Dead by Daylight
Оцінок: 296
Dead By Daylight's Dictionary
Автор: Scarlett Snow
If you're new to Dead By Daylight, you will inevitably run into some terms that you don't quite understand. So I decided to make a list in hopes of helping out some newcomers to understand those terms/slangs.

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As survivor, doing a 360 spin around the killer as he is about to attack you. Successfully spinning around the killer will dodge the attack. Video
3 Gen strat
Abbreviation for "3 generator strategy". This strategy is used by killers to stall the game by camping/protecting/patrolling three generators that are close to each other, making it very hard for survivors to repair these three generators..
When the survivors find themselves with a bad last 3 Gens locations that are in close proximity of each other, giving the killer an advantage through their own doing and not as an actual strategy by the killer
Successfully attempting an escape on the hook without the help of teammates. Alternative terms: Kobe
Achieving 1Kill / 2Kills / 3 Kills / 4 Kills in a single match.
completing near finished progress on the gen or the exit doors to misdirect the killer
5 second rule
The name given to a strategy to counter the perk Barbecue and Chili by entering a locker as a survivor gets hooked and counting to 5 before exiting the locker to ensure that your aura is hidden from the killer
6 second switch
When a survivor switch his Item right when the game is about to start to deceive the killer of which items are brought to the match. And also to not give him time to react for the item switch if he noticed.
And sometimes they even change the character with another that already has an item in his hand to reach the same goal "Deceiving the Killer".
  • Survivors usually do this to bring a Key and avoid the perk Franklin's, since Killers usually tend to equip it when they see a Key in the lobby

Auric Cells, a currency used for microtransactions. Auric Cells are bought with real money and allow you to buy cosmetics or playable characters in the in-game store.
Agitation, a teachable killer perk unique to The Trapper. Increases the killer's movement speed and terror radius while carrying a survivor.
Achievements of certain Killer/Survivor

Basement Bubba
A build for The Cannibal involving the perks Insidious, Iron Grasp and Agitation. Once a survivor is downed, Leatherface hooks them in the basement and stays down there, hidding in a corner to trigger Insidious. The killer then waits for other survivors to attempt to rescue their teammate. If a survivor falls for the trap, Leatherface can potentially down everyone in the basement by using his chainsaw.
Barbecue & Chilli, a teachable killer perk unique to The Cannibal. After hooking a survivor, the auras of all other survivors are shown for 4 seconds of they're 40m away from the hook.
Official abbreviation for Behaviour Interactive (stylized as bE HAVIOUR), the developers of Dead by Daylight.
Getting BHVR'd is when something in-game doesn't work as intended due to unfixed bugs or bad game netcode..etc, That the Devs are yet to fix
Balanced Landing, a teachable survivor perk unique to Nea Karlsson. It reduces the stagger effects from long falls and, if the survivor is not exhausted, grants a small sprint boost upon landing.
Black Pip
Alternative term for "0 Rank Progress"
Bad manners. In-game actions with the sole purpose of enraging your opponent. Examples: teabagging, flashlight clicking, repeatedly hitting a hooked survivor, spamming the Mori animation.
Brand New Part, an ultra rare add-on for Toolboxes. It used to repair generators almost instantly and got abused by coordinated Survive With Friends-teams to quickly repair up to 4 generators in a short amount of time. The add-on got heavily nerfed in the first Mid-chapter Balance Patch (July 2018) - it only repairs 25% of a generator now and doesn't consume the toolbox upon usage anymore.
The action of a killer/survivor using the collision physics to block another player. It's usually used to block the killer from hooking a survivor, which can result in the carried survivor wiggling free of the killer's grasp and escaping.
Bloodpoints, an in-game currency used to level up characters.
Bloody Party Streamers, a rare offering found in bloodwebs. It grants a 2x bloodpoints bonus for every player in the trial.
Brutal Strength, a teachable killer perk unique to The Trapper. It allows the killer to destroy pallets and damage generators faster.
Borrowed Time, a (teachable) survivor perk unique to Bill Overbeck. If a survivor is unhooked within the killer's terror radius, any damage taken that would put the unhooked survivor into the dying state will instead trigger the Deep Wounds status effect.
A Claudette dressed dark playing immersed at all cost
Boop the Snoot
To crouch and point at the Pig's head Video
A generally negative term used to describe a player who is new to a particular role
Is an old technique of the Killer Hillbilly for doing sharp turns at the end of the chainsaw charge, allowing him to hit around corners. Video
Bing bong
Nickname for the Killer "Wraith". It is given to him Because he rings a bell every time he cloaks/decloaks
Bam Bam
Nickname for the Killer "Oni". It is given to him because of the sound his "Demon Strike" makes.
Burger King Myers
A meme build in which a player takes the role of The Shape with the add-ons "Judith's Tombstone" and "Vanity Mirror", both reduce movement speed and you won't be able to progress past Evil Within Tier 1, making you slower than Survivors
Bunny Tech
it's whenever someone disconnects right as they are about to get hit by the Killer
Bunny Mom
Nickname for the Killer Huntress. It is given to her because of her Bunny Mask she wear
Nickname given to the Survivor Map Item.

