Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

1,960 ratings
Ultimate Guide for Rising Storm -REBUILDING-
By Garmo and 1 collaborators
This is the best guide for Rising Storm. It has everything you need to know plus more! Need more help? Just add me on Steam or ask a question in the comments. PLEASE RATE UP THE GUIDE!

I also, sadly have 5000 hours and three years of experience on this game!

Excited for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam? Join the community group! - http://steamproxy.net/groups/RisingStorm2

New Players READ
If you are below level 10, please only play rifleman. This will let you get a decent feel for the game and learn a few of the maps so you can be more effective on the battlefield. From there, try machinegunner or snipers. Avoid playing squad leader, team leader, and flamethrower until about level 50+. Let those roles be played by those who "earned" them and know how to play better.

COMMUNICATE! Be a help to the team and communicate by either pressing "U" to type to the team or holding "CAPS LOCK" to voice chat to the team! Make friends and give good tactical info to help the team!

Identifying Friends from Foe
Both Japan and the United States uniforms can get confusing in the heat of battle. Here are ways to distinguish from friendly to enemy.

  • The united States has a more green/olive green color to their uniforms while the japanese have a yellowish brown.
  • When sprinting, Japan only runs with one hand on the weapon. The United States sprints with both hands on the weapon.
  • Their helmets are also very different in both shape and features. Japan has a more brown/yellow color as well sometimes with foliage on top. The Japanese helmets are also plain colored. Some head wears may just be a bandana as well. The United States have a more greenish colored helmet and some with a camo pattern design.
Attack Strategies
Attacking may sound challenging and can be... But in all of truth, it is far easier than defending. The key is having a team leader who communicates GOOD information to the team and squad leaders, and squad leaders who can follow those orders and stay alive. The rest of the team just needs to be very aggressive, basically simple charging as groups into the objectives.

The key is simply flanking and speed. Very rarely push down the center and attack the front of the objective. That is where most of the defenders will be expecting you and will have their guns pointed. Try sticking to literally the edge of the map and move up around the objective on the sides and attack the back. The second part is speed. American or Japanese, it doesn't matter. If you can get around the defenders and hit them hard and fast before they can get ready, you'll cap easily. Especially when you have a charge of 10-15+ players at once with some artillery support, you will easily cap.

Team Leader
You need to order the squad leaders and the team to flank the objective. Tell them to get around the objective and hide behind it. If you are sure you can cap it without artillery, do it. But I suggest you call in artillery, and then have the team charge in from the sides and back. This will catch them off guard since the defenders will expect you to hit the front. Order the team to spam grenades over to the back of the objective as well. Grenade spam is a great way to clear and cause quick chaos in an objective.

Squad Leader
As a squad leader, you need to stick to the flanks. You must get around the objective and hide behind it so you can spawn people in from the back. This is how you can get the team attacking from multiple directions at once, and catch the defenders off guard. This tactic can also help in getting troops to the next objective right away once you cap the current one. This is very, VERY, very easy to do, and it is ashame many squad leaders don't have common sense to do this in the first place.

Rest of the Team
You just simply need to follow the orders of your TL's and SL's and play the objective. You need to be quick, and stay as a group. When a team charges as a large group at once into an objective, it will almost gaurentee a capture since there is just so many people pushing in at once.
Defending Strategies
Defending is all about the flanks just like attacking. You need to lockdown the flanks to prevent the attackers from getting around you and hitting your back. You need to stay either inside the objective, or in front of it at all times. NEVER EVER behind it. When the attackers push and start overruning the objective, you must throw grenades on their locations. When the entire team spams grenades, it has the effect of a artillery barrage... When players throw grenades every life and everytime they get them, it can be a constant artillery barrage and is very effective.

Team Leader
Order the team to the far left and right to hold the flanks. Save artillery for when the enemy drops theirs, and then you drop yours danger close on the side they are pushing to stop that push and prevent them from getting in.

Squad Leaders
You just need to stay alive either inside the objective, or on the flanks to spawn people inside or near. Never sit behind it as that is where the enemy's artillery will most likely drop which will likely kill you, and more importantly, prevent your squad from even reaching the point. If you sit on the flanks, your squad can still spawn in and get into the point without having the enemy's artillery cut you off.

Future Plans
Add a birds eye view above each objective on each map to help players learn the maps, and team leaders for strategic orders/movements to help acheive victory...

Add about 10-20 basic/advance tips plus photos and videos to help!

Detailed commander and squad leader sections

Weapon unlocks section

More detailed tactics for both usa and japan seperately.
What Happened to this Guide?
So everyone knows that a guy named The Asian Driver deleted everyone from the group and making anouncements saying that the group is "fake" and not "official".

FIRSTLY, the Rising Storm 2 group I made was never claimed, or meant to be official. In the groups description it says that the group is a COMMUNITY GROUP MADE FOR FUN and to SHARE THOUGHTS on the game. It never said it is official, never said it was the actual group. That is on his own carelessness and blindness for thinking that. He blocked me and is too childish to have a conversation with me to explain why he is mad and or what is going on. He is out of control.

Secondly, he deleted a guide that took 2 years to make. He removed everything from it. He deleted all the group members as we all know, and he is spreading lies about me over his missassumption about the situation.
AGAIN! The group was never claimed to be official, and never was... The only reason Asian is pissed off is becaues of his own carelessness to read the groups description which states that the group is not official and just a community group for fun

You can hate me, I do not care. All I want is everyone to get along and to know the truth.

I also do not hate him, I just wish he woulda explained to me why he is so mad and hope we can make up and become good friends once again like we were for at least 2 years... Again, he is literally over reacting over nothing besides his own carelessness and awareness of reading clearly stated info...

ShuItachi 5 Jan, 2023 @ 9:47pm 
Garmo  [author] 5 Jan, 2023 @ 5:34am 
This is my new account... my other one made this guide.

I gave up recreating it, it was originally so large and massive that it would take forever for me to go back and add everything back. It is ashame someone I once played with for years and trusted decided to delete it all for no reason lmao.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this game!
máy địt thủ đức 21 Dec, 2022 @ 2:05am 
how to fix it
máy địt thủ đức 21 Dec, 2022 @ 2:04am 
the keyboard I pressed can't be
ST3VE WERMAX 28 Jul, 2022 @ 8:00pm 
Matin_Hartmann 13 Feb, 2022 @ 6:50am 
very good guide +rep
HoLY-MOsey 24 Aug, 2021 @ 10:55pm 
people today are just too stupid to understand simple things. its sad.
EmotionallyBroken 30 Jan, 2021 @ 11:51pm 
What difference does being official make?
Eross McCloud 28 May, 2019 @ 8:31pm 
Kangaroo 2 Nov, 2018 @ 10:58am 
Keep up the great work there Garmo and best of luck, best wishes & all the best for your new career serving your nation, I am proud of u mate! Cheers Garmo & hope u please stay alive & kicking! :RedStar::IS2::rc2furmanov::Nutcracker::mkb::BalkanCross::Scroll::Dignity::doicrown::steamhappy: