Hunt: Showdown 1896

Hunt: Showdown 1896

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~Effective ways to kill Crows~
By CorgZ and 1 collaborators
In this guide we'll talk about all of the effective ways to kill crows. Silently or not! 😈
~The Crows~

These birds are everywhere and will do everything possible to give away your position.
There are multiple groups of them on every location. You can either crouch walk silently past them or teach them a lesson!

~Shooting the Crows~

Sadly there is no way to kill crows simply by shooting them with a silenced or normal weapon. They will always fly away and make noise. Even if you manage to shoot one twice, they won't die! Crows are bulletproof... but are they? There is an option to shoot them but this one will require you to unlock specific types of ammunition... EXPLOSIVE ammunition. It's available for Martini Henry and Springfield only. If you play these rifles long enough and gather enough XP on them, you'll manage to unlock it! Nitro Express has explosive ammunition too but I don't recommend wasting your ammo on that!

~Making the Crows go BOOM BOOM~

This is one of the options I do not recommend doing but oh my... it is a satisfying one for sure!
If you really hate them, you can use dynamite or explosive crossbow to get rid of them.
It will make a lot of noise though. And by a lot I mean A LOT. Sometimes it's better to just let them fly away, or just simply take another way out of the compound. If you decide to kill them with the dynamite though... Remember to hold it in your hands for around 3-4 seconds and then throw it at them. Dynamite explodes after 4 seconds of being lit so when you throw it at 4, they won't even have a chance to realise what's about to happen!

~Burn Them!~

You can always burn them with a lantern or a fire bomb that you can bring in to the game with you. It's one of the best silent ways to get rid of them. Enemy hunters can still hear a lantern crack from a certain distance so it's not the safest way possible. If you have to do it though. Remember to NEVER use the Hellfire Bomb on them because the explosion that comes from it is as loud as the dynamite explosion!

Tip:You can shoot a lantern that the crows could spawn under or a barrel nearby (twice before they fly away) to burn them!

Tip 1: You can also use Dragonbreath shotgun shells on them to burn them but that makes as much noise as shooting the shotgun with normal buckshots. It works though!

Tip 3: If you haven't brought any fire bombs or you can't find any lanterns you can also burn
the crows by shooting the immolator that is close to them. That's very rare to find one roaming close enough to them though and you'll have to use the silencer to not scare them away before he explodes!

~Poison Them!~

Poisoning the crows is the best method to get rid of them so far! If you choose to do so, you'd need to get into the Bayou prepared. There are two ways to poison them. You'd either need
a poison bomb or a small crossbow with poison bolts. If you play the small crossbow, you'll unlock the bolts eventually. They're worth to take mainly for PvE enemies. You'd be able to one shot most of the animals, including the crows silently. On the other hand it's not really worth
to sacrifice your pistol slot for the small crossbow or either take poison bombs
and use them
on the crows. You'll just waste your pistol and consumable slots that could have been used
for your PvP advantage!

~Concertina Them!~

You can use a concertina bomb on crows if you feel like doing that. It's too expensive and not worth it though because there are many other better options. Like burning or poisoning them.
If you bring a concertina you better use it against other players!


There are many options to kill these little annoying birbs. But at the end, I would still recommend to learn to silently walk past them. If you are still having problems with that, remember to take the Beastface trait after every successfull match! It might help you a bit!

luhftenwaffler 22 Oct, 2021 @ 9:40am 
wow cool thanks
his1roguenation 9 Apr, 2021 @ 8:58am 
CorgZ  [author] 7 Apr, 2021 @ 1:04am 
And I'll be honest with you. I'll prestige faster than grind 3k XP on Nitro for Dum Dum and then another 6k XP for explosive, haha
CorgZ  [author] 7 Apr, 2021 @ 1:03am 
Yes, why would u use it on corws though XD You can get only one bullet back from UwU Box. Unless you have a clear server with every team wiped
terrex 7 Apr, 2021 @ 12:21am 
Explosive ammunition is available also for Nitro. Of course its maybe not... the cheapest way?:)
Lilia The Succubus 6 Apr, 2021 @ 4:48pm 
It states in the description that the dynamite explosives explode after 4 seconds. Not 3-4. It's not random.

Good guide, though! Didn't know that explosive ammo worked.
CorgZ  [author] 6 Apr, 2021 @ 9:43am 
I am actually bad at counting then. Thank you!
LezFezz 6 Apr, 2021 @ 9:14am 
A little correction: Dynamite doesn't explode after 8 sec as written. All explosives explode after 4 sec, only the sticky bomb does it after 8sec.
BRIMStone 5 Apr, 2021 @ 12:51pm 
aight cool
CorgZ  [author] 5 Apr, 2021 @ 12:44pm 
I don't think it's needed to add tho. It's enough of the information I don't want it to overflow with knowledge and every single possibility in every single option. That'd be too long for a guide