets you 3 free totems that you will be having untill a new event comes which gives better totems. Untill then you are stuck with those.

Note; Pensalir gear(lv. 140) will just do fine if you can't get lv. 150+ gear. Pensalir gear will get you really far till even lv. 200+. This set is dropped by monsters that are lv. 130+.

There are some exceptions for some gears. Typically for mules. As I mentioned lv. 140 gear is generally really good for content even beyond lv. 200. Other gears that are good to know, especially for bossing is the lv. 120 Necromancer set dropped from the Boss Hilla. As this gives boss damage on set effect. Typically good for boss mules.

Getting accessories. While doing bosses you can get various accessories. You will want to do (C)Zakum, (Chaos)Horn Tail & Von Leon. (C)Zakum will give you eye & face accessories, (belt). (Chaos)Horn Tail will give you pendant, earring & ring.

And lastly Von Leon will give you ring, earring & pendant. Which WILL NOT count towards the "boss set" item. Von Leon has it's own set. BUT If you gather 10 Von Leon Accessories which include the aforementioned accesories(ring, earrings & pendant) you can combine them to make 1 super ring called; "Noble Ifra's Ring"(You will need to have completed the whole Von Leon questline in order to be able to do this). This WILL count towards the "boss set".

Other accessories that you'll want to get later one are from; Arkarium, Pink Bean, Hilla & Magnus. Arkarium will give you Mechanator/Dominator pendant. Pink Bean will give you Pink Bean mark & holy cup(pocket slot). Hilla will give you, (other than the Necromancer set), A free PET(that can loot items for you, very low chance in normal(Hard version which gaurantees the drop)), earrings & stone of eternal life(pocket slot). Magnus will give you a badge, royal black metal shoulder.

PNO(Princess No) Gives you a "secondary" equip. This is a weekly boss, meaning it's a though boss which you can do each week. This boss is also really annoying. In order to get the secondary you will need to collect 15 tokens that the boss drops.

Lastely you'll want to grind Gollux daily as you have to buy his accessories. What you want to aim for is Superiour Gollux accessories. After you defeat Gollux he will drop a few coins. He can additionally drop some gear ranging from cracked to superior(which is extremely rare).

These are the main boss accessories drops you want to look out for:

If you have all of these equipped you will receive a Set Effect which gives you bonus stats. This will be your main gear untill late game.

Chaos Root Abyss
Chaos Root Abyss or CRA for short is your first "Late Game" equipment, it's level requirement is lv. 150. You'll get this gear by defeating the Chaos versions of Root Abyss bosses. Chaos Queen, Chaos Pierre, Chaos Von Bon and lastly Chaos Vellum. Queen nets you the Bottom, Pierre the Top, Von Bon the Hat and Vellum the Weapon. CRA doesn't have gloves, boots, shoulders and cape. Your CRA top and bottom will be your late game equipment. You won't be changing this until 265+(when you're clearing one of the end game bosses).

These bosses are hard, especially when you're just starting out. But if you're playing in a normal world you're in luck. As you can buy these items in the Auction House(AH for short). They usually don't cost too much. Depending on what class you are playing the prices increases/decreases. Since warrior is the most used class their gear is also the most expensive. If you're in Reboot you should look for struggle parties or if someone is kind enough a carry.

Both CZakum & HRanmaru drop lv. 150 gear that you can fill in. Czak drops a cape, while HRanmaru drops gloves, shoes & shoulder. Only get this when you are getting AbsoLab though.

Your gear now should roughly look like this:

AbsoLab is your next progression. You get this gear by doing "weeklies". Weeklies are quests that you can do each week. These quests are from lv. 200+. You can acces these quest by going to either HAVEN or DARK TREE. HAVEN gives you "cores" & DT gives you "stones" that you need to gather each week. After gathering those cores/stones you still need another item, a BOSS core/stone gained by defeating Lotus(HAVEN, "core")/Damien(DT, "stone"). To make 1 AbsoLab coin, you need 20 cores/stones and their respective Boss cores/stones. You need a lot of these AbsoLab coins in order to make gear. A weapon costs 4 coins and the gear cost 2 coins. For more explanation you can go to either maps and talk to a NPC.

