Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Artículos (42)
[Milgram]Shenzhen Bay Sports Center 深圳湾体育中心
Creada por XDBX
ShenzhenBaySportsCenter 深圳湾体育中心 深圳湾体育中心位于中国广东省深圳市南山区后海湾畔,占地30.774公顷,是深圳湾绵延15公里海滨休闲带上的一个地标性建筑,因主体使用白色巨型钢结构网架将“一场两馆”及其他商业设施整合为一体而被称为“春茧”,与称为春笋的中国华润大厦互相呼应。 2011年第26届世界大学生运动会开幕式在这里举行。 Shenzhen Bay Sports Center (Simplified Chinese: 深圳湾体育中心), nicknamed Spring C...
China Resources Headquarters 深圳华润大厦
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China Resources Headquarters 深圳华润大厦 华润春笋 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦
Creada por XDBX
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level. ______________________________ 上海金茂大厦,位于上海市浦东新区世纪大道88号,地处陆家嘴金融贸易区中心,东临浦东新区,西眺上海市及黄浦江,南向浦东张杨路商业贸易区,北临10万平方米的中央绿地。 上海金茂大厦占地面积2.4万平方米,总建筑面积29万平方米,其中主楼88层,高度4...
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版
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Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level.
Shimao International Plaza 上海世茂国际广场
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Shimao International Plaza 上海世茂国际广场 无裙楼版 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 上次做完环球经融中心顺 https://steamuserimages-...
One Island East Centre 港岛东中心
Creada por XDBX
One Island East Centre 港岛东中心 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到
Columbia Center
Creada por ExtraNoise
This is the updated asset with optimized textures and night lights enabled! If you have a moment, please rate this asset! About The Columbia Center is Seattle’s most iconic building. Constructed between 1982 and 1985, it still claims the title of tallest b...
Creada por Golonka
"Karla Tower" is a planned residential building which will become the tallest building in Sweden and Scandinavia. Located in Gothenburg, it will be 245 meters tall and have 73 floors. This monument was created in blender as a 1:1 replica. It includes night...
The World Trade Center
Creada por BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! My World Trade Center asset for C...
中国国家游泳中心-水立方China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube
Creada por 六六
中国国家游泳中心-水立方 China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube 资产介绍: 国家游泳中心又称"水立方"(Water Cube)位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是北京为2008年夏季奥运会修建的主游泳馆,也是2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。 国家游泳中心规划建设用地62950平方米,总建筑面积65000-80000平方米,其中地下部分的建筑面积不少于15000平方米,长宽高分别为 177m ×177m ×30m。 国家游泳中心是北京2008年奥运会主要比赛场馆之...
鸟巢 Bird's Nest
Creada por wings
Beijing National Stadium, or the Bird's Nest, as it has become known, is the world's largest steel structure and the most complex stadium ever constructed....
Big Ben
Creada por UK122
Houses of Parliament, London, UK Find it in Unique Buildings It's Level 5 (Ploppable) only one allowed per city I know its not true to scale, but if it was it would just be too big in the game, lol Cost €100,000 Maintenence cost €500 Usage: electricity 12,...
BMW Dealership
Creada por Tomas13TO
It is located in unique buildings (level 5) 5x6 cells maps - d,n,s,i (1024x1024) triangles - 1257 LOD triangles - 98...
CCTV Headquarters 中央电视台总部
Creada por HAIKUI
中央电视台总部大楼 北京最COOL的建筑 THE BIG BOXER SHORT ==== The CCTV Headquarters is a 234 m (768 ft), 44-story skyscraper on East Third Ring Road, Guanghua Road in the Beijing Central Business District (CBD). The tower serves as headquarters for China Central Televisio...
