Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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How to Contracker Animation Lock
By Meleecrab
This guide will show you how to easily do the contracker animation lock as any class! All that's needed is the contracker itself, and a movable taunt! [UPDATE: THIS HAS MOSTLY BEEN PATCHED]
As of the update on 7/12/2023, this glitch has been mostly patched. Your actions are severely limited now as exiting an emote ends the lock. Therefore, the only thing you can do with this glitch is just continuously emote.

RIP Contracker Animation Lock you will be missed
The following glitch will make some people think you are a bot. People might try to votekick you, but will understand you are a genuine player if you let them know that it's just the animation lock glitch

Yes, I'm not kidding about people thinking you are a bot. I usually do this glitch with the heavy and it confuses some people for the heavy bots going around. Once again just prove to them that you are human and they'll understand. Maybe even teach them the glitch as well.
Required Items and Settings

1. The Contracker (Obtained by getting the jungle inferno contract pass).

2. Any moveable taunt, including but not limited to: The Kazotsky Kick, Conga, Mannrobics, etc.


1. Turn Auto Respawn off (in advanced settings)
The Method
Make sure you are in a spawn room while doing this, you'll need a resupply closet

1. Make sure the contracker and any moveable taunt is equipped

2. Double tap the f2 button on your keyboard (this should quickly open and close the contracts menu)

3. Quickly start your moveable taunt (if you did it quick enough, you should see yourself hold your contracker while in third person)

4. Replace the contracker in the action slot with any other item, or set it to none

5. Move yourself while taunting over to a resupply closet. Once again you should still be holding out your contracker. If you get over the supply closet's activation range and it doesn't open, you're doing this right

6. Exit the taunt. You should be animation locked now, but you can do any taunt to check to see if you are in the animation lock

If you did the glitch right, you should look like this when taunting (Every class has a different pose)

Be sure to spam the "Need a dispenser" voice line for maximum effect!
What can you do with the glitch?
Well, pretty much anything!

That's right, the main reason you would want to use this glitch over any other animation lock glitch is that you can do more things without exiting the animation lock. You can taunt and shoot all you want, and you'll still be in the animation lock. In my opinion, this glitch goes well with the holiday punch due to its comedic effect. You can make your enemies laugh and finish them off with you animation locked taunt kill.

In addition to being able to do anything, it's also easier to pull off than any class specific animation lock methods. It doesn't require any kill-binding, and you can easily confirm that you are animation locked by taunting.

If you do want to get a little more technical, it does give snipers a bit of an unfair advantage. This is due to the animation lock displaying a different pose where his head is very low down due to him crouching, but the hitbox not reflecting this animation lock (It will be the hitbox for whatever the sniper is doing). My advice for anyone faced with a tryhard sniper using this glitch is that you always aim at the where the head hitbox would be, which is above the actual displayed head.
The End
I hope you find this guide very useful in your quest in becoming the friendliest hoovy (or deadliest heavy) in your average casual server!
8bitvee 14 Feb @ 7:36pm 
Thank you my good sir. This helped a lot.