Resident Evil 6

Resident Evil 6

134 lượt đánh giá
Serpent Emblem Location Guide
Bởi MidnightGuideWriter và 1 cộng tác viên
Screenshots of the various Serpent Emblem locations by story line and chapter.

Includes Treasure Chests as well.
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Leon & Helena
Chapter 1

After running into the kitchen and opening the red door, the party will meet some guy (I don't think he has a name), before running out of the room he was hiding in, turn and walk back into the corner where the Serpent Emblem can be seen inside the closet.

After triggering the alarm and surviving the fight in the hall way, this emblem can be found in a set of drawers in the second to last room of the library. (The room before the ambush with the key)

Check the wheel well of the subway train to the immediate right after going through the red door at the bottom of the darkened stair well.

Before exiting the large double doors of the final bar, before the fight in the gas station parking lot, turn to the left and check the bar shelving near the exit.

Chapter 2

[Need to insert screenshot]
The first Serpent Emblem for this chapter can be found on the back of a large tombstone near the rear portion of the cemetery just before going up the hill to the shack with the undead dog and key inside.

[Need to replay level for screenshot]
After entering the church, proceed to the altar at the far end, do a 180 to face the church entrance then look up to see the Serpent Emblem shelved on the stained glass window that overlooks the courtyard. It can be shot from the ground floor, the second tier, or the third tier.

[Need to replay for screenshot]
Upon entering the crypt, proceed down the passages and make sure to pay attention to the left side, there will be a curved area with a deep pool of water to the left, the Serpent Emblem will be at the back of this pool.

At some point while navigating through the crypt, the party will wade through some waist high water and there will be a rise on the right-hand side of the corridor. Walk up the rise and investigate the sarcophogus on the left.

Chapter 3

At the very beginning of the chapter, proceed into the next room and stop before opening the doors. Look to the middle of the wall to the players' left to find the Serpent Emblem.

[Need to replay for screenshot]
During the section of the level were Leon and Helena enter a massive cave and have to hop around a lot and lower bridges, there will be a section where Leon and Helena separate so Helena can lower the bridge. From the platform that Leon gets stuck on, look to the lower left corner of the bridge and the Serpent Emblem should be visible far off in the distance. The sniper rifle is required to hit this Emblem.

[Need to replay level to insert screenshot]
This Serpent Emblem is most easily obtained by playing as Helena, but can be picked up after being rescued from the fish monster but before proceeding through the level as Leon. As Helena, after being separated from Leon who is in the water and being told to find to open the gate for Leon, proceed into the crypt passage and the Serpent Emblem can be seen in a broken jar on the ground to the players immediate left while running through the passage.

Alternatively, as Leon, wait for Helena to open the gate, swim through the zombie shark infested water, then after climbing on to dry ground turn immediately to the right, ascend the stairs and retrace Helena's steps to the previous area and the Serpent Emblem will be in the passage inside the broken jar.

Chapter 4

[Need to take a screenshot]
Immediately after regaining control of the player, after initial Lepositsa encounter, walk down the flight of stairs from the cockpit, turn right and aim under the cargo door, the Serpent Emblem will be located in the lower corner of the opening.

Head to to the back of the plane, the player will run through a bar section. Check the bar display for the Serpent Emblem and notice the treasure chest to Leon's left that will be on the back wall of the plane.

Chapter 5

Check the right wall of the first building you enter during this chapter. There will be a short window of time in which the player can run in and grab the Serpent Emblem, as well as the items behind the counter before the exterior window breaks and zombie gas begins to flood the store.

The cargo van in which the Serpent Emblem is located should look familiar because it is from the prologue mission. After entering the alley with the armored vehicle and military zombies, check to the players left where the cargo van will be located with the back open and the Serpent Emblem available to shoot.

Before entering the double doors, check the reception area to the right of the doors, the Serpent Emblem will be in the cubbyhole.

At the very end of the level after shooting the revived boss and running through the gated door, look through the fencing under the stairs before proceeding to see the Serpent Emblem.
Chris & Piers
Chapter 1

While proceeding to Ace of Spades or the initial objective, the player will come across a small butcher shop to the players left while advancing down the corridors. On the back wall of the butcher shop is the Serpent Emblem.

Before breaching the room to check for the hostages, proceed down to the lowest floor, there is a small strip mall like section and on the far end from the stairs, near the middle is another kitchen/butcher shop like store with hanging meats, the serpent emblem is inside and on the right.

This treasure chest should be located in a nook immediately behind the shop with the last serpent emblem, if not, it's on the floor below the current one and is accessed by checking the other side of available area before jumping down for the hostage rescue.

Chapter 2

After entering the mansion and it really begins to hit the fan, Ada will show up to lead the group around. Check the retaining wall in the safe space she leads you through and the emblem will be on the top of a cabinet.

Chapter 3

This picture is really bad and needs re-done but it's found in the back of a residential room immediately after descending into apartment complex to search for the snake. Check the back of the rooms and on a bunk bed will be the serpent emblem, it can be seen just over Chris' shoulder in this picture.

