Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Macau my day, easy Achievement guide
Da Nox
A short and easy guide for the infuriating Achievement Macau my day
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Achievement guide
Macau my day

This achievement is a tough, but not an impossible one. After countless tries I've finally found a way to very reliably get this achievement on historical AI without major exploits.

(TLDR; at the bottom if you don't need long explanations)

1.Become Monarchist

Produce guns, artillery and support equipment for mils and some form of cheap navy, Submarine spam has been nerfed quite a bit so just try to get out as many ships as possible for naval supremacy later.


Some time around 1937 there should pop up the decision to release a chinese colloboration Government. Accept it.

Rush down the Monarchist path of Portugal. First turn yourself monarchist and then immediately ignite the Brazilian Civil war.

If you improve relations with Argentina, you will be able to ask for docking rights and you can set up the Naval Invasions like this:

and will be able to almost immediatly capitulate them. Just move the one division in front of their capital as soon as you can, one tile upwards.

After you won the Civil war, instantly reunify and build Civs until 1939.

Try to push your industry as much as possible. Portugal has many many contruction bonuses if you get all of them you will have an civilian industry comparable to Italy or UK in no time.

I use 7/2 Inf/Art Divisions and upgraded them later into 40 width. I also focussed heavily on CAS. But thats all personal preference.

2.Expand your Empire

As soon as World tension reaches 50% (around late 1939 early 1940), justify on francoist Spain. (You can use the Claims you get from the focus) take them out asap, it should be no problem, around this time you should have 2 full armies. Be sure to research some military police and or agents to not get crippeled by resisstance.

3. Get Hong Kong

Start justifying on UK or Free France, and take Hong Kong as the target.

you can ask Germany for military access and docking rights if you improve relations.

Combine all of your fleet and Submarines into one doom stack and put them in a harbour in front of the british Channel.

Declare war and call in your chinese Puppet

Set up naval invasion around London or Dover, use marines If you want to. Normally I don't need them.

Invade England and encircle London, DO NOT OCCUPY it. Normally Britain does not have many divisions on their home Island, I used CAS to break the few divisions on the Island and pushed them all the way to nothern Scottland.

Keep killing the new divisions which will Spawn in London until you have a high war score (around 30-40%), be sure to be done before late 1941, thats when Pearl Harbor will be attacked by Japan and USA joins the allies. [UPDATE: THIS PART MIGHT NOT WORK ANYMORE WITH THE NEW PEACE DEAL SYSTEM. JUST USE UP ALL YOUR POINTS FOR THE CHINESE STATES]

Take Hong Kong and the French chinese states with your Chinese puppet in the peace deal. After that try to puppet the east Indies and take or puppet French indochina. Japan will probably attack the Axis if you don't do that.

4. Kill Japan

Japan should be still at war with China at this point. Japan tends to not steamroll China anymore since the latest patch.
Get your fleet over there and expand your airforce with bombers to support your ships. Declare war on Japan and use your states in China to bomb the Japanese ships. Island hop onto Taiwan and proceed to invade the home Islands, the USA will join sooner or later, but thats no problem since they will likely have less war score than you.

ENCIRCLE TOKYO and wait for China push Japan completely out of the mainland. This will ensure that China is weak enough to be easily killed and they have the most warscore and take all of China. You can also grind some war score here to create a Japanese puppet.

5. Kill China
Use all your puppets and your now great army, airforce and navy to invade China from all sides possible. It shouldn't be that hard. Be sure to NOT call in any Allies that are not Puppets of you, or they will take Land in China, ruining your Achievement.
The war should be easy as china is very weak after the war with Japan and has little to no airforce or navy.

Take all the chinese core states with your "porto-brazilian" puppet.

Achievement done.

I will be happy to anwser any questions!


- Rush down monarchist path
- change your occupation laws to civilian oversight
- establish chinese coll. Gov.
- get docking rights from Argentina and set up Naval Invasions like in the first picture
- kill Spain
- inavade england with subs
- grind warscore by encircling London and killing units there over and over
- take French and English Chinese states with your puppet.
- take all of Indochina and the east indies
- encircle Tokyo and ensure that the USA gets little to no warscore and China the most
- kill China after Japan died and take the rest of the needed states
7 commenti
Sensored 8 set, ore 22:40 
all in all it worked out nonetheless. Few things were different in mine, had to join the united front against japan so the gargantuan axis wouldnt attack me, since for some reason japan also attacked germany. Then dropped and finished off china.
Nox  [autore] 6 set, ore 2:31 
@Sensored I think they changed what occupation laws are enacted by default back then (I think) it was always civilian oversight but they changed it now to military occupation or smth.

Will include that in the guide, although I am not quite sure how much of it is working by now x)
Sensored 6 set, ore 1:34 
Right...so I had to do some digging to figure out why the Portuguese collab events didn't fire in my first attempt like they did in the videos. So, for anyone trying this achievement in 2024, Portuguese compliance for all their occupied territories starts at 70% at the start of the campaign and slowly goes down unless switched to civilian oversight, in which case it will go up to 80% which is what is needed now to do the event to release Macau with a collab. Don't know if compliance started higher at the start of campaigns a few years ago or what but none of the old guides even mention garrison laws at all so I'm guessing it was changed at some point. Assuming you are using Civilian oversight for every occupation the collab events should pop in mid May 1937.
Sensored 5 set, ore 23:52 
Either i got really lucky or this got easier with the south american rework. Waited for about 80 days for the brazilian monarchy party to take power and it pushed the unification through without a fight.
123 27 giu 2021, ore 14:27 
good strat
isaac 24 giu 2021, ore 18:05 
nice one bro, worked for me, a few things that were different for me:

-germany didn't let me have docking rights but you can invade the cardiff and bristol area easily from the north of of spain so i bypassed that.
-couldn't satelite indochina because it goes to vichy and not free france.
-this meant that the axis joined war against japan but similar to usa they practically did nothing, leaving me all the warscore.

other than that, as long as you're a decent hoi4 player u can work things out as you go along. thank you for the strat man. u a legend.