Evil Genius 2

Evil Genius 2

EG2 Fan Concept: Future Evil Geniuses
"Corrupted Super Agents: Most of the Super Agents in EG1 had their wills broken, if not their minds or bodies. It wouldn’t be surprising if one or two of them held a grudge against the powers that be.

Manic Mariana: When Mariana was defeated by the original evil genius, she was devastated. She hid away in exile, convinced that she was ugly, fat, and useless. What was worse, was that SMASH seemed to agree.

However, little by little, she managed to regain her confidence, her self-esteem. Eventually, she realized she was still spectacular. She was a super agent! Even with the excess weight, she could take down a fleet of minions, destroy a base, and steal the secrets that were hidden within.

She was big and beautiful! A statue of Venus which all should admire.

As her love for herself grew, her hatred for SMASH swelled tenfold. They had tossed her aside, treated her less than human. Because of what? Because the top brass couldn’t gawk at her anymore? Because she wasn’t beautiful to their standards?

Well, she could fix that. She would MAKE the world love her; Her looks, her style, her being would pulse throughout the world like a beating heart.

All shall love her and despair.

Abilities and Ideas:

-Hypnotic Admiration: Mariana is more skilled at brainwashing the agents of justice. Moreso, when brainwashed, these minions are stronger and more loyal than normal minions.

-Charming Monologue: Agents who are one v. one against Marina won't attack her unless they have the soldier archetype.

-Fanatic Fans: Mariana can cause tourists to come to her aid, if she's attacked.

Jet Chan’s Revenge: When Jet was defeated, it was like a mighty tree had fallen. And everyone heard it.

Every villain, every punk with a grudge decided it was time to get their revenge on the “invincible” Jet Chan. However, it wasn’t until one particularly twisted individual came that everything went downhill.

A gangster who had lost his son to Jet decided to lock the Super Agent in a small hotel room. For 20 years. And for 20 years, Jet remained isolated. His mind cracking through the tedious pressure of loneliness.

Eventually, the gangster released Jet, and the rush of freedom broke his mind.

The old evil genius had gone. The Forces of Justice had returned. And yet….ANVIL had abandoned him. They had left him to rot in a fetid jail for 20...long….years…

His screams of anguish filled the entire continent. He would have his revenge.

Abilities and ideas:

-Advanced Villainy: Advanced minions trained by Jet are stronger and better equipped for agents.

-One man army: Despite his captivity, Jet is as strong as any other Henchman, and can fight along with the others. He has since mastered a five-finger death punch technique that can kill any lesser agent of justice instantly, and severely wound the more advanced ones.

Frenzied Frostnova: HAMMER did everything they could for Frostnova. The loss of their top agent was not something they could afford. Especially not after the Evil Genius had taken over everything.

Sadly, Frostnova’s sanity had long gone. HAMMER kept her locked up, mostly because having a raving, murderous lunatic roaming around the countryside was typically a BAD thing. However, it wasn’t until some idiotic scientist had the idea of reviving Mr. Snuggles that things went from bad, to worse.

Mr. Snuggles Jr. was made from the remains of the original Mr. Snuggles. How they had gotten the pieces, no one could say, but a new doll was made and given to Frostnova.

However, the scientists failed to realize that Mr. Snuggles Jr. would be quite angry at SMASH for the death of his father. For the pain, they had put his beloved Frostnova through. So with his guidance, Frostnova slaughtered the doctors and scientists and escaped into the wilderness.

With Mr. Snuggles Jr. to guide her, Frostnova will make this world a kind and loving place. Filled with happiness and sunshine! And anyone who disagrees will be swiftly put to death.

Abilities and ideas:

-Assassination Classroom: Traps made by Frostnova are especially deadly, and do far more damage than normal.

-Agent 0047: Hitman trained by Frostnova are stronger than most hitman

- Nothing is true; everything is permitted: Frostnova gains 1 intel from dead agents.

The Return of Shen Yu:

Shen Yu’s Boredom: Victory. What a bore.

When Shen Yu won, when his evil plan came to fruition, he had everything he wanted. Money, Power, Respect. All feared him and all obeyed. However, the victory soon grew hollow.

Days of bliss soon became paltry and repetitive. He could do anything, and no one would lift a finger to stop him. Where was the challenge? The “thrill of the hunt.” Sure, there was the occasional assassin, the minuscule uprising, but it was all just going about the motions.His heart missed the thrill. The spark of dopamine from collapsing a well-defended fort, the chill of watching a super agent crawl through his base, the manic laughter of watching an investor beg for mercy.

Oh, the halcyon days. Even his days as a street rat on the streets of Hong Kong were better. Now, each day drilled deeper and deeper into his psyche. How long until he became nothing more than a lounging layabout? A feeble hedonist, awaiting his final days, hoping for one last high in life.

No. He wouldn’t allow that. He’d do as he did before. He knocked down the tower of cards he’d so carefully put together. The kingpins relieved from service. The syndicates dissolved. The prisoners released. He’d allow the Powers of Justice to reclaim their lost throne, to reclaim their hope.

And once they thought the world had returned to normal, he’d return and claim them all again.

Abilities and ideas:

-Going through the motions: Shen Yu has laid claim over the world once, doing so again shouldn’t be that difficult. Shen Yu creates less heat from missions."
The doulaliyi 18 Apr, 2021 @ 5:48pm 
I hope this game gets mod support to make this a thing
Snakebite262  [author] 31 Mar, 2021 @ 3:07pm 
Always been a fan of Shen Yu, even though now adays his dialogue is a bit cringeworthy. I do hope he makes a return, or at least a cameo.
Colonel Kreiger 31 Mar, 2021 @ 3:06pm 
Nice to see Shen Yu still has fans. I'm disapointed he didn't return.
Snakebite262  [author] 30 Mar, 2021 @ 12:55pm 
Right? I'd love to see them return somehow. Then again, they might be mentioned in the current game and I'm just unaware.
The doulaliyi 30 Mar, 2021 @ 12:52pm 
Three super agents that were broken by the previous evil genius could be interesting, if anything at least as recruitable henchmen