WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

80 ratings
Ranks for roleplays
By Rainy
Howdy there! I've been roleplaying for almost four years, and been rping in wolfquest for 2-3! I notice often that people will not know any ranks except for maybe: Alpha, Beta, Omega. So I'm here to list and explain as many as I can!
(NOTE: In real packs there are no ranks, just more dominant wolves + A pecking order)

Edit: Jeez, people are already coming with new ranks, slow down guys, sob
Alpha, the leader.
Alpha is a well known rank, they are the lead and father figure of the group (except over their mate and elders) The alpha is usually mature and strong, decisive, and slow to anger.
There can be two alphas: Alpha M and Alpha F, sometimes they are mates, other times they are alpha equals (Wolves who share a rank but aren't mates)
Beta is second in command, often smart and quick to act, they are a born leader, but are too young to be Alpha or lack the strength and speed to keep the pack under control.
Like the rank of Alpha there can be two who are mates, or are Beta equals.
Theta, the healer.
Theta is a unique rank, their job is to heal the pack of ailments and injuries using herbs and other skills. The wolf with the rank of Theta is usually gentle and sweet but I have run into a few that act more like they're warriors.
There's only one Theta, though sometimes they have a young wolf that they teach. (Sometimes called the Theta's apprentice)
(And as you can see warrior cats fans are probably responsible for thinking of this rank lol)
Delta is not exactly needed, they are third in command (But are technically below Theta's) Delta's are wolves that would make a good leader but lack confidence or strength, or just prefer to sit back and watch unless needed to help.
Having one Delta is rare so there's usually just one.
Zeta, lead warrior.
Zeta's are often powerful and mature. Their job is to lead the warriors into battle, they are usually a warrior who climbed the ranks 'till the reached Zeta.
There is only one Zeta.
Kappa, lead hunter.
Kappa is...kinda useless, they're lead hunter which doesn't make too much sense since really the beta or delta leads the hunts. But if you enjoy being in-charge but not being high in rank I'm sure you'll like this.
There is only one Kappa.
Hunter has the same eating order as warriors.
Hunters are fairly average in strength and speed, but most of the time are faster then they are strong, but not by much.
There can be as many hunters as you want.
They are one of two subordinate ranks.
They are in the same eating order as hunters.
Warriors are -as you would guess- the fighters of the group, they are usually tanks with lots of strength and stamina, though smaller faster wolves can also be Warriors.
There can be as many Warriors as you like.
They are one of two subordinate ranks.
An Epsilons job is to guard the pack, they often double as scouts or hunters. They are usually protective and quick to act. An Epsilons skills doesn't matter as long as they have good eye-sight and a good sense of smell. Epsilons sit at the edge of the pack or circle around after hunts and look for bears or cougars who may try to take the carcass, or snag a small wolf or pup while they sleep.
There can be up to two Epsilons.
Gamma's are elders, they usually don't hunt or patrol but are great sources of wisdom.They also act as mentors to young Alpha's and Beta's.
A Sub's job is just to help with whatever they can, whether it's hunting or patroling they can quickly awake and help. They're usually weaker wolves who aren't strong enough to be a hunter or warrior, or aren't especially skilled at many things. (No offense to any people who are usually Sub's out there)
There can be as many Sub's as you wish.
Lead Scout
They lead the Scout's and organize scouting patrols (Read the next section to see what Scouts are)
A Scout's job is to patrol and mark territory, they are fairly low in rank below hunters but above Omega's and Pup-sitters. They also look for elk and mule deer herds. They are usually swift and can quickly dash across the territory to report to the higher ranking wolves.
There can be as many Scout's as you wish.
As the title states they watch pups, this rank isn't always necessary as there aren't always pups in the pack. They are quite low in rank, and often wolves with bad limps or that are blind or half blind fit into this rank fairly well.
A common rank, Omega is as low as you can go in the pecking order, last to eat they stay in the back of patrols. They are usually the smallest or weakest of the pack.
There can either be one or two Omega's (Depends who the host is)
Really Pups and Yearlings have no rank, their job is to watch and learn and occasionally join in the hunts when invited.
Climbing the ranks?
As I briefly mentioned while talking about Zeta, you can in fact climb in the ranks! The way that you rank up is by:
1: The wolf in the rank ahead of you dying.
This is the most common way, but some wolves prefer to stay in there rank and won't move up, but Beta's are required to become Alpha.
2: Challenging a wolf.
As it states, you can challenge a wolf in the rank ahead of you for their rank, this rarely happens though. The two wolves will fight and the wolf that yields loses and moves down one rank.
Well, that's it! I worked really hard on this and I hope you enjoy and maybe learned something!

-Rain (Also known as mystythewolf)
morella_xx 25 Jul @ 6:21am 
I need to memorized my roles, I'm usually pretty good about it, but sometimes Things mess me up.
NovaNinja 15 May @ 5:22pm 
oof jk about the "I know you got that alpha pic" comment
NovaNinja 13 Mar @ 5:38pm 
The theta pic is just so CUUUUUUUUUTE
NovaNinja 13 Mar @ 5:36pm 
I know you got that alpha picture from the 2024 wolves calendar that i have at home
boomerdawg 12 Jan @ 3:55pm 
Lead Scout is called Tau, and nice guide!
PopcornWolf32 9 Jan @ 9:54am 
The pup-sitter is also called the Phi of the pack. Also, very helpful!
Genesys 27 Dec, 2023 @ 5:31am 
You DiDnT cAp Warrior Cats >:(
RJ Wolfy Girl 20 Oct, 2023 @ 8:09am 
Nice guide!
Charzar 10 Sep, 2023 @ 5:39pm 
Cool. I suppose you know the ranks are Greek letters? Luckily I have 'flash cards' with Greek letters on them lol...
killduwabbit 22 Jul, 2023 @ 1:22pm 
Heyy, IDK if this guide is simply for role plays in Wolf Quest, but In real life wolf packs, there are no ranks. Wolf packs in the wild are normally families, led by a breeding pair (commonly called the alpha male and female). The term 'alpha' would mean that they had duels for supremacy, which is quite rare, but still possible! I'm also not saying you're wrong in any way, this is how ranks normally work in role playing and stuff like that, but yk.