Resident Evil Revelations 2

Resident Evil Revelations 2

35 ratings
Campaign Mode: Hidden Collectibles Screenshot Guide
By MidnightGuideWriter
A guide of the various hidden item locations as they appear through the story.
Episode 1 - Claire and Moira
Tower Emblem #1
This Tower Emblem can be seen from the door at the bottom of the stairs where the officers' body was hanging.

750 Bonus Points
Make sure to search the drawers of the desks at the far end of the medical room for 750 Bonus Points.

Kafka Drawing #1
After picking up the gun and shooting the key down, the player will walk over to pick up the door key which will cause an ambush. Immediately after grabbing the key rush towards the door nearest the ladder the player used to get in the current situation, this will cause the zombie ambush to spawn from the door nearest the ladder which holds the first Kafka drawing. Shine the flashlight on the back wall of the room to make the drawing appear.

Kafka Drawing #2
Continue through the series of scripted events until entering the storage room in which the player finds and equips the crow bar, shine the flashlight on the wall near the barred door will unveil the picture.

500 Bonus Points
Note the blue jewel on the ceiling of the cell, shoot the gem for 500 Bonus Points.

Tower Emblem #2
Note the mini-map in the corner, after entering the prison, proceed forward into what would be the foyer and look up for the next Tower Emblem.

Tower Emblem #3
The third tower emblem can be found after giving Moira a boost up the broken ladder in the Torture Chamber. Unlock the door for Claire to access the upper deck to shoot the Emblem located on top of the torture equipment.

Kafka Drawing #4
After moving through the torture chamber and proceeding down a dark corridor, Claire and Moira will enter a room with an ambush consisting of a door on the right bursting open with two undead running out to attack. There will be a flight of stairs to the left and a hallway, take the hallway and enter a room full of bunk beds. On the far wall of the room will be a giant Kafka drawing near the exit.

Kafka Drawing #5
Exit the prison and immediately shine the flashlight up on the concrete overture.

Tower Emblem #4
After going through the gate and seeing the wooden bridge, check near the concrete barrier and door for a loot crate then have Claire check the bridge for the final Tower Emblem for this section.

Kafka Drawing #6
Cross the bridge then immediately turn left and shine the flashlight on the wall of the bridge.

Episode 1 - Barry and Natalia
Tower Emblem #1
Continue up the only path available, make sure to kill 10 whip scorpions for a medal and at the top of the hill turn left towards a dead end with a bunch of big metal crates. Walk to the far end and check between the crates at the end for Barry's first Tower Emblem.

Tower Emblem #2
After entering the prison and meeting Natalia, use her powers to sense enemies and notice that the door to the players immediate right has three enemies behind it, switch to Barry and crouch, instead of taking the door, continue down the hall to the next right, which will allow Barry to ambush a single enemy, next turn right again and wait for the walking Zombie to turn its back, then move in and ambush the three zombies with stealth take downs. The Tower Emblem is on a shelf near the trapped door.

Evil Bug #1
The first Evil Bug can be found in the torture chamber area. Climb down the ladder to the ground floor and check the dead end corridor just outside, it's not the one with the chair at the end. The Evil Bug is mid way up the wall on the right side.

Evil Bug #2
The second and third Evil Bugs can only be obtained by unlocking the control room in the prison and releasing the top floor cell doors via the release switch. After opening the doors and dispatching the enemies, check the cell that is directly opposite the first cross section of the cat walk. Throw a brick at the bug which is located on the left wall of the cell when looking in.

Evil Bug #3
This Evil Bug can be found in the Natalia only passage between the top floor of the catwalk and the entrance of the prison, before jumping down to the final section, throw a brick at the Evil Bug located on the far wall. This one can be tricky so make sure to make the throw count.

Evil Bug #4
This tree is found after passing through the locked bunker doors at the broken bridge. Follow the path and there will be a broken concrete bunker / shack thing to the left on a hill before proceeding further into the forest. Walk up to the building then turn around and move towards the tree on the left near the boundary edge of the map, the player will then see this tree shown in the picture where the bug would be located.

Tower Emblem #3
After killing the first Mannequin type enemy and heading into the forest to sneak through, there will be a section near the middle with a large light shining down and a large amount of debris, the Tower Emblem can be found on the ground behind the debris. Note the mini-map location in the second screenshot.

Evil Bug #5
At the end of the forest section is a small hut, check the walls on the inside of the hut for a red haze and the fifth evil bug.

Tower Emblem #4
The player will reach a lumber yard, proceed into the courtyard and take an immediate right towards the first clear opening. There will be a rock wall with a pile of logs and a cluster of barrels, behind the cluster of barrels is the final Tower Emblem for Episode 1. The Emblem is most easily collected with a fire or explosive bomb via a broken bottle + gasoline/gunpowder.