Generally you'd want to keep the TOP and BOTTOM from CRA. Because TOP&BOTTOM > OVERALL. You can get way more stats on a top and bottom as to an overall. But everything else around that will be changed to AbsoLab. Unlike CRA, AbsoLab DOES have gloves, boots, shoulders and a cape. So you'll be using that.

These cores/stones should look like this. The smaller one being the weeklies and the bigger ones being the Boss drops.

After grinding AbsoLab your gear should roughly look like this:

The DOM pendant and secondary can be replaced by a CHT pendant & a Frozen secondary. Or if you have not burned a character, you can also buy a secondary from the Secondary Item Seller located in most towns.

Missing Items
After you have grinded all that you would want to fill in the gaps in/upgrade your equipment. Usually you would have some Event Rings. Event rings are exteremly good. So equip those instead of the "boss set" rings(Silver Blossom/Noble Ifra's Ring). I would recommend keeping the spare rings as you can turn them into Drop/Meso Gear(Drop Rate/Meso Obtained).

Additionally you will want to have a "Heart" and an "Android". Usually events have these. Some Hearts are better than others. And some Androids have different functions. Some have a built in shop, some have built in Buff Freezers. Usually a Heart is free stat gain.

Now it should looks somewhat like this:

Advanced gear progression
Arcane Umbra
Once you have reached lv. 260, you can start grinding for your Arcane gear. You will now want to run Lucid/Will(LuWill for short) parties. Just like AbsoLab you will need to kill Lucid & Will to get the Boss "tokens". Except this time Droplets are farmed a different way instead of weeklies. There are no weeklies for Droplets, therefore Droplets are much harder to get. You can get Droplets by defeating Lucid/Will or by killing MOBS after Lachline region. You can also buy them from other players in the AH. In Reboot can buy these at merchants after Lachline region, coming in at 50 mill a Droplet or alternatively from Event Shops.
Alternatively you can hope for some Arcane Boxes drops from HLuWill. These are hard to come by so if it is your main I would recommend buying your first gear off the NPC shop. And use these as backups for when you want to push past 17*.

dawn set

Hellux is the hardest difficulty which you can do to get superior Gollux items. The only 2 obtainable droppable items are the Belt and the Earrings.

How do you get the Ring and the Pendant?
The Superior Ring and Pendant are able to be bought at for 700 Gollux coins each.
Both the reinforced and the superior rings are BiS(in REBOOT, not so much in regular sever).
Try to hold off on buying the Belt and the Earrings as they have a chance to drop. These drops are low chance so it might be difficult to get.
Your priority should be on buying the Ring and the Pendants since they have NO chance of dropping. If you have enough coins let after that(1400 coins for both Ring and Pendant) then you can get the Earring/Belt. But even then I would rather buy Reinforced Ring and Pendant.
The Belt alone has a base MATT + ATT of +35. Which is absolutely insane.

The reason as to why I say Reinforced pendant as well is because: you get the additional +2 set effect but not only that you can never have enough rings/pendants/accessories/earrings. Why? You'll find out in the next headline.

Mesos obtained
Mesos gear allows you to obtain more mesos while you grind. So it's a win/win. If you would grind regardless why not make some mesos while you're at it.

Why is "mesos gear" so important?
After reaching late to end game you will want to min max your gear. But to do that it'll cost you a pretty penny. This is where mesos gear comes in.

How to get "meso gear"?
Through potentials. "Mesos obtained +20%" is a legendary potential line. Meaning you can only get it in the "legendary" tier. The same goes for "Item drop rate +20%".
+20% is the only % you can get for both of them. So no more, no less.
But you can get 2 lines of those 20% on one equipment. As they do stack with each other, regardless on what equipment it is.

Which gear can obtain "mesos obtained +20%" potential?
  • Rings
  • Pendants
  • Face accessories
  • Eye accessories
  • Earrings
Let's say for example that you have 1 line of mesos obtained on each equipment. That'll be +100% mesos obtained.

