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KACE: Katzenartig ACE debug
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13 Φεβ 2021, 12:18
2 Νοε 2022, 3:42
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KACE: Katzenartig ACE debug

Workshop: OldEnt's mods for Stellaris
11 αντικείμενα
Aggressive Crisis Engine AI support for Katzenartig Empire from Gigastrucural Engineering and More.

This is a dev version which will be deleted at one point. Do not use for playthroughs.

Load order:
1. Gigastructural Engineering
2. this mod

Aggressive Crisis Engine - anywhere, prefereably at the bottom

To do:
Triggers for Katzen dealing with Tempest and other crises, Corrona chain?

Overwrites katzenartig_imperium in country_types\giga_katzen_country_types.txt from Gigastructural Engineering (LIOS).
20 σχόλια
OldEnt  [Δημιουργός] 2 Νοε 2022, 3:42 
Updated country type overwrite.
OldEnt  [Δημιουργός] 7 Δεκ 2021, 1:21 
I see. I will have a look when I get the chance.
forerunner398 6 Δεκ 2021, 20:03 
Many katzen fleets aren't big enough to also kill the marauders on the Normal Kaiser difficulty anyways
forerunner398 6 Δεκ 2021, 19:57 
The basic issue is that the Katzen forces immediately go halfway across the galaxy the minute they spawn to kill them. And if they aren't careful, they could basically leave the moon-ship exposed.
OldEnt  [Δημιουργός] 6 Δεκ 2021, 16:18 
Hah, this sounds like *aggressive* engine alright.

If you want ACE to disregard marauders for targeting open console and execute the following:

effect every_country = { limit = { OR = { is_country_type = marauder_raiders is_country_type = dormant_marauders is_country_type = ruined_marauders } } every_system_within_border = { set_timed_star_flag = { flag = acemod_star_flag_solar_system_target years = 50 } } }

Where 'years' value is self-explanatory. This will not stop fleets already on their way (ACE usually targets closest systems first anyway) or marching through the systems if they are in the way (something I might implement later).

Is there any specific reason why Katzens should not target marauders?
forerunner398 6 Δεκ 2021, 11:58 
The Katzen get a little too trigger happy and will immediately rush off to kill marauders
forerunner398 6 Δεκ 2021, 11:57 
Oops, I meant the Katzen
OldEnt  [Δημιουργός] 6 Δεκ 2021, 11:34 
Khan is not affected by ACE, nor this patch. ACE actually does not care about critters. Any country which has borders will be targeted but, as said, nothing in ACE and KACE patch affects Khan.
forerunner398 6 Δεκ 2021, 11:27 
I think the Khan with ACE actively hunts down marauders/hostile anomalies when it spawns, based on a test.
OldEnt  [Δημιουργός] 6 Δεκ 2021, 10:13 
Yes, no changes where this patch is relevant,it just applies AI to Katzens.