DOOM (1993)

DOOM (1993)

"Classic Doom Title Screen (Doom: 1993-2021)"
VolnuttHeroP64  [author] 2 Sep, 2022 @ 6:45pm
= World Spear Master Level
You found the Third Hardest DLC Second Chapter Master Level we've got. Hope you have a Completed Save File on hand. If not, be prepared to die aplenty. For Master Slayers only
VolnuttHeroP64  [author] 28 Oct, 2021 @ 8:02am
= Mars Core Master Level Completed
The horrors of hell on Mars could not kill you.
Their most cunning traps were no match for you.
You have proven yourself the best of all!
VolnuttHeroP64  [author] 28 Oct, 2021 @ 4:50am
= Mars Core Master Level
You found one of the Hardest and Favorite Levels of DoomCon that we got, hope you have a Clear Save File on hand & you better Blow your way up through this one. If not, be prepared to die a plenty. For Heroic Doom Space Marine Slayers only.
VolnuttHeroP64  [author] 3 Jul, 2021 @ 4:23pm 
Doom has been and always shall be, my childhood DOS Game.

Live Long and Prosper.
VolnuttHeroP64  [author] 3 Jul, 2021 @ 4:19pm 
Phone Guy: Hello? Hello? Hello! Are you still there? Great! I have a message for you from Carmack, Hall, Romero, Miller, Broussard and all the hard working devs & pubs at Id Software, Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Media, Raven Software, Activision & Apogee Software... Thank you for playing. Urdak Heaven & Mars Hell won't be the same without you.
VolnuttHeroP64  [author] 3 Jul, 2021 @ 4:07pm
= Taras Nabad Master Level Completed
Trouble was brewing again in your favorite vacation spot... Urdak Heaven & Mars Hell.
Some Army of Mykers, Cyberdemons & Archviles thought they can turn Heaven & Hell into their own personal Amusement Park and make Earth, the Moon and Mars their ticket booth.

Well, those freak shows didn't know who was coming to the fair; the Doom Slayer Space Marine himself & in person! There's nothing like a shooting gallery full of Myker Angels & Hellspawn to get the blood boiling over and pumping...

Now the walls of both Urdak Heaven & Mars Hell echo with the sound of their limbs hitting the floor. Their death moans gurgles out through the mess you made and left of their faces...

This ride is closed.
VolnuttHeroP64  [author] 2 Jul, 2021 @ 12:56pm
= Super Gore Nest Master Level Completed
Suddenly, all is silent, from one horizon to the other. The agonizing echo of Heaven & Hell fades away, the nightmare sky turns to blue, the heaps of Maykr Angel and Demon monster corpses start to evaporate along with the evil stench that filled the air. Jeez, maybe you've done it. Have you really won?

Something rumbles in the distance. A blue light begins to glow inside the ruined skull of the Demon-Spitter & the Super Gore Nest Mark 2.
VolnuttHeroP64  [author] 2 Jul, 2021 @ 4:49am
= Taras Nabad Master Level
Congratulations, you've found an all-new level! You'd better blaze through this one once you reclaim your trusty sword!
VolnuttHeroP64  [author] 30 Jun, 2021 @ 2:49pm
Oh... ARC has a note from the Doom Slayer's Coffin:
"Please inform the Earth & Mars, that Earth & Mars has earned the rest from Myker Angels and Mars Demons. But should the day come that Heaven and Hell should rise to power and invade again. Cast a Heart on the Shadow of us all. Call me."
VolnuttHeroP64  [author] 15 Jun, 2021 @ 4:28am 
Final Thoughts on Doom 1993 to 2021:
May the blood on your sword never run dry & may we never need you again.

The consoles isn’t going to be the same without the Doom Slayer