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119.673 KB
21 avr. 2021 à 5h07
21 avr. 2021 à 11h00
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This is my first turret so it wont be the best but i do it because i can

- Press: Space For guns to shoot
- Hold: Q or E To Make The Turret Hands To Spin Fast
- Hold: Z or X To Make The Guns Spin Fast ( Note: It'll make the hands spin but not too fast
- Hold: A or D For The Body To Turn 45 Degrees
- Press: N or M For The Arms To Go Up And Down ( When Pressing N Make Sure Ur at An Edge Because If U Dont It'll Make The Guns Lift The Turret Up

Thanks For DownLoading The Turret-F2 ( also when using Q use Z And if ur going to use E Use Too X

( also suitable in the water too