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BOLL's SteamVR Tools & Accessories
A list of SteamVR accessories and tools made and maintained by BOLL. For discussion join the Discord[].
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List of Tools & Accessories
Simulates keyboard key presses from SteamVR input, this means you can bind any button or even chord to trigger key combinations on your desktop. It supports a global key binding as well as optional application specific key bindings.

It will send the keys to the application in focus, like a normal keyboard, but is also well suited to trigger global hotkeys.

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Extends the screenshot functionality of SteamVR, adding a custom output folder, image output options, a configurable viewfinder with alignment assistance, camera shutter sound, a notification with a thumbnail and more.

This effectively replaces the normal screenshot support using the same button combination while still using SteamVR for image acquisition. You can bind additional buttons to take screenshots and/or show the viewfinder.

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Will run *.cmd files on SteamVR launch and shutdown, meaning you can execute commands through these scripts that happen every time you launch and/or close SteamVR.

If you have a shutdown script this application will stay in your taskbar during your SteamVR session, it will automatically terminate after executing the available scripts.

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Provides SteamVR data over a WebSockets connection, that is tracking data, input, Chaperone settings, device properties and more.

It's useful for general data collection or for use in browser based streaming overlays. An example of that is available here[] and an example page is also included in the download.

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WebSockets server that lets you submit a payload that results in a SteamVR notification or a custom texture overlay with a plethora of options when it comes to in/out transitions, animations and placement.

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22 comentário(s)
PAVDUP 30/jan./2023 às 23:03 
thank you very much for your kindness!
BOLL  [autor(a)] 30/jan./2023 às 6:18 
My own C# applications use my bespoke convenience library that interfaces the C# headers from Valve with easy to use, hopefully, function calls: It's been a while since I expanded on it due to previously mentioned project focus, but you can use it as a reference for your own code or request more features if something is missing 😁
PAVDUP 29/jan./2023 às 17:34 
If you don't mind, I want to ask you another question!

I think I may need to access it directly via .dll or OpenVR, like your project. (When I saw your work, I thought this way might be suitable for collecting sensor data) May I ask reference about C# coding or the direct use of the OpenVR, what you refered when you created these projects?

Thank you so much already, and it's ok if you don't reply!
PAVDUP 29/jan./2023 às 17:22 
Thank you for your kind reply! That sounds like a huge help! overwhelming thanks!
BOLL  [autor(a)] 29/jan./2023 às 13:09 
@PAVDUP Hello and thanks!

I'm currently working on a big TypeScript project outside of these applications, but which utilizes these applications, but it means I'm a bit removed from the C# coding 😅

My applications currently are all using OpenVR, and using the .dll directly, not using Unity. It is possible to call the same functions for OpenVR in Unity though but I have not checked if it is possible to do background applications with it. I kind of expect that capability but you'd have to investigate on your own I'm afraid 😬
PAVDUP 29/jan./2023 às 8:20 
Hello! I applaud your works!

I was looking for a way to create a SteamVR app in the background in Unity Engine, and I've come here (!

I would like to implement a background app that collects sensor data through the Unity Project through the "openVR for unity XR plugin" 's overlay method. If you don't mind, May I hear your opinion?
byteframe 20/abr./2021 às 17:19 
Yes I agree. Unfortunately support for the other removed features (environmental models, controller skins etc) was fully removed (afaik) which left just this random background thing I could do to bring back some of the fun of early steam vr versions. It scratched the itch easily enough.
BOLL  [autor(a)] 20/abr./2021 às 10:45 
Good job getting it working! Also crazy what we have to do which could have been one simple checkbox in SteamVR! 🤣
byteframe 20/abr./2021 às 10:39 
I think I've got it. I used a start cmd to avoid the process remaining running. I tested it about a dozen times with fpsvr restart. It might be more logically/technically correct to alter the file when steamvr is going to shutdown, but I was trying to avoid the openvrstartup process remaining running. Now everytime I start stemavr I have a differant background (assuming its subscribed and downloaded). This might be the easiest way to scratch this itch.
byteframe 20/abr./2021 às 10:39 

powershell "C:\Users\byteframe\Desktop\randomize_vr_background.ps1"


$files = @(Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\250820\' -Recurse -Include *.jpg* | ForEach-Object {$_.Fullname})
(Get-Content 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\steamvr.vrsettings') -replace '"background".*' , ('"background" : "' + $files[(Get-Random -Maximum ($files).count)] + '",') -replace "\\", "\\" | Set-Content 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\steamvr.vrsettings'