Serious Sam 4

Serious Sam 4

64 평점
A Thousand Miles (ATV and Motorbike Replacement)
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2021년 3월 22일 오전 3시 01분
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A Thousand Miles (ATV and Motorbike Replacement)

Making my way downtown, kleers pass and I'm homebound

Inspired by that classic GTA IV mod video, this mod replaces the ATV and motorbike with a piano (or well, it's an organ technically) that plays the A Thousand Miles song whenever you start driving it.

The physics for it are based on the ATV, but unlike the ATV, you can almost completely turn the camera around in first person mode like the motorbike. The health values are based on their vanilla counterparts however, and yes, you can go offroading with it.

There is one bug with it though. Whenever you pop the invisible tires, the engine sound will keep playing forever even if its not moving. It's not much of a big deal as you won't be able to hear it if you're far enough from it.

- Vanessa Carlton and Interscope Records for the A Thousand Miles song.
- Croteam for the model.
댓글 9
Дядюшка Флюк 2022년 10월 20일 오후 1시 21분 
Жаль музыку настраивать нельзя)
sgtphony 2021년 4월 5일 오후 3시 55분 
Utterly Amazing
YeahkeaframPowelleythrage 2021년 4월 3일 오전 9시 22분 
ENG. Also make a mod for the same replacement of the bike from Dead Risnig 3 a Motor-rink, unfortunately I cannot do I do not know how to own an Editor, someone will eventually make you out of you. I'll be very thankful!:samstone::TheSeriousBomb:
РУС. Еще сделать бы мод на ту же замену байка из Dead Rising 3 Мото-каток, к сожалению я не смогу сделать я не умею владеть Редактором, кто-то со временем сделают из Вас. Буду очень благодарен!:samstone::TheSeriousBomb:
егор крит 2021년 3월 29일 오전 1시 37분 
This is masterpiece
Sam 2021년 3월 24일 오후 7시 15분 
This is the funniest thing I've seen in ages. Thank you so much for this!
Korro Kleer 2021년 3월 24일 오전 9시 16분 
Grab 'em by the Gens 2021년 3월 23일 오후 1시 49분 
Hahahaha. Nice one.
Mr Bobryk 2021년 3월 23일 오전 10시 18분 
YeahkeaframPowelleythrage 2021년 3월 23일 오전 9시 26분 
ENG (WARNING! Google Translate). It reminded me a bit from the animated series "Daredevil Kik Butovsky", where in one episode he played and rode on the piano
РУС. Мне немного напомнило из мультсериала "Сорвиголова Кик Бутовски", где в одной серии он играл и ездил на пианине