42 ratings
Easy Farm & locations
By itsNinjaToast
This is a quick guide with the most easy way to farm rare weapons/gear.
gear/weapon drop locations won´t be revealed, as they appear to be random.

EDIT #1: Two guaranteed Legendaries.
EDIT #2: Hidden Legendary guaranteed below (12-04-2021)
  • 1- Defeating YAGAK on UTARGAK, rewards you with a chest near the exit door, DO NOT LEAVE UNTIL YOU COLLECT IT.

  • 2- On DESOLATE FORT, speak to Channa for a new quest, upon completion, she grants you a legendary of choice.(image below)
    Quest can be replayed, but no guarantee if will reward legendary again.(to be tested).
On CANYON OF THE GRAND OBELISK, there is a flesh door that seems to be close, but its possible to open them, all you have to do is activate the Stone devices on the area.
The order is as follow....(images below, follow yellow arrows)

Unlocks a secret quest called "FORGOTTEN CHAPEL"


Last device: at the end of the level (where you defend Tiago and August, there is a stair that leads to the device)

Middle device, where there is a statue of woman.

Entrance device: as soon as you leave camp, turn left, he´ll mumble (i wonder what this does)

Lastly:the door is back near the end, down a set of stairs.

Legendary reward may be random

This is a quick guide with easy locations to farm rare weapons/gear.
Be aware that dying when an item is collected, you will still keep the items you collected and the trick is just that.

  • Trench Town: For this farm, it will require you to reach at least on Trench Town, once there, speak to Corrigan (image below) to grant you passage to the Wreckage Zone to go look for Seth, on the way (while still in the Town) you will spot 2 new icons on the map (1 and 2 below).

    You can interact with both for a cutscene if you want.
    After that, head to the Wreckage Zone, on the way you will once again spot the mission on the field of battle by its paw icon, you will find yourself over a dead animal carcass, interact to start the mission.

    Note: the mods on gears may be random for each class.

    Increasing your world tier before the battle may yield better gear
  • The Trick
    Once there you will fight a hord of monster before the boss shows herself (image below).
    Once the boss shows up, if you can, try not to kill her minions, or kill them while leave atleast two alive.
    Now you need to focus all your gun fire on the boss.
    If you managed to kill her, collect everything she drops, after you do, try getting killed by her minions.
    On revive, you will be thrown on the last checkpoint before her battle, check you gears and equip the rare ones you collected, now that you are a bit stronger, go fight her again, collect everything and die to her minions once more.
    She always gives you one or two purple gear, making you stronger everytime, you can fight her how many time you like, as long as you leave some of her minions alive.
    Originally posted by electro_dynamo:
    alternatively, kill them all, then when you have backed out to see the local map for transport, you can click on the quest and abandon it. then go back to where you pick up the quest in the world and do it again.

  • This trick was also tested on BIGJAW (image below) hunt mission on the QUARRY, and apparently it works very well on these types of missions, but different from the previous one, after you die, the mission with auto cancel itself, forcing you to inspect the carcass to start the mission once more, and yes you will still keep the items.

Tested on SPLITTOOTH, on the FOREST ENCLAVE a very easy boss to kill, the only trouble you will have, is dealing with the flying enemies, they deal quite the damage, especially on higher world tier, but the goal here is to die after you kill him, so leave the flying unit alive, you can avoid them by fighting behind the big rock cover on the left, but different from BIGJAW, the mission won´t cancel if you die, so this is by far the best spot to farm for gear, but make sure you don´t move before equipping your new items once you spawn, as you spawn right on the battlefield, and there is a small chance to trigger a battle.

Probably one of the thoughest boss hunts, it can be found at THE STRONGHOLD.
Beware of his claw attacks on high world tier, it deletes you, he will try to corner you (you get stuck) and duo to his big size you can´t phase or dodge past him.(kinda like COD, if someone blocks the door you cant pass) so this boss will bully you a lot with that.
As Technomancer it gets a bit easy since your turrets do not only deal crazy damage and freeze him, but heal you while you run from him, remember to leave a poisonous enemy alive if you want to farm him, and do hit´n´run or he´ll corner you.

