Aka Manto | 赤マント

Aka Manto | 赤マント

49 értékelés
Aka's Aka Manto Guide
Készítő: Aka
The game broken down into full detail with maps, item locations, guides, in-game dialogue and more.
~~~~~HOW TO PLAY~~~~~
How To Win
Way #1(Bad Ending) - Bring all of the 7 anatomy pieces to the science room and put them on the skeleton to receive the rope. Then, use 3 100 Yen coins on the vending machine in the cafeteria to receive the koppe pan and milk so that you can feed Nagisa on the roof. Once she is fed, she will let you in and you can use the rope to escape.

Way #2(Good Ending) - Bring all the 7 papers to the shrine to receive the sword and find and use it on Aka Manto.

(Search the Map and Items List for further information on how to receive items and find your way around.)
How To Access Rooms
Pool Area - Grab the kerosene pump and the bucket and use the pump on a toilet filled with acid in the 2nd floor boys bathroom and you will now have a bucket filled with acid. Use the bucket on the gate padlock.

3rd Floor Hallway Secret Room - You have to go into the library and push in 3 red books on the shelves around the room to make the passage appear.
1st Floor
2nd Floor
3rd Floor
4th Floor
map not yet ready
~~~~~ITEMS LIST~~~~~
Key Items
    1st Floor
  • Old Key - 1st Floor Girls Bathroom Stall
  • Lighter - 1st Floor Vent Room in Dresser
  • Crowbar - 1st Floor Classroom
  • Kasanagi No Tsurugi(Sword) - Shrine Room (put all papers in shrine)
    2nd Floor
  • Wires - 2nd Floor Cage Room (access through vents)
  • Bug Spray - 2nd Floor Girls Bathroom Stall
  • Bucket - 2nd Floor Boys Bathroom
  • Kerosene Pump - Pool Area Gate
  • Watering Can - Pool Area
  • Pack of Seeds - Science Room
  • Rope - Science Room (put all anatomy pieces in skeleton)
    3rd Floor
  • Ofuda Talisman(Ritual Paper) - Library Dresser
  • Fishing Rod - Cafeteria
  • Milk - Vending Machine (2nd Use)
  • Koppe Pan(Bread) - Vending Machine (3rd Use)
100 Yen Coins
    1st Floor
  • Shrine Room in Dresser
    2nd Floor
  • 2nd Floor Boys Bathroom (after filling the bucket with acid)
  • Pool Area on a Bench
    3rd Floor
  • Library (after watering the plant)
Anatomy Parts
    2nd Floor
  • Nose - Vents
  • Brain - 2nd Floor Classroom
  • Left Arm - 2nd Floor Classroom
  • Eyes - Pool Area in Changing Room
  • Ribcage - Room next to Science Room
    3rd Floor
  • Right Arm - Library Desk Room
  • Organ - 3rd Floor Hallway(must push in 3 red books in the library to unlock)
    1st Floor
  • Red - 1st Floor Girls Bathroom
  • Indigo - Vents
  • Orange - 1st Floor Boys Bathroom (access through vents)
  • Blue - Well (give 100 yen)
    2nd Floor
  • Yellow - Pool (fish out with fishing rod)
  • Purple - Pool Area Upstairs Room
  • Green - Roof Room
Heal Items
    1st Floor
  • Energy Drink - Well Room Dresser
    2nd Floor
  • Energy Drink - 2nd Floor Classroom
    3rd Floor
  • Energy Drink - Cafeteria on a Table
  • Bandages - Vending Machine (1st Use)
    1st Floor
  • Recording #1 - 1st Floor Girls Bathroom
  • Recording #5 - Shrine Room
    2nd Floor
  • Recording #2 - 2nd Floor Vents
  • Recording #3 - Science Room
  • Recording #6 - Pool Area Upstairs Room
  • Recording #7 - Ribcage Room
  • Recording #8 - 2nd Floor Hallway
    3rd Floor
  • Recording #4 - Cafeteria
  • Recording #9 - Library
  • Recording #10 - Roof
Recording Messages
    Recording #1
    "Well if it isn't the rumored handsome transfer student. One week in and you're already the talk of the school, so can you tell me what happened to you?"
    "Not the most talkative are you, well I knew that, that's what everyone says about you. I can probably guess that Kobayashi and his group got to you?"
    "They love being at the center of attention you see, and you took that spot albeit unwillingly, I would say judging by your personality. Those kids have been a thorn on my side, but they keep getting away with it, as you may already know Kobayashi is the principle's son, and he's a quite clever boy at that. I think I have a solution though. I've bought a mini tape recorder and if you, their new target, can get evidence of what they do to you, the principle will have no choice but to act."
    Recording #2
    "Just press the red button to start and stop recording, I'm already recording this conversation as we speak. You can press this button to rewind and this to playback everything I just said, in case you forget. One final thing, don't get caught trying to record them, always keep it in a safe place so it won't fall off. You down?"
    "Well here, just keep it on your person if you change your mind. Also in case you have anything bothering, but you don't want to tell me in person, just record it on that and i'll be happy to help. I am your councilor after all."