Evil Bug #6
Collect the final Tower Emblem and proceed into a house that has a series of doors with enemies behind certain ones. Proceed through the house and look to the players immediate right at the piece of heavy machinery. On the post nearest the fence is an Evil Bug, it is the post between the two players in the screenshot above.
Episode 2 - Claire and Moira
Kafka Drawing #1
Immediately after exiting the Wossek, turn and shine the flashlight on the building sign.

Tower Emblem #1
After discovering the Kafka drawing at the Wossek, head around the north side of the building and go underneath the platform. The first Tower Emblem is located next to some barrels under the far end of the platform.

Tower Emblem #2
Head south down to the beach, travel to the far end and turn back, the second Tower Emblem is located on the chimney of a house only Natalia can access.

Kafka Drawing #2
After following Eddie and discovering the helicopter, check out the opposite side and shine the light on the tail of the chopper.

Kafka Drawing #3
Travel to the far end of the sewers and shine the light on the wall opposite the exit before leaving to discover this Kafka Drawing.

Tower Emblem #4
After exiting the sewers and ending the conversation with Moira, check to the left and look at the building in the distance behind the chain link fence. The Tower Emblem must be shot from here through the fence.

Kafka Drawing #4
Before having Moira remove the bars blocking the door, make sure to shine the light on the wall just above and to the right of the top of the door frame. It is difficult to spot because of the color of the wall.

Kafka Drawing #5
Enter the medical ward, head downstairs and dispatch the enemies, just after ascending the stair well in the back, shine the flashlight on the wall to the right of the stair well for the penultimate Kafka drawing of this chapter.

Tower Emblem #5
After exiting the medical ward and descending the stairs, turn back and check underneath the stairs for the second to last Tower Emblem for this portion of Episode 2.

Tower Emblem #6
Before jumping through the wall between the two buildings, stop and look down at the street below. The final Tower Emblem for this portion of Episode 2 can be seen laying on the ground.

Kafka Drawing #6
After meeting up with Natalia and moving through the series of rooms to prepare for the boss fight, make sure to switch to Moira to shine the flashlight on the ceiling of the stair well before proceeding into the boss fight.
Episode 2 - Barry and Natalia
Evil Bug #1
At the very beginning of the episode, turn around and enter the radio tower room, walk through the back door to face the broken bridge, collect the brick and check around the sea facing side of the building. The Evil Bug can be seen as a red haze near the chain link fence.

Tower Emblem #1
After dropping down into the open courtyard and ambushing the Mannequin looking enemies, check a rafter on one of the broken buildings for the first Tower Emblem.

Tower Emblem #2
The second Tower Emblem can be shot after climbing the building with the broken ladder that has a bridge into another broken building holding the sniper rifle. Turn to the left on the first roof and check a ledge for the Emblem.

Evil Bug #2
After re-entering the village, head to the brick building that previously contained fuel for the helicopter. The Evil Bug can be found on the ground under the shelving in the back of the building.

Evil Bug #3
Proceed through the village and through the metal gate at the far end, before heading down into the sewer, check the rear wall of the first nodule that the party walks through for the next Evil Bug.

Evil Bug #4
While traveling through the city, check the ladder of the slide in the playground area for another Evil Bug.

Evil Bug #5

Accessing this Evil Bug requires defeating Pedro in the first half of Episode Two so that Barry can have access to the drill at the start of the chapter. I need to run through the story again and defeat Pedro with Claire to get another screenshot.

Tower Emblem #3
While traveling through the apartment buildings, there will be an extracurricular floor of apartments that contains a locked room which Natalia must enter a crawl space and run through to unlock the door for Barry before being attacked by an invisible enemy. Dispatch the Glouza and check the bookshelf on the far wall of the room for a Tower Emblem.

Tower Emblem #6
At the very end of the level after entering the ruined tower, walk through the first room then turn around and look up before exiting for the final Tower Emblem which is found on a rafter high up.

Evil Bug #6

I need to run through the story again to collect this screenshot. This Evil Bug is found while climbing the stairs in the tower, it should be higher up on a wall that can only be accessed from the flight of stairs.
Episode 3 - Claire and Moira
Kafka Drawing #1
At the very start of the chapter, before proceeding through the large metal gate, look to the right of the door for the first drawing.

Tower Emblem #2
The first Tower Emblem for this chapter can first be seen through the slotted gate in the second area of the map. It can also be obtained in the third area after passing through the door, just make sure not to forget to look up and find it.

Kafka Drawing #2
After discovering the Prometheus statue and entering the first available building, proceeding to the second floor bathroom, in the second to last stall is the Kafka Drawing.