TONKA BEAST (easiest farm in the game so far)
Not part of the hunt(paw) missions
This is by far the easies spot to farm, since the mini boss won´t follow you when he reaches the entrance you came in, he gets blocked by an invisible wall.

The quest can be picked up from JUNO back at the camp on THE STRONGHOLD, you might have to do her previous mission, where she asks you to track down a beast.
Since its a mission, it means it can be replayed as many times as you like, making it the best spot to farm for gear, if you kill them all by accident, don´t worry, there is another one further ahead, but this one will ignore invisible walls and come after you, it still stops from time to time allowing you to position.


Also a very easy boss to kill, the only problem you will have tho, is to deal with the flying unit who will charge at you and deal insane damage, with luck they won´t chase you, and you can lure the boss away from them into the previous room (behind you), beware that once the boss as about 30% health, more enemies will spawn, and one Alpha enemy comes with them, they buff themself with a nullifier(can´t freeze or burn him, but eletricity seems to work)
Found on THE GATE, although easy to kill, i would not recommend losing your time farming here, because after you die, you backtrack 2 rooms, you will always have to clear those 2 rooms before engage him, making you lose time.
The boss itself is fairly easy, you will have problem dealing with his swarm tho, they can be quite annoying, and often will do it to distract you, so the boss can jump on you, which will make some people think he´s hard to kill, if so, lure him on the previous room, or keep circle him near one of the pilars in a run´n´gun.

Found on THE DUNES, the one you want to kill is HAURAS, as the other one WASTELAND BEHEMOTH gives you no rare gears/weapons, may drop some but don´t bother/count on it.
This may be one of your thoughest battle yet, especially on higher world tier, as both will charge at you, taking half your health, leaving you no room to dodge or position to safety, with TECHNOMANCER becomes a tiny bit easy, as turrets will distract them, but they are not your only concern as both will continually spawn fire minions, some will also charge at your and trap you so you don´t run, while others will snipe you with fire ground rock missiles.
Focus your fire on the minions to reduce their numbers, then HAURAS, while run´n´gun( shoot as you run/move), don´t stop even once or they will trap you, there are no spots to hide here, but a pilar of rocks where you can go to breath/reload.
Probably best to farm on coop, it´s not worth the headache solo.

NOTE: I believe the minions will spawn everytime one of them loses 10 or 20% health

Can be found on the DESOLATE FORT, it´s hard to say if its a difficult boss or not, so i´ll say medium difficulty, since at this point you´ll be strong enough to take anything and anyone.
If not, do mind the flying monsters, take them out first, or else they will distract you so the ground minions swarm you, after that, take out the Alpha minion, its the annoying one that keeps jumping on you, if he turns blue, try to use anything that interrupts ability casts.
The boss itself its easy to take down, its just his horde of monsters you will struggle with.

Last one of the bunch, located at the CANYON OF THE GRAND OBELISK.
The boss is fairly easy, but just like with easy bosses, comes with trouble, he keeps summoning minions, who will swarm you, leaving you with little room to dodge, unless you have a mod that changes your regular roll, into a dash that passes through enemies, if not, just Run´n´Gun, and play with him near the rock on your right, to avoid his Rush Attack.

Change roll: Check your arsenal at camp, one of your Earthborn gears comes with the mod, you may get jumpscares, as the mod is too noisy, and you will often press W twice by accident, which makes him dash.

Good Gears for Tanky/DPS Technomancer
On my journey as a Technomancer by the name Blitzcrank, i found out he´s actually a very tank class, despite people saying hes one of the weakeast in the game, i´ll share here some of the gears i find will help player tank enemies while dealing insane damage (ungoing half game build)

Note: the mods on gears may be random for each class.


