Audiosurf 2

Audiosurf 2

Not enough ratings
Tres Commas
By Nuit Calme
An easy way to save dozens of hours while grinding for this ridiculous achievement.
Why This Guide Was Created
First, let's make sure that we are all on the same page here – to obtain the Tres Commas achievement, you need to earn 1,000,000,000 points exclusively in Mono mode. To put things in perspective, if you manage to score 1,000,000 points on any song, it will only be... 0.1% of the required amount.

The general rule is to look for songs that give you 100,000 points per minute (p/m) and 6,000,000 points per hour (p/h). Even if we do that, earning one billion points will take us a whopping 167 hours of playing. Alternatively, we can choose the best song suggested in other guides here on Steam – Red 13 by ParagonX9. If you're a good player (and this is important), you will be able to score 1,050,000 points in 7 minutes and 25 seconds, which is about 141,573 p/m. This is a lot better – if we "get gud" and grind this song exclusively, we will earn 8,494,382 p/h and end up spending a mere 118 hours. That is two whole days' worth of time saved – not so bad, is it?

However, most people will understandably baulk at the prospect of listening to the same song over and over again. You can obviously just play the game normally and hope to get the achievement one day, but... have a look at this picture right here.

Those are the stats for Audiosurf 2.[] Check out the Completion Playtime Average – this is how much time you will wind up spending if you just chill out and ride the songs you like, not caring about points and all. I don't know about you, but it just seems to be... a bit too much for a single gamemode.

Come to think of it, both 167 and 118 hours are also too big of a time investment, at least in my opinion. And where did this "100,000 p/m" rule even come from? What if I told you that we can crank it up all the way up to 200,000 p/m, 12,000,000 p/h and therefore spend just a bit shy of 84 hours to achieve this goal?

Important disclaimer: the numbers above apply to rookie players who barely have any experience playing Audiosurf (like me). God Gamers out there can get many, many more points and finish much earlier.
Branching Pathways
This guide is supposed to explain how to modify a song in such a way as to help you obtain the achievement a lot faster than by using any other conventional means. However, if you can't be bothered with step-by-step instructions and just want a quick solution, you can download it here.[] The link should remain active indefinitely; in case something goes wrong, leave me a message and I will upload the file again. The artist's bandcamp can be found here.[]

Here's some info on the song you're about to download:

Ear rape Speedcore
Exactly 6 minutes
Points per minute
~200,000 for an average player
Points per hour
>12,000,000 for an average player

If you are interested in how this method works and you want to choose your own song to modify, then keep on reading.

UPD: The link to my the track I made is broken now and I don't have that file anymore, but damia72 has come to your rescue with a creation of his own.[] The original song is Hirn by Noisefuсker and Kreislaufstörung. Thanks, buddy!
Step 1: Choosing a Song
Go ahead and ride whatever music you enjoy the most, though I'd suggest sticking to something, well... you know... 𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓫𝓵𝔂 𝓯𝓪𝓼𝓽.
The ideal genre for this is SPEEDCORE. Something about it makes the Audiosurf algorithm go bananas and place blocks pretty much everywhere in insane amounts while conveniently neglecting spikes. BPM (beats per minute) has nothing to do with it; for what it's worth, the track you can download by clicking the link above is just 121 BPM. That's as slow as a 99-year-old granny crossing the road on a Sunday morning. I'd bet on the specific sounds that many speedcore artists use – it's hard to describe them, but if you listen to this genre long enough, you will understand what I am talking about. These are the same sounds that will kill your headset if you don't keep the volume down.

For those who want to find out more about the game's algorithm, I suggest reading this interview with the developer.[]

So, you have chosen your song. Play it attentively and note the place where there are tons of blocks and very few spikes. It will be especially effective if this part is followed by a slow section, no matter how long. This slow section will be used to create Power Blocks a bit later.
Step 2: Downloading Audacity
Audacity is a wonderful free piece of software that everyone and their dog knows about.
Click this link, download and install the application. []
Step 3: Editing Your Song
Open your song in Audacity. Here's what it will look like:

Select the part that you noted down, the one with lots of blocks. Make sure to include slower sections in the beginning and at the end. This is where Power Blocks appear – big stars that double the amount of points for the blocks you already have in your grid. A nifty tool that can boost your score through the roof if you learn how to use it.

Copy this section and erase the track completely by pressing "x" in the top-left corner.

Next, click Tracks > Add New > Stereotrack.

