STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

108 ratings
Making Credits - Crew Missions [2022]
By Sami
- Make your Companions do the work -
My Guide will teach mostly New Players to make easy credits doing semi-afk activities.
Using your Companions as your main source of credits, without any need of crafting or grinding.

This Guide was made by [Steam ID - Zjarro]
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Quick Notes and Updates
[Last Updated - 17th of September 2022]

Screenshots may show outdated or inaccurate prices for certain Materials.

In order to make the most of your time, you should check the highest grade Materials on the GTN and what they go for.
I am going with:
Archaeology (Power Crystal Missions)
Underworld Trading (Underworld Metals Missions)
Slicing (just "Off the Radar")

  • Your main skills will be Archaeology, Underworld Trading and Slicing. The highest grade missions will be available when your crew skills get to level 700. I would advice to level up Archaeology first, since the Materials are extremely expensive at the moment. Going for around 45k per single purple grade 11 Material. (As of July 2022).

  • Free2Play and Preferred Players can hold up to a maximum of 1,000,000 credits at any point in time. Any credits made after you have reached the maximum limit, will be transferred to your Escrow. All your Escrow can be used again if you subscribe.
    You can also, just before you hit the maximum limit, put your credits into your Legacy Vault. That way, you can pull out the money if you ever need it, as long as you don't go above 1,000,000 concurrent credits in your characters inventory.

  • Free2Play players are only allowed to have 1 active Crew Skill, which means to follow my guide, you should preferably choose to level up Archaeology since it gives the most credits.
    Preferred Players can have 2 active Crew Skills, and should go with Archaeology and Underworld Trading.
    You can unlock more Crew Skills by purchasing unlocks off the in-game (real currency) store. Subscribers are able to have 3 active Crew Skills.

  • Free2Play Players are allowed to have 2 slots on the GTN and Preferred Players are allowed to have 5. Both are INSANELY low and kind of laughable really. Subscribers have 50 slots and even then, I decided to purchase 50 more slots from the in-game (real currency) store.
    If you aren't going to subscribe, I would at least encourage you to purchase more GTN slots if you are looking to make a lot of credits.
    If not, I would use the 2 GTN slots to sell the most valuable Materials you get.
    Usually what I do, is selling them at 100x, 250x or 500x stacks of Materials.

So as you can tell, if you aren't a Subscriber, it will take a bit longer to get and sell Materials. I would suggest trying out Subscribing for a month to see if it's worth your money. And if it isn't, purchasing character unlocks is a possibility.
Step 1 - Companions
You will gain Companions while you progress through the main Class Stories of the game. Or if a current in-game event rewards a free Companion.

At the in-game level cap, you will be able to send 8 Companions out on Crew Missions at once, on each Character you have on your Account. (8 if you subscribe, less if you don't).

Companions also have their own level, which if you level up, will complete Crew Missions a lot faster and have a higher chance of getting rewards.

  • Companions level up while being summoned as your active Companion, doing Crew Missions or by giving them Companion Gifts gained from missions or the GTN.

  • You can also buy an item that will boost your current active Companion to max-level (Companion Level 50).
    The item is called Commander's Compendium and is VERY costly, it can be bought from the NPC V1C-ORY in the Crew Skills section of the Fleet. The item costs (4,25 million credits + 3 Dark Project MK-1). The Dark Project MK-1 is currently costing around 3,2 million credits on the GTN, each.
    In total, that's going to cost 13,850,000 credits to boost a single Companion, or 110,800,000 to boost 8 Companions to (Companion Level 50). This is obviously not a requirement, but it will speed up the process of completing the missions.

    It's very expensive but much faster than buying stacks of Companion Gifts and giving them all to 8 Companions, which would take hours and hours.

  • Again, at max-level, you can have 8 Companions doing Crew Missions at the same time. Because of that we don't need to gain or level any more than 8 Companions to max level.

    Remember that if you have more than 1 Character on your account, you can also have your Companions from your other Characters run Crew Missions at the same time. Multiplying your profits by the amount of Characters you have with 8 Companions.
Step 2 - Crew Missions
Crew Missions is the main method of obtaining Materials in SWTOR. Crafters need Materials to craft endgame gear, accessories, modifications and so on.

Materials sell quickly and usually for a very, very good price.

  • Crew Skill Trainers can be found at the Strongholds & Crew Skills wing of the Fleet.

  • All Companions will be able to do Crew Skills at the same efficiency, so it doesn't matter which Companions you use, as long as they're at max level (Companion Level 50).

  • Archaeology and Underworld Trading Materials are selling quickly and for crazy amounts of credits at this point in time.

