Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

381 arvostelua
Janus-ASV Module
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Blueprint: Capital Vessel
Custom: Airtight
Tunnisteet: Blueprint
118.946 KB
9.5.2021 klo 8.03
14.5.2021 klo 18.57
2 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
Janus-ASV Module

2 kokoelmassa, tekijä jrandall
Military Survival Series
148 luomusta
Helios-MSC Modules
78 luomusta
CV CPU Tier 1 Class 2, Unlock Level 7, Vanilla and Reforged Eden

Primary roles: Starter Base, Starter CV, CV Miner, Helios Module, production, farm, upgradable

Quick Update 5/14/2021 - Added detector. It does not require anything special for resources and does not increase the unlock level. It was supposed to be in the release of the ship I missed putting it back in. It is located on the wall near the repair console position in the hangar. No other changes were made.

The Janus (God of new beginnings) Adaptive Starter Vessel is a highly upgradable multi-role hybrid CV. Designed to start life as a low cost player starter base. Once a player has the resources, they can add thrusters, generators, CPU blocks, warp core, Shield, Gravity Generator, more production equipment, grow plots, repair bay, 15 turrets, 6 mining drills, and a number of other additions. It is also a standard Helios module able to dock in any Helios module support creations. The ship is ready for both Reforged Eden and Vanilla game play, however vanilla would need a basic CPU core added as soon as possible as it runs over by ~40K at tier 1. Reforged Eden players will find a lot of extra CPU available before needing any CPU blocks at all.

Upgrade Phases

Tier 1 (Stock) - Spawn on flat land as much as possible. At this point, it is a ready to go player starter base. It comes with 4x320K storage, 40K Ammo Storage, o2, clone chamber, 2 fridges, 2 food processors, 4 small constructors, 1 large constructor, location to add 18 grow plots, o2 and dispenser, decent sized hangar and landing area, armor locker, wifi, detector.

Tier 2 (Getting it air borne) - At this point you can add thrusters, generators, CPU blocks, production parts, fuel, turrets, medical equipment, repair bay, and even more stuff. You will also need to add a control console (pilot seat) and optional passenger seats. Ultimately is designed to run 12 large CV thrusters, 4 up, 2 forward, 2 backward, 2 down, and 1 each for right and left. These can be run as all large thrusters or mix and match for desired function using some medium thrusters. Note, you will need to remove gratings in thruster bays before adding thrusters.

Tier 3 (Further upgrades) - Now you can add some larger CV parts such as a shield, warp core, gravity generator, and a 6 drill mining set up. If adding mining drills, be sure to also change 1 of the 4 container controllers to a harvest controller and make sure you add enough 1x3 generators to not over max power.

Tier 4 (Mid game CV/Helios Module) - No real work is needed here beyond adding in all the function you want. It will be able to dock into a standard Helios module bay and allows the player to exit right into the Helios creations. Other upgrades to consider would be adding up to 15 3x3 turrets (8 top, 7 bottom), replace cockpit windows with shaped armored glass, replace front door with armored door.

When doing any upgrades, keep an eye on power and CPU. With CPU, the ship has slots to add 1 basic core, 2 improved cores, and 5 advanced cores. In vanilla you can easily place 4 T4 CPU blocks. You can also add 5 additional 1x3 generators and is recommended to replace the starter fuel tank and generator with a better generator.

To build the ship to max intended level, these are all the parts you would want to add or upgrade:

1. Upgrade existing large constructor to advanced constructor
2. Upgrade Clone chamber to Med Bay
3. Add 18 grow plots (grow lights are provided with control switch, must remove filler blocks)
4. Add 4 specialized medical equipment in medical area
5. Add Shield(T2), Add warp core and pentaxid tank(Advanced Warp core in Reforged Eden)
6. Add 12 Large CV thruster in marked locations (Will have to remove filler grates), can mix and match with medium thrusters
7. Add 15 3x3 turrets
8. Add up to 6 1x3 generators depending on power needs (Replace existing small gen and fuel tank in front lower hallway)
9. Add a T2 repair bay and console
10. Add 4 more advanced constructors or de-constructors(Reforged Eden only)
11. Add 6 CV miner drills and convert 1 of 4 container controllers to a harvest controller
12. Add command console(pilot seat) and two passenger seats
13. Add armor repair, Gravity Generator, additional fuel tanks (1x2 without modding) on hangar ceiling
14. Add long range radar (Reforged Eden only)
15. Add all CPU blocks needed for current parts. Allows for 1 basic, 2 improved, 5 advanced

Inside the ship there is a LCD with information on part symbols etc. When adding thrusters, 10 of the 12 large thrusters are intended to be angled thuster models following the shape of the grates/sides of the ship.

