Warhammer Underworlds - Shadespire Edition

Warhammer Underworlds - Shadespire Edition

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Stormsire's Cursebreakers - Official Guide
Από Steel Sky Productions
Looking for a band of fighters who bring magic to the Mirrored City? If so, Averon Stormsire and his Cursebreakers may be exactly what you're after! Read on...
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The battle-mages of the Sacrosanct Chamber are masters of storm magic, able to summon the cleansing power of the heavenly tempest to their fingertips with a mere gesture.

Knight-Incantor Averon Stormsire was chosen personally by the God-King Sigmar to investigate the curse of Shadespire, for the irascible mage’s knowledge of unbinding and banishment is extraordinarily comprehensive. Stormsire has long studied the negative effects of the reforging process, and his grim demeanour has only grown more intense as the troubling implications become clearer.

At first, Stormsire considered the legend of Shadespire merely another distraction, another dead end that would lead only to frustration and failure. Yet upon examining the power of the curse that binds the city, and studying slivers of haunted shadeglass, a faint glimmer of hope has been rekindled in his heart.

Alongside his two loyal companions, Rastus and Ammis, Stormsire walks the halls of the Mirrored City, searching for answers and a way to free Shadespire from the Great Necromancer’s dark enchantment. Any who come between this formidable trio and their goal are eradicated with crackling bolts of lightning, or swept aside with fulminating blasts of energy.

Averon Stormsire
Level 2 Wizard
Attack Actions: Incantor's Staff, Fulmination (spell)
Specials: None
Inspiration Condition: This fighter successfully casts a spell
Inspired Bonuses: Defence +1, Fulmination damage +1
Notes: An inspired Averon is a powerful foe, able to defend himself and provides long-range attacks that can significantly weaken an opposing team.

Ammis Dawnguard
Level 1 Wizard
Attack Actions: Charged Stormstave (knockback 1), Tempest Blade
Specials: Empower (spell)
Inspiration Condition: This fighter successfully casts a spell
Inspired Bonuses: Linked Weapon (3 damage, knockback 1), rolls of shield and dodge are successes
Notes: Use Empower to quickly inspire Amiss to take advantage of his powerful linked weapon and strong defensive stance.

Rastus the Charmed
Level 1 Wizard
Attack Actions: Stormstave, Charged Tempest Blade (cleave)
Specials: Empower (spell)
Inspiration Condition: This fighter successfully casts a spell
Inspired Bonuses: Linked Weapon (2 damage, cleave), rolls of shield and dodge are successes
Notes: Use Empower to quickly inspire Rastus to take advantage of his powerful linked weapon and strong defensive stance.
Stormsire’s Cursebreakers are excellent all-rounders. A small and elite warband, every fighter is powerful – but by the same credit, a single loss can be devastating.

Thankfully, with excellent defences, your warband is incredibly durable, allowing you to wade into the fray with impunity. You’ll be at home charging into battle or holding your own ground – the warband is very flexible.

Offensively, Stormsire’s Cursebreakers are unusual in that every single fighter is a wizard, letting them make better use of magic than any other warband. If you want to make the most of the new spells, this is the ideal warband for you. In fact, each fighter Inspires when casting a spell.

Like their brethren in the Farstriders and Steelheart’s Champions, Stormsire’s Cursebreakers have a range of powerful upgrades available, allowing you to turn your chosen fighter into an unstoppable juggernaut – if you’ve got the Glory.

Objective Cards

Gambit Cards

Upgrade Cards

Thanks to their excellent offensive abilities, spellcasting and great durability, how you play Stormsire’s Cursebreakers is up to you – but generally speaking, you should be picking up most of your glory by slaying enemy fighters. A few “Hold Objective” cards still wouldn’t go amiss – having some glory early on to grab a key upgrade or two can really make the difference.

With every member of your warband being a wizard, you’ll want to make sure to take as many spell gambits as possible. That being said, don’t forget less flashy options like Healing Potion and Sidestep.

Playing Stormsire’s Cursebreakers is a lot like using The Farstriders and Steelheart’s Champions – with the added bonus that you’ll be able to comfortably engage the enemy from a distance with spells. Even if you can’t slay an enemy with magic in a single hit, knocking them off an objective can be well worth it.

Play cautiously in the early game – it’s tempting to get stuck in with one of your best fighters right away, but this can leave you very vulnerable to counter-attack. Be patient, let the enemy come to you and you’ll be able to prevent potentially crippling losses. Focus on trying to finish off enemy fighters with Cleave first, as these will be the main threat to your fighters.