Little Witch Nobeta

Little Witch Nobeta

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By Bombyxใ•ใ‚“

Hi there people, I've decided to make a very detailed guide to help out people beating Monica, earning her secret achievement and unlocking the flying sorceress achievement as well.

Why Monica & Flying sorceress? I really enjoyed her boss fight and i've happened to learn some tricks and useful stuff that not everyone might be aware of, i was also able to discover that the perfect spot to get the " a flying sorceress" achievement, is actually located right before her boss fight so i just decided to put two and two togheter.

Furthermore, both "A Flying Sorceress" & "Win Without Dirtying Your Hands " are two of the most rare/missed global achievement in the game, so i've also added two smol ( but well detailed) additional sections on how to get them as a bonus.

Alright, enough with the intro, let's get into it.

Prerequisites - Getting Your Flying License

Before getting into the guide itself we're gonna need 3 main things in order to easily unlock both the flying sorceress achievement and Monica's achievements:

  • Lava Ruins - Dead end Bonfire( statue of the goddess)

  • Fire Magic ( level doesn't matter, you should already have this by default if you've reached this point in the game)

  • Lightning Magic (level 1 is more than fine, best spell choice there is to get the FS achievement, but it's completely optional)

  • A Bit of patience ( don't get discouraged if you're not able to successfully line up and nuke enemies or beat Monica right away, even if this is indeed the easiest/foolproof method, the enemy ai can sometimes be โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ wacky and screw you over anyway, still you shouldn't have many issues getting any of these achievements if you precisely stick to what my guide says).

Bait, Fly & Nuke.
Let's start from the Goddess statue.

Walk all the way back until you reach the giant arena that has the moving platform (that got you there in the first place) and be sure to promptly clear out the two crawling dolls, go back into the middle platform, regen your mana by standing next to the crystal and look straight infront of you, you will see (even if so faintly) 4 flying orb enemies, equip Ice magic and start baiting them towards your location.

Like so

Be sure to start from the farthest one ( as shown in my screenshot) as you don't wanna find yourself having to aim while also dodging the first one's attacks.

Now, there are two main methods to pull this off:

don't even bother trying Ice, as projectiles only land after a one second delay making you lose precious air time).

I do also believe the window to get the achievement starts from when you confirm the attack, not when it lands, making the delay even more critical.

To be fair though, it still might be possible to get this achievement using ice, but would most likely either require to find a high enough of a spot where you can target 4 enemies, confirm the attack on a ledge, double jump,fall and starting a melee combo in mid air to get additional air time, or alot of pointless trial and error.

Fire Spell Method โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†:

So here's the " Hard" part.

You're gonna need to to be careful and dodge most of the the machine-gun-like rain of projectiles they're gonna shoot at you while, at the same time, charging up your fire Spell and simultaneously moving towards the door you came from ( note that pressing your run button during spell charging actually gives you a small speedboost and use the pillars to take cover while you're charging up your fireball, just remember to save enough stamina to doublejump) , that should funnel them into grouping up and succesfully get them ready to get nuked.

Double jump, aim, shoot....Enjoy the fireworks and the achievement.

It might get you a couple of tries to do this depending, mostly, on how well/close you're able to group them up, but it shouldn't take you long.

The shot does actually keep you in the air until it makes contact with an enemy and explode so you shouldn't even need to keep the air momentum going with melee swings, just bait, charge your spell,group them up, doublejump and Nuke.

The Black balls ( Phrasing ) are actually the best ( in my opinion) enemy type to get this achievement off of because they're already floating, meaning any charged spell you aim at them is gonna physically hit them faster that it would on any ground enemies.

Plus, thanks to the fire spell, you're free to get this achievement as soon as you get to Monica and it's also relatively easy to pull off.

Side note: Don't get "scared" if you only see 3 or less bars ( as shown in the image) sometimes one of the enemies can get hit so hard that it gets yeeted out of the frame without even showing his depleted hp bar, just keep an eye on the lower right corner of the screen to see if the achievement pops up.