Charles de Gaulle Airport Terminal 1------巴黎夏尔·戴高乐机场1号航站楼
Creada por hikke
大家好这次的作品是,巴黎夏尔·戴高乐机场 一共有二个组件 航站楼(dgl1)和卫星厅(z1-hikke) 请大家多点赞支持我~~ 请一定要看摆放说明,见图片 看不到图片的贴吧链接 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 三角形计数:10923+482 LOD:156+76 贴图:2048X2048+1024x1024 LOD贴图...
Charles de Gaulle Airport T2(ABCD)-----戴高乐机场T2(ABCD)
Creada por hikke
这次的作品是继续戴高乐机场 T2航站楼的其中一部分2A,2B,2C,2D 这次航站楼的特色是 ,高架进站 可以配合 Elevated Stops Enabler 设置公交站 此航站楼设置了地下通道 可以作为卫星厅与T1连接使用 也可以作为普通的主航站楼 请大家多点赞支持我~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 三角形计数:8242 LOD:368 贴图:1024x1024 LOD贴图 512x5...
Hong Kong Police Headquarters 香港警政大厦 HK
Creada por XDBX
HKPH (Hong Kong Police Headquarters ) 香港警政大厦 1:1.5 : 这是一个警察总局,你可以在警察局这一栏找到 This is a police headquarters, you can find it in the police station. Tris :4274 Lod‘s tris:1211 2048x2048 256x256...
Arc de Triomphe, Paris
Creada por Armesto Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile, the Triumphal Arch of Paris, is one of the most famous monuments in Paris, standing at the western end of the Champs-Élysées at the...
HK Macau Ferry Terminal & Shun Tak Centre 香港澳门客运码头与信德中心 Hong Kong
Creada por XDBX
HK Macau Ferry Terminal & Shun Tak Centre by XDBX 这只是一个邮轮码头,客运码头只是它的名字。 it is actually a pasenger boat terminal,theFerry Terminal just its name. 如果提示没有道路连接,在此建筑前修一条平行的公路即可。 If there is no road connection, build a parallel road in front of the building....
PKX Airport 北京大兴国际机场
Creada por UNFU
For English Description Please Scroll Down. 全球最大航站楼----北京大兴国际机场 北京大兴国际机场(IATA代码:PKX;ICAO代码:ZBAD)是中华人民共和国北京市大兴区正在建设的北京第二座国际机场。北京大兴国际机场一期工程按2025年旅客吞吐量7200万人次、货邮吞吐量200万吨、飞机起降量62万架次的目标设计,飞行区等级指标为4F,工程总投资799.8亿人民币。 机场定位为大型国际航空枢...
Creada por UNFU
广州大剧院是广州新中轴线上的标志性建筑之一,是目前华南地区最先进、最完善和最大的综合性表演艺术中心。坐落于珠江新城花城广场旁,以璀璨的文化地标身份,为中国大胆探索着剧院经营管理新模式和改革发展道路。 广州大剧院由第一位获得“普利兹克建筑奖”的女性、英籍伊拉克设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计,是她进入中国的处女作和成名作 。广州大剧院宛如两块被珠江水冲刷过的灵石,奇特的外形充满奇思妙想。全球顶级声学大师哈罗德·马歇尔博士,为广州大剧院精心打造的声学系统,达到世界一流水平,使其传递出近乎完美的视听效果,获得全球建筑界及艺...
深圳万象天地T2/The Mixc World Tower 2
Creada por UNFU
2017 年华润置地为深圳带来与众不同的全新商业力作 ——万象天地,项目位于深圳市南山区,是深圳人文综合体华润城的商业中心,也是华润置地三大商业产品线之外的首个创新产品。 深圳万象天地力求突破传统商业中心封闭式的空间体验,携手全球35家顶级设计、创新、艺术顾问团队,以“街区+mall”的独特空间规划,打破传统购物中心大盒子形态,带来10座全新独栋旗舰店。国际时尚、特色餐饮、儿童天地、人文生活四大特色业态的品牌规划,带 来了近 300个店铺,逾 1,000 个品牌,其中约 30%的品牌是首次进入深圳,项目更引...
