Yuki Onna | 雪女

Yuki Onna | 雪女

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Aka's Yuki-Onna Guide
Aka tarafından
The game broken down into full detail with maps, item locations, guides, in-game dialogue and more.
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~~~~~HOW TO PLAY~~~~~
How To Win
How To Access Rooms
1st Floor
2nd Floor
3rd Floor
~~~~~ITEMS LIST~~~~~
Key Items
Flashlight - Entrance
Rusty Key - Hallway
Chainsaw - Bathroom
Fuse - Outside House
Bucket - Outside House
Used Power Drill - Outside
Shovel - Outside
Rust Removal - 1st Floor Drawer
Noodle - Yellow Area
Voodoo Doll - Metal Planks Room
Crowbar - Given by ???
Chouchin - Plank Room
Fish Hook With String -
Boned-In Meat - Kill Goat with chainsaw
Hammer - Purple Area
Scissors - Purple Area
Daruma - Yellow Area
Bolt Cutters - Ash Pile
Valve - Return all 5 shogi pieces
Canister - Outside
Flamethrower - Doll Room

Yellow Lever - 2nd Floor
Purple Lever - Machine
Ice Fragments
  • Entrence
  • Shogi Statue Room
  • Outside House
  • Outside House
  • Top Floor
  • Plank Room
  • 1st Kitchen Room
  • Purple Area
  • Outside
  • Behind Shed
  • Furnace Room
  • Basement
  • Basement
Shogi Pieces
  • Shogi Statue Room
  • Plank Room
  • Top Floor
  • Basement
  • Outside House
  • Sink Room
  • Hot Spring House
  • Basement
  • Purple Area
  • Fuse Room
  • Stuck Room
  • Outside House
  • Outside House
  • Top Floor
  • Doll Room
100 Yen
  • Sink(pull out with fish hook)
  • Ramen Chef(give noodles and bone-in meat)
  • Fuse Room
  • Basement
  • Top Floor
Cage Keys
  • Green Key - Plank Room
  • Blue Key - Given by Goat
  • Red Key - Machine
Heal Items
Energy Drink - Outside House
Medikit - Machine(use 100 Yen)
Ramen - Given by ramen chef
Jin Kun - Child
Kaya Chan - Child
Mika Chan - Child

Hungry Goat -
??? -
Ramen Chef -
Yuki-Onna Lore