The action of a killer remaining in close proximity of a hooked survivor. More specific terms: patrolling, hard-patrolling, facecamping.
A general term used in video games. It describes a gameplay mechanic that is "borderline overpowered" because it's unrivaled in a certain category and thus makes it very easy for the player to succeed in a match. In Dead by Daylight, it's used to describe common META perks like Pop goes The Weasel, Hex: No one escapes death, Adrenaline, Decisive Strike etc.
Corn Vision
When you are a killer, and are chasing someone through a corn field and no longer can see them because your vision is obstructed by stalks of corn. Also can be referred to as "Corn Blindness" as well.
It is when there is a dropped pallet in between you and a killer, on the side of the killer there is also a downed survivor. You then vault the pallet assuming the killer is going to break it forcing the killer to pick up the survivor, vault it back right after and then perform a flashlight save. Video
The act of breaking a totem or curing sickness against the Plague

Abbreviation for "Disconnect".
Alternative term for "-1 Rank Progress"/"Losing Progress"
Dead Hard, a teachable survivor perk unique to David King. When injured, it allows the survivor to dash forward and avoid damage for the duration of the dash.
down a survivor
The action of a killer that puts a survivor into the Dying State (crawling on the ground) by successfully hitting them with their basic attacks or their unique power.
Double Pip
Alternative term for "+2 Rank Progress"
Decisive Strike, a perk infamous among killers that grants survivors the ability to instantly escape the carrying process.
Dance With Me, a teachable survivor perk unique to Kate Denson. When performing a fast vault or leaving a locker in a sprint, the survivor leaves no scratch marks for 3 seconds.
The action of dropping and picking the survivor few times before hooking to avoid getting Decisive Striked
It is when you Stun the killer with a pallet and immediatly vault towards the killer and run away which tricks the killer to do a panic swing and hit the pallet. Video
The act of leaving a match before it starts to avoid certain Items that the Survivors might bring, And sometimes because of high ping.
Nickname for the Killer Demogorgon.

Abbreviation for the Endgame Collapse, a new endgame mechanic that was added in Patch 2.7.0.
Evil Within, a killer power unique to The Shape. Evil Within's tiers are commonly referred to as EW1, EW2 and EW3.
Eat DS
To get stunned by Decisive Strike, sometimes on purpose.
Spiderleg thing controlling the realm

The action of a Killer standing directly in front of a hooked Survivor, face to face.
Killer and survivors working together to farm as many bloodpoints as possible. Also sometimes used to describe when survivors aggressively unhooking or picking up a downed teammate near the killer to gain points
Flashlight save
A mechanic that allows the survivors to save a survivor from killer's grasp by blinding him after the pickup animation.
Franklin's Demise, a teachable killer perk unique to The Cannibal. It forces the survivor to drop their currently equipped item upon getting hit by the killer.
The act of Pretending to do something to misdirect your opponent. It's usually used in chase to gain the advantage
Forever Freddy
A Freddy running the Swing Chains and Jump Ropes addons in addition to a full generator slowdown build in order to increase the time it takes to do generators significantly and making a game take a long time [These addons were reworked in the 4.7.0 update].

Gen rush
A term which refers to survivors doing their objective very efficiently, resulting in generators getting done very fast. It's also used as counter in case the killer is face-/hardcamping a survivor on the hook.
Abbreviation for "Good Game".
Abbreaviation for "Good Luck Have Fun".
A generic term to describe players trying to intentionally ruin the game for others. Examples: survivors cooperating with the killer to hook farm their teammates, survivors playing to the killer's advantage by bodyblocking teammates, players abusing bugs and glitches to their advantage etc.
God Pallet
Super safe pallet for survivors that makes it almost impossible for the killer to catch the survivor without breaking the pallet
A survivor who focuses on repairing generators as opposed to playing altruistically or running the killer.
The act of a survivor pressing and releasing the interact key repeatedly while repairing in order to repair the generator in short bursts
Repairing a regressing generator very briefly in order to stop it from further regressing.