Offense and Defense

The hull is built with steel and has a carbon substrate interior. All thruster positions are sealed with steel blocks. It has 40K ammo storage and 15 3x3 turret mount positions. It is recommended at a later time to replace the the bridge glass with armored (shaped) glass. It is also recommended to replace the front Helios docking door with an armored version.

Stock Features Summary:

1. CV Tier 1, Class 2, player unlock 7
2. Steel hull, carbon substrate interior
3. 4 320K storage, 40K ammo storage, fridge, armor locker, wifi, detector
4. Mid sized hangar and flight deck
5. 18 grow plot farm with grow lights and switch(Grow plots not included)
6. 15 3x3 turret mount locations (Turrets not included)
7. Shield, warp core, gravity generator, pentaxid tank locations (Parts not included)
8. Locations to add all standard CPU blocks, 6 1x3 generators, 4 1x2 fuel tanks, many utility parts
9. Locations to add repair bay and console, full medical bay, armor repair
10. Spot lights with P menu control.
11. Locations to add 12 large CV thrusters (or medium mix and match)
12. Locations to add pilot seat and passenger seats
13. Locations to add 4 additional advanced constructors or de-constructors
14. Side door access, central elevator going to all floors and top landing deck.
15. O2 and dispenser, clone chamber

I hope you enjoy!

Optional landing pad Landingpad for Janus-ASV by Endlesshunt. Thanks Endlesshunt!

Here is a you tube video showing the ship as well as explaining much of the upgrades that can be done and how to do them. https://youtu.be/cUZS2VsGvqw

Notes: Something else to mention because it is called a module, it does have standard landing gear and able to dock on any CV or base than can fit it. It is not needed to ever use this as a module, only compatible to do so.

114 kommenttia
Eternie 17.8. klo 1.46 
I love the ship and have added most of the CV parts. My only concern is the Oxygen is somehow leaking from the main bay and I cannot seem to find where it's leaking from. The smaller areas like the bridge and plots areas hold Oxygen .. but not the Cargo bay.
Any ideas on how to find the leak?
Jonas Toth 13.5. klo 11.36 
Hanger door sensor is a very very easy fix, took me like 25 secs to fix
poetryofstrings 18.8.2023 klo 18.33 
@JRandall - Love the concept! Looking forward to playing with her! Thanks for your work. The modular build of the Helios was a game-changer for the way I play and build.

@Jᴧgᴧ - Great ideas! I've been doodling modules for my new Kurma Carrier system for RE (still matches the Helios' sizes). I've done a few for the mini spot and I've just started working a little with the D2 dropship size. I'll see what I can come up with.
Casual Cass 10.6.2023 klo 13.54 
Hanger door unfortunately is bugged out for SV detection
Arkbg1 9.6.2023 klo 11.51 
Anyone else having hanger door problems? Can't fit in on SV
Ristallderon 8.2.2023 klo 14.29 
Great work man! The only one really useful CV i found here for a decade of playn. Cheap, functional, compatible, upgradable, usable at low lvl and well designed. Real treasure
:steamthumbsup:[catch the box]
Aargh Tenna 7.1.2023 klo 21.00 
Fully upgraded this becomes a really good scout/miner. With lots of lift you can just hoard ore until later, to feed to furnaces. Love this ship. It might be a flying brick, but it is a solid investment from day one.
Jᴧgᴧ 5.1.2023 klo 17.08 
Would be really nice to see a version like this (Base->CV->Module) that utilized the space from the dropship bay for even further game expansion down the line.
Ishantil 9.10.2022 klo 7.54 
I love this build. It's sitting on my starting planet waiting for engines and I couldn't be happier.
jdrafton 12.9.2022 klo 16.40 
I have created a special landing pad for the Janus, that includes production, to make playthrough easier here:
