Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

193 个评价
District RCI 2
40.750 KB
2021 年 5 月 26 日 下午 4:21
2023 年 12 月 4 日 下午 12:43
11 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

District RCI 2

在 M.S.Referee 的 1 个合集中
"Lazy Packs of Mods" -- You don't need to worry about incompatible!
202 件物品
(English Language)

Support from a Base Game only to with any or all DLC.
Supported version: 1.17.1-f4

Watch the video with Subtitles

First, You need unsubscribe original version of them to avoid incompatible.
○ "DistrictRCI" (Thanks 'CWMlolzlz' created the original version.)
○ "DistrictRCI-continued" (Thanks 'cambrium' created the original version.)
○ "DistrictRCI fix" (Thanks 'billw' created the original version.)
--> Click here go to unsubscribe "DistrictRCI" Original Version <--
--> Click here go to unsubscribe "DistrictRCI-continued" Original Version <--
--> Click here go to unsubscribe "DistrictRCI fix" Original Version <--

This mod just for "Collect Demand of Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Office only in 'Current District' ".
That's means if you got lots of different districts, they are all collecting that their own related information which only in their inside.

-----> How to use, just paint a District, then click the District Name and you will see mod icon on District Panel. And also please check look the picture, you will know everything. <-----

And, this mod tested with whole mods in my "Final List", it's work fine. So if you got problem or error, you should check look my this post and followed some steps to do.
-------------> Click here to see my "Final List" of mods <-------------

Mod Functions:
○ Support Multi-Language.
○ Support Mouse to Left Click, Double Left Click , Right Click for different action.
○ Custom Icon for each items.
○ Fixed icon of "Moon Phases" mod gone when use both.
○ Optimized Performance.

Open Translations

If you are interested in translating mods, you can click this link below.
(You can directly open and translate without logging in any account.)

-------------> Translation "District RCI 2" Mod <-------------[]

-------------> Thank all translator for help! <-------------[]
Thanks algernon's icon reading code module and translation code module.
Thanks t1a2l for help fixed text display problem.
Thanks kian.zarrin for help checkbox option.

Thank you very much to Support Me
Hope "MrBeast" will see this picture! XD

Search tags: District, Districts, Demand, city, RCI, RCIO

(Chinese Language)(中文)



○ "DistrictRCI" (感謝 'CWMlolzlz' 創建了原版。)
○ "DistrictRCI-continued" (感謝 'cambrium' 創建了原版。)
○ "DistrictRCI fix" (感謝 'billw' 創建了原版。)
--> 點擊這裡退訂原版 "DistrictRCI" <--
--> 點擊這裡退訂原版 "DistrictRCI-continued" <--
--> 點擊這裡退訂原版 "DistrictRCI fix" <--

此模組用於 “只收集在 ‘現在這個行政區內’ 的所有 住宅、商業、工業和辦公室之需求狀況”。

-----> 如何使用此模組,只需繪製一個行政區,然後點擊行政區名稱就可以從行政區面板中看到模組圖標。其他相關細節請查看說明圖片您就將了解所有模組之功能。 <-----

此模組是與我的 ”Final List“ 模組選用 貼文,所有使用中的模組一起測試過的,運轉一切正常。所以如果您有遇到問題或錯誤,請查看、跟隨我的 ”Final List“ 模組選用 貼文排錯。
-------------> 點擊此處查看我的 "Final List" 模組選用 貼文 <-------------

○ 支援多國語言。
○ 支援滑鼠左鍵、左鍵雙擊、右鍵,各自執行不同的功能。
○ 自訂項目顯示圖標。
○ 修復和 "Moon Phases" 模組同時使用時,"Moon Phases" 模組圖標丟失的問題。
○ 優化模組效能。

-------------> 感謝所有幫助翻譯的玩家們! <-------------[]
感謝 algernon 的圖標讀取程式模塊和翻譯程式模塊。
感謝 t1a2l 幫助修復文字顯示問題。
感謝 kian.zarrin 幫助複選框功能。

ご寄付ありがとうございます!       기부에 대한 정말 감사합니다!

搜尋關鍵字: 行政區, 區域, 城市, 需求,須求,RCI,RCIO
61 条留言
M.S.Referee  [作者] 2023 年 12 月 4 日 上午 8:26 
To Chingles

OK, when you done and updated again.
Chingles 2023 年 12 月 3 日 下午 7:06 
I´m working in the other one (District Stats) But is not finished yet. I need to check some things.
M.S.Referee  [作者] 2023 年 12 月 3 日 下午 5:43 
To Chingles

Thank you very much! Mod has been updated.
Chingles 2023 年 12 月 3 日 上午 8:11 
Spanish translation added.
M.S.Referee  [作者] 2023 年 11 月 27 日 下午 12:31 
To Sixeyeco

Thank you.

No matter how many independent districts there are, the mod only calculates the demand within 'each independent district' separately. Therefore, the demand in the independent district must be different from the 'global' demand at the bottom bar.

In fact, this is just a matter of statistical sampling.

For example, the population in the 'AAA independent district demand' is for only 1,000 people. But the 'global' demand is for a population of 100,000 people. Therefore, the ‘demand ratio’ between them must be different.
Sixeyeco 2023 年 11 月 27 日 上午 8:23 
Hello. Thank you for your work on this mod. It is exactly what I need.

I have a question. I started a new map and I only have one district. I see a large disparity between the mod's demand meter for the single district and the one that's included in the game.

Is this expected behavior?

Thanks again.
Soggy Bread 2023 年 9 月 19 日 下午 8:51 
Thank you!
M.S.Referee  [作者] 2023 年 9 月 17 日 下午 6:46 
To a15998123772

你口中那個: 汝之非中。

我口中這個: 吾唯是之。
‘吾唯是之’ : 女媧伏羲三皇五帝大禹堯舜夏商西周東周春秋戰國秦統西漢新朝東漢三國(魏、蜀漢、吳) 西晉五胡十六國東晉南朝(宋、齊、梁、陳)北朝(東魏、西魏、北齊、北周)隋唐五代十國(後樑、後唐、後晉、後漢、後周、吳、前蜀、吳越、楚、閩、南漢、荊南、後蜀、南唐、北漢)北宋南宋蒙帝元明清,至今中.華.民.國第112年且續之。

(沒錯,後面這句是我自己想的,又要借題發揮? 哇哇哇 不得了 不得了)
不该被遗忘的那片天空 2023 年 5 月 24 日 上午 12:11 
M.S.Referee  [作者] 2023 年 5 月 6 日 上午 5:45 
To Andrea

Sorry for that, it's a same situation from all my mods after used the new translation framework from 'algernon'. And I have asked a long time, and waiting for he to find and tell me the final solving way.

So, when he told me, this situation be solved, but not now.

PS: The new translation framework used .csv file and .xml had retired. And if you got interested you can do a translation by click "-------------> Translation "District RCI 2" Mod <-------------" on bottom of "Open Translations" name from this page. And Thank you!