What else can give mesos obtained aside from gear?
Besides equipment there is:
  • Legion's Wealth coupons
  • Wealth Acquisition Potion(WAP for short)
  • Inner Ability(IA for short)
  • Phantom legion card
  • Monster Life(for reg server)
  • (REBOOT get free 500% base mesos obtained)
Legion's Wealth coupons gives +50%
WAP gives you 20%
IA gives you up to +20%

Additionally Shadower's have a passive that nets them another +20%.
These are all stackable. Legion is additive, wealth is multiplicative.

Lastly I would HIGHLY recommend to cube EVENT RINGS for mesos obtained. As these rings fully built up have +40 all stats and +25 MATT/ATT. The reason why I say this is because to reach +40 all stat on a starforce-able ring you will need to have at least 15 stars on it. Which will cost a lot of mesos. And to add because it has "mesos obtained +20%" line on it, it takes up a spot of main stat % line. Meaning you will lose out on some damage.

Drop rate
Why is "drop gear" so important?
After reaching late game you will fight the harder weekly bosses(From Lucid up to Seren, including Hard Lomien). These weekly bosses drop their boss set. Which is much better than the old boss set. This new boss set is called pitched. But these are extremely hard to get due to the chance of them dropping is incredibly low. This is where drop gear comes in.

How to get "drop gear"?
Through potentials. "Item drop rate +20%" is a legendary potential line. Meaning you can only get it in the "legendary" tier. The same goes for "Mesos obtained +20%".
+20% is the only % you can get for both of them. So no more, no less.
But you can get 2 lines of those 20% on one equipment. As they do stack with each other, regardless on what equipment it is.

Which gear can obtain "Item drop rate +20%" potential?
  • Rings
  • Pendants
  • Face accessories
  • Eye accessories
  • Earrings
Let's say for example that you have 1 line of item drop rate on each equipment. That'll be +100% item drop rate.

What else can give item drop rate aside from gear?
Besides equipment there is:
  • Legion's Luck coupons
  • Wealth Acquisition Potion(WAP for short)
  • Inner Ability(IA for short)
  • Legion Artifact
  • (REBOOT get free 500% base mesos obtained)
Legion's Wealth coupons gives +50%
WAP gives you 20%
IA gives you up to +20%

Drop rate can usually be put on fodder equipment that you don't use. The reason why is because most(not all) bosses now have chests that you need to break before getting the loot. That means you can take your time and switch to drop gear. This saves you from having to fight with the drop gear equipped. Making you lose some stats.

Written Guide[]
Credits: Uncapped Games
Star Force & Spell Tracer
Star Forcing
General rule of thumb, you usually do not want to Star Force without events.

What is "Starforcing"?
Starforcing is upgrading your equipment's stars. Most equips have a number of stars to them. The higher the equipment level requirement, the more stars it has, the more you can upgrade it. You upgrade them with mesos. Upgrading works with chance%, more on that later.

So what does it do?
With each upgrade(each star) you get a permanent stat boost for that equipment.
The higher the upgrades(the more stars you get on an equipment) the stronger equipment gets and the more stats you gain from it. This also means it gets more expensive which each star.

The max stars you can get on a single piece of equipment is 25★. However you will most likely never reach the max stars. I will go in to detail as to why later.
Every 5★'s is a milestone.
0 - 5 > 5 - 10 > 10 - 15 > 15 - 20 > 20 - 22. You will never go higher than 22 as that is a net loss.
With each star the % of increasing the star decreases. So from 0 - 1 it will always be 100% succession rate etc.

From 0 - 15 stars: gets progressively more expensive and the % succession rate depletes.
From 15 stars onward: a small chance to "boom"(destroy) your item gets introduced. On top of that, stars now drop on each failure(cannot go lower than the milestone(15 stars)). But to help you with the next +2★ you get a safegaurd.
Safegaurd: allows you to remove the chance to "boom"(destroy) your item but doubles the cost of the upgrade. This will ONLY remove the chance to "boom"(destroy) and NOT help with regressing stars.

What happens if I "boom" my equip?
At 15★ and beyond, items have a chance of becoming destroyed upon failure and will leave behind a trace. Traces serve as the remnants of the destroyed equipment and will retain all of its stats and Star Force value up to 12★, but they cannot be equipped. To restore a trace, it must be transferred onto a new piece of the same equipment through the enhancement UI.



