Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

Not enough ratings
All of ''events''
By 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖌𝖑𝖊𝖗
A full list detailing every string written within ''events''. Useful for tailoring playthroughs.
(Auto-unlock doors, basic difficulty configuration, adjustable charges for certain items, etc.)
This guide is heavily inspired by Caffeine Bloodstream's ''Complete Item List with Item IDs'' Guide. Great guide, and I'd suggest using this if you are looking to spawn items.

I would also like to seriously thank hitachihex for making the Debug Mode Practice Tool. This made the process of gathering these flags MUCH easier, among other things as well :D.

Important Introductory Info

What is ''events'' and what does it do?

Within each save file, is a line of text including multiple sections of strings that store data related to the file. One of these sections is ''events''.

This section stores all the data that involves game progression related events.

These ''events'' can be considered unlocking a door, finishing dialogue with an NPC, defeating a boss, picking up an item, etc.

When the player completes ''events'' like these, the game will write these into the ''events'' section under a string that looks like this.

{ "flag": 0.000000, "id": 0.000000 }

Strings like these will appear in the ''events'' section throughout the game (and will pile up pretty fast).

Because this is all sitting out in the open, this means you can add, remove, or (for the most part) edit these at any time.

To keep things simple, I will be referring to these strings as flags throughout the guide.

Navigating to your save files, and locating ''events''

1. Navigate to *Username*\AppData\Local\MomodoraRUtM

Inside, you should see your save files, assuming you have save files, that is.
These save files are conveniently named ''slot'' and then a number at the end (e.g. slot1.sav).

(This number changes depending on whichever slot that file occupies on the file select screen in-game.)

2. Open one of these files with a text editor of your choice.
Once opened, you should see a long line of text. Enable word wrap, this will make reading it easier.

3. Either by using the find function, or searching manually, look for ''events''
''events'' should not be too far from the top. Usually you can find it in between ''inventory'' and ''money''.

4. Once there, you should see a line of flags resembling the one shown earlier. This is where you'll be adding/removing flags.

Rules of Adding/Removing Flags

To ensure that the game doesn't run into any read errors, you will be adding/removing flags under these rules.

1. Make sure that all flags are in between the bordering square brackets of the line.

2. Make sure that all flags have space in between each other. Same deal for the square brackets.

3. Make sure that all flags, except for the very last one, have a comma (,) at the end.

If the game crashes and refuses to boot after you've saved a file with newly added flags, it is most likely because of one of these rules being broken.

If in the case that the game is still having a read error, and you aren't sure what is causing it, you can always take the file out from the folder and the game will boot normally.

Small Note

In some cases, two or more functionalitys will be tied to the same flag. So you'll see these flags with extra descriptions to make sure no context is lost. On top of this, these flags will re-appear in other sections of the guide.

Item Charges

Specifically the Bellflower, Passiflora, and Tainted Missive.

Unlike other items, these three have their charges tied to a flag, with the ''flag'' value serving as the number of charges.

Increasing the ''flag'' value will increase the charges that the item holds.



{ "flag": x.000000, "id": 63.000000 }


{ "flag": x.000000, "id": 157.000000 }

Tainted Missive

{ "flag": x.000000, "id": 64.000000 }


These are flags I just couldin't find a place for.

However though, these are some of the more interesting flags I found.


  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 96.000000 } - Enables the Fresh Spring Leaf weapon. Granting access to a new ''progress saved!'' icon, additional prudence dialogue, increased damage, the 3rd Queen phase, and the true ending.
    (Obtained after bathing the Maple Leaf in the Hibisco Tea.)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 118.000000 } - This flag is written into the file whenever the player enters cat form, and removes itself when they switch back to human form. Add this to a file if you want to load into it as a cat.

  • { "flag": x.000000, "id": 19.000000 } - Used for remembering the exact location Edea turned to stone.

    The ''flag'' value serves as a pixel by pixel measurement of where Edea rests in the room.

