Warhammer Underworlds - Shadespire Edition

Warhammer Underworlds - Shadespire Edition

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Eyes of the Nine - Official Guide
By Steel Sky Productions
Want a flexible warband with mischievous, fast-moving fighters, headed up by a cunning spell-caster? Vortemis and his acolytes might be what you're after! Spawn a Blue Horror and cause chaos in your opponent's ranks, while quickly scoring objectives and cracking a few skulls with K'charik's Greatblade.

Vortemis the All-seeing and his sworn acolytes have dwelt within the Mirrored City for centuries, since the very moment that Nagash damned it to its terrible fate. They serve at the will of the Gaunt Summoners, the nine masters of the mysterious Silver Towers. Ever since the city fell, Vortemis has sought to open a portal between hidden Shadespire and one of these twisted, labyrinthine fortresses. All his efforts have thus far been in vain. Yet with the unravelling of magic that has struck the Mortal Realms, a new opportunity arises.

The Eyes of the Nine now seek to convert captured shadeglass relics into beacons of arcane power, sorcerous lodestones that will anchor Shadespire to the Silver Towers and spill forth the madness of the Realm of Chaos. Should they succeed, mighty Tzeentch, god of magic and sorcery, will surely claim dominion over the Mirrored City.

Vortemis the All-Seeing
Level 2 Wizard
Attack Actions: Tzeentchian Runestaff, Bolt of Change (spell)
Specials: Place Blue Horror
Inspiration Condition: This fighter makes a successful Attack action with a Range of 3 or more
Inspired Bonuses: +1 Defence, Bolt of Change (+1 damage)
Notes: Vortemis is great for long-range attacks, inspires relatively easily and has the ability to spawn a Blue Horror on any starting hex on the battlefield!

Attack Actions: Savage Greatblade
Specials: None
Inspiration Condition: A spell is successfully cast by an adjacent fighter
Inspired Bonuses: Guided Greatblade (re-roll one or more dice in an Attack action)
Notes: K'charik is the brute strength of this warband. His 3 damage weaponry and good movement is crucial in evening the odds of battle.

Attack Actions: Cursed Blade, Sorcerous Bolt
Specials: None
Inspiration Condition: This fighter makes a successful Attack action with a Range of 3 or more
Inspired Bonuses: Sorcerous Bolt (+1 dice, cleave)
Notes: While not powerful, Narvia's speed and long-range attacks make her perfect to score objectives and keep opponents at bay.

Attack Actions: Cursed Blade, Sorcerous Bolt
Specials: None
Inspiration Condition: This fighter makes a successful Attack action with a Range of 3 or more
Inspired Bonuses: Cursed Blade (+1 dice)
Notes: Similar to Narvia, Turosh is a bit stronger in close combat. Good movement allows him to quickly score objectives while also getting stuck in when required.

Blue Horror
Attack Actions: Magical Flames
Specials: None
Inspiration Condition: Killed
Inspired Bonuses: Turns into Brimstone Horrors
Notes: The Blue Horror is a game-changer for this warband. It can be summoned by Vortemis on any starting hex on the battlefield and has a nifty, if weak, long-range attack. When the Blue Horror is taken out, it transforms into the Brimstone Horrors. The Blue Horror can be re-summoned in the next round if once the Brimstone Horrors have been removed from play.

Brimstone Horrors
Attack Actions: Magical Flames (+1 dice, after first Attack action in a round it can automatically make a second Attack action)
Specials: None
Inspiration Condition: Killed
Inspired Bonuses: Turns into Brimstone Horrors
Notes: Brimstone Horrors are quite the pair, staying alive after the removal of the Blue Horror and causing mischief. The extra Attack action is a nice bonus!
The Eyes of the Nine are a flexible warband. They move fast, hit hard and have a range of deadly spells to draw on. You’ll be able to score loads of glory using cunning tricks and high movement, before blasting your foes apart with all manner of magics.

This warband is one of the most versatile in Warhammer Underworlds, with each fighter offering different challenges. Narvia and Turosh are speedy ranged attackers, while Tzaangor T’charik is more than capable of cutting down even the toughest fighters. Vortemis, the warband’s leader, is a superb spellcaster, and can even summon a new fighter in the form of a Blue Horror!

In your games, Eyes of the Nine warbands hang back in the earlier activations, softening up the foe and luring them into deadly traps. Once you’ve Inspired a couple of fighters – either by succeeding with ranged attacks with Narvia, Turosh and Vortemis, or casting a spell next to T’charik – you’ll be ready to strike, blitzing your enemy down and securing final victory.

If you’re looking to make the most of the magic system and outwit your foes with cunning plans worthy of Tzeentch, this is the warband for you.
Objective Cards

Gambit Cards

Upgrade Cards

A bit of caution goes a long way when playing the Eyes of the Nine. Your ranged attacks give you the freedom to force the enemy to come to you – don’t be afraid to hold back until you’ve picked off a particularly dangerous fighter or nabbed a crucial upgrade.

Make sure to add loads of spells to your decks – several objectives in the Eyes of the Nine let you generate glory just by casting them. You’ll want to be sure to keep your leader, Vortemis, safe so he can cast them!

To improve the durability of your warband, cards like Tethered Spirit, Soultrap and Healing Potion are must-haves. You’ll want to use these to keep T’charik safe, as well as Vortemis.

Try to summon the Blue Horror as early in the game as possible – you’ll get the most use of out of it that way. Even if it dies, it’s a valuable distraction that’ll help create space for the rest of your warband.

Make sure to stack your objective deck with lots of cards focused around holding objectives and territory – while your warband is more than capable of playing aggressively, these will be much easier for you to score.