Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 5

64 betyg
RE 5: GAMES FOR LIVE | xlive.dll manquant / missing
Av PateDeFruits
Besoin d'aide pour récupérer des fichiers vous empêchant de lancer le jeu ? C'est par ici !

Need help recovering files preventing you from launching the game? It's this way !
FR Part
Ayant fait l'acquisition de Resident Evil 5 il y a peu, je l'ai lancé après installation.. Mais problème ce dernier me demande d'installer de vieux fichiers qui, apparemment sont manquants !
J'ai donc commencé à chercher sur d'autres guides non francophones permettant de se les procurer mais là encore.. un second problème survient..les liens de téléchargement sur le site officiel de Xbox sont morts =/..

C'est alors qu'en fouillant sur un site mentionnant dans un des post d'un ambassadeur Xbox je me retrouve sur ce site avec le bon dossier !:

En arrivant dessus, il vous faudra cliquer sur le rectangle vert " Download this File " (Télécharger ce fichier):

Puis entre deux fenêtres de publicité aller sur "Agree and Download" (Accepter et télécharger) dans un rectangle noir:

Et enfin, quand vous possédez le dossier "gfwlivesetup", ouvrez le avec WINRAR et installer "xliveredist.msi":

Quand tout cela est fait, redémarrer votre jeu Resident Evil 5 et ce dernier se lancera normalement !:

Merci à vous d'avoir lu jusqu'ici, en espèrant que votre problème est résolu ! Si cela est le cas, s'il vous plaît pensez à mettre un petit pouce en l'air pour promouvoir ce guide et aider d'autres personnes dans le besoin !
EN Part
Having acquired Resident Evil 5 not long ago, I launched it after installation. But the latter problem asks me to install old files which apparently are missing!
So I started looking on other non-French guides to get them but there again .. a second problem arises .. the download links on the official Xbox site are dead = / ..

It was then that while searching on a site mentioning in one of the posts of an Xbox ambassador I found myself on this site with the right file!:


When you get there, you will have to click on the green rectangle "Download this File":

Then between two advertising windows go to "Agree and Download" in a black rectangle:

And finally, when you have the "gfwlivesetup" folder, open it with WINRAR and install "xliveredist.msi":

When all of this is done, restart your Resident Evil 5 game and it will launch normally!

Thanks to you for reading this far, hope your issue is resolved! If so, please consider giving a thumbs up to promote this guide and help others in need!

37 kommentarer
PateDeFruits  [skapare] 29 nov, 2021 @ 11:58 
I don't know how to answer.. See, everyone here seems to have their problem solved with this link. If you can't..I'm sorry to say..i don't know =/
AGLET 29 nov, 2021 @ 10:26 
Cracked RE5 runs but the original RE5 does not. I've tried everything, I don't know what else to do
PateDeFruits  [skapare] 29 nov, 2021 @ 9:52 
Well i don't very know..i'm going back on the link since few months, I can't find the answer =/ I guess it should work because RE5 is old and was used on W7.
AGLET 29 nov, 2021 @ 8:42 
I did everything you said but it didn't work. Could it be because I'm using windows 7?
PateDeFruits  [skapare] 29 nov, 2021 @ 8:27 
didn't work ? =c
AGLET 29 nov, 2021 @ 7:39 
it didn't work :p
PateDeFruits  [skapare] 25 nov, 2021 @ 1:52 
Cool to see this post still useful for other ! ^^
SlyChiefy24 24 nov, 2021 @ 23:06 
Thanks! Took me 10 mins and I'm no longer confused haha
PateDeFruits  [skapare] 3 sep, 2021 @ 7:56 
Steam warn people on every link outside the steam property. If it's not a link from Steam, u'll be warned that it can be dangerous.

But i guess, like I did (scan and everything) and like people after me here, it's kinda safe to use it !

If you still afraid of this and don't want to use it. I understand, hope you'll find a solution, here or somewhere else !
engel_wulf 3 sep, 2021 @ 3:33 
is this link safe cause steam is like nope all over this site