Counter-Strike: Source

Counter-Strike: Source

129 人が評価
Getting Killanthropist with Bots
作者: George1
This guide describes how to get Killanthropist achievement without anybody's help, playing just by yourself with bots.
The Problem
Usually, when you play with bots, they have the same amount of money as you, or even more. Therefore they can buy weapons themselves. You cannot ask them to spend all of their money or drop their weapons, so obtaining the achievement in question seems to be impossible with bots.

It is possible however to overcome this limitation. In a nutshell, you have to earn money first (without bots), and only then add bots to your team. Here is a detailed walkthrough.
First, create a new listen server with some bots (be sure to set Max Players to 32). I recommend using skill difficulty Easy and playing on cs_militia. Join the Counter-Terrorists team.

Then open console (the ~ key) and start typing some commands. Specifically, you will need these:
mp_limitteams 0 mp_startmoney 800 bot_join_team all bot_quota 1 bot_all_weapons bind F7 "bot_quota 1;mp_restartgame 1" bind F8 "bot_add_ct"

Some explanation of these. Limit teams allows unbalanced teams, so that in one team (yours) there may be 10+ players, while on the other just one. Start money command should be self-explanatory. Join team command allows bots automatically join both teams. The quota command limits the amount of bots on the server to just one (for now). After this command is executed, all the excess bots on the server should be kicked, leaving just you in CT team, and one bot in the Terrorists team. Next command allows bots to use any weapon. This is important, because if you throw a rifle to the bot, while he is not allowed to use it, it won't count for this achievement.

The bind commands bind some scripts to the F7 and F8 keys on your keyboard (of course, you are free to use any other keys you like, just care not to specify the keys you use for something else).

Besides typing these commands into console, you might want to select the Show on HUD checkbox next to the achievement in Achievements menu so that you would see the achievement progress.

All right, the preparations should now be completed, ready for the main action.
Earning the Achievement
Click the F7 key on your keyboard (or the key you bound through the console if you decided to bind to some other key). This should restart the game, giving you just $800 money. Do not spend it, just go and kill the bot on the Terrorists team - if you've done everything correctly, there should be only one. Sometimes you may get lucky so that you will be able to rescue hostages (this rewards you more money).

If you lost the first round (the bot killed you), wait for the start of the next round and press the F7 key again. After approximately 1 second the game will be reset and you may start from the beginning of this section.

If you won the first round, wait till the start of the next round. When it starts, buy some weapon, just not any pistols or grenades (I recommend buying Schmidt Machine Pistol SMG because it is the cheapest, so you will be able to buy several of them in the same round). When the weapon is bought, press the F8 key and the bot will spawn on your team. Now try to throw him the weapon you bought. If he 'catches' it (or simply runs over it as it is lying on the ground), you should be rewarded 1 point towards achievement completion.

If you have money for another weapon, buy one more, and press the F8 button again. Another bot spawns so that you may throw him another weapon. NOTE: if some considerable time has passed since the start of the round, another bot will be added to your team, but will not spawn immediately.

When you're out of money, just start over from the beginning of this section until you get the achievement. Alternatively you may just wait till the start of the next round, and you will be awarded money for winning (lots of bots on your team versus just one terrorist means you almost guaranteed to win the round).
If you throw a weapon, but miss the bot (so that bot runs away without the weapon), do not pick it up. Because if you do, this weapon will not count towards the achievement in question even if you ultimately successfully donate it to the bot. Instead, you might hope that the next bot you spawn will run over this weapon and pick it up.

In other words, each weapon may be donated just once. If you pick up the weapon you threw, throwing it again will not count as donation. You may pick up the weapons from fallen enemies and donate those, and it will count (as long as you throw them just once).
I hope this guide really helped you to get the achievement without reducing yourself to asking for help from somebody else.
14 件のコメント
TIMETOSAYGOODBYE 2024年3月7日 17時27分 
a little too complicated for me to do, but it's still nice of you to make such a guide for people who can't play multiplayer for reasons like potato pc or anxiety or something else.
Syntox 2018年4月24日 22時52分 
better method:

This method will start a game and give you 16000 dollars. Then spawn a large group friendly of bots with 800 dollars each. Drop a weapon to every bot within reach, and restart the process as many times as needed.

mp_freezetime 30
mp_limitteams 0
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_startmoney 16000
mp_restartgame 1

mp_startmoney 800

Create a server, without bots. Join Team CT. Hit the button you assigned boost1.cfg to.
This should restart the game and spawn you with 16000 money. Then hit the second button to execute boost2.cfg. The bots should spawn next to you, go ahead and buy some weapons for them.

MegaRange 2017年4月9日 7時40分 
thank you for this guide! you can use "bot_mimic 1" to make this achievement easy!
St.Ranger 2014年12月25日 1時53分 
`bonjour1337 2014年10月25日 4時10分 
Спасибо (Russia) :beatmeat:
WHITE GHOST 2014年4月16日 9時15分 
Ciaapekk *13* 2014年4月8日 0時59分 
KaTaNa 2014年4月6日 11時37分 
Root72 2014年4月5日 22時31分 
Sirius 2014年4月5日 3時45分 