Lightning Method โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…

This is by far the best method to get this achievement as fast and as painlessly possible.
Lightning is an extremely powerful/useful endgame spell that lets you first select and lock in the area where you want to strike and then , whenever you desire, discharge a very powerful and instantaneous Aoe attack.

Even more useful, is the additional effect of charging up the spell.

Time will suddenly slow down, both enemies and projectiles will begin to move in slow-motion for the entirety of the spell's duration, making the additional effort having to methodically position both yourself and your enemies ultimately effortless ( just be careful to fully charge the spell only after you have all the enemies already grouped up in one spot or very close by, as the time-slowing effect can actually work against you if one of the enemies happen to get stuck behind a far back column/wall)

The spell will also keep you stuck in mid air for its entire duration & resolution, making using Lightning the perfect, easiest and, so far, fool-proof way of getting this achievement.

Rip Black Balls.

I've purposefully decided to mention this method last because acquiring Lightning actually requires you to beat the secret ( and harder imho) level/boss after Monica.

And i'm well aware not everybody is gonna want to put in the effort to unlock this.

Still, i feel it's well worth the mention.

Congrats on getting your License!

Enjoy the momentary success & respite, pat yourself on the back, have some rest and a snacc because you'll need to be physically and mentally prepared for the next part.

Intermission - Back in Time
What if i told you that the the dev not only gives you the most powerful and useful tool in the game but also throws in early a couple of massive hints on how to painlessly deal with Monica, right there at the (kinda) start of the game?

Don't believe me? Let's just briefly go back in time then.

You better strap in because when these screenshots hit, you're gonna realize some serious โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ.

...Let's see, ah, here we are, back at the castle.

So tell me, does this scene reminds you of something?



What about now?

Alright, alright, fine, the answer it's Ice, ice and stamina.

...Yup, Not only the Icy shield provides you with immunity to fire damage and blesses Nobeta with hyper-armor for most of its entire duration, but it will also partially shield you from taking normal damage as well.

So, why did i also mentioned stamina?

Not only stamina usage is very generous by design in this game but it's upgrades are , strangely, dirt cheap.

Also, Stamina is gonna give you one of the biggest and most overlooked advantages of all:

Going fest.

Huh? When is this gonna ever come into play, you ask?

Have a gander at the next section.
First Phase - Bearmonica

So You just graduated and got your flying witch license, now's time to dirty your hands...NOT!! ..well... Kinda.

Let's start by Understanding how to easily & safely take care of her first phase.

First things first, return to the Bon-Goddess statue-fire.

Go to the right and take a peek at the doll's nethers.

Give her a quick spank, just for luck, and get to Monica's.

You will find her sitting there surrounded by floating souls playing with herself ( phrasing)

She asks to play with you, but notices you forgot your mask, afraid you'd cough in her general direction, she will promptly summon her flaming bear to both disinfect the area and make sure you'll respect the 6 feet distance..

[Bearmonica Phase 1.1]

The first part of fight might feel hard/ overwhelming to some on the account of having to deal with a giant flaming bear chasing you around and trying to redesign you into a roasted pancake.

But do not be afraid, i'll share with you a couple of tricks that will definitely turn this fight into something quite trivial.

Bearmonica's most commonly used attacks will be a series of frontal claw swipes, in the first phase of her first phase ( over 60% Hp) they will only deal physical damage and come into few different alterations:

  • a frontal charge one followed by two swipes;

  • an immediate frontal followed by a side swipe one;

  • and a foward charge that will resolve into paw-smash into the ground.

As you can see from the screenshot, all of these are quite telegraphed and easy to dodg/outrun, if you have anxiety and you just can't seem to be able to dodge them or you don't wanna bother learning the timings, i advise you to just run when you see them winding up the swipe and let them waste time hitting the air and finish charging your spell at the same time, once the spell is charged you get a damage reduction aura and some hyper armor until you shoot, so you can safely position yourself to take the shot safely, or use this buff to methodically and safely learn her timings.

Of course, learning how to dodge them it's always the best option since not only you will take no damage but you'll also charge your spell faster.

Bearmonica will also spice her moveset by randomly mixing her most common physical attacks either by:

  • Performing a brief down charged motion that will result in her hurling a semi-tracking fireball at you

    The charge up is quite telegraphed but she will also mix this attack up by randomly using a variation of it where she will hurl 2 intelligently spaced fireballs.

    "Intelligently spaced" because usually, if you dodge one the other will follow right after pretty fast and it will not give you enough breathing room to dodge again.

    The trick here is to carefully take an half second to observe the direction they both come out, and dodge the first one in the opposite direction.

    The first fireball will always come straight for you, so the important thing it's actually to keep an eye on the second one and the direction where it's coming from, if the second one comes from the left, dodge the first fireball on your right, if it comes from the right, dodge the first one it from the left.

  • Charging up and releasing a powerful earth shaking ground smash that will make the entire arena tremble.

    This might sound intimidating, but it's actually completely harmless, if you get caught standing on the ground when she performs this you will just fall down.

    This is technically harmless, you won't take any damage from this but it will indeed completely reset your spell charging progress, which means you'll lose both the progress and all the mana spent.

    It's also very easy to dodge, just keep your eye out for her charging up motion and double jump right as she's about to ground smash.

[Bearmonica Phase 1.2]

After losing around 40/50% of her health bar Bearmonica will start to permanently buffing her attacks and Monica herself will start to throwing spells at you.

All the previous melee attacks will now be on fire:

  • The ground smash will now leave a fire pool where it lands that wil keep doing damage for a couple of seconds before disappearing.

  • Fireballs still work the same, but the first one now will also leave a burning trail after its passage, same as the fire pool, only last some time then dissipates.

  • Instead of doing her earth shaking ground slam, she will instead chain and perform up to 3 consecutive ones.

  • Bearmonica will also occasionally charge up and perform a quick, but very easy do dodge Meteor dash.

Monica will also start using magic herself by either:

  • Summoning an autotracking magic circle around you that will follow you and detonate after awhile

  • Summoning a toned down version of the Hellzone Grenade (for anybody that's not familiar with DBZ it's a scatter of smol blasts that will usually surround the opponent lingering in mid air for some seconds ready to rain down/towards the opponent on the user's command).

Both of these attacks are very simple to dodge, the magic circle does autotrack and will follow you around but it's not very fast and it's very easy to outrun.

You can deal with the Hellzone Grenade in the same way.

Now, here's the important part.

All, and i mean, all the attacks she will perform in phase 2 can be completely trivialized and Nullified by just succesfully charging up ice.

Once your spell it's fully charged your icy shield will be able to effectively nullify all of her fire attacks, and allow you to take them head on.

The fire balls, the scatter shot (HG) The spell bomb and fire effects like trails/ pools will have all of their damage and poise damage reduced to 0.

Still,( i've tested this myself) if you are able to get the timing down, both of these 2 attacks are 100% dogeable and can actually help you charge Ice better as they will shoot your mana gain through the roof, if the shield it's already active, you can just allow yourself to get blasted in the face, as they won't be able to deal you any damage.

Here you go, you finally beat--whoa there.

Aren't you forgetting something? what about the achievement?

Stop Hitting Yourself [Achievement]
So you finally learned how to successfully trivialize Bearmonica and you are about to deal the final blow.

FREEZE instead.

Remember the last section where i talked about the power of your frozen shield?

That's it, that's the key.

Win Without Dirtying Your Hands

Firstly, be sure to lower Bearmonica's hp pool until she has almost none, feel free to use Nobeta's normal spell attack if you want to be extremely sure not to kill her.

Once her hp is low enough, charge Ice again until you're able to get your frozen shield back up and keep dodging ( or tanking, based on her moveset's rng) until she starts using her Fire Nuke spell.

Once you see that magic circle appearing at your feet, run like hell towards Bearmonica, reach behind her and watch as her spell will explode on top of her.

She will unintentionally kill herself and, thanks to your Icy shield's protection, you won't even get damaged.