深圳万象天地T1/The Mixc World Tower 1
Creada por UNFU
2017 年华润置地为深圳带来与众不同的全新商业力作 ——万象天地,项目位于深圳市南山区,是深圳人文综合体华润城的商业中心,也是华润置地三大商业产品线之外的首个创新产品。 深圳万象天地力求突破传统商业中心封闭式的空间体验,携手全球35家顶级设计、创新、艺术顾问团队,以“街区+mall”的独特空间规划,打破传统购物中心大盒子形态,带来10座全新独栋旗舰店。国际时尚、特色餐饮、儿童天地、人文生活四大特色业态的品牌规划,带 来了近 300个店铺,逾 1,000 个品牌,其中约 30%的品牌是首次进入深圳,项目更引...
Mikimoto Ginza 2
Creada por UNFU
珠宝品牌御本木位于日本东京中央区银座二町目-4-12的第二家店,设计者为建筑大师伊东丰雄。 RICO: 高密度商业 提供就业:50 建筑费用:3000 : Poly: 6 Triss:12 贴图分辨率:1024x1024 (漫反射,照明) The jewelry brand Mikimoto's second store located in the second store in 2-4-12, Minamachi, Ginza, Central Tokyo, Japan Design by Toyo-i...
Tod's Omotesando
Creada por UNFU
TOD'S表参道旗舰店 设计者:伊东丰雄(伊东丰雄建筑设计事务所) 地址:东京都涉谷区神宫前5-1-5 建筑底层为商店,上层为办公及举办活动的空间。伊东丰雄以表参道的榉树为Tod‘s旗舰店的表皮概念,将树影覆盖建筑周身,使建筑与榉树相映成趣。既是图案造型又是结构体的建筑表层,由300mm厚的混凝土及镶嵌其中的无框玻璃构成。这样形成的表层支撑着跨度为10.15m的楼板,创造出没有柱子的内部空间。 斜格状的造型是将抽象化的树的形态依次复制并重叠描画而成。逐渐分叉的树的图案形成了自下而上逐层不同的内部空间氛围。如...
Sydney Opera House
Creada por Robert
This is a 1:1 recreation of the Sydney Opera House, a globally recognised icon of Sydney. Along with my recreation of Sydney Tower and BadPeanut's excellent Sydney Harbour Bridge, this completes a triumvirate of Sydney icons for the contemporary Skylines c...
PWC Tower Madrid
Creada por BenTracker
PWC Tower Madrid The Torre PwC, formerly Torre Sacyr Vallehermoso, is a 52-floor, 236-metre-tall (774 ft) skyscraper, completed in 2008, located in Madrid, Spain. Torre PwC is one of four buildings in the Cuatro Torres Business Area. It was designed by Car...
ELVIS Avengers Tower
Creada por ELVIS
The tower formerly as Avengers Tower is a high-rise building complex located in Manhattan, New York City. The building, owned by Stark Industries, has been used as the Avengers headquarters since S.H.I.E.L.D disbanded. Place this skyscraper with a future-o...
ELVIS Incheon International Airport (인천국제공항)
Creada por ELVIS
ELVIS Incheon International Airport is now available This is an International Airport Terminal with over than 20gates and one metro station. You have to build runways by yourself! The International Airport can only build on flatten terrain. Placing the air...
KK100 / 京基100
Creada por Rodrigo
KK100 / 京基100 from Shenzhen / 深圳, China / 中国 formerly known as Kingkey 100. I tried to stay reasonably faithful to the real building while also considering performance. The LED screen is animated and resembles what the real one does to the extent that it w...
北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package
Creada por TAEMIN B
北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package 北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. Tiananmen is most popular landmark building in P.R. China, and for Chinese. It is in Beijing, China and it's a main gate of imperial palace, Forbidden city. #天安門 #...
北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW
Creada por TAEMIN B
北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW 北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. Tiananmen is most popular landmark building in P.R. China, and for Chinese. It is in Beijing, China and it's a main gate of imperial palace, Forbidden city. #天安門 #紫禁城 #故宮博物院...
Forbidden City 5 Buildings 故宮博物院
Creada por TAEMIN B
Forbidden City 5 Buildings 故宮博物院 Forbidden City 5 Buildings 故宮博物院 There are 5 buildings in this package. These chinese traditional buildings mean real palaces of Forbidden City of Beijing, PR China. Use something correct that you want freely! So you can ma...
Monument People's Heroes 人民英雄紀念碑
Creada por TAEMIN B
Monument People's Heroes 人民英雄紀念碑 Monument People's Heroes, 人民英雄紀念碑 This monument is real popular landmark in PR China, and for Chinese. This unique building is in front of Forbidden City, Tiananmen square of Beijing. 天安門, 紫禁城, 故宮博物院, 北京, 中國. 천안문, 인민영웅기념비, ...
Forbidden City 12 parts(walls) package
Creada por TAEMIN B
Forbidden City 12 parts(walls) package Forbidden City parts package There are 12 parts in this package. These chinese traditional buildings mean real walls and doors of Forbidden City of Beijing, PR China. Use something correct that you want freely! So you...
Duanmen Beijing PR China 端門
Creada por TAEMIN B
Duanmen Beijing PR China 端門 Duanmen, 端門 Duanmen is popular landmark building in P.R. China, and for Chinese. This unique building is similar with the 'Tiananmen' and it's in Beijing, in front of Wumen that it's a main gate of Forbidden city. 端門, 紫禁城, 故宮博物院...
Wumen Forbidden city PR China 午門
Creada por TAEMIN B
Wumen Forbidden city PR China 午門 Wumen, 午門 This traditional unique building means a main imperial gate of Forbidden City for real. This building is an one of most popular landmark buildings like palace in Beijing, P.R. China, and for Chinese. 午門, 紫禁城, 故宮博物...
Baohedian PR China 保和殿
Creada por TAEMIN B
Baohedian PR China 保和殿 Baohedian, 保和殿 This traditional unique building is an important landmark building of Forbidden City, P.R. China, and for Chinese. This is in Beijing, and it's a one of main imperial palace of the forbidden city. 保和殿, 紫禁城, 故宮博物院, 北京, ...
Zhonghedian PR China 中和殿
Creada por TAEMIN B
Zhonghedian PR China 中和殿 Zhonghedian, 中和殿 This is a building for connection! You should subscribe 'hall of supreme harmony' and 'baohedian' together. And build this one between the buildings. This traditional unique building is an important landmark buildi...
Hall of Supreme Harmony PR China 太和殿
Creada por TAEMIN B
Hall of Supreme Harmony PR China 太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony, 太和殿 This traditional unique building is a most popular landmark building in Forbidden City, P.R. China, and for Chinese. This is in Beijing, China and it's a main imperial palace of the forbidde...
Foxiangge Beijing PR China 佛香阁
Creada por TAEMIN B
Foxiangge Beijing PR China 佛香阁 Foxiangge, 佛香阁 Foxiangge is an one of popular landmark buildings in P.R. China, and for Chinese. This unique building is in a mountain called Wanshoushan of Beijing, China and it's a imperial sacred palace for buddhism. 佛香阁, ...
人民大会堂the Great Hall of the People
Creada por MC100
中华人民共和国中央政府人民大会堂位于中国北京市天安门广场西侧,西长安街南侧。人民大会堂坐西朝东,南北长336米,东西宽206米,高46.5米,占地面积15万平方米,建筑面积17.18万平方米。这个资产和现实中比较起来因为一些原因它的长度和宽度可能要短一些,但是不影响使用。请不要在评论区谈论有关政治的话题,就把它当作城市的一栋建筑就好了。最后不要忘记点个赞哦! First of all, I made this asset just for fun and entertainment, not for any...