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Normandy Expanded : Core
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12 abr. 2021 às 14:02
16 de jun. às 16:29
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Normandy Expanded : Core

Numa coleção por Cap Fox
Normandy Expanded Mods
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Normandy Expanded : Core
24 comentários
GreenDevil1944 10 de abr. às 14:08 
i wish they had map extentions when they brought the game out ,but it's good that we have people that can mod the maps to keep people interested in the game ,i have just re-installed this game and not realised how much i have missed this game but it's a joint first with hell let loose sorry boys had to say it before someone else did ,happy shooting everyone ,keep the noise down and carry on ,good work to you modders.
iDELTI  [autor] 9 de jan. às 14:25 
true true
Sgt. Winterbottom 26 dez. 2023 às 18:02 
Greatest mod of all time. None will eclipse the greatness of this mod.
[S.D.W] Szogun 4 dez. 2023 às 13:28 
It's amazing mod :) :steamthumbsup:
Cap Fox  [autor] 14 jan. 2023 às 6:36 
No it's not ! we are preparing for new map relese
fabioplayergames 14 jan. 2023 às 5:57 
mod dead?
Tishomingo 31 out. 2022 às 14:15 
yes, very good
russli三十 29 out. 2022 às 9:36 
mati 28 out. 2022 às 10:45 
poland pro
Cap Fox  [autor] 11 jun. 2022 às 11:59 
Nope It's Geting upgraded rn for new engine also we are working on next map