    "(Sorry Nakajima, this will probably be the first and the last recording I make on this device. What Kobayashi said wasn't too far from the truth anyway. I deserve what came to me, and besides, it's not as bad as what I usually get...)"
    Recording #3
    "Well, I never thought I would touch this thing again, recording my own voice is slightly embarrassing, to say the least. Let's cut straight to the point, my father beats me, and lately, it's getting worse. I understand if you don't believe me, you probably already know that he is a highly respected politician. I assure you, however, that he is shrewd and as two-faced as they come. He makes it a point to never lie, it's his damn slogan for crying out loud, but why does any of that matter when he just bends the truth to his own convenience? Anyway, you don't have to hear it from me, after all, I have the evidence."
    Recording #4
    "You piece of ♥♥♥♥, come here and show your back!"
    "Yes Father."
    "You know your feeble back reminds me of her."
    "Yes, you talk about mother all the time, you must..."
    "Don't call her that, she's a ♥♥♥♥♥ that abandoned you, refer to her as so!"
    "Father I don't even remember what she looks like, it was so long..."
    "Enough! That will be all for today..."
    Recording #5
    (Note: The game says this is Mr.M but im pretty sure this is a typo and it's Nakajima because it make more sense to me.)
    "I'm sorry I can't help you! Even if you show me something like this. Please... Refrain from talking to me ever again... Stay away from me!"
    Recording #6
    "*Sigh* I wasn't expecting too much from Nakajima-san. I've already tried talking to people about my father. But who will they believe. One of the most powerful politicians in the prefecture, or me. Just a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kid... Even if they did what can they do? What can I do? I dare not show the bruises on my back. Who knows what he will do then... You know this audio log thing is really growing on me. It somehow puts me at peace. I guess it lets me distance myself from the situation. Like i'm just a narrator in a screwed up story..."
    Recording #7
    "You have that ♥♥♥♥♥'s looks. And just like her you're rotten where it counts. You know what they say, beauty is what's on the inside."
    Recording #8
    "It's getting worse and worse recently. He's coming home more drunk than ever. Today's the first day he hit my face. Normally he wouldn't dare leave a mark on anywhere it could be seen. Now i'm bleeding all over the place. You know there's something about the way that the blood... I'm feeling a bit light headed..."
    Recording #9
    "Hey Nakajima, you heard about the recent suicide? Weren't you in charge of that kid?"
    "Yeah, he was the one bullied by Kobayashi, he seemed really out of it. The way that he cut his own wrists, theres no way that his head's in the right place. It's almost as if he wanted to feel the most amount of pain possible..."
    "Man, don't phrase it like that. Anyway, I brought this up because his father, you know that famous politician. He was found dead in the exact same way, with his whole body cut up. Can you believe that? The news said they still haven't confirmed if it was a suicide or not. Maybe he killed himself after his public image got ruined? I mean who would want to be associated with that?"
    "Hey Nakajima, you ok?"
    Recording #10
    "Hello, is anyone there? Stop messing with me ya damn brats! (Can't even use the restroom in peace these days?"
    "... Choose"
    "Red paper or blue paper? ..."
    "Is this a damn prank?"
    "Fine, blue. Wait, Atsushi is that y..."
    "Beauty is what's on the inside."
  • Maiko&Haruna - Two girls who bully you into venturing into the abandoned school.
    Maiko: "Here, this is your punishment. Your going to go on a little exploration. It's gonna be a lot of fun! (This is what you get for being close to him...) Now don't you think of escaping!"
    Haruna: "Yeah! Better not run!"

    (Talk to Maiko)
    "Will you hurry? We don't got all day. Gosh, your so annoying!"

    (Talk to Haruna)
    "Better not run!"

  • Well - A mysterious person who has secret knowledge on Aka Manto.
    (First talk)
    "Hello. It's been awhile since I talked to another human being. You took the red paper didn't you? Poor girl. What's that? You want me to help you? Well then you have to toss me a coin(100 Yen)."

    (After giving 100 Yen)
    "Mmm... Thanks. Here you go."

    (Talk again)
    "Let me tell you a secret. There is a way to kill Aka Manto. If you offer papers with all colors of the rainbow to a shrine. You may be able to get rid of him. Wish you luck... He he he...."

  • Nagisa - The soul of a possibly former student or perhaps a girl who explored the school like you, and didn't make it out. My guess is that she ventured into the school one night and hide from Aka Manto on the roof. She then chose to jump from the roof instead of dying of hunger as she complains about being hungry and you can find empty shoes on the edge of the roof.
    (First talk)
    "*Sob* So... Hungry... *Sob*"

    (After giving koppe pan)
    "A koppe pan? Thank you. *Nom nom* *Gulp*"

    (After giving milk)
    "Is this milk? *Gulp gulp* ... Yum. Thanks."

