Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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3 stage automatic rocket
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16 mar, 2021 @ 13:00
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3 stage automatic rocket

I 1 samling av erffli
erffli stormworks rockets
9 artiklar

this is a rocket and has three stages so its three stage rocket that is automatic you can launch it from the control building by pressing 1 once or from inside capsule by turning key and wait and it will do everything for you dont press anything unless its the launch button

the ladder will automatically lower as it launch

  1. it will launch
  2. 2nd stage engine will startup
  3. stage separation
  4. engine shutdown
  5. capsule separation
  6. paracute deploy at lower 1000 altitude
rocket flying

this requires moded build area
if you dont have one use the mission here

by erffli
1 kommentarer
tactical tom 26 aug, 2023 @ 10:10 
perfect for the new dlc, good job predicting the dlc 2 years before it comes out lmao