Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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Random New World
즐겨찾기 해제
Important! Please read the description!
Radom New World brings you infinite possibilities with a wide range of randomizations, including realm set up, de jure map, faith and culture placement, and doctrines.
How to use it
  1. Subscribe to the mod.
  2. Enable it in the launcher.
  3. Choose the rules you prefer.
  4. Start the game with any characters or in observer mode.
  5. You will need to wait a bit for the randomization.
  6. Once everything is done, hit escape and switch character.
  7. I didn't try it in multiplayer, but I would recommend to launch the game in single player, save and host the savegame.
  8. Enjoy!
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Current features
  • Realm setup
  • De jure map
  • Faith and culture placement
  • Doctrines
  • Development Level
  • Holy Sites (Require Submod)
Planned features
  • Naming for faiths and cultures
  • Holding and government types
  • Better realm setup
It is compatible with (almost) every other mod, even total conversions. (It doesn't overwrite any files, only add new ones.)
The only exception is doctrine randomization, you can try to use it, but it won't interact with new doctrines.
아이템 (2)
Random New World Holy Sites
제작자 Lajos Tueur
This is a submod for Random New World. It will randomise holy sites. I couldn't make a game rule for this, that's why it's a submod....
Random New World
제작자 Lajos Tueur
Random New World brings you infinite possibilities with a wide range of randomizations, including realm set up, de jure map, faith and culture placement, traditions and doctrines. How to use it Subscribe to the mod. Enable it in the launcher. Choose the ru...