    (After giving both koppe pan/milk)
    "I'm fine now. By the way. My name is Nagisa. You can escape from here. There is an opening right there. Maybe you can run away from there. Here i'll open this for you. Good luck."
  • Atsushi - An abused girl that turns into Aka Manto
  • Nakajima - Atsushi's councilor
  • Kobayashi - Atsushi's school bully
  • Tanaka - A friend or co-worker of Nakajima
  • Mr. M - Atsushi's abusive father
Aka Manto Lore
Aka Manto (赤マント, Red Cloak), also known as Red Cape, Red Vest, Akai-Kami-Aoi-Kami (赤い紙青い紙, Red Paper, Blue Paper), or occasionally Aoi Manto (青マント, Blue Cloak), is a Japanese urban legend about a masked spirit who wears a red cloak, and who appears to people using toilets in public or school bathrooms. Accounts of the legend vary, but one consistent element of the story is that the spirit will ask the occupant of a toilet a question. In some versions, he will ask if they want red paper or blue paper, though other versions identify the choices as a red cloak or a blue cloak, or as a red cape or a blue cape. Choosing either option will result in the individual being killed, so the individual must ignore the spirit, run away, or reject both options in order to survive.
Escape Artist -
Step 1.) Grab Red Paper In 1st Floor Girls Bathroom
Step 2.) Grab Old Key In 1st Floor Girls Bathroom
Step 3.) Unlock 1st Floor Padlock
Step 4.) Drop Old Key
Step 5.) Grab Lighter In Storage Room
Step 6.) Drop Red Paper Outside Shrine Room
Step 7.) Grab Crowbar In 1st Floor Classroom
Step 8.) Break Storage Room Wooden Planks
Step 9.) Break 2nd Floor Wooden Planks
Step 10.) Grab Pump In Pool Area
Step 11.) Grab & Fill Bucket In 2nd Floor Boys Bathroom
Step 12.) Drop Pump
Step 13.) Grab 100 Yen In 2nd Floor Boys Bathroom
Step 14.) Drop 100 Yen Outside 2nd Floor Girls Bathroom
Step 15.) Break Padlock In Pool Area
Step 16.) Drop Bucket
Step 17.) Grab Watering Can In Pool Area
Step 18.) Fill Watering Can At Pool
Step 19.) Grab 100 Yen In Pool Area
Step 20.) Drop Watering Can & 100 Yen In Vents
Step 21.) Grab Fuse
Step 22.) Grab Dropped 100 Yen In Hallway
Step 23.) Use Fuse & Flip 3rd Switch
Step 24.) Drop 100 Yen In Vents
Step 25.) Grab Watering Can In Vents
Step 26.) Grab Seeds In Science Room
Step 27.) Use Seeds & Watering Can On Pot In Library
Step 28.) Grab Talisman In Library
Step 29.) Grab 100 Yen In Library
Step 30.) Drop Talisman In Vents
Step 31.) Grab 100 Yen In Vents
Step 32.) Use 2 100 Yen On Vending Machine
Step 33.) Grab Milk In Cafe
Step 34.) Grab Fishing Rod In Cafe
Step 35.) Drop Fishing Rod In Vents
Step 36.) Grab 100 Yen Coin
Step 37.) User 100 Yen On Vending Machine
Step 38.) Grab Bread
Step 39.) Give Milk And Bread To Girl
Step 40.) Grab Green Paper On Roof
Step 41.) Flip 1st Switch
Step 42.) Drop Green Paper Outside Shrine Room
Step 43.) Grab Fishing Rod In Vents
Step 44.) Fish Out Yellow Paper In Pool
Step 45.) Drop Fishing Rod
Step 46.) Grab Yellow Paper In Pool Area
Step 47.) Grab Purple Paper In Pool Area
Step 48.) Drop Purple Paper In Vents
Step 49.) Grab Talisman In Vents
Step 50.) Use Talisman On Shrine Room
Step 51.) Use Yellow Paper On Shrine
Step 52.) Grab 100 Yen In Shrine Room
Step 53.) Use 100 Yen On Well
Step 54.) Grab Blue Paper In Well Room
Step 55.) Grab Orange Paper In 1st Floor Boys Bathroom
Step 56.) Use Orange & Blue Paper On Shrine
Step 57.) Grab Indigo Paper In Vents
Step 58.) Use All Papers On Shrine
Step 59.) Grab Sword
Step 60.) Kill Aka Manto
11 megjegyzés
Manslash066 júl. 1., 5:17 
Damn, 1st try thanks for the map and the guide, really appreciate it🥶👊
Aka  [készítő] ápr. 16., 22:30 
! Fuzzy ápr. 16., 13:26 
broooo omg I made it thank u :steamhappy:
idrot 2023. máj. 28., 13:01 
hey idk if it's my browser but i can't see most of the maps like maps 1 and 4. idk if they aren't supposed to be there but other than that great guide!
terrariaman33 2022. dec. 3., 4:08 
goodest shit
terrariaman33 2022. ápr. 14., 15:34 
gooder shit
quackb 2021. júl. 9., 21:28 
good shit
Baiku 2021. jún. 21., 20:34 
It's okay your guide helped me a lot.
Aka  [készítő] 2021. jún. 20., 21:28 
not an expert at making maps lol sorry
Baiku 2021. jún. 19., 13:42 
Nice map and guide but the map is a bit low res. Hard to tell what is a critical item and just some detail on the map.