Kafka Drawing #3
After entering the slaughterhouse, look through the grated window opening and shine the light on the far wall, the Kafka Drawing can be obtained through the bars.

Tower Emblem #2
At the far end of the slaughterhouse before entering the puzzle room with the rotating blade statues, turn around and check the bin just outside the room. The Tower Emblem is inside.

Tower Emblem #3
While escaping the burning building, there is a Tower Emblem that can most easily be seen by Moira just before venting some flames for Claire. After switching to Claire, make sure to check the back wall for the Emblem before proceeding on to the trapped switch puzzle. The emblem can be shot from the platform, but it's more difficult and eats time.

Kafka Drawing #4
Immediately after escaping the burning building, shine the flashlight to the left of the sewer entrance before proceeding.

Tower Emblem #4
After entering the sewer and triggering the cutscene where Moira is threatened by Evgeny, turn around and check the large sewer grate near the entrance. The Tower Emblem can be seen through the bars.

Kafka Drawing #5
Take a right at the first main sewer junction and walk underneath the waterfall of sewage, there is a climbable ledge that leads to a gate control, shine the flashlight on the back wall of the tunnel just above the secret gate for a Kafka Drawing.

Tower Emblem #5
There will be a section in the sewer where Moira can be boosted up to a ledge where there is a chest and a moveable crate to drop down below. A Tower Emblem can be seen across the way which is most easily collected by Barry, but Claire or Moira can also collect the Emblem with a well placed Firebomb or Explosive Bottle.

Kafka Drawing #6

The final Kafka drawing is in the crypt area with the star puzzles, but I keep passing it and need to take another screenshot on my next pass through.

Episode 3 - Barry and Natalia
Evil Bug #1
After entering the Sewer with Barry and Natalia, there will be a control platform with a gate across the way and bunch of broken bridging, the Evil Bug is located underneath the broken bridge platform.

Evil Bug #2
I believe this is the large sewer grate directly underneath where Barry and Natalia enter the main sewer area and is right next to the large gating that Claire and Moira unlock to access the hidden alcove. There should be an Evil Bug in the rough middle of the grating.

Tower Emblem #1
This Tower Emblem and the Gimmick box right next to it, are only available if the player opened the giant gate at the end of the Sewer tunnels by jumping across some gaps and down behind the grate to access the control switch. As Barry or Natalia, enter the gated area and then hit 'CTRL' to crouch before walking back towards the now visible Gimmick box, turn to the players left after entering the alcove for the Tower Emblem.

Tower Emblem #2
This Tower Emblem was shown in the previous guide section since it can technically be obtained first by Claire or Moira, however it is also supposed to technically be obtained by Barry. To access the ledge and weapon part, Moira must have dropped the moveable crate down during the previous episode.

Evil Bug #3
Just around the corner from the ledge with the weapon part and Tower Emblem #2, is the next Evil Bug. There will be two sewer pipes sticking out from the wall and a red light on the wall. The Evil Bug is located inside the sewer pipe nearest the red light and is most easily obtained by climbing the sewer walk way across from the pipe to more easily throw the brick inside. Aim higher than the picture shows.

Tower Emblem #3
After Barry and Natalia split in the Sewer Treatment Plant to navigate through the locked Sluice Gates, make sure to check the top side of the left wall immediately after Sluice Gate #2 for a Tower Emblem.

Evil Bug #4
Just before exiting the sewers, the player will find a choice of ladders with a rubble pile splitting the final platform in half. On the exit side of the platform is an Evil Bug that is located on a large piece of rubble. Make sure to check the other half of the platform for a Gimmick Box and a Topaz jewel.

Tower Emblem #4
After exiting the Sewers and discovering the Ore Processing Plant, there is a relatively easy to spot Tower Emblem that can be seen from the ladder platforms while climbing down. The Emblem is most easily shot from the second platform.

Evil Bug #5
After proceeding through to the gated area, make sure to check the far left side of the building that the Battery Crate is located. There is a gated section with the Evil Bug located mid way up a wall on the outside of the building. Collecting this Bug requires blind throws and often times several bricks. Adjust as necessary and good luck.

Evil Bug #6
The final Evil Bug is available just after escaping the Ore Processing Plant. There will be a small section of broken building and the Evil Bug is located on the corner of a piece of broken concrete, there are approximately 3 bricks in the area, unless the player brings a brick with them and throws one down before descending into the area with Barry. Be careful with missed shots since the area underneath the Bug cannot be accessed and makes the bricks irretrievable, the second picture shows a successful camera angle where the throw indicator is still visible instead of trying for blind throws.
Episode 4 - Claire and Moira
Kafka Drawing #1
Just before running through the first door, shine the flashlight up on the catwalk above for the first Kafka Drawing of Chapter 4

Kafka Drawing #2

I missed this one and need to take another screenshot on my next pass through. This Kafka Drawing is located on the large piece of art in the corner of Alex Weskers' room.