    From left to right, you have a range of -56 to 696 to move her corpse before she is entirely off-screen.

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 153.000000 } - No clue what this flag does. This flag is obtained as soon as you start a new file.

  • { "flag": x.000000, "id": 250.000000 } - Dictates where save data is stored the next time the file saves.

    the ''flag'' value is assigned a number related to the slot that the file occupies in the file select.

    Editing this value (and saving the edits), loading into the file, and saving your progress will move that new data into a seperate file. This will overwrite any files that share the same number as that value.

General Map Changes (Open/Unlock Doors, Keys, False walls)

To elaborate, these are flags written into the file whenever the player does the following:

- Activates a significant switch, followed with a door/hatch opening or structure/elevator moving.

- Unlocks a door using a key.

- Obtains a key, which grants them access to unlocking the respective door.

Key Functionality flags do not require the key to be in your inventory for them to work.

I'd recommend adding Key Functionality flags to your files instead of unlocked door flags, or just add both. Otherwise the game will give you the ''Locked'' prompt each time you pass by a door.


Sacred Ordalia Grove
Activated Switches
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 17.000000 } - Raises the stone bridge across the spike pit
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 11.000000 } - Lowers the stone wall blocking off a tunnel
  • { "flag": 160.000000, "id": 12.000000 } - Places the elevator at the top of the shaft
  • { "flag": 384.000000, "id": 12.000000 } - Places the elevator at the bottom of the shaft

Karst City
Activated Switches & Unlocked Doors
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 18.000000 } - Opens the backtrack door next to the Moka & Lubella fight.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 127.000000 } - Unlocks the shortcut door between Karst City and Whiteleaf Memorial Park.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 74.000000 } - Activates the lower orb switch.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 75.000000 } - Activates the higher orb switch.

    (Both orb flags must be present for the hatch to open.)
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 101.000000 } - Raises the small gate under the well.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 179.000000 } - Removes the magical barrier that is blocking entry to Royal Pinacotheca.
Key Functionality
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 112.000000 } - Grants access to unlocking the door between Karst City & Whiteleaf, and the door between Subterranean Grave and Whiteleaf as well.
    (Obtained by picking up the Garden Key in Subterranean Grave.)

Forlorn Monastery
Activated Switches & Unlocked Doors
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 68.000000 } - Unlocks the door requiring the Monastery Key.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 152.000000 } - Opens the door to the Archpriestess Choir fight - Completes Choir's dialogue after giving her the Soft Tissue.
  • { "flag": 80.000000, "id": 62.000000 } - Places the elevator at the top of the shaft.
  • { "flag": 320.000000, "id": 62.000000 } - Places the elevator at the bottom of the shaft.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 151.000000 } - Unlocks the door to the dev credits room.
Key Functionality
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 38.000000 } - Grants access to unlocking the door requiring the Monastery Key - Completes Cotillard's first dialogue when talking to her for the first time.
    (Obtained by receiving the Monastery Key, from Cotillard.)

Subterranean Grave
Activated Switches
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 128.000000 } - Opens the hatch a couple of rooms before the Frida fight.
Key Functionality
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 112.000000 } - Grants access to unlocking the door between Subterranean Grave & Whiteleaf, and the door between Karst City and Whiteleaf as well.
    (Obtained by picking up the Garden Key.)

Whiteleaf Memorial Park
Activated Switches
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 136.000000 } - Opens the stone door at the top of Whiteleaf's elevator room.
  • { "flag": 112.000000, "id": 133.000000 } - Places the elevator at the bottom of the shaft.
  • { "flag": 1024.000000, "id": 133.000000 } - Places the elevator at the top of the shaft.

Cinder Chambers
Activated Switches & Unlocked Doors
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 156.000000 } - Unlocks the door requiring the Cinder Key.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 135.000000 } - Disables the spike balls.
Key Functionality
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 155.000000 } - Grants access to unlocking the door requiring the Cinder Key in the second spike ball room.
    (Obtained by picking up the Cinder Key.)

Royal Pinacotheca
Activated Switches
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 163.000000 } - Opens the backtrack door next to the second save bell.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 137.000000 } - Activates the hatch in the lower level below lupair's room
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 164.000000 } - Opens the backtrack door just up ahead of the last backtrack door.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 168.000000 } - Activates the mini elevator platform used for activating the orb switches (Obtained after making contact with the top of it).
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 167.000000 } - Activates the first orb switch.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 166.000000 } - Activates the second orb switch.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 165.000000 } - Activates the third orb switch.

    (All three orb flags must be present for the door at the top of the room to open.)

Karst Castle
Activated Switches
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 138.000000 } - Lowers the castle drawbridge.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 139.000000 } - Retracts the wall blocking access to the ladder.
  • { "flag": 144.000000, "id": 108.000000 } - Places the elevator at the top of the shaft.
  • { "flag": 992.000000, "id": 108.000000 } - Places the elevator at the bottom of the shaft.

Removed False Walls/Ledges

These flags are written into the file whenever the player removes a false wall/ledge in the world.

These flags prevent the walls/ledges from respawning.

...This would of been in the ''General Map Changes'' section of the guide, but i'm near the character limit in that section.


    Sacred Ordalia Grove
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 29.000000 } - Removes false wall #1 (Vitality Fragment).
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 33.000000 } - Removes false wall #2 (Vitality Fragment).

    Karst City
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 32.000000 } - Removes the only false wall (Ivory Bug).

    Forlorn Monastery
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 30.000000 } - Removes the only false wall (2 Ivory Bugs & Soft tissue).

    Subterranean Grave
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 31.000000 } - Removes false wall #1 (Ivory Bug).
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 130.000000 } - Removes false wall #2 (Vitality Fragment).
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 84.000000 } - Removes false wall #3.

    Whiteleaf Memorial Park
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 34.000000 } - Removes the only false wall.

    Cinder Chambers
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 154.000000 } - Removes false wall #1.

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 170.000000 } - Removes false wall #2.

    Royal Pinacotheca
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 171.000000 } - Removes the only false wall.

    Karst Castle
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 173.000000 } - Removes the only false ledge (Vitality Fragment).

Warp Points

These Flags are written into the file when the player enters a room with a save bell serving as that sectors warp point.

Adding these flags to a fresh file will grant you access to those areas, as long as you have the ability to warp first.

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 180.000000 } - Sacred Ordalia Grove Warp Point
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 181.000000 } - Karst City Warp Point
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 182.000000 } - Forlorn Monastery Warp Point
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 183.000000 } - Subterranean Grave Warp Point
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 184.000000 } - Whiteleaf Memorial Park Warp Point
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 185.000000 } - Cinder Chambers Warp Point
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 186.000000 } - Royal Pinacotheca Warp Point
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 187.000000 } - Karst Castle Warp Point

Defeated Bosses

These flags are written into the file after the player finishes a boss fight.

These are used to prevent the boss from respawning. (Among other things for a few of these)

Use these if you don't want them to spawn from the get-go.


  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 14.000000 } - Defeated Anthropod Demon Edea
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 76.000000 } - Defeated Moka & Lubella
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 77.000000 } - Defeated the Knight - Activates the rising platforms in the same room.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 116.000000 } - Defeated Derelict Frida - Spawns Eri in Karst City (as long as you've spoken to her).
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 86.000000 } - Defeated Lubella - Spawns Archpreistess Choir in Forlorn Monastery - Spawns Eri in Karst City (as long as you've spoken to her in Subterranean Grave).