Chance Time
When an equipment's stars decrease twice in a row, chance time activates, which guarantees the next enhancement attempt to succeed. The guaranteed attempt will only apply to the item that is currently being enhanced. When chance time triggers when upgrading from 15★ → 16★ or 16★ → 17★, safeguard is disabled as it would provide no benefit

During certain Sunny Sundays, the success rate for upgrading from 5★ → 6★, 10★ → 11★, and 15★ → 16★ increases to 100%, colloquially referred to as "5/15/15". When upgrading from 15★ → 16★, safeguard is disabled as it would provide no benefit. (ONLY FOR 15★ → 16 SAFEGAURD ON 16★ → 17★).

30% off
30% off Star Forcing. As the name implies.
Potential progression
Potentials are usually for "late game" players but that doesn't mean you can't start now. Eventually there will be a point where you will need to min/max your gear and a part of that is your potential progression. Potentials are RNG based meaning they will be random.

Cubing tips&tricks
Before running off to do this, read the note at the end. The cost of cubing a certain equipment scales with it's level. The lower the level is the less mesos you have to spend on it to cube it.
For example the cost of cubing lv. 120 equips costs 10% of the cost of lv. 130+ equips, so cubing lv. 120 gear and using the transfer hammer to transfer it to lv. 130 gear can save a large amount of mesos when going for EPIC(9%) potential early on. Especially if you can get full sets each each 120>130>140(Pensalir) gear while grinding from lv. 110 to lv140.


Where to start?
As above mentioned start with wherever you can and make your way up to Pensalir gear(lv. 140).
Once you have gotten yourself a Pensalir set, do not cube yet. Reroll as many time as you can to find the perfect Flame Stat equipment. As both POT and FLAMES will be transfered with TH(transfer hammer).

What to cube first?
WSE in that order.

What is WSE?
WSE stands for Weapon, Secondary & Emblem

What should you aim for?
  • Main stat
  • ATT
  • Boss DMG
  • Crit DMG
  • IED
  • CDhat
Flame Progression
Familiar progress
Like I stated in FAQ #3, familiars provide extra bonus stats while having them out. With familiars you will be min/maxing your end game with a little bump in some stats/survivability. More on the survivability part later. Ideally you'd want to focus familiars when you're lv. 230+. The reason why is that area's above lv. 230 drop familiar cards unlike area's like VJ(Vanishing Journey), Chu Chu etc. where MOBS don't drop familiar cards. Since you will be training in those areas when you are lv. 230 + it's best to farm up all the cards you can.

There are 2 requirements you need to fulfil in order to rank them up.
  • Level them up to lv. 5
  • Merge 100/150 of the same mobs together

How does familiars work?
Once you have obtained a familiar card you can use it(in the "USE" tab) and give them a name. The name is optional or you can give them their default name. You can always change this later.

Where to find your familiars?
After giving them a name they will dissapear, but to where? In order for you to access your familiars you will have to set up a keybinding for them. The keybinding is orange and is called; "Familiar". No surprise there.

How to set up your familiar?
Now that you have a keybinding for them press and open up the familiar tab. Once you're in there head over to: "Collection" and look for your familiar. Once you found them click on them and under the picture on the left there will be a box with a GIANT "?". Click on that to reveal the potential/bonus stat they will provide. This cannot be changed unless you rank them up. If you do not like the potential/bonus stat you will have to find another familiar card. After that is done head over to the "Setup" tab and double click your familiar to place them in the slot. Make sure to press "SAVE".

How to summon your familiar?
In order to summon your familiar you have to setup another keybinding. Open up your "Skills" and head over to TAB "0". There you will find a skill called: "Summon Familiars". Set that up to a keybind and you'll be ready to summon your familiar.

How to level familiars?
You level familiars up by have them equipped and out battling alongside you while you train. The max level is lv. 5. So remember to summon them before grinding.

How to merge familiars?
In order to merge familiars you need a total of 100, 150 if it's an EPIC fam, of the same familiar cards. Head over to the "Collection" tab and to the "Fusion" sub-tab. MAKE SURE YOU SELECT THE CORRECT FAMILIAR YOU WANT TO MERGE. Once you have selected the CORRECT familiar go ahead and merge them all together by click the "Select All" button on top and press "Fuse".

How to rank up familiars?
In the same aforementioned tab you can click the button "Rank Up". Ths will only be clickable when you meet the above mentioned requirements.

Badge progression
In order to unlock more familiars slots(so you can use more familiars(up to 3)) you need to collect a set of familiars for each region to unlock badges. Some are long others are short. Some are easy some are hard. Each region has it's own level of monsters(from level 10 up to level 260). Having 1 badge unlocks your second familiar and you get your 3rd familiar once you unlocked 10 badges in total.

Other benefits badges give:
Badges give stats depending on which badge you have. Having a low level badge(so early game badge with weak monsters in it) will give you a low stat badge.

Total RNG
Progressing a familiar into something good is total RNG. In order to get good familiars you need to have them at least unique.(Refer to the familiar section above on how to level a familiar)
Ardentmill progression
How to start?
As soon as you reach lv. 35 you can start your Ardentmill progression.
You can accept the quest on the left side, grey lightbulb.
After you have accepted the quest, go down and talk to two people at the far right called: "Cole - Master of Mining" & "Saffron - Master of Herbalism". Cole will unlock "Mining profession" and Saffron will unlock "Herbalism profession".

Once you have learned those you can start mining ores and digging herbs.

Note: I'd recommend doing this ASAP. The sooner you begin the more ores/herbs you will have collected. You will also begin leveling your "Mining" & "Herbalism" professions. The level cap of all 5 professions is 10 + 2(the other 2 being "Master" & "Meister").

After you have the 2 main professions, you can now start either crafting or brewing.
You have 3 professions to choose from. In regular servers you can only choose 1/3 but in Reboot you can choose them all 3/3. The reason being is that you can't trade in Reboot.
Here are the 3 professions you can choose from:
  • Smithing
  • Accessory Crafting
  • Alchemy

Herbalism is needed to craft ingredients for Alchemy.

Mining is needed to craft ingredients for Smithing & Accessory Crafting.

Smithing allows you to craft armor and weapons from various levels and classes.

Smithing Tech
Arrows are the best way to level your Smithing level. This only works up to levle 10. After that you will need to start making gear to level up to Meister.

Accessory Crafting
Accessory Crafting allows you to craft accessories from various levels and classes.

Alchemy allows you to brew various potions. Ranging from EXP pots to damage dealing pots to stat pots.

Alchemy Tech
You can easily level by making transformation potions. These do have a cooldown after each brew. This can be done up to Meister.

After each craft/brew and/or mine/dig you get fatigue. Once you fill out the red fatigue bar to 300/300 you lose the ability to craft/brew for the day. You will need to wait for reset to be able to craft/brew again. Eventually you will reach level 10 and most crafting/brewing and/or mining/digging will cost no fatigue.

Item Extraction
Once you reach lv. 1-6 on any profession you will be able to extract items. You can extract higher level equipment the higher your profession level is. Once you reach lv. 6 you can extract any level of equipment. Once you extract an equipment you get crafting materials. This can only be done inside Ardentmill.

Item Fusion
Once you reach lv. 1-4 on any profession you will be able to fuse items. You can fuse higher level equipment the higher your profession level is. Once you reach lv. 4 you can fuse any level of equipment. You will need 2 of the same item in order to fuse. The reason why you'd wanna do this is to get better flames on an item, instead of throwing a rebirth flame on it. This can only be done inside Ardentmill.

In order to craft/brew certain items you will need to have the recipe for them. These can be obtained by monster drops. Some recipes are to be used within 1 day others are a one time use. For both of these if you want to craft more you will need to have more recipe's for them.
Stats progression
Each class has their own progression. As each class has different wants and needs for each different situation. You have 3 presets for each of the following, usually 1 for mobbing, the other for bossing and the third is fodder.
Generally you'll want something along the lines of this:

Inner Ability
First Line (Legendary)
  • +1 Attack Speed
  • 30% Boss Damage
  • 30 (Magic)Attack
Second & Third Line (Unique)
  • % Damage to monsters inflicted with Abnormal Status
  • Item Drop Rate
  • Meso Drop Rate
  • <30 (Magic)Attack
  • % Damage to normal monsters
  • Buff skill duration %
  • Critical Rate