Keep pasting the section you copied, and make sure that there's no empty space left in between. Theoretically, you can create a track that can be as long as you want, but I don't recommend going over 10 minutes – the Power Blocks stop appearing where they're supposed to if you have too many sections. 6 minutes is the golden middle – play it 10 times and it's exactly one hour down the drain towards your goal.

Why are we doing this anyway, you might ask? Well, most songs contain slow parts where you're supposed to relax a little. These sections, even if not numerous, add up to dozens of hours of wasted playtime. We're only making sure that we're always going downhill and getting as many points as possible.

Work in progress:

And we're done!

Click File > Export > MP3.

Okay, here's the fun part. If you modify a song like this and don't edit anything in the window below, you can achieve incredible scores and seriously break leaderboards – Audiosurf has no clue what exactly you're playing, it only reads the name of the song. I suggest typing something stupid in there just to be considerate and not accidentally dethrone some person who worked really hard to get their first place.

That's it! Congratulations!

Now you are ready to go.
A Couple of Tips
  • First, install this skin:
    You won't believe how much it helps to see clearly when you're barraged by blocks coming at an insane speed. The reason for this is the improved angle of view – with the standard skin, you're much closer to the ground and thus have poor vision of the blocks far away. The earlier you see them and recognise the patterns, the better!

  • Turn the music off to not go insane – this one is self-explanatory. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to listen to the song you're riding. I just have some other music in the background, and it doesn't influence my performance in any way.

  • Last but definitely not least – with this many blocks to catch, you don't need to worry about always having a full grid to get the maximum amount of points. Believe it or not, most of the time you'll have the full grid anyway, provided that you don't miss lots of blocks, so just concentrate on hitting as many as possible.
Final Words
I hope this guide was at least a little bit helpful. If you happen to stumble upon a better song than the one I suggested, make sure to leave a comment. Any kind of feedback is welcome and much appreciated.

Have an awesome day!

damia72 5 Mar, 2022 @ 5:04am 
Hello, can you update the music download link? it isnt working for me
Nuit Calme  [author] 27 Oct, 2021 @ 8:48pm 
Yeah, I had the same problem. What I did was mute Audiosurf 2 entirely using Volume Mixer. No idea what causes it though, probably sloppy programming :D
Blinky 27 Oct, 2021 @ 1:19pm 
Sorry for all the comments, but for some reason the song doesn't say muted for some reason. I have the music volume set to 0, but at the begining of every attempt it's still on, and I need to open and close the options menu for it to mute. Any idea what could cause this?
Blinky 27 Oct, 2021 @ 11:51am 
Thank you for the heads up about the wrist thing, though I do already have some discomfort after years of playing games lmao but I'll definetely keep an eye out :D
Nuit Calme  [author] 27 Oct, 2021 @ 11:40am 
Oh hey. The number of points will definitely increase the longer you play. I remember getting 1,300,000 towards the second half of the grind. You'll get better and finish faster!

P.S. I know this sounds weird, but I remember getting slight wrist pains because of how often you need to flick your mouse left and right when playing Audiosurf – pretty much ALL the time during a six-minute run, which never happens in any other game I can think of. Be aware of that. Tendinitis is a bitch.
Blinky 27 Oct, 2021 @ 11:19am 
I now have my "creation" made. It definetely sounds like... something XD, but for 6 minutes long it gets me 950K points per run. I guess that's a good ratio of time to points. It'll still take countless hours though...
I wonder what the devs were thinking when they made this achievement
Nuit Calme  [author] 26 Oct, 2021 @ 10:36pm 
Take heart!
Blinky 26 Oct, 2021 @ 10:33pm 
Thank you for all the tips. Yeah, it'll be an insanely long grind, but I gotta do it...
Nuit Calme  [author] 26 Oct, 2021 @ 10:32pm 
I used Goreshit – Madness for this. The song is crazy fast in Audiosurf – it's always downhill, but there are a couple of breaks with people speaking; this is where power blocks will appear. You can splice these parts and create lots of power blocks – one per 30 seconds or so; you may go even further with that probably, but I believe the game's algorithm will only allow two per minute. So, you'll get a crazy downhill part with lots of notes, ending in a power block – that's 30 seconds. Rinse and repeat... Good luck! I hope you have some good audiobooks to listen to while you're grinding :espresso:
Blinky 26 Oct, 2021 @ 9:34pm 
Actually do you have any tips for what Speedcore song to use? So far the ones I tried just have a bunch of spikes together with notes on their fast parts.