Hatch stand-off
An old scenario in which the killer and the last survivor were standing on the opened hatch and neither of them was willing to make the first move, which would have resulted in a win for the other party.
Abbreviation for Hex: Haunted Grounds, a teachable killer perk unique to The Spirit. The perk spawns two Hex Totems on the map and, if one of those totems are cleansed, adds the Exposed status effect on all survivors for a limited amount of time.
Hook diving
The action of a survivor immediately unhooking a freshly hooked teammate, not giving the killer time to move away from the hook.
Hook farming
Survivors unhooking a hooked teammate right in front of the killer for bloodpoints or WGLF stacks, which usually leads to the unhooked survivor being downed and re-hooked instantly.
Head Shaking
Moving the head Left and Right repeatedly, it has two meanings dependent on the context and situation you're in.
1- Used as a taunting behaviour to the opponent(s). (Usually done by the Killer).
2- Used as a way to say "NO" to the opponent(s) or to your teammate(s).

Iron Grasp, a general killer perk. It reduces the effects of survivors' wiggling and increases the time to wiggle free from the killer's grasp.
Immersed survivor
A survivor who tries to be unnoticed most of the game and has a corresponding build based on stealth. Claudette Morel is a popular character for these players.
The action of a survivor instantly healing themself by 1 or 2 health states by using a med-kit with the Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe or Styptic Agent add-ons
Iron Will, a teachable survivor perk unique to Jake Park. Grunts of pain caused by injuries are reduced by 100% at any time.
Are the loops that makes it impossible for the Killer to catch you no matter what he does.
Exceptions to this are The Nurse,Spirit and Hag due to their special powers.

It usually refers to a survivor ♥♥♥♥♥♥ out the killer, whether that is by 360-ing the killer and making them miss an attack, escaping the chase by breaking Line of Sight, etc.
Jungle Gym
Jungle Gyms are rectangle structures on maps with Line of Sight-breaking walls, two lockers, one window and one pallet.
It's a technique used with the killer "Blight" to turn 180" degree very fast at the end of his rush, allowing him to hit around corners and objects.. (It requires High DPI/Sensitivity and good timing to do it) Video

Kill Your Friends, a private match mode.
Successfully attempting an escape while being hooked as survivor (Self-Unhooking). Alternative terms: 4%
Abbreviation for "Kill YourSelf". Mostly used when you want your teammate to give up on the hook for a chance to get Hatch. Also can be used in a rude manner if toxicity is present

A special one-time reward for players prestiging their characters with the old, much grindier bloodweb before Patch 1.3.0.
Leatherface, alternative name of The Cannibal.
Line of Sight.
A term to describe a common scenario during a chase in which the survivor runs one or more loops around a single pallet until the killer is close enough to hit them; then the pallet will be dropped to avoid getting hit by the killer (and possibly stun them). This strategy is used by the survivors to waste the killer's time as much as possible to give the rest of the survivors enough time to complete generators in order to escape.
A gameplay mechanic for killers. When a killer presses and holds the primary attack button instead of just tapping it, they will perform a Lunge Attack, which has more range than the standard Quick Attack.
A common structure that consists of an L-shaped wall with a window. It usually spawns in map corners or in combination with a T-Wall as a standard map tile.
Backstories of the Characters in the game
When a lit Hex Totem spawns on top of a hill or other high point where it is clearly visible to survivors
When in a chase and you anticipate the killer is going to swing, so you quickly jump into a locker to avoid getting hit. Video
Locker Save Tech
Can refers to:
  • When you stun the killer by rushing out of a locker to save your teammate from the killer's grasps.Video
  • When The Killer Grab your teammate out of a locker and you flashlight him immediately Video
  • When you hide in a locker and your teammate is downed near it and then the killer come to grab you out of it but you exit which force the killer to pick up the downed survivor instead of opening the locker and then you flashlight save your teammate Video
Lobby Staller
Are the players that doesn't ready up in the lobby to waste as much time as possible.

