Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Poetry Award Poem "CS How I Love You"
the Winter Warlock 님이 작성
Going for "Poetry Award" how many can I get?
Since I am not begging, my mind will be set.
Brainstorming influence I am leaning toward
and I wrote a poem to "earn" the award.


즐겨찾기 해제
CS How I Love You
CS How I Love You
by the Winter Warlock

CS oh CS I love that you're fun, for many a player I killed with a gun,
Running and gunning is not the best play, to hide and to stealth is the very best way,

With AK in hand and nades all abound, surely your corpse will burn to the ground,
Pistol rounds the struggle's the same, juan deagle taps are part of the game,

With knife or a tazer I troll on the squeakers, I pull out the AWP and kill the bad peakers,
Smurfs with large egos looking for praise, cheaters buy skills so they can play just like FAZE

With Valve Anti Cheat not working well, players forever be in silver hell,
Gaben will always be saviour and lord (we hope), so please just send me the poety award.

댓글 3
Van 2023년 10월 11일 오후 6시 25분 
:csgo_gg: You got yourself a poetry award there mate, kudos and mission accomplished :csgo_crown:
rava 2022년 1월 20일 오후 9시 06분 
1 of the funniest guides ive seen so far
WhatIsLove,BabyDontHurtMe 2021년 5월 6일 오전 6시 09분 