Hyper Stats
Hyperstats is a points based system. It is unlocked at lv. 140. Each subsequent level will net you points which you can invest into (bonus)stats. Each level up costs more points than the previous level. Max level is 15 (10 if you haven't reached lv. 200). This is different from the main stat level up you get after each character level from lv. 10 onward. (You unlock a new tab for this)
In this order:

  • Damage
  • Normal Damage (+Damage against normal monsters)
  • Attack Power & Magic ATT

Optional/only do if have high critical rate
  • Experience Obtained
  • Arcane Force/Power
  • Critical Rate (get around ~100% if can, not higher)
  • Critical Damage (only after you've reached >95% rate)
EXP is for grinding.
Arcane Force is if you cannot 1 shot MOBS(monsters) in the area you are training at. (requirement lv. 200+)
Lastly, the reason being is that you'll spend too much points on these if you don't have enough critical rate. Which can be invest into other (bonus)stats.

  • Damage
  • Ignore Defense (also called IED(Ignore Enemy Defense))
  • Boss Damage
  • Critical Rate (get around ~100% if can, not higher)
  • Critical Damage (only after you've reached >95% rate)
  • Attack Power & Magic ATT
  • Your class's Main Stat
For this is the critical rate is NOT optional. You will need 100% crit. rate and the crit. damage.

Link Skills
You can equip 12 Link Skills. Link skills are unlocked when a character reaches lv. 70. After which it can be transferred to another character. Each character has their own Link Skill. In total you'll have 13 Link Skills (including your own characters Link Skill).
  • Mercedes Link Skill
  • Aran Link Skill
  • Evan Link Skill
  • Hoyoung Link Skill
  • Kanna Link Skill
  • Demon Avenger Link Skill
  • Lara Link Skill
  • Khali Link Skill

  • Kinesis Link Skill
  • Ark Link Skill
  • Explorer Mage Link Skill
  • Explorer Thief Link Skill
  • Demon Avenger Link Skill
  • Demon Slayer Link Skill
  • Xenon Link Skill
  • Kanna Link Skill
  • Luminous Link Skill
  • Lynn Link Skill
  • Cadena Link Skill
  • Angelic Buster Link Skill
  • Resistance Link Skill
  • Phantom Link Skill
  • Kain Link Skill
  • Adele Link Skill (for party play)
  • Explorer Warrior Link Skill
MapleScouter is a tool to gauge how strong you and which bosses you can clear/attempt to clear. This is not a perfect metric to rely on but it will help you as it has a lot of features you can take advantage of.
See the videos below for more information.
Credits: Duky;

Credits: Drew;

GMS Conversion Help Sheet for MapleScouter[]
End game
What is FOMO?

Why is it so bad and toxic to the community?
At this point I'm starting to sound like a tape recorder, but I will keep repeating it.
Games are meant to be fun, MapleStory is a marathon not a sprint.
It is NOT about who is better and who is faster, it's a journey. Improving little by little bit by bit until eventually you keep getting stronger and stronger, better and better. More gains, slowly but surely.
Just like in real life. Do not ever compare yourself to one another, downplaying yourself or even worse, downplaying others.

The main reason why people have FOMO in this game is because of EVENTS.
MapleStory has "exclusives" depending on what region you play. For example; MapleStory Global has Gollux, while Korean MapleStory doesn't.
But these are just regional differences. There are also "Legacy" items and "one in a lifetime" items. MapleStory often has events and those rarely, if ever come back. Which means you miss out on certain items.
This is where FOMO comes in, fear of missing out on those items.
But guess what? There will always be future events with "one time" items that come and go. You miss this event's item, no problem, onto the next event which another "one time" item.
In essence you never really miss anything. These small gains have no impact on whether you can or cannot defeat a certain boss, event, quest etc.
Do you lose a potential cool item? Yes? Is it worth your sanity/grinding over? No, never in fact.
FOMO is the #1 reason why people quit this game. FOMO leads to burnout and makes the game less enjoyable.