M1/Mouse 1
Alternate term/nickname for a killer's basic attack
M1 Killer
A killer who cannot attack or down survivors with their power
Nickname for Mathieu Côté, Head of partnerships and Game Director at Behaviour Digital inc. (Dead by Daylight's development studio).
Nickname for Louis McLean, Gameplay Programmer at Behaviour (Dead by Daylight's development studio)
Most Effective Tactic Available. Used to describe the current most effective strategy / setup / build for survivors, killers or a given killer.
Mirror Myers
A build for The Shape involving the add-on Scratched Mirror. It allows The Shape to see the auras of survivors he has stalked within a specific range. As a trade-off, The Shape is not able to progress past Evil Within Tier 1. This build is usually paired with the perk "Monitor & Abuse" to reduce Myer's terror radius and an offering for maps The Game or Lery's Memorial Institue as the layout of these maps allow Myers to easily jumpscare survivors. Alternative terms: Spooky Myers
Mettle of Man, a teachable survivor perk unique to Ash Williams. After you earn 3 Protection Hit score events, the perk activates and protects you from the next hit that would put you into the Dying State. As a trade-off, once you're fully healed again, your aura will be revealed to the killer if you're outside of a specific range.
A specific gameplay mechanic that allows the killer to kill a survivor with his own hands
Monitor & Abuse, a teachable killer perk unique to The Doctor. It increases/decreases the killer's terror radius if he is in a chase/isn't in a chase
Make Your Choice, a teachable killer perk unique to The Pig. If a survivor rescues a teammate from a hook while the killer is not nearby, the rescuer suffers from the Exposed status for up to 60 seconds.
Meg players that are more hindrance than help
little moves that both killers and survivors use in order to lead or steer a chase.
  • When the killer walks backwards to hide their red stain from view to aid them in a chase.
  • When a survivor start running backward by turning their body and spamming A&D to manipulate the character's movements Video
Playing for a certain killer/survivor the most amount of time.

A Nurse's Calling, a teachable killer perk unique to The Nurse. It allows the killer to see the auras of survivors healing within a specific range.
Hex: No One Escapes Death, a killer perk. Once the exit gates are powered, cooldowns of missed attacks are reduced, the killer's movement speed is increased and successful attacks put survivors into the Dying State automatically.
The items/offerings on the bloodweb you put points into
Moving the head up and down repeatedly, it has two meanings dependent on the context and situation you're in.
1- Used as a taunting behaviour to the opponent(s).
2- Used as a friendly gesture to the opponent(s).
It is when you hop in a locker and then Disconnect. Preferably right when the killer opens the locker. Video

Object of Obsession, a teachable survivor perk unique to Laurie Strode.
It reveals the killer's Aura to you whenever the Killer reads your Aura. And also grants you action speed in Repairing, Healing, and Cleansing, and If you are the Obsession, your Aura is revealed to the Killer for 3 seconds every 30 seconds.
On Deathhook
Your next Hook will kill you
Survivors who remain in the trial after the exit gates are open to rescue any hooked/injured survivors from death, putting themselves at risk

Prestige I/Prestige II/Prestige III.
Party Hats
Reverse Bear Trap or like some call it "party hats", is one of The Pig's unqiue powers. If a survivor is downed, The Pig is able to put the Reverse Bear Trap on their head and the survivor has to search for a key in Jigsaw Boxes around the map to remove the trap. Completing a generator will trigger a timer, which will lead to the survivor's death if the survivor isn't able to find the key for the trap in time.
The action of a killer staying in close proximity to a hook, a downed survivor, a totem or a generator for various reasons.
Abbrevation for "Pretty Good Job So Far", a popular meme in the Dead by Daylight community.
Prayer Beads Spirit
A build for The Spirit involving the add-on Prayer Beads Bracelet. It removes The Spirit's phasing sound emission while she uses her power, making it harder for survivors to notice if a phasing Spirit is nearby.
Public Test Build (also known as Player Test Build). PTBs are a way for the developers to test major upcoming changes prior to their release
Play With Your Food, a teachable killer perk unique to The Shape. Every time the killer chases his obsession and lets them escape, he receives a token. Each token increases the killer's movement speed. Each offensive action spends one Token.
Pallet looping
Similar to looping but with the addition of a favorable pallet placement
Proxy Camping
When the killer stands within close proximity to a hooked survivor in order to ensure that the survivor cannot be easily rescued.
Pointy Boi
Nickname for the Killer The Executioner Aka Pyramid Head. It is given to him because of the triangular helmet he wear
Pop Goes the Weasel, a teachable killer perk unique to The Clown.
After hooking a Survivor, Pop Goes the Weasel activates for the next 35/40/45 seconds:
The next Generator you damage instantly loses 25 % Progression.
Pallet Vacuum
The pallet "sucks" you up as you drop the pallet, toward the opposite side of it, allowing you to effectively dodge a hit and score a stun if the killer was close enough Video

Quick and Quiet, a teachable survivor perk unique to Meg Thomas. When quickly vaulting objects (pallets, windows, lockers), the survivor doesn't make a sound.

