112 Operator

112 Operator

95 ratings
Less known features
By Prof. bartussx
Here is a list of things some players may not know!
Hey, here are some lesser-known features in 112 Operator for new players (and it can also be called FAQ). Experienced players may call this guide useless and we understand that, but if you have other ideas for things in this guide, please let us know, we'll add that and mention you! :)

Some links from us:
Discord server for 112 Operator players[discord.gg]
Mods made by our team
Our website[operatorfans.wixsite.com]

Made by Rescue Mod Team
Mod Manager
A mod manager was added in the January update, which will allow you to disable and enable mods without removing them in the workshop.

How to find it?
Main Menu > Extras > Installed Mods
Return to the starting position
One of the updates allows you to send units to their starting position. You can do this with the "R" button on your keyboard. You can change the keyboard shortcut to another in the settings.
Call Editor
You can create your professional calls (even with voices) in the Call Editor. A full guide on how to create calls: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2138217153

Wait for Backup
Sending a police unit to the incident, while pressing the ALT key will result in the police unit waiting on-site for other police units to arrive, before taking any further action.
Hiring Operators
This feature is very popular, but some players don't know how to hire operators.

First you need to be promoted to the senior rank, only then you can hire operators.

1. First go to the "Districts" tab.

2. Click on the empty squares.

3. Now select an operator and hire him.

Incident Multiplier
Some of you are playing on saves already created and cannot see the slider when creating a new game. You can set an incident multiplier to suit your preferences.

If you don't want to make a new game, that's fine!
1. Open a console, press "~" key.
2. Enter a command "EnableCheats".
3. Enter "SetIncidentsMultiplier 0.80" (instead of 0.80, there can be any other number).

You have to enter everything at loaded save and before the start of the duty.
Examples: "SetIncidentsMultiplier 0.25" will make it 4 times less incidents, "SetIncidentsMultiplier 2" - 2 times more.
Editing Existing Gears
You can edit existing gears instead of creating new ones. Then all equipment is replaced by the new one.
Added in the spring update.
Disable "Force Area Expand"
Some may think this possibility is trivial and everyone knows it, but unfortunately not.
You can disable the "forced extension" of your area when creating a new game.

Uncheck "Force Area Expand".
Units go to an incident after burying
Units that got buried in snow on their road to incident will now start to move again after they unbury themselves.
Hydrants and water from rivers
Did you know that when the water in fire trucks runs out, they are going to fill the water to nearest hydrants or a water reservoir? The hydrants are not visible, but they are there. This is most often in inhabited places.
Improved Rank System
The ranks system has been improved in the update. Now you can see the rank of each crew member.
Grouping of units
You can create a group of units and select all these units with one button. How to do it?
Hold down CTRL, and then select a number key. You have to do this during the duty. :)

Now when you press the selected key, the units in the group will be selected. Useful for fire trucks.

To create a command queue, you must hold "shift" while sending units.
Patrolling Drones (DLC Facilities)
Did you know you can set up a patrol route for drones? While pressing shift, right-click on the map.
Random number of duties during a pandemic (Pandemic Outbreak DLC)
In Pandemic Outbreak DLC, the number of coronavirus waves can be different and the pandemic lasts a different number of duties.
Issac Brock 26 Jan @ 9:12am 
Thanks. Never knew about the ALT key, this is going to make a difference!
Lera 29 Oct, 2024 @ 12:10pm 
Can you use the calls you make in your game or what?
TomotoTato 24 Aug, 2024 @ 1:55pm 
Thanks, learned from this guide.
Questlove 29 Apr, 2023 @ 10:26am 
How can you ungroup units?
L.Griffin 30 Jun, 2022 @ 4:17pm 
About "Queuing": When you queue a vehicle to go to accident A then go to accident B, after they complete accident A, although it still have empty seat (for suspect or patient), they will go to the nearest base (police station, hospital) first, after that will they go to accident B, sometimes this is a waste of time, so don't rely on queuing too much.
L.Griffin 30 Jun, 2022 @ 4:13pm 
About "Grouping of units": Just hold CTRL, and choose units you want to group by either clicking them one by one or drag a rectangle area (like in those RTS games) then press a number key and release CTRL.
L.Griffin 30 Jun, 2022 @ 4:09pm 
About "Wait for Backup": This applies to any kinds of unit, not only police. If there are many strong enemies in one place it is better to do this on every units that are joining the situation. Note that all units will actually go in when the LAST POLICE unit arrives, and MILITARY units do not count as police units (which is important in Pandemic Outbreak DLC).
Questlove 27 Apr, 2022 @ 7:35am 
Re: Grouping of Units.... Press and hold CTRL and left mouse click each unit then release the CTRL key then press a #?
Dzięcioł Infernum 26 Apr, 2022 @ 10:12am 
I though that this is a typical "Press W to run forward" guide, but after I read it, I actually learned quite a lot.
Thank you for the guide!
sfarog [m0rph] 19 Dec, 2021 @ 8:56pm 
Great guide, when i started playing i didn't know about any of the options, and now i had to start a new one and disable the force area expand thing...

I only want to chill in one district, and i don't care about anything more than that.

Thank you for the guide :)