Chapter 4

Inside the helicopter found immediately ahead and to the right upon spawning in the Carrier Hangar Bay. The Serpent Emblem is located in the cockpit area of the helicopter.

This serpent emblem is located underneath of a stair case, it's relatively easy to spot between the planks

Chapter 5

After giving Pier's a boost to stop the fan blades and crawling through the first fan, the Serpent Emblem can be seen straight ahead on a pipe.

After the chase sequence through the escape tube, stop in the only safe area available and look to the players left. The serpent emblem will be located on top of the piping.

At the very end of the level before running through the final door, look to the right and down on the ledge. It can be hard to shoot as either Chris and especially Piers since everything shakes.
Jake & Shirley
Chapter 1

The first Serpent Emblem is available immediately after turning left down the corridor being shot up by the helicopter. It is located above the door frame on a rafter.

This Serpent Emblem is relatively hard to miss. After helping Sherry cross the first gap check the metal post near the last ladder before going across the rope bring.

[Need to replay this chapter as Sherry]
This Serpent Emblem can only be collected by Sherry. Immediately after escaping from Ustanok and jumping through the window, there will be a bathroom area immediately to the players left with a Ja'avo inside. Defeat the Ja'avo and at the back of the room will be a broken ladder with a 'V' icon that will enable Jake to boost Sherry up to a ledge with a treasure chest and the Serpent Emblem.

Near the end portion of chapter 1, the player will run into an open courtyard with two unevolved Ja'avo guarding a door. In the screenshot, along the upper rim just right of Jake's head is the serpent emblem.

Chapter 2

At the very beginning of the level after mounting the ladder, look up and aim at the very peak of the radio tower, the Serpent Emblem is barely visible and can take a few shots to hit.

After climbing up the icy hill and reaching the construction site, search the heavy equipment and the Serpent Emblem will be located on the drivers side of the excavator.

During the snowmobile chase, near the end of the run through the "forest" and open valley, just before entering the last portion consisting of the tunnel and ice floes, the Serpent Emblem can be broken by driving through it. Stick to the right when nearing the funnel into the tunnel.

At the very end of the Ustanok level before opening the final door to start the escape chase, turn around and the Serpent Emblem will be located on top of a pipe to the left. Unlock the door hatch using the quick time, then turn around and shoot the emblem before opening the door to proceed through.

Chapter 3

While playing as Jake, the player will be forced to take control of a remote turret / camera system. Switch camera views and look at the top of some wall shelving. Shoot the Serpent Emblem for the reward.

Again, playing as Jake, after the Tank spawns and forces the player into the courtyard, look behind the stair case at the far end for the Serpent Emblem.

Chapter 4

A loot chest located mid-way through the map

Another loot chest located a short distance down the corridor from the previous chest.

A Serpent Emblem located mid-way through the map, it is found on the hood of a car to the players left while running down a series of corridors.

Chapter 5

This Serpent Emblem can be seen in the starting scene of the chapter. After Sherry unlocks the door and recovers the parties weapons, remember to look through the door of the lab and shoot the Emblem in the ceiling on a pipe.

This serpent emblem is found in a medical cabinet in the end portion of the mid section level of revolving rotunda that the player has to jungle-gym around on to get through the level.

After activating the second battery and opening the door to section C, let the lift cycle to the next stop at section F where only Jake can access a room with some treasure and cargo crates.

During the penultimate fight with Ustanak, the player will be chased down onto a series of metal cat walks. Run to the end of the far right side after first dropping down and the serpent emblem will be found across the catwalk on top of a pipe rim.

After defeating Ustanak and walking into the next section, check to the players right for the serpent emblem which is located near some piping and must be melee'd to break.
Ada Wong
Chapter 1

Mid way through the mission and the submarine, the player will run through a corridor with some divider screening on the right side, inside the divider is the Serpent Emblem, it is relatively hard to miss.

When the submarine begins to sink and Ada makes her escape, make sure to check around the "safe" zones for this Serpent Emblem. (I don't rightly remember where it is located)
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Keep an eye out for my guides for Resident Evil Revelations 1/2 and across other franchises such as Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy and various other games like Sega's ultra horror survival game - Alien: Isolation or the Bards Tale by Tommy Tallerico Studios.

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7 bình luận
Muflon 22 Thg07, 2024 @ 11:15pm 
Hey, the 3rd emblem of the 2nd chapter of Leon's campaign is wrong. The actual 3rd emblem is in a sink, which you have to interact with, inside a bathroom.
IDDQD 13 Thg04, 2024 @ 3:23pm 
Where are the rest of the images? The sarcophagus one takes place in chapter 3, not 2. This guide needs a bit more polish.
НАТУРАЛЬНІ ВУМЄН 31 Thg03, 2024 @ 9:49am 
MidnightGuideWriter  [tác giả] 14 Thg03, 2023 @ 9:43pm 
I finally made some updates and this guide is slightly more complete. Enjoy!
Velvet 16 Thg02, 2022 @ 1:32am 
Thank you.:steamthumbsup:
AcZyy 1 Thg06, 2021 @ 1:41am 
thank you so much