War for the Overworld

War for the Overworld

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Multiplayer with much of everything 4 Player
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Game Modes: Deathmatch
Number of Players: 4 Player
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3.797 MB
28 févr. 2021 à 5h56
7 mars 2021 à 11h52
4 notes de changement ( voir )

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Multiplayer with much of everything 4 Player

I created a map for a massive Battle.
You got much gold and spiritworker in the beginning.
Also many portals.
Green and yellow should fight together.
Blue and red supposed to be PC
In the middle is the only path to reach the other underlords

Have Fun
1 commentaires
Bumpfor  [créateur] 28 févr. 2021 à 8h53 
Let me know whats missing