    (The Lubella fight is crucial to progressing the game, use at your own risk.)
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 158.000000 } - Defeated Heretical Arsonist
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 61.000000 } - Defeated Pardoner Fennel
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 106.000000 } - Defeated Archpriestess Choir
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 102.000000 } - Defeated Lupiar & Magnolia
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 100.000000 } - Defeated Clone Angel/Vampire

Item Pick Up/Drop Flags

These are flags written into the file whenever the player grabs an item in the world.

These flags keep the item from respawning.

(Excluding the two flags that spawn an item.)

Use these if there are any items you don't want to spawn from the get-go.


Karst Crest Fragments

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 91.000000 } - Removes Frida's Karst Crest Fragment.
    (Faster Arrow Charge) (Subterranean Grave)
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 92.000000 } - Removes the Crest Fragment in Fiore Ciele.
    (Warp Ability)
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 93.000000 } - Removes Arsonist's Crest Fragment.
    (Mid-Air Dash Abilitiy) (Cinder Chambers)
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 90.000000 } - Removes Fennel's Crest Fragment.
    (Additonal arrow charge power) (Forlorn Monastery).

(Every one of these is crucial to progressing the game. Use at your own risk)

Active Items

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 15.000000 } - Removes the first Bellflower pick up.
    (3 Charges) (Sacred Ordalia Grove)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 65.000000 } - Removes the second Bellflower pick up.
    (2 Charges) (Karst City)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 126.000000 } - Removes the third Bellflower pick up.
    (2 Charges) (Whiteleaf Memorial Park)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 109.000000 } - Removes the fourth Bellflower pick up.
    (1 Charge) (Karst Castle)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 122.000000 } - Completes the dialogue of Bunny Florist giving you Bellflowers as a reward for handing in 10 Ivory Bugs.
    (2 Charges) (Whiteleaf Memorial Park)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 66.000000 } - Removes the Tainted Missive pick up.
    (2 Charges) (Forlorn Monastery)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 39.000000 } - Removes the Tainted Missive drop.
    For completing the Pardoner Fennel fight without taking a hit.
    (2 Charges) (Forlorn Monastery)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 104.000000 } - Automatically drops the Passiflora from Cath.
    (However, this flag will also automatically kill her.)
    (1 Charge) (Karst Castle)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 105.000000 } - Removes the Passiflora drop from Cath.
    This flag works for either choice you make.
    (1 Charge) (Karst Castle)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 124.000000 } - Completes the dialogue of the Bunny Florist giving you Passifloras as a reward for handing in 20 Ivory Bugs.
    (3 Charges) (Whiteleaf Memorial Park)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 125.000000 } - Removes the Sparse Thread drop.
    For completing the Derelict Frida fight without taking a hit.
    (Subterranean Grave)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 69.000000 } - Removes the Bakman Patch drop.
    (For completing the Moka & Lubella fight without taking a hit)
    (Karst City)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 114.000000 } - Removes the Cat Sphere pick up.
    (Whiteleaf Memorial Park)

    (The Cat Sphere is crucial to progressing the game, use at your own risk.)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 169.000000 } - Removes the Sealed Wind pick up.
    (Royal Pinacotheca)

    (The Sealed Wind is crucial to getting the true ending, use at your own risk.)

Passive Items

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 20.000000 } - Removes the Edea's Pearl drop.
    (For completing the Anthropod Demon Edea fight without taking a hit.)
    (Sacred Ordalia Grove)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 159.000000 } - Removes the Pocket Incensory drop.
    (For completing the Heretical Arsonist fight without taking a hit.)
    (Cinder Chambers)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 88.000000 } - Removes the Torn Branch drop.
    (For completing the Lubella fight without taking a hit.)
    (Whiteleaf Memorial Park)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 89.000000 } - Spawns the Torn Branch in the room you awake in after the Lubella fight. This works regardless of whether you took damage or not.
    (Whiteleaf Memorial Park)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 103.000000 } - Removes the Heavy Arrows drop.
    (For completing the Lupiar & Magnolia fight without taking a hit.)
    (Royal Pinacotheca)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 107.000000 } - Removes the Bloodstained Tissue drop.
    (For completing the Archpriestess Choir fight without taking a hit.)
    (Forlorn Monastery)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 16.000000 } - Removes the Astral Charm pick up.
    (Sacred Ordalia Grove)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 67.000000 } - Removes the Magnet Stone pick up.
    (Karst City)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 87.000000 } - Removes the Soft Tissue pick up.
    (Forlorn Monastery)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 72.000000 } - Removes the Dirty Shroom pick up.
    (Subterranean Grave)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 160.000000 } - Removes the Black Sachet pick up.
    (Royal Pinacotheca)

Vitality Fragment Flags

These flags are written into the file whenever the player picks up a Vitality Fragment in the world.

These flags prevent the Fragments from respawning.

Use these if you don't want them to spawn from the get-go.


    Sacred Ordalia Grove
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 21.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 25.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #2.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 148.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #3.

    Karst City
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 23.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 27.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #2.

Forlorn Monastery
{ "flag": 1.000000, "id": 22.000000 } - Removes the only Vitality Fragment.

Subterranean Grave
{ "flag": 1.000000, "id": 24.000000 } - Removes the only Vitality Fragment.

Whiteleaf Memorial Park
{ "flag": 1.000000, "id": 140.000000 } - Removes the only Vitality Fragment.

Fiore Ciele
{ "flag": 1.000000, "id": 28.000000 } - Removes the only Vitality Fragment.

    Cinder Chambers
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 26.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 141.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #2.

    Royal Pinacotheca
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 142.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 143.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #2.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 144.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #3.

    Karst Castle
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 145.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 147.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #2.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 146.000000 } - Removes Vitality Fragment #3.

Ivory Bug Flags

These flags are written into the file whenever the player picks up an Ivory Bug in the world.

These flags will prevent them from respawning.

Use these if you do not want them to spawn from the get-go.


    Sacred Ordalia Grove
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 54.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 40.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #2.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 41.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #3.

    Karst City
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 58.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 42.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #2.

    Forlorn Monastery
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 43.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 57.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #2.

    Cinder Chambers
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 48.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 47.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #2.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 49.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #3.

    Subterranean Grave
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 46.000000 } - Removes the only Ivory Bug.

    Fiore Ciele
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 52.000000 } - Removes the only Ivory Bug.

    Whiteleaf Memorial Park
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 59.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 44.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #2.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 45.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #3.

    Royal Pinacotheca
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 50.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 51.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #2.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 53.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #3.

    Karst Castle
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 55.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 56.000000 } - Removes Ivory Bug #2.

Emptied Chests

These Flags are obtained when the player opens a chest in the world.

These flags prevent the chest from respawning its contents.

Use these if you want a chest emptied from the get-go.


    Sacred Ordalia Grove
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 3.000000 } - Empties Chest #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 2.000000 } - Empties Chest #2.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 83.000000 } - Empties Chest #3.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 4.000000 } - Empties Chest #4.

    Karst City
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 5.000000 } - Empties Chest #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 6.000000 } - Empties Chest #2.

    Forlorn Monastery
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 129.000000 } - Empties Chest #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 71.000000 } - Empties Chest #2 (Giant Bell).

Subterranean Grave
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 7.000000 } - Empties Chest #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 9.000000 } - Empties Chest #2.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 8.000000 } - Empties Chest #3.

    Royal Pinacotheca
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 161.000000 } - Empties Chest #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 162.000000 } - Empties Chest #2.

    Karst Castle
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 176.000000 } - Empties Chest #1.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 172.000000 } - Empties Chest #2.

Cutscene Flags

These flags are written into the file after completing the games cutscenes.

These flags prevent the cutscenes from reoccurring (among other things for a few of these).

Use these if you don't want these to trigger from the get-go.

Unfortunately, only half of these are worth using.


