Fallout 76
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Best FO76 build and why. "IMO"
Da FoxyRaven
First thing first - this is my first ever guide made on steam, normally i do them by video on my YT channel but i wanted to try this out. "Link to my YT channel can be found on my profile page"
Now that we got that out of the way just a few tips first :)

Most people dont know that with explosive weapons on Earl and the Queen it dosnt help to shoot direktly at them, you need to hit them with the splash damage in order to kill them stupid fast i mean i can solo earl and SBQ in like 30sec with my Legacy Gatling Plasma by shooting down on the ground so the splash damage hits them, its stupid insain much damage you deal that way. - Ofc people with hacked weapons can kill Earl and Queen in like 20sec but again keep it clean and dont cheat in multiplayer games, if you play the game right and know what to do when and where you will still beat em with Legacy weapons :)

Always use Ultracite ammo when we talk about Gatling laser or gatling plasma - Reason! You can craft 9 of each if you have the legendary Ammo perk card maxed and the normal ammo perk card aswell, remember you can swap cards in and out - legendary cost 1 point though to swap, you can also do the 30% chance for double up luck perk card if 9 of each core ammo isnt enoth.
Fusion core and even the Ultracite will get double ammo with the double fusion core perk card found under INT.

Repair & maintenance!
Legacy Gatling plasma will last a full day even if you do alot of killing, its the only weapon where you dont need to repair it more than 1 maybe two times in a full 10 hour killing spree play session.

Why not go for a Bloodied build? - Well!
Bloodied builds isnt that good rly, i have tested bloodied melee, bloodied shotgun, bloodied handsmade, bloodied PA HG and trust me its not worth it, do you self a favor and get the gold for T-65 PA with Calibrated Shock and then buy a Legacy Gatling Plasma and go for a Power Armor Heavy Gunner build, they are so much better and dont die due to bad luck on perk cards not triggering.

Why not the Strangleheart? - Well!
Its kinda simple if you ask me, Ultracite Calibrated shock isnt a thing you find so easy in the game and Strangler-heart PA uses Ultracite Calibrated shock while the T-65 calibrated shock is something you can buy with gold bullion at vault 79 so that is why - if you have the Ultracite Calibrated shock well then use the Strangler-Heart if that suits you're needs - but you dont need that tiny tiny bit of damage boost the strangler-heart gives you.

How to survive like an unbeatable Optimus prime!
If you dont like to to use stimpacks you self get the medic-pump on chest peice of the PA it will automatic use a stimpack when health goes under 50% and will continue to spamm use of stimpack if you health is under 50% this also counts in PvP!
Take the "Whats rads" in Legendary perk card and then also take the Endurance "Ghoulish" perk card as that will heal you while taking rad damage and "Whats rads" will make rads go away - this means you can stay in nuked zones and highly toxic areas for as long as you want to and still be at 100% health all the time, also means you wont die at all, and if you die well - no no im sorry not if, because that is simply not possible if you do this ;)
Unbeatable tank! - This combo can also be used with a PA melee build :)

I always have like 300 stimpacks on me and sometimes i have to sell them to vendor bot at train station as i sometimes have like 600 on me and that is 60 waight as i have the chem weight reduce by 90% as a perk card on aswell :)

Secret-ish - Well some people dont know about this and this will help them alot!
If you think robots can be a bit pain in a place where the sun dosnt shine well here is another secret!
The Legendary perk card called Electric Absorbation dosnt only recharge you're fusion core that is in you're power armor it also recharges you're health! o_O i know right! This means with this perk card at max there is 20% chance that Energy attacks will heal you instantly to full health! - you can stand in 10 asultrons laser charge attacks and never give a flying F about them as you health is at 100% all the time :)

The perk cards i told you about in this guide is just some of the main cards to pick for this class, other cards you can do what you want with, go for a 2H melee well then take the 2H melee perk cards "Remember faster swing speed is a must and also ignoring enemie armor" - Same goes if its a 1H melee build. - Heavy gunner well go for the heavy gunner perk cards, this isnt something i should explain - if so let me know :)

This is only a short guide how to make the best out of you're time in Appalachia!