Congrats, you successfully got through her first phase safely and even got a rare achievement out of it.

Still, it's not yet time to celebrate as the fight it's not over yet...

Onto the next phase.
Just Monica.
...So here we are, dear reader.
Yes, i'm talking about You.

Let's end this, shall we?

Just Monica [Phase 2].

After defeating her first form, Monica will start ๐“ข๐“พ๐“ฌ๐“ฌ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ฐ up all of her dead friends' souls

And become
๐“”๐”๐“ฝ๐“ป๐“ช ๐“ฃ๐“ฑ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฌ.

Don't let her size fool you though, in this form, she's just a big pushover.

Just Monica only has 3 moves at her disposal:

  • A frontal slam where she firstly smacks her hand into the ground and then she does a big arena swipe with it.

  • She covers both of your sides with her hands and, after some time, she proceeds to clap them togheter in an effort to flatten you.

  • She charges up a Massive Supernova and throws it at you.

All of these might sound scary on paper but they really aren't.

Both of her slam & clap can actually be parried using counter magic, if you aren't that good with counter magic and you're afraid of โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ up the timings, then feel free to charge your good ol' Icy shield up again and just tank her hits ( just be sure not to stand too far back or she can actually knock you into the lava when swiping, it never actually happened to me but the way the arena its generously open in the back very much reminds me of DS2's Old iron king's one, so better safe than sorry).

She has alot of HP so she might take some time to kill, even if she's not that dangerous to begin with and, thanks to my guide though, you should have been able to save up on healing items anyway so, survival shouldn't really be an issue.

Even then, there's, still, actually a way to be sure to finish the fight relatively fast.

Remember when i've mentioned the Supernova?

The attack won't actually be instantaneous, and she will need to charge it for a couple of seconds before she's able to use it.

When she does, be sure to shoot some magic in the epicenter of it yourself and it will blow up in her face dealing massive damage.

Repeat the process until she's dead.

Congrats, you finally Defeated Monica and got her last achievement.


Good Job, Skeleton!

Final Considerations & Helpdesk

Congrats on Beating Monica and getting all the achievements!

Final Considerations & Helpdesk:

  • if you enjoyed the guide and you feel like it has helped you either to get that particular rare achievement that has been evading you for the longest time or simply aided you during your fight against Monica, please, do consider leaving a good rating or a steam award.

  • I mainly make these guides out of passion and because i have have fun making them, but receiving some kind of support always feels nice and it's widely appreciated, it also helps me and other people understand that you found the guide helpful.

  • If you wanna Copy-Paste this guide + screenshots and use it on your website or blog i'm 100% fine with it as long as you clearly specify/preface that you didn't make the guide yourself and credit me as the source.

  • If you just finished reading my guide and you still happen to have some questions/doubts about it, feel free to drop me a line in the comments describing your issue and i'll be sure to do my best to help you out.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

โ˜… Bianca Bombyx โ˜†
Bombyxใ•ใ‚“  [author] 4 Oct, 2022 @ 7:06am 

No Prob, Glad it helped you! :nadiahappy:
Calzkat 4 Oct, 2022 @ 7:03am 
Good guide, thanks
Bombyxใ•ใ‚“  [author] 18 Jan, 2022 @ 7:58am 
Nice! :nadiahappy:
[CW]Super Assassin 18 Jan, 2022 @ 7:54am 
Fun fact, the way i got the achivement was, "i did not know it was an achivement"
I just thought to my self "YOLO" and ran at her. I died and she died :D
Bombyxใ•ใ‚“  [author] 18 Jan, 2022 @ 7:42am 
@[CW]Super Assassin Thank you,:nadiahappy:
[CW]Super Assassin 12 Jan, 2022 @ 12:07pm 
Well written.
Bombyxใ•ใ‚“  [author] 10 May, 2021 @ 10:30am 
@Green Lettuce No problem man!

I'm glad it helped! :nadiahappy:
Green Lettuce 5 May, 2021 @ 2:54pm 
Thank you for the tips on defeating Monica in her final stage.:kcoin: