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Soulworker: Chat Command, Guide, Tips & Tricks
By อกหัก Zui
In this guide, I will show you available chat command in SoulWorker and some fun tips and tricks. This is not possible without Soulworker community. And there is no type of console ingame, so the chat is the basic console where you type in the commands.

Credits to people below for helping:
WindyV, Daiso, Sixpool, FarmGirl, LunaticBlazer, Djeanne

Usefull Chat Command & Quality of life changes
  • Take a transparent picture (model) of yourself
the picture can be found here: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\SoulWorker\TargetScreenShot

/Block Name
  • Block someone you don't like

/Invite Name
  • Invite someone to party

/Monsterstatus 1
  • Show monster HP number instead of bar
/Monsterstatus 0 Disable enemy HP

/Freecamera 1
  • Free your camera from character and move freely
Q & E to move up and down
Hold mouse right click and drag to look around
W, S, A, D to move around
/Freecamera 0 to return to normal state

You can also hide your UI by checking your hide ui keybind
The Default key should be "Scroll Lock" & can easily rebind

How to reply to someone
If someone whispered you, just press Shift + R to instanly reply them

Switch Chat Faster
By pressing "Tab" while in chat mode, you are enable to switch chat faster

How to use Whisper
You have to write a name of player you want to whisper to

Make it clean, tired of spammy chat system and a lot of numbers?
To indicate with the settings first you gotta press "Enter"
Then you hover your mouse over those 4 section above chat and "Right click"

Recommend you to uncheck everything exept ;Normal, Team, League (Guild) and Whisper
Gestures chat commands below. Instead of pressing from the skills bar, you can also type the gestures commands in chat aswell, this doesn't work in raid or dungeon

    • Best way to greet someone
    • You basicly cry
    • Expressing joy
    • Perform a dance move
    • Basic human resting position
    • Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    Weapon Stance Emote
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀Bring out your weapon by Pressing X or Z (Weapon stance). This command below can't be done inside a dungeon or in a combat disctrict so you better be somewhere safe. :D⠀⠀⠀⠀
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Press X
    • Taunt an enemy player to (not) 1v1 you
    • Perform a show of your weapon
How people actually spam emote
  • 1 - ESC - > OPTIONS - > CHAT - > CHAT MACRO
  • 2 - Now type a Gestures/Emote that you want to spam

  • 3 - Remember to leave a open Blank Space after you typed your Gestures/Emote, like I show you in GIF above
  • 4 - The macro key should be F7 as default on sentence macro 1 (You can also change macro key bind in options).
  • 5 - Pess F7 and walk foward abit and press F7 again. repeat it.
This emote spamming is very annoying, coz it actually making noises ingame and chat spam when you do the spam. Don't spam if people tell you to stop, coz its annoying af.
อกหัก Zui  [author] 23 Jun, 2021 @ 1:50am 
Hi thanks for feedbacks. I will add more in as mention below.
00C9FF 21 Jun, 2021 @ 3:56pm 
You forgot that Lily has the best cheer emote and it should be spammed at every possible moment
Peacook 21 May, 2021 @ 9:13am 
You forgot
Shana 17 May, 2021 @ 5:13am 
You forgot about the option to right click any given tab and select what you want to show up in that tab, therefore allowing you to remove things like system messages, item drops, or the EXP chat spam you get while mass murdering enemies.
MAsteRWArrioR 16 May, 2021 @ 4:31am 
you forgot to let people know about Hiding UI in the hotkey option. let them take screenshot nicely without extra UI around. also i hope you have no problem to use your link for my guide xD