Here is your 1,000,000th reminder:
Games are meant to be fun, MapleStory is a marathon not a sprint.
So whether you lose, win, miss or don't miss out. It does not matter. At the end of the day it's a game. You log off and go on with your day, there's always tomorrow, the day after and so on. There's no reason for you to log off and leave angry/frustrated.

MapleStory is most fun when YOU yourself are having fun. And especially when you take your time to play.

Do not let FOMO control you. It's a plague that ruins games, social life and everything it touches. Don't let it happen to you.
Tips & tricks
Some QoL tips & tricks. A better experience overall.

Chat filtering
You can remove all the spam/clutter from your chat(Gacha's etc.). Here's how:


Chat commands
Instead of cluttering your keybindings with: "say", "party chat" etc. You can use chat commands to achieve the same.
Chat commands are done by using the "/" key.
command(shortcut) = explanation

  • /say(/s) = all chat
  • /party(/p) = party chat
  • /buddy(/b) = friends chat
  • /guild(/g) = guild chat
  • /alliance(/a) = alliance chat

Game options
Here are some game options that might improve your experience ingame.
These settings are for better visibilities. You can choose to set your skill transparency to whatever you want but for bossing I would keep it low. Even for mobbing I keep it low because there's just oo much going on otherwise. And most of the time I do not need to see other player's skils. But I do keep it on, just to give me insight for certain things.

IIf you want to compare a ring to all 4 equipepd rings you can press the scroll wheele, to scroll between the 4 rings you have equipped.

You can also hold right click an equipment in your inventory to see the set effect of that item. Instead of comparing the item to your equipped item.

You can sort your items in your inventory if you click the 3 lines next to your mesos. You have 3 options to choose from.
  • Consolidate = move everything up
  • Sort by type = sorts by type
  • Lock/unlock sorting = sorts by locks

Additionally you can also expand your inventory view by click on the arrow "[->]" next to the sorting button. This will fill up your screen if you have a lower resolution screen.

There are some new QoL updates added within the "equipment" tabs.

Equip tab
You can now hide your Medal & Title. So if you find that ugly you can remove the visibility of it. The stats and such will remain.

Cash tab
You can now have presets of cash outfits, although this works a little weird. What's more interesting is the "Default Weapon Motion". You can now change how you hold your weapon. Personally I love the "Gun" look, especially if you have a warroir. Your sword will now be held in the backside hand of your character. Which imo looks dope.
Note: you will need to have a NX weapon in order for this to work, does NOT work if you do not have a NX weapon

Hide "daily/weekly" quests
Search the quest you want to disable/enable notifications on on your "quest log" in "available" tab. This only works when you have not accepted the quest beforehand.

Home buffs
Once you've unlocked and done the Home pre-quest you can talk to your "caretaker" to receive buffs.

Monster Park
MP has some usefull things,
For starters there's a merchant which sells:
  • Red Pot(ATT +30 for 30min)
  • Blue Pot(MATT +30 for 30min)
  • Green Pot(Increased AS for 30min(breaks AS CAP))
  • Yellow Pot(EXP +10% for 30min(stackable))
  • Greed Pendant(20% drop rate(passive))(POTable)

Showa Town
Showa Town has some usefull things,
For starters there's a merchant which sells:
  • Cider(WEP ATT +20 for 5min)
  • Candied Apple(All stat +7 for 30min)
  • Ginger Ale(75% of MP&HP)

Note: Cider does not stack in inventory. It will take up 1 spot for every Cider you buy. Cider & Candied Apple have a duration after bought. Meaning you can only use it for "x" amount of days.

Alternatively Mushroom Shrine also has some good "USE" items.
Ninja Castle has some Anvil equipment.

Haven tech
Once you are lv. 199 you can get a free level bump to lv. 200 by just talking. Here's how you do it:
Go to Haven, there you will find a robot(up left). Talk to the robot, you can skip all the dialogue if you want. After that you will gain a free level up.
Does not work anymore.

Zakum tech + free Legion/Link levels
Once you become lv. 100 you can get ~12 free levels. Here's how:
First find a Rune to increase EXP. Then go to Zakum and make sure you choose NORMAL Zakum. Focus his arms first because that is where you will get all your EXP from. Once you killed those arms WITH the runes you will gain around ~12 levels. Going from lv. 100 > lv. 112.
With that in mind, once you have killed all the arms you can quit to "World Selection". Now every 30 min you can attempt it again and repeating the process.

