Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

46 rating
HoI4 - 20 Easy achievements
Oleh Roman - Armenian
In this guide i will list 20 easy achievements to get in HoI4 and explain how to get them
Batalkan favorit
Want to have some HoI4 achievements easily without making much efforts?
You chose the best guide!
I selectioned what i think are the 20 easiest achievements that you can get even without having DLCs, so let's get started!

note: the difficulty depends on how actually good you are at the game, but if you are a bit good, you should be able to get all the achievements i listed.

also, this is my first guide, i will look forward to update this when i can, be sure to rate the guide, so that I understand whether i should do more improvements
Friend in Need
- Join a faction -
I think there's nothing difficult about this one, just play as france and join allies, or play italy and join axis, I personally suggest doing this achievement playing as portugal since if you join allies, you manage to get the "BFFs" achievement
- As Portugal, join the same faction as Great Britain -

As said before, play as portugal, go down the democratic path, and as soon as you can join the allies
Time is on our side
- Reach 1948 -

This is a really boring achievement, just pick a neutral nation which doesn't get any war goals on, put the game at 5 speed and wait until 1948, if you want to do this achievement while actually playing, pick France and try to resist the German invasion, if you survive until 1948 you will also get the "Vive la France" achievement
Vive la France
- Reach 1948 as France without capitulating or surrendering -

Resisting as France until 1948 is not an easy challenge, but i suggest building level 10 forts along the borders of Belgium, Luxembourg and Italy, while also forming a good army, in order to gold the german invasion and hopefully, counter invade them.
Doing this achievement also gives you the "Time is on our side" Achievement
No country for old man
- Reach 0 manpower with Scraping the Barrel as Conscription Law -

This Achievement looks difficult, but you just have to pick Tannu Tuva, reserve some political power, and when the USSR goes to war, switch to Scraping the Barrel and deploy as many divisions as possible
Canada first
- Join Axis as Canada -

In this achievement, you just need to go down the fascist path, become fascist and join the Axis, nothing too difficult and it doesn't take much time
Transport tycoon
- Have at least 1000 convoys -

for this one, i suggest playing USA, because it's the nation which has more dockyards in the start and more civilian factories that can be used to build more dockyards to speed up the process, what you want to do is delete every single ship that is being built in the production line and replace them with convoys, assign as many dockyards as you can, once reached 1000 convoys you will get the achievement
We'll build it in a day
- Research Construction V -

This one will take a bit of time, but just get a random nation and reserve a research slot for the construction part, keep researching construction until you reach contruction V
Mine is bigger than yours
- Lead a faction with at least 20 members -

I suggest doing this achievement as germany, what you want to do is win ww2 and satellite as many states as you can, they will automatically join the faction, doing this will also permit you to get the "The Puppetmaster" achievement
The Puppetmaster
- Have at least 51 subjects -

As said in the previous achievement, as germany winn ww2 and satellite as many states as you can, but if you have the "La resistance" dlc, you can pick uk and release every state as puppet.
True Blitzkrieg
- As Germany have both Poland and France surrender before January 1st 1940 -

I suggest that, as germany, once the game starts you justify against poland and annex it as fast as you can, than, you immediately prepare and declare war against france and make it capitulate before January 1st 1940
District 9
- As South Africa, have 9 civilian factories in Transvaal -

This just takes time, start building miltary factories in Transvaal and convert the civilian factories to military factories, also, go down the concentrated industry path in the industry research section, so you will be able to build more military factories
Destroyer of Worlds
- Deploy a Nuke -

For this achievement, just pick USA, focus on on building planes, especially strategic bomber and research all the nukes researches, it will take long, but eventually, you will be able to nuke, declare war on a small country and put all the planes you have over it, click on a random province and click the nuke button
Team America
- As the U.S.A., drop a nuclear bomb on Paris -

This one looks difficult, but it's actually easy, just wait for germany to invade and capture france, join the allies and put your planes over france, once you have enough air superiority (>75%) nuke Paris
Arsenal of Democracy
- As the U.S.A., have more than 300 military factories -

I suggest just get rid of all the debuffs usa starts with and start buiding military factories, the only "problem" is waiting
- Research all rocket, nuclear and jet technologies -

Just pick a neutral nation and start researching, if you're good enough do it with poland, you should be able to get the "Poland can into space" just researching the rocket tecnologies
The bell tolls for us
- Win Spanish Civil War as Republican Spain -

If you're good at playing, this should be very easy, learn the weakness of the fascists and in the war against them
Nobody expects...
- As Nationalist Spain in Axis manage to take Paris before the Germans -

It does look difficult, but it's actually easy, you don't actually need to reach paris before them, just wait for someone to conquer it and then ask to get the region
The empire strikes back
- As Britain, declare war on one of your former subjects -

Become fascist, the puppets will leave the faction, then declare war to Canada, since it's the one which has less divisions
Freedom or Death
- As Greece, liberate Albania while being at war with Italy -

focus all your divisions in the border with albania, they usually attack with low quantity of divisions, so push forward and capture all of albania
7 Komentar
Ryman 26 Mei 2021 @ 6:32pm 
Also the achievement have 20 members in your faction you could go down the decoilinize path as UK
WildCard159 24 Apr 2021 @ 4:25pm 
Missold 18 Apr 2021 @ 3:54am 
if you turn off man the guns then mosley gets replaced by edward viii when the fascists are in power and he has a trait which reduces war justification time
Salary Mark 17 Apr 2021 @ 11:27pm 
ez :peace_hoi:
yehia 17 Apr 2021 @ 4:05pm 
you should edit in the fact that you cant declare war as fascist britain easy due to aswald mosley so instead the empire strikes back should be you saying to convert to communist
Bluz the robot fucker 14 Apr 2021 @ 12:16am 
another easy one is play it ,sam
[LGD]LunatikO 11 Apr 2021 @ 11:15am 
Thank you.