218 평점
Endgame Technomancer (Pestilence DPS)
Haseki 님이 작성
Endgame Technomancer Pestilence Build

Why would I utilise this build?
Works up to Challenge Tier 15 Expeditions, currently can clear all endgame content at the highest difficulty / reward-rate solo at gold clear times. You'll be doing 200 million damage solo, and up to 400 million damage in group content.

Updated 21st April 2021

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Video Overview
The Gear
Primary Weapon

While not currently what we can classify as a "God Roll" it is a Tactical AR.
Be on the lookout for all rare and epic drops for Assault Rifles, as you can upgrade / change the variants to be suitable.

The Mods you wish to utilise on the Assault Rifle:
Killing Spree
Anomaly Enhancement or Ultimate Damage Link

The Stats you want to look out for on the Assault Rifle
The Godroll would be the following,
Critical Damage (30%)
Long Range Damage (10%)
Close Range Damage (10%)

The stats are when fully upgraded, they'll be lower when they drop naturally.


Chest Piece

Leg Piece



NOTE: You do not need full legendary sets for this, just look out for FIREPOWER, LONG RANGE DAMAGE and CLOSE RANGE DAMAGE stat increases as well as the mods included on the armour pieces above.
Class Tree

We utilise:
Br/8 Impact Amplifier Nodes to increase our overall DPS
Exposing Toxin and Marked for Execution for huge boosts to our damage
Assault Master for our Tactical AR
Two Sides of Power for a DPS increase (despite it making you a little more vulnerable)
Empowering Antenna for Blighted Turret Spam to increase damage by 40%
Disturbance Coating for bonus Resistance Piercing

Skills to utilise

Blighted Turret:
- Draws Aggro
- Combined with Final Pestilence Tree node, increases damage by 40% for 10 seconds.
- Spreads Toxic faster to enemies allowing for minor DPS increase

Cold Snap:
- Emergency Ability, for when you get overrun or need a few seconds to burst down a boss without mobs attacking you.

Blighted Rounds:
- Core of the entire build, responsible for 97+% of your DPS.

댓글 55
Lucid 2022년 7월 1일 오후 6시 35분 
How's this looking in Worldslayer? "Two Sides of the Power" is only 10% now and Empowering Antenna got nerfed too...
Beerded_GREG 2022년 1월 3일 오전 8시 05분 
I stopped playing this game a year ago but I agree with someone below that Plague Sower is bad, you are much better off with 5 purple items all with Firepower/Close range damage/Long range damage. And the set bonus is IMO better supplemented with Emergency Stance and Damage Absorber with "A.N.E.T.A Plates" which are always up with much better damage.
Instead of To the bone, Spare mag, Critical analisis, Enriched Anthrax and King Slayer get:
- Sharp Eye, Radical Therapy - much better damage boost than King Slayer and other useless mods
- Icicle Storm - absolute devastation when surrounded, everyone dies including big guys
- Emergency Stance and Damage Absorber - will work better to protect you than the Set bonus that disappears after 5 sec. In end game, when you get frozen, the set bonus is useless and you die.
Tsa-iri 2021년 10월 9일 오후 6시 50분 
so ein Quatsch, Itchiebutt - maybe they dont wanted play with you ?
itchiebutt 2021년 9월 15일 오전 4시 13분 
Too bad this game is pretty much dead. It has under 1,000 people playing it daily on PC at least. In the early morning around 4am pst there is under 500 people playing it... :lunar2019laughingpig:
UncleBunkles 2021년 8월 25일 오전 2시 54분 
Game is dead, just look at the player count over time. Last time I checked ~2500 people are playing still. Game is on life support, developers never knew what they were doing and killed their game.
EvilAsh110[ATC!] 2021년 4월 30일 오전 12시 54분 
Would Heir to the Desert work for this? It's a tactical and has 90 bullets armor pierce, status power and skill life leech
Terranigma 2021년 4월 19일 오후 7시 27분 
i notice all the pieces have at least Close/Long dmg and a different stat to beside firepower do i need those? or would gear pieces like Firepower+Long dmg+close dmg be good? because i found a pair of pants that are exactly all 3 and a bullet mod which i can change the 2nd mod to whats needed
Haseki  [작성자] 2021년 4월 19일 오전 4시 58분 
You wuoldn't lose a metric ton of DPS but Tactical AR is so powerful right now that it's the best in every aspect.

LMG and SR builds are viable though. you simply switch from the +AR damage tree to +SR damage if you wish to build a Sniper build (but stay as + Assault Damage if you want to use a LMG as LMG's are classed as Assault Weaponry)
Adonai Shadowblade 2021년 4월 19일 오전 2시 20분 
so, would it be possible to spec this for a SR instead of an AR? or would the DPS suffer to much?
Coconutspeed1212 2021년 4월 12일 오전 3시 00분 
I dont see why anything beyond weapon/poison damage is needed with exemption of a couple of bosses blight and an lmg will kill everything stupid quick with the right mods