Abbrevation for "Random Numbers Generator". Usually used to describe an in-game occurrence (object spawns, item distribution in bloodwebs, ...) as "completely random".
Commonly used abbreviation for Hex: Ruin, a teachable killer perk unique to The Hag
The Dimension where the game takes place
abbreviation for "Rage Quit"
Reverse Pallet
When you're running up to a pallet and there's a chance you can't make it to the other side of the pallet to drop it, so you drop it early while you and the killer are both in the same side of the pallet to stun him before he hit you. Video

Saboteur, a teachable survivor perk unique to Jake Park. It allows the survivor to temporarily destroy hooks or the Trapper's bear traps without the help of an item.
Used to describe survivors targeting their teammates and playing to the killer's advantage by bodyblocking another survivor in a chase to get them hit, throwing down pallets in front of the chased survivor to block their path, making noise by fast vaulting windows or pallets near teammates to let the killer know their location etc.
Iridescent Shards, an in-game currency. It's used to buy cosmetics and characters in the in-game store or to buy teachable perks in the Shrine of Secrets.
Sprint Burst, a teachable survivor perk unique to Meg Thomas. It gives the survivor a sprint boost as soon as they start running.
Self Care, a teachable survivor perk unique to Claudette Morel. It allows the survivor to heal themself without the help of a teammate or a med-kit.
Second Chance Perks
In general, this term describes any perk that gives a player another opportunity at something they would've failed at otherwise. This term is usually used to describe survivor perks like Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, Borrowed Time and Adrenaline, as these perks give the survivors another chance at surviving against the killer.
Spirit Fury, a teachable killer perk unique to The Spirit. After breaking a specific amount of pallets, the next time you are stunned by a Pallet, The Entity will instantly break it.
The action of a killer to leave survivors in the dying state (crawling on the ground) and let them bleed out for different reasons (e.g. no hooks nearby)
Alternative term for tokens, based on perks like Barbecue & Chilli, Save The Best For Last, We're Gonna Live Forever etc.
Save The Best For Last, a teachable killer perk unique to The Shape. Earn a Token for each successful hit that is not dealt to the Obsession. Each Token grants a decreased cooldown on successful attacks. Hitting the Obsession removes two tokens.
Survive With Friends, a party-up mode for survivors.
snowballing is when a killer (mostly) is able to take a single survivor mistake and turn that into a massive advantage
A squad of Claudette players
Shorthand for the perk Spies of the Shadows a common perk that make crows give you a visual notification when a survivors when disturb the crows
It is when the killer hillbilly uses his chainsaw sprint to launch himself off an edge to fly up into the air temporarily. Video
It is when the killer Blight uses his Rush ability to launch himself off an edge into the air temporarily. Video

T1 / T2 / T3
Tier 1/2/3. Used to describe levels of perks (e.g. Tinkerer T2) or killer powers (e.g. Madness T3, EW T1).
Tombstone Myers
A build for The Shape involving the add-ons Judith's Tombstone and Fragnant tuft of hair. It allows The Shape stay in Evil Within 3 permanently and gives the option to kill survivors by his own hand instead of hitting them.
Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, a killer perk. Allows the killer to gain more bloodpoints, increases the time it takes to cleanse totems and notifies the killer if a survivor starts cleansing a hex totem.
The action of a killer to focus on a single survivor until they're dead. It usually involves camping the target on the hook and immediately chasing them again after they've been unhooked.
A common structure consists of an T-shaped wall with a window. It usually spawns in combination with a L-Wall as a standard map tile.
Repeated crouching, mostly used to be rude to the opponent

Urban Evasion, a teachable survivor perk unique to Nea Karlsson. Increases the movement speed while crouched.
Unbreakable. A teachable perk unique to Bill Overbeck. It allows a survivor to completely recover from the Dying State Once per Trial.

Vommy Mommy
A colloquial name for The Plague. Likely coined due to her association with vomit.

We're Gonna Live Forever, a teachable survivor perk unique to David King. Each time a survivor rescues or takes a hit for another survivor, they gain up to 4 tokens. After the match, they receive more bloodpoints based on the total amount of tokens they were able to gain.
Used to describe a killer missing an attack for various reasons (e.g. aiming wrong, no lunge, ...).
Window Tech
An advanced survivor tactic to evade/confuse the killer by crouching under a window as the killer steps through it. Due to the first person view for killers, the forced camera movement for window vaults and intangibility frames (no collision between the survivor model and the killer model), the killer will be unable to see the crouched survivor at the window (if done correctly). Video
Windows Of Opportunity, a teachable survivor perk unique to Kate Denson. Auras of pallets and windows are revealed to the survivor if they're within a specific range.