Eventually you will be reaching higher levels and it'll take more attempts to level. You would want to do this till you reach lv. 140. Because this will unlock you S rank in Legion and give you a bigger block to place. Lv. 120 will unlock you level 2 of your Link skill.

To add to that once you have a few links skills/decent gear and you’re lv. 125-130 you can go to Korean Folk Town and do the Bunny quest all the way to the Goblin quest, these quest range from lv. 125 to lv. 150. By doing this, it will not only give you a lot of EXP, it’ll also give you mesos.

On top of that you will get up to pensalir gear. You can Star Force and Transfer Hammer from lv. 110>120>130>140 with the mesos you gain from doing the quest. Killing MOBS + after quest completion will give you mesos. In which you can eventually make a boss mule if you’d like.

Pensalir set is good for grinding as it has a good set effect includingn; ATT+MATT, Damage Against Normal Monsters & Ignore Monster DEF at 6 set items equipped.

Necromancer set is good for bossing if you can't/don't have CRA. This is dropped by Hila. The 5 set effect gives you 15% BOSS DAMAGE in total.
Also does not work anymore.
Useful links;
All credit of links goes to the author of those links.

Note; Some links might be outdated, depending on when you read this guide. I will try to keep this guide as updated as I can.

Scardor has tons of usefull guides that you can access here below. If you're looking for something chances are he has it.
All links[]
Shared CS Inventory: 1)Explorers (incl. Jett/Cann/DB) 2)Hero Classes (MAPLES) 3)Nova 4)Cygnus (incl. Mihile) 5)Demon/Resistance/Xenon 6)Beast Tamer 7)Kinesis 8)Sengoku 9)Flora (illium/Ark/Adele) 10)Anima (HoYoung) 11)Zero

General Maple Tips
Maple Guides Playlist
So you wanna be a "class" (outdated)
2020 - So you wanna be a "class"
5th Job Skills
Awake Skills 5th Job Update
Awaken Your Maple Class
Class vs Class
Class vs Class Unfunded Edition
Toss This Boss(TTT) - Boss Guide

The MapleStory Wiki
Wiki - All Things Considered[]





Uncapped Gaming

Devvult  [author] 19 Jan @ 10:00am 
Yeah it helped me a bunch, hope it helps you too. If you're going to use it; manually connect to osburn01/02 to get the best connection.
Dean 19 Jan @ 2:45am 
Thanks, appreciate your answer!

Btw. im going to try exitlag as well, since i play on NA from EU. Without it i have a ping of 180-210
Devvult  [author] 18 Jan @ 9:17pm 
Depends, if the event is available you can use that. If not you're most likely have to do the dungeon/quests/grind(train) @Dean
Dean 18 Jan @ 10:39am 
This guide is amazing thank you, for taking your time!
As a new player, can i use the quick lvl event till 200 or should i prioritize doing the dungeons you mentioned first?
Mikhail RAMADAN 12 Nov, 2024 @ 10:56pm 
Crazy guide, giving me nostalgic flashbacks to ms global days lol... So from reading this, I guess i can still recover my nexon accounts and characters? But tbh i wasnt even that geared or think i have anything still worth saving lol
ZirJosh 6 Sep, 2024 @ 10:14pm 
Muy genial
Devvult  [author] 7 Feb, 2024 @ 11:23am 
Oh brother, that's going to take a while, I'll try my best to get to it. I gotta get more info about 6th job for every classes. Most optimal route etc. so it's going to take a while. I have so much to add as well to it, other than 6th job. Have to reformat this guide.
rickymomo 6 Feb, 2024 @ 3:50pm 
6th job when?
Devvult  [author] 24 Jan, 2023 @ 4:43am 
The game is much easier than before. Everything is more mainstreamed. But there are a lot of nee changes which makes it hard to get in to. But this guide cover most of it if not all. You can always try it again. @jeekai
Jeekai 21 Jan, 2023 @ 3:28pm 
wow havent palyed this game in YEARS last time i got on pirates was just released and now they have 5th job and lv 200+ looks like way to much to get back into and try playing again