Kafka Drawing #3

I missed this one and need to take another screenshot on my next pass through. After breaking the fish tank and pushing the stand to access the control panel behind it, switch to Moira and shine the flashlight on the floor underneath where the tank was previously located.

Tower Emblem #1
Check to the players right when entering the lab that Alex Wesker is found in, the Tower Emblem is located on top of a shelf.

Kafka Drawing #4
During the escape, proceed until reaching the first generator room with the Work Bench in it, the next Kafka Drawing is found on the wall at the first turn to the left while moving through the room.

Kafka Drawing #5

I missed this one and need to take another screenshot on my next pass through. Once the party finds themselves outside, switch to Moira and shine the light on the wall at the far end of the platform before jumping down.

Tower Emblem #2
This Tower Emblem can be seen during the cinematic sequence after rushing through the door to the outside of the tower. Jump down and turn back to find this Tower Emblem underneath one of the platforms.

Kafka Drawing #6

I missed this one and need to take another screenshot on my next pass through. During the final escape sequence, there will be a large piece of debris that falls with a ladder running up it that creates a path, once this piece of debris falls, stop and have Moira shine the flashlight on the wall directly opposite from where it was standing for the final Kafka Drawing.
Episode 4 - Barry and Natalia
Evil Bug #1 - Sluice Gate A
If the player does not activate the Sluice Gate Switch, then this Evil Bug will be available at the far end of the sluice box behind a slatted grate. This Evil Bug can require multiple brick throws, climb the ladder to the previous area and chuck bricks down into the Sluice, if necessary.

Evil Bug #2 - Sluice Gate B
If the player hits the Sluice Gate switch during Claire's story, this Evil Bug will be available. To obtain the Evil Bug, descend into the sluice, pick up a brick then throw the brick onto the ledge that the ladder nearest the Sewers is located. Climb the ladder, retrieve the brick and then climb the platform to find the Evil Bug on a piece of ducting just behind a safety rail.

Tower Emblem #1
This Tower Emblem is located on the bridge and requires sending Barry to the isolated section in the middle of the bridge. It's like the #3 switch and transfer.

Evil Bug #3
After reaching the Mine Entrance, take the stairs down and check the concrete wall underneath the stairs for this Evil Bug.

Tower Emblem #2
Head back up the stairs and jump across to the mine cart track then proceed to the very far end and check the mine cart at the far end. There is a Tower Emblem sitting on the cart.

Evil Bug #4

I missed this one on my previous play through and need to take another screenshot of it. In the final area of the mine, there is the off shot where Barry has to push a cart a few feet before being able to access an area with a Mannequin type enemy and a strong Magnum at the far end of the tunnel. Don't give the mine cart a final push, dispatch the enemies and return with Natalia and a brick, the Evil bug is located on the wall behind the mining cart which is why the player wants to leave a gap for throwing the brick at the bug.

Tower Emblem #3
After clearing the mine and making the final descent, before jumping out of the elevator, make sure to stop and look up for this Tower Emblem.

Evil Bug #5
After descending into the basement of the underground mansion and entering the room shown in the screenshot, take note of the red haze on the tank in the background. The Evil Bug is located on the top rim of the tank.

Evil Bug #6
After reaching the final Workbench, stop before proceeding and check the collection of junk equipment opposite the bench, the final Evil Bug is located on the hanging metal head.

This guide is currently a work in progress, but I hope that I shed some light on some of the subjects and that other players found it helpful.

Please feel free to like, favorite, and leave comments below.

Keep an eye out for my other guides across the Resident Evil Revelations game line, as well as the rest of the franchise. Also look for my guides across other game lines like Final Fantasy, Grand Theft Auto and various other games like Sega's ultra horror survival game - Alien: Isolation, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II (KOTOR II), or The Bard's Tale.

If you'd like to contribute feel free to communicate, I know that my grammar isn't the greatest and I get information wrong all the time, but this is also still the technical first working draft.

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SLAYER [☠] 12 Jan @ 8:16am 
Episode 1 - Claire: Kafka Drawing: in the prison, after activating the electricity and the blades start running, you go back and a Zombie bursts out of a room. It's on one of the walls.
MidnightGuideWriter  [author] 22 Mar, 2023 @ 8:25am 
The guide is like a solid 85-90% complete, I'll be filling the gaps shortly and might include some distance screenshots to help identify the locations better.