A common structure that consists of Z-shaped wall with a window. It usually spawns in map edges as a standard map tile.
Helping Hand

This section is dedicated to the ones that help correcting or adding more terms to the table. So thank you all for your contribution, it is much appreciated.

Added (Nodding)
Added (J-Flick),(BillyFlick),(SkyBilly),(SkyBlight),(Forever Freddy) & (Cleanse)
Added (♥♥♥) & (♥♥♥♥♥♥)
Added (Z-Walls)
Added (Corn Vision)
Helped with the meaning/description of (SkyBilly) & (SkyBlight)
Added (Cj-Tech),(Locker Save Tech),(Dodging),(Locker-Tech),(6 second switch),(Bunny Tech) & (Reverse Pallet)
Correcting the reverse bear trap term from "RBT" to "Party Hat(s)"
Added (Dumb-Tech)
Added (Proxy Camping)
Added (Gen-Tap)
Added (BHVR'd)
Added (Lobby Staller)
Added (Bing Bong),(Bam Bam) & (POP/ PGTW)
Added (Burger King Myers)
Added (Narnia-Tech)
Updated (OoO)
Correcting the meaning of (Infinites)
Added (Bunny Mom)
Added (3Genned),(Head Shaking) & (1k/2k/3k)
Added (DemoDog)
Added (Pointy Boi)
Added (UB)
Added (Burrito)
Added (Pallet Vacuum)
Thank you for Reading!
If i have missed a "term" or i got something wrong, then please let me know in the comments so i can ADD/Correct it <3

Коментарів: 143
#1 Billy Coen Fan 5 серп. о 15:59 
can you say how bambam could also mean the perk bamboozle? i learned that from some other players and i realize now that people could mix up 2 terms of what bambam means 15 черв. о 21:13 
Short description
When a killer picks up a survivor and taxis them to the hatch

Long description
After the killer finds & downs the last survivor, the killer will stand still after picking up the survivor, waiting to see if said survivor will wiggle.
The killer will shake their camera for the killer model to imitate a "no" gesture and will also swing their weapon to tell the survivor to stop wiggling; the killer proceeds to find and then drop the survivor onto the hatch.
SidneyPrescott96 23 берез. 2023 о 14:38 
There is one other meaning of the term 99'd/99ing: It also refers to, as Meyers or Ghostface, gathering stalk on someone. It's also sometimes called "banking stalk" or "stalk juice". The technique to do this for either is similar: you activate Stalk, try to get the stalk meter as high as possible on someone, and then come back later and finish the stalk.

As Meyers, it refers to tiering up EW (usually to 2 or 3) by Stalking until you get as high as possible, then activating it at a critical time so you can down someone fast (EW3) or get the speed boost for chase (EW2). Usually used to get out of EW1 or to rapidly tier up to EW3 if you have certain addons.

As Ghostface, it refers to gathering the ability to instant down by stalking, saving it for later, and then popping it at a critical time such as at a gen or right before chase. Can be used to hide who you actually are and fool people into thinking you're a Meyers during the beginning of the round, or can be used as insurance later.
epic meow 19 жовт. 2021 о 2:34 
really happy to see that vommy mommy is there
bigfux patch 4.2.0 25 верес. 2021 о 7:53 
POV tech might be a good one to add; it's when you get close enough to the killer that it's hard for them to tell if you're within m1 range and they often back-up to get a better view, giving you more time to get away / to a pallet.
WheeledToast779 4 лип. 2021 о 9:08 
Also people sometimes shorten Aggression to Agro, as in taking the killers chase/attention from someone else. For example: "Can you take agro? I'm on death hook"
WheeledToast779 4 лип. 2021 о 8:26 
You should add Baseballer: When the killer continues to swing/wiff, this is what you yell.
Scarlett Snow  [автор] 30 черв. 2021 о 22:36 
You Welcome :LIS_butterfly:
Pwnda 30 черв. 2021 о 15:45 
Thanks m8!
Scarlett Snow  [автор] 30 черв. 2021 о 9:52 
Killing Floor 2 ( Epic Games Key ) : S6D75-X4SG7-7TS9B-J5JYT