10 Second Ninja

10 Second Ninja

26 ratings
Bonus Speedrun Strategy (Video)
By yunk
Looking at some of the fastest routes for the Bonus stage of 10 Second Ninja.
Video Guide
ARecoveringCynic 17 Jul, 2024 @ 10:52am 
Bazilus 29 Jan, 2015 @ 1:35pm 
Heartview 8 Jul, 2014 @ 5:52pm 
I actually found a faster strat for the first level that got me down to 1.80 time currently. Not sure how well known it is but it is very similar to this one, but a bit quicker and more consistent (I couldn't get the wall clip to work) Basically, all you do is jump to the left and hug the wall, and at the apex of the jump, jump again and stop holding left as soon as you pass the corner. Do it right and you will land on the corner at the spikes and not die. (I have a screenshot of it uploaded) From there just jump over and slash the robot.