Edit: 13 March 2021. - Been running around for a week now on one of my alts, been doing PA with 2 Shot Auto Grenade Launcher with a simi VAT build - the base is still this build but with some VAT perk cards on top, and its so insainly fast at killing everything, the most fun is going into VATS and then shoot at flying SB as the Grenades hunts the SB down even when the SB is 900 miles away from you, so fun to see a SB die miles away from you from a few Grenades shot from VAT!
The 2 shot auto grenade launcher in it self without VATS is still damn powerfull, a single shot from it and it just sends the AI flying - Auto grenade launcher has to be my go to build when i want some special fun - in PVP it also destroys, if you are good you can kill people from a loooooong distance by shooting up, the grenades travels alot that way, it will take some time to get used to and know where to aim when you want to killed targets from miles away but its alot of fun :D
Legacy weapon - who needs em when we got a good TS Auto grenade launcher :D

Character levels currently "Rounded up +/- 5 levels.
375, 320, 280, 265 and 155.

PS. I still love my legacy weapons but the auto grenade launcher kills everything just as fast - sometimes even faster! :)
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Thanks to "Insert food here" as he was so good at explaining this part.
To those that don't know, Furious and explosive are a bad combo. Hitting other targets with the explosive splash damage will cause furious damage stack to reset making it basically useless on guns with these rolls. Only fighting a single isolated target makes it work. Also causing damage to world objects with explosive damage will reset the furious damage stack.
10 commenti
FoxyRaven  [autore] 7 dic 2021, ore 3:45 
i made a new video guide about heavy weapon PA build. But no grenadier isnt working for auto grenade launcher but Demolition expert does :)
Use more or less the same build as the build i wrote in this guide.
Ordnance Express do make the weight on the auto grenade launcher ammo less and even bandolier seems to do the trick aswell :)
Multifaced 7 nov 2021, ore 5:01 
what perk cards do you use with the auto grenade launcher? Do the Rounds from the grenade launcher count under grenadier? And do they count as explosives under Demolition Expert and Ordnance Express?
FoxyRaven  [autore] 17 mar 2021, ore 8:56 
Legacy Grenade Launcher??
2 Shot is normal and you can buy them from many players, people sell them from 900 to 5000 caps, nothing special here other than they are totally under-rated.
Just have 2 shot with 25% faster fire rate and then 50% vats crit damage thats all :)
Bird Person 17 mar 2021, ore 8:22 
How much are you willing to receive in order for you to part with your LEGACY Grenade Launcher?
FoxyRaven  [autore] 9 mar 2021, ore 0:19 
I like the 2shot and then 2 good VATS stats like Lucky or VATS Enhanced, only reason is that the auto grenade laumcher makes grenades homing grenades and will fallow target untill hit, like shooting a flying Scorth beast its so much fun to see the grenades home in on a SB that is some 100 meters away from you after it flew over you're head :)

This isnt a joke when i say that 2 Shot Auto grenade launcher can be messured with Legacy weapons in terms of kill speed, some times the Auto Grenade Launcher is even faster at killing :)
Evil_Lee 8 mar 2021, ore 16:14 
Junkie explosive is the best I have found but you need to keep in mind you have a limit on damage increase you can get from addictions of 50% (so only 5 addictions are used at max). You should also make sure the addictions you take only lower the stats that you do not need for the build. Mentats are 1 of the ones I always suggest since it lowers the least useful stat (cha) by 1 and if you want/need help choosing the other addictions I would suggest using yabs junkie guide found in the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/bclykn/yabs_junkie_guide_or_how_i_learned_to_stop/
FoxyRaven  [autore] 8 mar 2021, ore 6:03 
That is true, but you can use this build with melee as i wrote or any heavy guns, you dont need Legacy weapons to be an unbeatable tank :)
This is a never ever dieing PVE build.
I did try this build with a 2shot auto grenade launcher and its just as OP as Legacy weapons, you will have plenty of perk card to spend on VATS as only a few major is requed in this build.
The auto grenade launcher turns into magical homeing grenades when used in VATS, its a ton of fun :)

Right now my main is level 316 and my alts are at 301, 270 and 140 :)
Umik 8 mar 2021, ore 5:54 
IMO, using explosive legacy weapons doesn't count as a build. They're OP even without a build. And annoying as hell for other players.
FoxyRaven  [autore] 8 mar 2021, ore 3:27 
Feel free to ask if there is anything els i can help with :)
Psycho 7 mar 2021, ore 16:27 
thanks :D
i'm new to fallout 76 and i get confused on which legendary effect is the best. right now i have a lvl 45 anti-armor handmade rifle. probably not the best.. but still pretty good