If you managed to find this weapon, keep it, not only it deals insane damage, but its lightning mod interrupts enemies ability cast, if you find a better weapon later, and you will, install this mod, or both, the lightning also takes quite the impact and combined with the explosion, one single bullet can deal around 3200 damage, wait 3 seconds for the passive to charge and fire again(you dont really have to wait to fire, its just the passives that take 2/3 sec cd)


This my way to clean a room, or a boss super fast, as the entagle mod chains anyone in place, while dealing crazy damage, meanwhile i take the chance to shoot them with blighted rounds (Technomancer 4th ability), wich also deals crazy damage, and it spreads from enemy to enemy.
The Blighted Round mod, is so when you reload it gives you another go (you can empty 2 magazines on enemies instead of one).
Would recommend use the Blighted Rounds ability on a machinegun, since they have bigger clips i believe.

Q: Can i get that legendary?
A: you will eventually get legendaries as you go, might not be this one, but on UTARGAK, after defeating the Altered YAGAK, DO NOT LEAVE, near the door there is a chest with a guaranteed legendary, might be a random legendary.

    I believe SPINEWRETCH and the TONKA BEASTS have better chances to drop this, but any Suit of Armor will do really, as long as it as the second mod, once your health drops to 30%, shield is given instead, if dismantled, use the mod on the next armor, trust me, it will save your life quite alot
Players finding & Tips
Originally posted by author:

also get a legendary from completing all the historian quests. Takes a bit, but i get most of my legendaries from these 3 sets of quests and then trading/dismantling all the loot to trade for Drop points to trade with Tiago.

Originally posted by author:
Completing all 10 and resetting them also grants you a guaranteed legendary. You get rewarded armor from turnins for Hunt, and weapons for Bounties. So while this is quick, only doing all 10 will guarantee you a legendary.
Family Man 21 Aug, 2022 @ 7:54am 
Good guia, tanks
Nemesis_BotakBoy 17 Nov, 2021 @ 3:01am 
ItsNinjaToast, no wonder u got baby brother.
skelet0r 31 May, 2021 @ 3:05pm 
Channa grants only one chance for 1 of the always same 3 legendary weapons. Hunt/Bounty/Historian quest lines can be repeated indefinetely for a guaranteed armor/weapon/armor or weapon.
Completing the Legacy of the Outriders quest line for the first time also grants you a random legendary.
itsNinjaToast  [author] 25 May, 2021 @ 1:52pm 
It resets if you press in the wrong order, i loaded from a previous files to try different orders, but only the one showing in the pics seems to be the right one.
danceswithphantoms 24 May, 2021 @ 11:19pm 
Do the devices in Forgotten Chapel have to be pressed in the order shown? And if you pressed one in the wrong order then left the grand obelisk location and returned another time is it still activated or has it reset? Also, does this mission have to be done during the campaign or is is doable once you complete it and go back to the location? Thanks.
LystUwUs 15 Apr, 2021 @ 2:52pm 
Is there a legendary drop chance on the farm locations? Like in the Stronghold with the Juno quest?
DEESSE 11 Apr, 2021 @ 7:07pm 
"2- On DESOLATE FORT, speak to Channa for a new quest, upon completion, she grants you a legendary of choice.(image below)
Quest can be replayed, but no guarantee if will reward legendary again.(to be tested)."

Is this still in the game after last patch ? Some confirmation would be nice.

stonhinge 10 Apr, 2021 @ 11:49pm 
Apparently patch notes were just badly worded. Still get a legendary each time you turn in all 10. Sure, they drop stuff found elsewhere, but being able to guarantee a legendary is a definite benefit.
itsNinjaToast  [author] 10 Apr, 2021 @ 3:21am 
thats why they are possible rewards, not guarantees, but i believe only legendaries drops from them, not sure.
Toland 9 Apr, 2021 @ 7:09pm 
you know most armor and weapon drops from them, drop from everything else right?