  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 37.000000 } - Skips the cutscene of you encountering Paramol. The man near the Monastery entrance.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 79.000000 } - Skips the cutscene triggered when entering Subterranean Grave for the first time. - Completes Eri's first dialogue.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 117.000000 } - Skips the cutscene of you waking up in cat form after the Lubella 2 fight.

    (Using this flag however, will leave you in human form, and mostly invisible. Since the area after this cutscene uses cat sized tunnels, you're pretty much softlocked.)
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 188.000000 } - Obtained right after choosing to put down Cath.
    However this does not seem to prevent the cutscene from playing. Not sure what this flag does.

Difficulty Configuration

These flags are used to determine certain aspects of the games difficulty.

Use these for some (very) basic difficulty tweaking.


  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 98.000000 } - Adds additional enemies in certain areas.
    (Obtained once you start a Hard/Insane or NG+ file.)
  • { "flag": x.000000, "id": 99.000000 } - Current difficulty of the file. Determined by the number in the ''flag'' value. This can be changed at any time, however, increased damage from enemies and/or additional spawns are not included should you switch from Easy to Normal/Hard/Insane.
    (Difficulty values range from 1 - 4.)
  • { "flag": 1.200000, "id": 110.000000 } - Damage multiplier used for all Enemies, Bosses, and even Hazards.

    The ''flag'' value starts at 1.200000 across all difficulties, and increases by .5 every time a NG+ playthrough is started.

    Something to note when editing this value, the damage across all enemies on Easy difficulty is half the amount found in Normal/Hard/Insane.

Stat Flags (Total Vitality/Ivory Count, Deaths, Enemy Kills, etc.)

These are flags used for keeping track of certain aspects of a save file.

Each of these flags determine their quanity with their ''flag'' value.

All of these flags can be edited, and are the flags the game checks whenever tasks involving the
subject of the flag are being compeleted.


  • { "flag": x.000000, "id": 0.000000 } - Total count of times the file has saved progress.
  • { "flag": x.000000, "id": 73.000000 } - Total count of enemies killed in the file.
  • { "flag": x.000000, "id": 175.000000 } - Total count of times the player has died.

  • { "flag": x.000000, "id": 174.000000 } - Total count of Vitality Fragments collected in the file.
- Used for the (x/20) in the notfication whenever one is obtained.

- Used for the total count in the ''Key Items'' inventory.

  • { "flag": x.000000, "id": 95.000000 } - Total count of Karst Crest Fragments collected in the file.
- Used for removing the magical barrier that is blocking entry to Royal Pinacotheca (4 Crest Fragments required).

- Used as one of the requirements to spawn Eri in Sacred Ordalia Grove after the second encounter with her (3 Crest Fragments required).

  • { "flag": x.000000, "id": 60.000000 } - Total count of Ivory Bugs collected in the file.
- Used during the Bunny Florist quest.

(Setting the value to the required amounts lets you complete the quests without needing any in your inventory.)

NPC Flags
These are flags written into the file when the player finishes significant dialogue with an NPC.

The dialogues in question are usually introductions and or backstories from the NPC.

These are used to prevent the dialogue from reoccurring, and are occasionally checked by the game if the NPC can progress to the next event or not, should they appear in other areas throughout the game. (Askorn, Eri, and ''uguu'' Spider are an example)

Use these if you want to exhaust these from the get-go.

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 1.000000 } - Completes Askorn's first dialogue. (Sacred Ordalia Grove)
  • { "flag": 2.000000, "id": 1.000000 } - Completes Askorn's second dialogue. (Sacred Ordalia Grove)

    (While there is two pieces of dialogue to exhaust in this specific encounter, only the first one needs to be completed to spawn him in Subterranean Grave)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 81.000000 } - Completes Askorn's third dialogue after rescuing him from his cell. (Subterranean Grave)

    (Completing this dialogue will spawn Askorn in Whiteleaf Memorial Park)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 149.000000 } - Completes Askorn's fourth dialogue after interacting with him as he mourns for his wife, Cecillia. (Whiteleaf Memorial Park)
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 111.000000 } - Obtained upon entering the room of Cecilia's grave.