    If you are able to have 3 concurrent Crew Skills, you should get Slicing as the third Crew Skill, as it has a very rewarding missions called Off the Radar, which will give you Grade 11 Mission Discoveries, that by themselves go for up to 1,5 million credits.

    If the Mission Discovery is either Archaeology or Underworld Trading, you will be able to activate it and use it yourself. The Materials gained from the mission could be sold for 2 million+ credits.

  • When completing Mission Discovery missions, you will possibly also get Legendary Embers which is a nice bonus, they sell for around 750k credits each.

Summing up Crew Skills. You need to get Archaeology, Underworld Trading and possibly Slicing. Level all the Crew Skills up to Level 700, by running missions on repeat. If you have Slicing, you will be doing the Slicing Mission Off the Radar, the Archaeology Missions that reward Power Crystals and the Underworld Trading Missions that reward Underworld Metals.

This image is an example of how a Crew Mission looks when it is completed.

In this single Mission, that took about 13 minutes to complete, I earned 586,000 credits in raw Material prices.

So we are looking to be making around 2,3 million credits in 1 hour of just doing that one single Crew Mission. And we are doing 8 Missions at the same time, and possibly even more, if you have several characters with Companions available.
And that's without adding in Mission Discoveries and Legendary Embers.

I would let 8 Companions do Crew Missions and then check in on them every 15 minutes. That way I can refresh all of the Companions 4 times in an hour.

It takes about 30 seconds to start 8 Crew Missions, meaning 2 minutes of "active" game-play an hour.
Step 3 - Selling the Materials
So now that you've been doing Crew Missions for a while, it's time to sell the Materials.

  • You open your Inventory and click on the Crystal Icon symbolizing "Materials" of the left side of the page. Here you can see all the Materials you have collected and the ones that we care about, are the Grade 11 Materials, which are the highest tier.
    Right-clicking on the items, will make them transfer into your Inventory easier selling.

  • When you're in the GTN interface, shift+left-click one of the Materials in your Inventory to paste the name into the search bar in the GTN. The filter the items by Unit Price. When we know what the lowest unit price is for the Material, we will be able to undercut the lowest priced Material to sell ours quicker.

  • Open the SELL page on the GTN and drag your stack of Materials into the slot. Since the price of the Material Artifact Lustrous Bondar Crystal was 50,000 credits at the time, I set my price at 50,000 as well. You could also undercut, and sell them for 48,000 if you wanted to.
    Since I had 26 in my stack, that summed up the price to 1,3 million credits, which is the price I put my Materials at. You then click on Create Sale and repeat for the next stack of Materials.

You have now gotten some use out of your Companions and made them run Crew Missions that have rewarded you with Materials that you can sell on the GTN for credits.

When the Materials sell, it will take 60 minutes before your credits arrive in your mailbox. There will also be an 8% "GTN Tax" taken from the total selling price.

I had just spent every credit I had on the GTN and had 50k credits left in my Inventory. Using this method, I made 120+ million credits in a couple of days of semi-afk game-play.

Thanks for reading my Guide.

Hope you found it somewhat helpful. Favorite it, thumb it up or down and let me know in the comments if I made any mistakes or if any updates has changed this method.

Sami  [author] 11 Jul, 2022 @ 12:02pm 
@Tickle tipson
Yeah, at the time I first wrote this guide, the material value was way higher and credits were worth a lot more.
And to anyone reading comments as of 11/07/2022 - Because of the new expansion, and a lot of exploiters doing what they do best, there has been a huge amount of credits coming into the economy.
That, combined with EA removing several credit sinks, such as cartel coins from referrals and removing renown rewards, has made the credit value drop by almost 1000%.
On a positive note, if you have any un-bound items, armors or weapons, they will sell for 100s of millions now.

So basically, thanks to exploiters, the economy is in shambles. This has happened in previous expansions as well. It might go back to the previous value later on, but as for now, yikes.
Tickle tipson 10 Jul, 2022 @ 1:28pm 
its insane that 120 million credits isnt even that much anymore
vikus 3 May, 2022 @ 9:18am 
Thanks for the guide homie, time to get rich :SecondSister:
MANSATANIC 14 Aug, 2021 @ 11:31pm 
High Lord Laughter of Canada 16 Jul, 2021 @ 9:53pm 
Or scalpers could just fuck off and charge reasonable rates, but since that isn't likely to happen, this'll help.
SellinHash 4 Jul, 2021 @ 6:17pm 
very great guide!
Nyxia 21 Jun, 2021 @ 8:44pm 
amazing, i usually just harvest the mats and craft various 74 augments and then sell those for a inflated price, lol, but this works just as well, thank you very much