    (This flag is obtained regardless of how many dialogues you've completed, and doesn't have any effect on any events beforehand. Unsure what this is used for)


  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 79.000000 } - Completes Eri's first dialogue - Skips the cutscene triggered when entering Subterranean Grave for the first time.

    (1/2 of the requirements for spawning Eri in Karst City)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 116.000000 } - Defeated Derelict Frida.

    (1/2 of the requirements for spawning Eri in Karst City)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 131.000000 } - Completes Eri's second dialogue in Karst City. (Obtained with either choice)

    (1/2 of the requirements for spawning Eri in Sacred Ordalia Grove)

  • { "flag": 3.000000, "id": 95.000000 } - 3 Karst Crest Fragments,

    (1/2 of the requirements for spawning Eri in Sacred Ordalia Grove)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 132.000000 } - Completes Eri's last dialogue. (Obtained after giving the Hazel Badge to her)


  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 10.000000 } - Completes Cath's first dialogue (Karst City)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 85.000000 } - Completes Cath's second dialogue (Obtained when agreeing to listen to her strategy to take down the Queen) (Cinder Chambers)

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 188.000000 } - Obtained after putting Cath down. Not sure what this flag does. (Karst Castle)

Karst City Shopkeeper

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 70.000000 } - Completes the shopkeeper's dialogue when interacting with them for the first time.


  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 37.000000 } - Completes Paramol's dialogue/cutscene when you meet him just outside of Forlorn Monastery.


  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 150.000000 } - Completes Prudence's dialogue when interacting with them for the first time.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 96.000000 } - Adds an additional piece of dialogue, signalling that the player can get the true ending - Enables the Fresh Spring Leaf weapon and it's benefits.

Subterranean Grave Prisoner

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 91.000000 } - Kills the prisoner - Removes Frida's Karst Crest Fragment.

(Karst Crest Fragments are crucial to progressing the game, use at your own risk)

Nutmeg Liz

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 115.000000 } - Completes Nutmeg's first dialogue.
  • { "flag": 2.000000, "id": 115.000000 } - Completes Nutmeg's second dialogue.

''uguu'' Spider

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 13.000000 } - Despawns the ''uguu'' spider in both Sacred Ordalia Grove and Cinder Chambers. (Obtained when the player kills them)
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 134.000000 } - Spawns the ''uguu'' Spider shop vendor. Does not work if the dead ''uguu'' Spider flag is present. (Obtained upon entering the room, and not killing them)

Bunny Florist

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 119.000000 } - Completes the florist's dialogue when interacting with them for the first time.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 120.000000 } - Completes the florist's dialogue after handing in 1 Ivory Bug. (10 Munny)
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 121.000000 } - Completes the florist's dialogue after handing in 5 Ivory Bugs. (200 Munny)
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 122.000000 } - Completes the florist's dialogue after handing in 10 Ivory Bugs. (2 Bellflower Charges)
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 123.000000 } - Completes the florist's dialogue after handing in 15 Ivory Bugs. (Hazel Badge)
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 124.000000 } - Completes the florist's dialogue after handing in 20 Ivory Bugs. (3 Passiflora Charges)

Elisa Cotillard

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 38.000000 } - Completes Cotillard's dialogue when interacting with her for the first time - Grants access to unlocking the door requiring the Monastery Key.
  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 190.000000 } - Skips the small comment Cotillard makes if you talk to her in cat form.

Archpriestess Choir

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 152.000000 } - Completes Choir's dialogue after giving her the Soft Tissue - Automatically opens the door to the Archpriestess Choir fight.

Dirty Shroom Imp

  • { "flag": 1.000000, "id": 80.000000 } - Completes the Dirty Shroom Imp's dialogue after giving the Dirty Shroom to her.